The Museum of Greek Childrens's Art, a pioneering museum
Museum of Greek Children's Art Me the child, my world, the world around me
Interview with the director of the Museum of Greek Children's Art,
Mrs. Eva Stamati
and presentation of the exhibition
Me the child, my world, the world around me
File from the Hellenic Parliament Channel
Video presenter: Angela Tsiftsi
About the exhibition:
The idea for the exhibition Me the child, my world, the world around me presented at the Museum's premise from October 2012, came as an obvious result in view of the present situation and the period of crisis Greece is going through. Century long values that are being questioned for the first time, economic crisis followed by a relevant social crisis oblige us to 'talk' to children for the frequent and often unpredictable changes. The main aim of the exhibition is to prepare children to realize that by reacting positively they are able to contribute in facing these changes.
Further aim of the Museum of Greek Children's Art (M.G.C.A.) is to help children comprehend, through art, the present situation, relationships within the family, the school, the neighbourhood, the city, the country and the whole world, accept their dissimilarity and comprehend the value of coexistence and collaboration.
The 177 drawings and three dimensional artworks presented in the exhibition reveal the Museum's course throughout its 18 years of existence.
They have been drawn from the Museum's wider collection (1998-2012).
The artworks derive from Nationwide Children's Art Contest, Children's Art Contest, Collaborations, Donations and artwork from the Museum's art workshops organized in its premises. 4 of the artworks presented at the exhibition, belong to the international collection of the Museum of Children's Art in Japan.
Exhibition Curators
Louisa Karapidaki, Art-Historian, Archaeologist, member of the Board of the M.G.C.A.
Theano Kottaridou, Art-Historian-Museologist, Museum's Curator
For visitors of all ages:
A bilingual interactive corner is specially designed for visitors of all ages, by the Educational Department of the Museum, offering in playful way, a further acquaintance with the artworks on display.
Educational programmes for school groups, addressed to preschool children and primary school pupils, are being carried out by the members of the Educational Department of the Museum, every day through the school year
9 Kodrou str., Plaka, 105 58 Athens
T. 0030 210 3312 621 & 0030 210 33 12 750
Τ. & F. 210 33 13 734
Museum of Greek Children's Art If trees could speak
Theano Kottaridou, Curator of the Museum of Greek Children's Art
If trees could speak
File from the Hellenic Parliament Channel
Video presenter: Angela Tsiftsi
About the exhibition:
The exhibitionIf trees could speak displays 82 paintings, three-dimensional artworks and photographs created by children from all over Greece.
The subject was given as a Nationwide School Art Contest organized by the Educational Programme Oikade of the Bank of Cyprus with the collaboration of the Museum of Greek Children's Art (M.G.C.A.), during 2010-11.
Art became the incentive and the means through which pre-school children and primary school pupils were triggered to reflect on the importance of a tree and that of a forest as source of life, to consider the dangers and aways to protect it.
Exhibition Curators
Yiota Kalliakmani, Painter-Art Teacher, Head of the M.G.C.A.'s Educational Department
Theano Kottaridou, Art-Historian-Museologist, Museum's Curator
Fotini Kapi, Athanassia Sklirou, Members of M.G.C.A.'s Educational Department
For visitors of all ages:
A bilingual interactive corner is specially designed for visitors of all ages, by the Educational Department of the Museum, offering in playful way, a further acquaintance with the artworks on display.
Educational programmes for school groups, addressed to preschool children and primary school pupils, are being carried out by the members of the Educational Department of the Museum, every day through the school year
9 Kodrou str., Plaka, 105 58 Athens
T. 0030 210 3312 621 & 0030 210 33 12 750
Τ. & F. 210 33 13 734
A visit to the Acropolis Museum
Directed by Konstantinos Arvanitakis
Original soundtrack: Yiannis Drenogiannis
Post Production: digimojo Production House
Copyright: Acropolis Museum
Athens | Museum of Cycladic Art
The Museum of Cycladic Art is dedicated to the study and promotion of ancient cultures of the Aegean and Cyprus. The Main Building is at Kolonaki district and an 8-minute walk from Syndagma Metro station.The building has 4 floors with galleries, occupying a total of approximately 2,300 sq. m.Find out about the mysterious Cycladic Culture that flourished during the Early Bronze Age on the islands of the Aegean Sea, on the museum's 1st floor. It hosts the world's largest collection of Cycladic art - one of Athens' must-sees.The 2nd floor houses the Ancient Greek Art Collection that covers the period between 2000 BC and 4th c. AD. The display offers a fresh look into the world of the ancient Greeks, in a new museographic environment with several interactive applications.On the 4th floor, a display called Scenes from daily life in antiquity offers a thematic exploration of various aspects of public and private life in ancient times. Ancient artifacts are ingeniously combined with high quality graphics and videos offering contemporary interpretation.The main building also houses the Café of the museum, a great place to cool down and have lunch prepared by award winning chefs, which is located at the atrium of the ground floor. Next to the Café is the Museum Shop, where visitors can find exact reproductions of the museum pieces, home-ware designs inspired by Cycladic, Ancient Greek, and Cypriot motifs, books and various kinds of memorabilia.From the atrium, a corridor leads to the Stathatos Mansion, an eclectic-style neoclassical building designed by Ernst Ziller, where contemporary exhibitions are held, one of the most beautiful buildings in the area.
more info:
Official Facebook page:
Little Athens Museum
Little Athens is an emerging children's museum in Athens, Georgia. For more about us, visit
Family backpacks at the Acropolis Museum
The Museum invites families to search for the 12 different representations of the Goddess Athena amongst the exhibits of the permanent collection. Families can borrow a family backpack from the Museum's Information Desk.
Directed by Konstantinos Arvanitakis, Graphics: Elena Zournatzi, Animation: Christina Alepi, Music: Dimitris Mavromatis, Post Production: digimojo Production House. Copyright: Acropolis Museum
More info:
ΕΛΛΑΔΑ ΙΑΠΩΝΙΑ 2 Μουσεία Παιδικής Τέχνης / GREECE JAPAN 2 Children's Art Museums
Από το 1994, έτος ίδρυσής του, το Μουσείο Ελληνικής Παιδικής Τέχνης συνεργάζεται με αντίστοιχους φορείς στην Ελλάδα και το εξωτερικό.
Η συνεργασία του Μουσείο Ελληνικής Παιδικής Τέχνης με το Μουσείο Παιδικής Τέχνης στην Χαμάντα, της Ιαπωνίας έχει ήδη ξεκινήσει από το 2006, αναναδεικνύοντας τη μοναδικότητα της παιδικής τέχνης διεθνώς.
Σκοπός της συνεργασίας είναι η και η επικοινωνία με αποκλειστικό μέσω την εικαστική γλώσσα.
Το Μουσείο Παιδικής Τέχνης στην Χαμάντα, της Ιαπωνίας εξέθεσε 5 έργα ζωγραφικής από τη συλλογή του Μουσείο Ελληνικής Παιδικής Τέχνης (Μ.Ε.Π.Τ.) στην 18η Διεθνή Έκθεση Παιδικής Τέχνης που παρουσίασε στο χώρο του από τις 14 Ιανουαρίου έως τις 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2015.
Ο Διευθυντής του Μουσείου στην Ιαπωνία, Takashi Terao, ευχαριστεί θερμά τα παιδιά που συμμετέχουν στα εικαστικά εργαστήρια του Μουσείου, Κορίννα Βάσση, Λυδία Βλάμη, Μυρτώ Λυρίγκου και Παναγιώτη Παπανικολόπουλο καθώς τη μαθήτρια Δημοτικού, Καίτη Κατσαρά της οποίας το έργο είχε βραβευτεί σε Πανελλήνιο Διαγωνισμό Παιδικής Ζωγραφικής που είχε προκηρύξει το Μ.Ε.Π.Τ. το 1994, αποστέλλοντας ευχαριστήρια διπλώματα.
Η Διευθύντρια του Μουσείο Ελληνικής Παιδικής Τέχνης, Εύα Σταμάτη, θα απονείμει τα ευχαριστήρια διπλώματα στα παιδιά το Σάββατο 6 Ιουνίου 2015.
Κορίννα Βάσση, ετών 10 / Λυδία Βλάμη, ετών 14 / Κατσαρά Καίτη, 10 ετών / Μυρτώ Λυρίγκου, ετών 7 / Παναγιώτης Παπανικολόπουλος, ετών 11
Since 1994, year of its foundation, the Museum of Greek Children's Art (M.G.C.A.) collaborates with institutions with relevant interests
The cooperation between the M.G.C.A. and the Children's Art Museum of Hamada in Japan has started since 2006, highlights the uniqueness of children's art internationally. The aim is founding the communication through art.
The Museum of Children's Art in Hamada, Japan has exhibited 5 children’s artworks from the collection of the Museum of Greek Children's Art (M.G.C.A) in 18th International Exhibition of Children's Art presented in its premises from January 14 to February 19, 2015.
The Director of the Museum in Japan, Takashi Terao, warmly thanks the children participating in the M.G.C.A’ s art workshops, Corinna Vassa, Lydia Vlami, Myrto Lyrigkou and Panagiotis Papanikolopoulou as well as the elementary school student, Kate Katsara whose work was awarded in the Nationwide Children’s Art Contests launched the M.G.C.A in 1994.
The Director of the Museum of Greek Children's Art, Eva Stamati, will award the thanksgiving diplomas to all children on Saturday, June 6th 2015.
Korinna Vassi, age 10 / Lydia Vlami, age 14 / Katsara Kaety, age 10 / Myrto Lyrigkou, age 7 / Panagiotis Papanikolopoulos, age 11.
Μουσείο Κυκλαδικής Τέχνης, Αθήνα / Museum of Cycladic Art, Athens Greece
Το Μουσείο Κυκλαδικής Τέχνης ιδρύθηκε το 1986 με σκοπό να στεγάσει τη συλλογή με έργα Κυκλαδικής και Αρχαίας Ελληνικής Τέχνης των Νικολάου και Αικατερίνης Γουλανδρή. Το Μουσείο στεγάζεται σε ειδικά σχεδιασμένο κτίριο στην οδό Νεοφύτου Δούκα στο κέντρο της Αθήνας, ενώ από το 1991 έχει επεκταθεί και σε νέα πτέρυγα, στο νεοκλασικό Μέγαρο Σταθάτου, στη συμβολή των οδών Βασιλίσσης Σοφίας και Ηροδότου.
Το Ίδρυμα Νικολάου Π. Γουλανδρή, στο οποίο ανήκει από το 1985 η συλλογή, είναι αφιερωμένο, σύμφωνα με το καταστατικό του, στη μελέτη και διάδοση του πολιτισμού του Αιγαίου, από την προϊστορική περίοδο μέχρι τους νεώτερους χρόνους. Τους σκοπούς του Ιδρύματος υπηρετεί η μόνιμη έκθεση στο Μουσείο Κυκλαδικής Τέχνης, αλλά και οι διάφορες περιοδικές εκθέσεις που οργανώνονται με θέματα από τον ευρύτερο χώρο της Ελληνικής Τέχνης, ενώ συχνά φιλοξενούνται και εκθέσεις οργανωμένες από άλλους φορείς.
Τα 350 περίπου αντικείμενα Κυκλαδικής τέχνης που εκτίθενται στον πρώτο όροφο του κεντρικού κτιρίου (είσοδος από Νεοφύτου Δούκα) αποτελούν μία από τις σημαντικότερες Κυκλαδικές συλλογές στον κόσμο. Εκτίθενται αντικείμενα σε πηλό, μέταλλο και μάρμαρο, κατασκευασμένα από τους κατοίκους των Κυκλάδων κατά την 3η χιλιετία π.Χ. Ανάμεσά τους ξεχωρίζουν τα μαρμάρινα ειδώλια, γυναικείες κυρίως μορφές που έχουν σκαλιστεί στο κυκλαδίτικο μάρμαρο με αφαιρετικό, υποβλητικό τρόπο. Στην έκθεση του Μουσείου Κυκλαδικής Τέχνης περιλαμβάνονται αντιπροσωπευτικά παραδείγματα από όλες τις κατηγορίες Κυκλαδικών ειδωλίων και των άλλων έργων του Κυκλαδικού πολιτισμού.
Στη συλλογή της Αρχαίας Ελληνικής Τέχνης περιλαμβάνονται έργα ελληνικής τέχνης από την εποχή του Χαλκού (2η χιλιετία π.Χ.) μέχρι την Ύστερη Ρωμαϊκή περίοδο (4ος αι. μ.Χ.). Αντιπροσωπεύονται οι κυριότερες κατηγορίες της ελληνικής τέχνης, όπως η κεραμική, ειδωλοπλαστική και γλυπτική όλων των περιόδων, ενώ περιλαμβάνονται και αντικείμενα διαφόρων περιόδων από χαλκό, γυαλί, πολύτιμα μέταλλα, καθώς και μια χαρακτηριστική συλλογή νομισμάτων από τις Κυκλάδες. Η συλλογή Αρχαίας Ελληνικής Τέχνης εκτίθεται στο 2ο όροφο του κεντρικού κτιρίου.
Στον 4ο όροφο φιλοξενείται μόνιμα η συλλογή Καρόλου και Ρίτας Πολίτη, δύο σημαντικών Ελλήνων συλλεκτών, οι οποίοι δώρησαν τη συλλογή τους στο Ίδρυμα Ν.Π. Γουλανδρή το 1989. Στα εκθέματα του 4ου ορόφου περιλαμβάνονται μαρμάρινα γλυπτά, πήλινα ειδώλια, κοσμήματα, και μία εντυπωσιακή συλλογή από αρχαία μετάλλινα κράνη.
Educational visit of Roma children to Hellenic Children's Museum
This project is co-funded by the European Commission - Lifelong Learning Program. This publication reflects the views of the author only and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use of the information contained therein.
On the 10th of June, Roma children, together with their mothers and Roma intermediators, did an eduational and cultural visit to Hellenic Children's Museum. This visit was planned under the European projects Roma Terno and Sedrin.
Roma Terno:
Action Synergy:
Hellenic Children's Museum:
Acropolis Museum, Athens, Greece
A short film about our visit to the Acropolis Museum, Athens, Greece, October 2019.
The Acropolis Museum is an archaeological museum focused on the findings of the archaeological site of the Acropolis of Athens. The museum was built to house every artifact found on the rock and on the surrounding slopes, from the Greek Bronze Age to Roman and Byzantine Greece. It also lies over the ruins of a part of Roman and early Byzantine Athens.
The museum was founded in 2003.
(Excerpts from 'Wikipedia')
Created by Michalis Gkinos & Spyros Papathomopoulos
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Nikos Deja Vu - Museum of Cycladic Art - Everyday life in Ancient Greece (Greek and English)
Nikos Deja Vu - Museum of Cycladic Art - Everyday life in Ancient Greece, in Greek and English language
Ancient Greek Pottery- Athens, Greece
Some of the highlights of the National Archeological Museum's pottery rooms are shown here. The museum is near Omonia Square in Athens. It is one of the DO NOT MISS museums in Greece. One of the top ten museums in the WORLD! All of the finest treasures from all over Greece are here.
Acropolis Museum - Athens, Greece
A presentation of the Acropolis Museum in Athens, Greece
Directed by Konstantinos Arvanitakis
Παρουσίαση του Μουσείου της Ακρόπολης στην Αθήνα
Museum of Modern Greek Art - Rhodes
It was founded as a Municipal Art Gallery in 1964, after a significant project implemented by Andreas Ioannou, the then prefect of the Dodecanese.
Its collections of paintings and engravings fully represent the 20th century Greek art and its distinguished artists, with works classified among the most important works of their time.
Among the objectives of the Museum of Modern Greek Art is to obtain, study, preserve, exhibit and promote the works of visual arts which have been created in the Greek cultural space, especially after the foundation of the modern Greek state in 1832.
It organizes exhibitions, tours, lecture cycles, educational programs, it issues art catalogs and educational books and cd-roms for children.
It initially housed its collections in a preservable historical building, at Symis Square, in the Medieval city. Today this building - Municipal Art Gallery Andreas Ioannou - houses the permanent exhibition of engravings and hosts exhibitions of renowned Greek artists.
From 2000 onwards the Museum has been using the building of Palaio Syssitio, situated in Socratous Street, in the Medieval city, as its exhibition hall for temporary exhibitions of new artists.
In 2002 the Museum acquired the Nestoridio Melathro, a donation of Ioannis and Paola Nestoridis, which houses permanent exhibitions.
Since 2010, temporary exhibitions, scientific events and talks have been hosted at the New Wing, on the eastern side of Nestoridio Melathro.
The Children's Art Museum
The Children's Art Museum in Plaka, Athens. This wonderful little museum is a rarity as there are only a handful of museums in the world dedicated to artworks made by children and Greece is lucky enough to have one of them!
For more videos on Athens visit
JOUET, group exhibition, Alma Art Gallery, Athens
12 Dec 2017 – 31 Jan 2018
Tassos Misouras
Michalis Manousakis
Emmanouil Bitsakis
Giannis Adamakis
Alexandros Magkaniotis
Irini Matsouki
Vana Fertaki
Andreas Voussouras
Zacharias Papantoniou
Martin Donef
Kostas Lavdas
Konstantinos Patsios
Natassa Poulantza
Marios Fournaris
Theofilos Katsipanos
Yiannis Bolis
It is an exhibition about the game and the return to childhood. It is an exhibition with works of art of contemporary Greek artists who accepted the invitation of the Alma Art Gallery to compose and present original and imaginative works of art. The game constitutes the children’s right and it is of fundamental significance for the mould of the personality, the safekeeping of their physical, emotional and psychological health, offers joy, pleasure and entertainment, creates bonds, boosts self-confidence and cooperation, improves the skills of socializing and interaction. The man’s tendency to play is innate and o vital significance for the cultural evolution. The game has always claimed its own leading role in human life. Every civilization, from the ancient to the modern ones, has its own games, which constitute eloquent testimonies and capture philosophies and attitudes towards life. Yet, the game has always opened itself to enjoyment and liberation.
Ancient Greece 101 | National Geographic
From artistry to politics, ancient Greece left a considerable impression on world history. Learn why Greek and Roman gods share so many similarities, how the alphabet got its name, and how the legacy of ancient Greece has evolved over thousands of years.
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Ancient Greece for Kids | History Learning Video
FUN for kids! Learn all about Ancient Greece in this history learning video for kids! You will discover the 3 main periods of Ancient Greece and some really fascinating facts about this incredible civilization!
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Thanks for watching this Homeschool Pop educational history video, a video for kids about Ancient Greece.
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Ancient Greece for Kids | History Learning Video
Greek Costume at the Benaki Museum, Athens, Greece
The Benaki Museum was established in the family mansion in downtown Athens in 1930. Its diverse collection represents the history and culture of Greece from 6,000 B.C. to the Greek War of Independence (1821-29). The costume exhibit shown here features traditional Greek dress from the 19th century. The background music in the video is by Athenian DJ swag dub.