Narodna galerija/National Gallery
Making the shot of the National Gallery interior shut off and emptied due to undergoing renovation + portrait of Miro Klajder, restorer.
Branko Čeak/Domen Pal/Jože Maček
Big thanks to Tomo Per
Gal in the Gallery
English version (with Slovene narration) of publication/video about dwarf Gal. Original publication: Gal in the Gallery, published by the National Gallery of Slovenia; director: Barbara Jaki; author: Svetlana Makarovič; illustrations: Kostja Gatnik; translation: Uroš Mozetič; language consultants: Jason Blake, Nada Grošelj; Editor: Lidija Tavčar. Video re-make: based on Slovenian version by Videoprodukcija Pelikula, Miha Dulmin s.p.
Sozvočje svetov, oktober 2015
V Narodni galeriji v sodelovanju s Komornim godalnim orkestrom Slovenske filharmonije pripravljamo cikle predavanj in koncertov Sozvočje svetov.
Do sedaj je bilo izvedenih že več kot sedemdeset edinstvenih programov. Mnoge skladbe so nastale po naročilu. Nekatere iz preteklih stilnih obdobij pa so v okviru Sozvočja svetov doživele prvo izvedbo na Slovenskem. Ansambel posebno pozornost namenja tudi stvaritvam slovenskih avtorjev.
Na vseh večerih lahko uživate tudi v imenitnih predavanjih, ki jih pripravlja Narodna galerija.
National Gallery of Slovenia, Ljubljana
Department of Classics, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
Primary School Prežihov Voranc
Festival Européen Latin Grec / European Festival of Latin and Greek / Evropski latinsko-grški festival; 22.3.2019
Translation of Iliad: Jelena Isak Kres
Music: Boris Šinigoj on Greek Lyre and Bouzouki playing Ode to Calliope, Ήσουνα ξυπόλητη and Song of Seikilos.
Sound and video editing: Andrej Koritnik
Prenovljeni Narodni dom - uresničene sanje Narodne galerije - odprtje palače
Narodna galerija je umetnostni muzej z eno najdaljših tradicij v Sloveniji. Ena pomembnih misij umetnostnega muzeja je, da zagotovi kar najbolj trajno možnost razstavljanja umetnin. Od začetkov v letu 1918 dalje se je Narodna galerija spopadala s prostorskimi problemi, ki jih je vsa desetletja občasno in sproti reševala, tudi še potem ko je leta 1925 dobila domovanje v Narodnem domu in je v tej stavbi leta 1928 postavila prvo stalno zbirko. Skupaj z naraščajočim številom umetnin se je večala prostorska stiska. Ob splošnem tehnološkem napredku in moderniziranih doktrinah muzejske stroke so se razvijale tudi zahteve po oblikovanju primernega okolja za umetnine. Matična palača Narodne galerije – Narodni dom –, stavba s konca devetnajstega stoletja, je postala premajhna in neustrezna.
Med letoma 2012 in 2015 smo izvedli celovito rekonstrukcijo Narodnega doma, dotrajane palače, neprimerne za sodobno muzejsko dejavnost. Javnosti konec januarja 2016 predajamo urejen celotni kompleks Narodne galerije, ki obsega skoraj 13.000 m2 v povezanem kompleksu treh stavb, ki so nastajale med letoma 1894 in 2001. Zbirko smo številčno povečali za več kakor tretjino del – odslej je v njej 613 eksponatov – in jo vsebinsko izpopolnili.
Video: Luka Hribar
Narodna galerija
Prešernova 24
1000 Ljubljana
Deset priljubljenih slik iz zbirke Narodne galerije
My way of experiencing culture in Slovenia: National Gallery in Ljubljana
There are a million way to feel Slovenia. Everywhere you go, you will always find something that speaks to your heart. What will be your way of feeling Slovenia?
Slovenia boasts a rich cultural tradition. Explore in detail the possibilities offered by 100 festivals, over 50 museums and galleries, and about 30 institutions focusing on music and theatre. See the remains of some of the hundreds of castles and manors.
#ifeelslovenia #myway #itsculturetime
Find out more:
Prenova Narodnega doma - uresničene sanje Narodne galerije
Narodna galerija je umetnostni muzej z eno najdaljših tradicij v Sloveniji. Ena pomembnih misij umetnostnega muzeja je, da zagotovi kar najbolj trajno možnost razstavljanja umetnin. Od začetkov v letu 1918 dalje se je Narodna galerija spopadala s prostorskimi problemi, ki jih je vsa desetletja občasno in sproti reševala, tudi še potem ko je leta 1925 dobila domovanje v Narodnem domu in je v tej stavbi leta 1928 postavila prvo stalno zbirko. Skupaj z naraščajočim številom umetnin se je večala prostorska stiska. Ob splošnem tehnološkem napredku in moderniziranih doktrinah muzejske stroke so se razvijale tudi zahteve po oblikovanju primernega okolja za umetnine. Matična palača Narodne galerije – Narodni dom –, stavba s konca devetnajstega stoletja, je postala premajhna in neustrezna.
Med letoma 2012 in 2015 smo izvedli celovito rekonstrukcijo Narodnega doma, dotrajane palače, neprimerne za sodobno muzejsko dejavnost. Javnosti konec januarja 2016 predajamo urejen celotni kompleks Narodne galerije, ki obsega skoraj 13.000 m2 v povezanem kompleksu treh stavb, ki so nastajale med letoma 1894 in 2001. Zbirko smo številčno povečali za več kakor tretjino del – odslej je v njej 613 eksponatov – in jo vsebinsko izpopolnili.
Video: Luka Hribar
Narodna galerija
Prešernova 24
1000 Ljubljana
100 let Narodne galerije Slovenije
LJUBLJANA - Narodna galerija Slovenije je osrednja slovenska ustanova za starejšo umetnost in hrani največjo zbirko likovnih del na slovenskem ozemlju. Obsega čas od visokega srednjega veka do vključno 20. stoletja.
Živali na umetninah Narodne galerija
Skrbimo tudi za naše živalce / We take care of our animal friends
Svetovni dan živali, 4. oktober / World Animal Day, 4 October
Narodna galerija
4. oktober 2015
10 Things to do in Ljubljana, Slovenia Travel Guide
Join as we visit Ljubljana, Slovenia in this travel guide covering some of the best things to do in the city including highlighting the local food and restaurant scene, museums worth visiting, the old town, castle, quirky neighborhoods and more. With a week in Ljubljana, Slovenia we had plenty of time to cover the main attractions in the city along with take some day trips. If you're thinking of visiting a weekend would be enough time for a busy trip but 3-4 days or longer would be more ideal for slower exploration. Now let's explore the capital city of Slovenia together!
10 Things to do in Ljubljana City Tour | Slovenia Travel Guide:'(Slovenija)
Introduction to Ljubljana - 00:01
1) Old Town of Ljubljana at Prešeren Square (Prešernov trg) + Franciscan Church (Frančiškanska cerkev) - 00:39
2) Bridges of Ljubljana = Triple Bridge (Tromostovje) + Love Lock Bridge (Mesarski most) + Dragon Bridge (Zmajski most) - 00:46
3) Ljubljana Central Market (Osrednja ljubljanska tržnica) + Ljubljana Cathedral (ljubljanska stolnica) - 02:59
4) Slovenian Food at Allegria restaurant in Ljubljana - 03:57
5) Ljubljana Castle (Ljubljanski grad - Laibacher Schloss) on Castle Hill - 04:24
6) River Cruise on the Ljubljanica River + Ice Cream (Cacao) - 06:54
7) Metelkova for street art in Ljubljana - 09:14
8) Balkan Food sampling Bosnian Cuisine at restaurant Sarajevo 84 - 10:43
9) Galleries and Museums Ljubljana including The National Gallery of Slovenia (Narodna galerija), the Museum of Modern Art (Moderna galerija), and the National Museum of Slovenia (Narodni muzej Slovenije) - 11:12
10) Tivoli City Park Gardens (Mestni park Tivoli) - 11:39
Outro to Ljubljana- 12:01
Panasonic GH5:
Canon G7X ii:
Rode Video Micro:
Joby Gorilla Pod:
SanDisk 16GB Extreme Pro:
Our visit Ljubljana travel guide documentary covers some of the top attractions including a food guide (Slovene, Balkan and Bosnian), top sightseeing tourist attractions and the city by day including visiting castles, churches, the old town, quirky neighborhoods, museums and along the river. We also cover off-the-beaten-path outdoor activities you won't find in a typical Ljubljana tourism brochure, Ljubljana itinerary or Ljubljana, Slovenia city tour also known as Laibach.
10 Things to do in Ljubljana, Slovenia Travel Guide Video Transcript:
Prešeren Square is a central meeting spot in the heart of the Old Town, so it made sense to start our tour of Ljubljana here. You’ll find the Franciscan Church of the Annunciation, lots of gelato shops, and the baffling bridge we just mentioned.
As for the reasoning behind the Triple Bridge and the famed dragon bridge, which is guarded by four dragons.
Ljubljana’s Central Market is another spot worth checking out.
We needed to sample some Slovenian food so we went to Allegria.
Sam ordered Zlikrofi (zhlee-krofi), a Slovenian dumpling stuffed with potato + lamb goulash along with Slovenian sausage with cabbage & potatoes.
Ljubljana Castle, which sits on Castle Hill overlooking the city. Built as a medieval fortress in the 11th century, Ljubljana Castle has seen many redesigns and renovations. Climb the Outlook Tower for 360 degree views of the city.
There are departures for cruises down the Ljubljanica. We boarded a cruise directly underneath the Love Lock Bridge, which is actually called Mesarski Most. It was our favourite activity in Ljubljana and it was a super relaxed way to watch the city.
Metelkova is home to the best street art.
One place we really enjoyed was Sarajevo 84, a restaurant specializing in Balkan cuisine. The portions massive & everything we ordered was delicious.
We had a feast featuring: grilled meat with pita and onions, baked beans and sausage, roasted peppers, and a flaky pastry stuffed with cheese. It only came to 23 Euros.
Speaking of galleries and museums, a few you’ll find include: the National Gallery, the Museum of Modern Art, and the National Museum of Slovenia.
We finished off at Tivoli, which is the largest park in Ljubljana.
And that’s it for our time in Ljubljana. Our visit was short, tasty, and relaxing, and we’re really glad we made some time to visit this underrated capital.
Now you guys know the drill; if there are any other things to do in Ljubljana that we may have missed in this travel guide, feel free to share your suggestions with fellow travellers below.
This is part of our Travel in Slovenia video series showcasing Slovenian food, Slovenian culture and Slovenian cuisine.
Music by Ikson:
Umetnost za nove dni: slike iz Vladne umetnostne zbirke, 5. 3. - 29. 6. 2014, Narodna galerija
V Narodni galeriji je od 6. marca do 29. junija na ogled del Vladne umetnostne zbirke. Razstavljenih je osemdeset slik ki so v vladno zbirko prišle po letu 1945 kot naročila ali nakupi.
Usoda Vladne umetnostne zbirke je dolga in zapletena. Čeprav je treba njene zametke iskati že v času Deželnega odbora za Kranjsko, ni imel v uradnih prostorih zbrani umetnostni fond nikoli narave zbirke, dokler ni prešel v upravo Narodne galerije. Njen edini namen je bila oprema uradnih prostorov vladnih uradov.
Zbirka šteje nad 1300 doslej evidentiranih umetnin in je zelo heterogena že po kvaliteti, predvsem pa po načinu pridobitve posameznih del. Ker ni imela statusa zbirke, tudi njena dokumentacija ne ustreza muzejskim kriterijem, zato smo se odločili, zbirko predstaviti po njenih zgodovinskih sklopih. Začenjamo z zadnjo epizodo, z deli, naročenimi in nakupljenimi po letu 1945.
Naša naloga je, razložiti zgodovinsko pričevalnost Vladne umetnostne zbirke. Prvi del nam odstira nazorno podobo ideološke fiziognomije nove oblasti in kulturne politike v novi državi.
Mateja Krapež, Andrej Smrekar, Alenka Simončič
Urednica kataloga
Mateja Krapež
Oblikovanje razstave in tiskovin
Ranko Novak
Projekt je podprlo
Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Slovenije
5. marec - 29. junij 2014
Narodna galerija, Prešernova 24, 1000 Ljubljana
Uroš Abram – Dialoški portreti 2013–2017, odprtje razstave
Uroš Abram – Dialoški portreti 2013–2017
15. marec–21. maj 2017
Narodna galerija, Prešernova 24, 1000 Ljubljana
Abramovi dialoški portreti so nekakšni portraits parlants, govoreči portreti, ki s svojstveno obliko sodelovanja portretista in modela presegajo običajne portretne žanre.
Narodna galerija in Galerija Božidar Jakac v sodelovanju z Galerijo Fotografija
Avtor razstave: Uroš Abram
Koordinacija: Andrej Smrekar
Video: Luka Hribar
Rihard Jakopič - detajli s slik, ki jih hrani Narodna galerija
Rihard Jakopič
12. april 1869–21. april 1943
V letu 2019 praznujemo 150-letnico rojstva izjemne osebnosti slovenske umetnosti, odličnega slikarja in enega izmed ustanovitelje Narodne galerije.
Video: Luka Hribar
Narodna galerija, Prešernova 24, Ljubljana, Slovenija
Andraž Šalamun’s retrospective exhibition presents the artist’s oeuvre spanning five decades of uninterrupted work. Šalamun took his first steps in the world of art in the late 1960s as a member of the OHO group (together with Marko Pogačnik, Milenko Matanović and David Nez), when he produced some of his most poetic works in the spirit of arte povera (poor art) and body art. In the 1970s, the artist’s focus shifted to painting; as a self-taught painter he began exploring, by mid-decade, the materiality of abstract painting in large-format works. From the very start, his work could not be said to fall into any of the concurrent artistic trends. Although his artistic production coincides with post-conceptual fundamental painting, it appears to be completely independent of it. While clearly testifying to his fascination with the materiality of the paint and the support, at the same time his canvases exhibit a sublime poetic charge: poetic abstract landscapes, colorful suns, “cloud machines” and fantastic animal creatures, they always bring their potential to sensuously charm the viewer to the fore. In the 1980s, Šalamun’s painting exploded in image and color, which made the artist one of the foremost Slovene representatives of the New Image. In his work, the New Image manifested in fantastic animal compositions resulting from random play with images as facts, devoid of any clear or univocal semantic or symbolic allusions. Šalamun’s most famous series from that time is a series of enormous canvases of bison, including the one included in the Moderna galerija permanent collection exhibition 20th Century: Continuities and Ruptures. In the early 1990s, Šalamun’s painting became even more individualistic and unrelated to stylistic groupings. Presented at the exhibition from that period are his most characteristic and successful series of large-format canvases: Suns, which constitute a turning point in his development as a painter, a series of Greek islands characterized by his intense exploration of the abstract landscape, a series of so-called Mediterranean landscapes with a dark, melancholic charge, and the series Moss and Silver. After 2000 there followed the Venice series, the Cypresses series, the Moons series, and finally a series of abstract cosmic landscapes, which round up the artist’s many years of artistic explorations in the serial repetition of the same motif in numerous variations. Presented at the exhibition are over 50 large-format canvases – a selection of the most characteristic and best works from Andraž Šalamun’s oeuvre, which have been kindly loaned to Moderna galerija Ljubljana from numerous public and private collections in Slovenia.
Andraž Šalamun was born in Ljubljana on July 30, 1947. He finished high school in Koper. While studying in Ljubljana, he was an active member of the conceptual movement – working in the OHO group (whose works were shown at the Museum of Modern Art in New York as early as 1970). After the dissolution of the OHO group, Andraž Šalamun did not join the Šempas Family, but instead completed his studies in comparative literature and philosophy and returned to Koper. After his initial series of pastels and drawings he dedicated himself exclusively to painting (after 1976). As early as 1977 he received the Seven Secretaries of SKOJ Award, at the time a prestigious Yugoslav art award, for his early paintings. In the 1980s he won several prizes and awards at art colonies across Yugoslavia (Pazin, Sombor, Dubrovnik, Sisak, Čačak) and in 1993 the Prešeren Foundation Award.
Andraž Šalamun’s work has been featured at numerous exhibitions: he was included in all big surveys of conceptual art as a member of the OHO group, while his paintings were included in Yugoslav selections of major international shows (such as the Sao Paulo Biennial in 1979 and the Venice Biennale in 1982) soon after his first solo exhibitions in Zagreb and Belgrade, as well as in the collections of Yugoslav museums and galleries and in travelling survey exhibitions of (young) Slovene art. He was actively involved in the self-organizing of younger generation artists in the Equrna working community in Ljubljana (starting in 1982) and in the art scene on the Slovene coast, especially by working with the Littoral Galleries in Piran, the Artists’ Association of North Primorska (DLUSP, later the Insula Association) and the Sqart Studio in Koper.
Over the years, three art historians and critics in particular – Tomaž Brejc, Ješa Denegri and Andrej Medved – have written extensively on Andraž Šalamun and his art.
Matevž Langus: Karl Hummel ml., umetnina iz zbirke Narodne galerije
Predstavitev slike Matevža Langusa: Karl Hummel ml., ki je na ogled v stalni zbirki Narodne galerije.
Avtorica: Kristina Preininger
Video: Luka Hribar
Political Prisoners action, Modern Art Gallery, Ljubljana 2012
Sept. 20, 2012 the Voina Group held «Political Prisoners» action in the Moderna Galerija (Museum of Modern Art) in Ljubljana, Slovenia. This action dedicated to political prisoner and Voina`s activist Taisia Osipova. She was arrested at 2010 and got 8-year sentence. There are also names of political prisoners on the banner. It's an action in support of all political prisoners all over the world. Voina also protested against everybody's apathy regarding oppression of human rights by the police state.
Initiatives, camera, photo, montage - Alexey Plutser-Sarno, Voina Group ideologist and media artist.
Actions 2006-2010:
Actions 2011-2013:
Photos (actions 2011 - 2013):
List of political prisoners:
Special thanks to our friend Michael Petrowitsch.
Rihard Jakopič: Beležnice - odprtje razstave
Rihard Jakopič (1869–1943) je gigantska figura slovenskega zgodnjega modernizma. V karikaturah so ga upodabljali kot Boga Očeta in Mojzesa ali kot vojskovodjo na čelu falange slovenskih umetnikov, ki vihté čopič in paleto kot sulico in ščit. Bil je med pobudniki ustanovitve Narodne galerije, svetniški patron novomeške pomladi, gromovnik v boju za družbeni status umetnikov in je bil vnebovzet v Slovensko akademijo znanosti in umetnosti ob ustanovitvi leta 1938. Narodna galerija je v zadnjem desetletju in pol pridobila nekaj njegovih pomembnih slik in okoli 1600 risb. Te so bile izrezane iz prvotnih kontekstov in pomešane med seboj, zato si prizadevamo rekonstruirati prvotne beležnice in risarske pole, da bi Jakopičevo delo in razvoj lahko bolje razumeli.
Avtor razstave in vodja projekta: Andrej Smrekar
Razstavo so podprli:
Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Slovenije
Cvetličarna Galerija, Marjan Lovšin
O.K. vir, d.o.o.
Vidal, d.o.o.
18. november 2015–28. februar 2016
Narodna galerija
Prešernova 24
1000 Ljubljana
Luka Hribar
Mirsad Begić: Portreti škofov
Sculptor Mirsad Begić and his exhibition Portreti, at the National Gallery of Slovenia. He presents his portraits of Ljubljana bishops and arch-bishops of the 20th century.
Kipar Mirsad Begić in njegova razstava Portreti, v Narodni galeriji Slovenije. Rastavljene so študije portretov ljubljanskih škofov in nadškofov 20. stoletja.
Interieri - korespondence, odprtje razstave fotografskega projekta Bojana Salaja
Fotografski projekt Interieri--korespondence kot svoj osnovni motiv izpostavlja ambivalenten odnos med posameznikovim notranjim imaginarnim prostorom intime ter javnim fizičnim arhitekturnim prostorom štirih institucij: parlamentom Republike Slovenije v Ljubljani, parlamentom Evropske unije v Strassbourgu, kongresno dvorano OZN v Ženevi ter kongresno dvorano zveze NATO v Bruslju. Vsi ti prostori so izraziti nosilci družbenih struktur in pomenov, utelešajo simbolno oziroma dejansko moč ter manifestirajo rez ali vez skupne civilizacijske kulturno-politične zgodovine.
Avtor razstave in fotografij: Bojan Salaj
Video: Luka Hribar
28. maj -- 29. junij 2014
Narodna galerija, Ljubljana