13. International Festival of chamber choirs Kragujevac (Serbia)/City of Zirc Mixed Choir,(Hungary)
City of Zirc Mixed Choir, Zirc (Hungary)/
Мешовити хор града Зирца (Мађарска
Conductor: Klara Gering / Диригенткиња Клара Геринг
On the Wings of Music / На крилима музике
August 21st 2019 Gallery of the National Museum
21.8.2019. Галерија Народног музеја Крагујевац
1. Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643-1704): We Praise Thee (Te Deum laudamus)
2. Giovanni Giacomo Gastoldi (1544-1609): The Lover / A Happy Life / (L’innamorato /A lieta vita/)
3. Gregorian chant: Mass of the Angels (Missa de Angelis) – selected movements
4. Ferenc Erkel (1810-1893):
a. Long Live the Homeland! (Éljen a haza!)
b. Drinking Song to the Sun (Napköszöntő bordal)
5. Lajos Bárdos (1899-1986): A Clear Stream at the Coast (Tiszta patakod partjainál)
6. Miklós Csemiczky (1954): Three mixed choirs - Frog Songs (Három vegyeskar – Béka-dalok)
7. Sean Deibler (1947-2009):Bring Me a Rose
8. Lowell Mason (1792-1872):Let Me Go, God (Hadd menjek, Istenem)
9. Sofie Lithenius (1847-1926):Evening Prayer (Iltarukous)
10. Mary Donnelly:Song of peace – Grant Us Peace (Dona nobis pacem)
11. Daniel Friderici (1584-1638): We Love Very Much in the Heart (Wir lieben sehr im Herzen)
12. Bakonyi Bunch of Folk Songs (Bakonyi népdalcsokor)
13. Hungarian folk songs
a. They Even Say - My God (Még azt mondják – Én Istenem)
b. It's Very Cold in Winter - Poor Lad (Télen nagyon hideg van – Szegény legény)
14. Felice de Giardini (1716-1796): Long Live the Charming Wives (Viva tutte le vezzose)
15. Bartłomiej Stankowiak:At Dawn Hour (Hajnal órán)
16. Jaroslav Krček (1939): The Farmer Rides (Jede sedlák)
17. Uli Fuehre (1957): Hallo Django
18. Imre Kálmán (1882-1953):
a. In A Land Far Away (Túl az Óperencián)
b. You're Ragged Life (Te rongyos élet)
19. László Dés (1954): The Music (A zene)
20. Robert Sund (1942): Jada-jada
21. Béla Vavrinecz (1925-2004):
a. Marosszék Songs (Marosszéki dalok)
b. Lake Balaton Is Wide (Széles a Balaton)
22. Árpád Fasang (1912-2001): Palóc Folk Songs (Palóc népdalok)
Kragujevac Orchestra / L.v.Beethoven - Egmont Overture
L.v.Beethoven - Egmont Overture
conductor Nemanja Mitrašević
recording of live performance
Second Gymnasium hall in Kragujevac
2.december 2018.
Bojan Matić
Miloš Dašić
Ivan Janićijević
Petar Mladenović
edited by
Miloš Dašić
sound engineer
Zoran Marinković
Miloš Marinković
music associate
students of FILUM
Sara Stanković
Anđela Marković
Luka Zlatanović
Concert supported by
Music school “dr Miloje Milojević” Kragujevac
Kragujevac singing society
National museum Kragujevac
SKC Kragujevac
Nemanja Mitrašević
general sponsor
City Assembly of Kragujevac
Kragujevac Orchestra / F.Schubert - Unfinished symphony
F.Schubert - Unfinished symphony
conductor Nemanja Mitrašević
recording of live performance
Second Gymnasium hall in Kragujevac
2.december 2018.
Bojan Matić
Miloš Dašić
Ivan Janićijević
Petar Mladenović
Edited by
Miloš Dašić
sound engineer
Zoran Marinković
Miloš Marinković
music associate
students of FILUM
Sara Stanković
Anđela Marković
Luka Zlatanović
Concert supported by
Music school “dr Miloje Milojević” Kragujevac
Kragujevac singing society
National museum Kragujevac
SKC Kragujevac
Nemanja Mitrašević
general sponsor
City Assembly of Kragujevac
Kragujevac Orchestra / L.v.Beethoven - Coriolan Overture
L.v.Beethoven - Coriolan Overture
conductor Nemanja Mitrašević
recording of live performance
Second Gymnasium hall in Kragujevac
2.december 2018.
Bojan Matić
Miloš Dašić
Ivan Janićijević
Petar Mladenović
Edited by
Miloš Dašić
sound engineer
Zoran Marinković
Miloš Marinković
music associate
students of FILUM
Sara Stanković
Anđela Marković
Luka Zlatanović
Concert supported by
Music school “dr Miloje Milojević” Kragujevac
Kragujevac singing society
National museum Kragujevac
SKC Kragujevac
Nemanja Mitrašević
general sponsor
City Assembly of Kragujevac
Riznica Narodnog muzeja 2. epizoda
D.Shostakovich - The Fall of Berlin,V movement (Orkestar harmonika - Kragujevac)
Из свите Пад Берлина , рађене за истоимени филм, став посвећен пробоју Зеловских висова.
Обрада за оркестар хармоника, виолине и виолу, Б.Шпица
Виолине: Ана Шпица и Љиљана Ранковић
Виола: Сузана Влатковић
Перкусије: Снежана Властић
Диригент: Б.Шпица
Посвећено 70. годишњици краја II светског рата
Снимљено 7.4.2015.г. у музеју 21. Октобар у Крагујевцу.
Због неочекивано ниске температуре и проблема са техником, композиција је снимљена из другог покушаја.
Завхаљујемо се запосленима у музеју на предусретљивости и разумевању.
Д. Шостакович, Падение Берлина, часть 5-я Штурм Зееловских высот
Переложение для оркестр баянистов, скрипки и альт, Б.Шпица
Скрипки: Ана Шпица и Љиљана Ранковић
Альт: Сузана Влатковић
Ударние: Снежана Властић
Дирижер: Б.Шпица
Посвящается 70-летию Победы в Великой Отечественной войне.
Запис 7.4.2015.g. в музее 21 Октябрь в Крагуевце.
В связи с неожиданно низкой температуре и проблемы с техникой, запис взят из второй попытки.
Мы благодарни персоналу в музее на вежливостьи и пониманию.
D.Shostakovich, The Fall of Berlin, 5th part Storming Seelow Heights
Arrangement for accirdion orchestra, violins and viola, B.pica
Violins: Ana Špica i Ljiljana Ranković
Viola: Suzana Vlatković
Percussions: Snežana Vlastić
Conductor: B.Špica
Dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the and of II World War.
Recorded 7.4.2015.g. at the Museum October 21 in Kragujevac.
In connection with the unexpectedly low temperature and the problem with the technique, recording is taken from the second attempt.
We are grateful to the staff at the museum on the courtesy and understanding.
House of Serbian King Petar I Karadjordjevic in Oplenac
When they started work on the construction Oplenac church, west of it, built the church house, designed parish priest of the church. It is built according to the project Koste J. Jovanovic 1910. It was set up as a temporary building. She had six rooms, which were supposed to live the builders of the church. Below the basement of the building was made for tools and building materials. In it, however, the first king Petar moved in order to be able to supervise the work of the church. That's why he called Petrova house. The old king was sitting in his chair in front of the house and worth recorded everything that was done. Royal diary notes are very important and valuable document which can be seen as running works, but also to learn about everyday life in Topola. King lived in the house, with brief interruptions, until the autumn of 1915, when the army began withdrawing from the motherland through Albania to Thessaloniki. In this house he was regent Aleksandar, during 1914 and 1915, coming from the main headquarters housed in Kragujevac, reported to the plans of military operations. Sam Peter King said he loved to stay in this house and in front of it a beautiful view of his hometown and his legacy. Petrova house is now a museum-gallery with themed settings that affect the Karadjordjevic dynasty.
Serbia_Сербия.Путешествие и отдых.
Serbia, Сербия, Путешествие и отдых, Kalemegdan Rortress, Belgrade, The Temple of Saint Sava, Golubacka fortress, The Monastery of Novo Hopovo, Novi Sad, The Building of the Serbian Parlament, Staro Hopovo Monastery, Dzherdap National Park, Monastery Zica Stephen Pervovenchannogo, Kragujevac, The Virgin Mary Cathedral, Tower of Despot Stefan, The Belgrade Military Museum, East Serbian Mountains, The Ravanica Monastery, The Studenica Complex, Kragujevac, Tara National Park, The Bach Fortress, Vojvodina, The Kovilj Monastery, The Synagogue of Subotica, The Mileseva Monastery, Resavska Cave, Despotovac, The city of the Devil, Nis
Mud Factory - Where They Sleep (OFFICIAL VIDEO)
Music video by Mud Factory performing Where They Sleep.
Where They Sleep is taken from Project Extinction, released April 21. 2015. via Nocturne media.
Directed and recorded by: Nemanja Djordjevic
Edited by: Stefan Gacesa and Nemanja Djordjevic
Special thanks to: City of Vranje, National museum of Pancevo, 3x2 recording studio and Ivan Rakidzic.
© & ℗ Nocturne media
Band facebook page:
MUD FACTORY - Project Extinction [EP, 2015]
Available at:
1. PETROVARADIN FORTRESS 45°15'6.43N 19°51'44.44E
2. MANASTIR TRONOSA (XIII / XVI),KORENITA 44°27'37.60N 19°17'1.12E
4. SPOMEN PARK BUBANJ,NIS 43°18'18.20N 21°52'21.49E
6. MANASTIR SVETE PETKE U IZVORU( XIV ),IZVOR 43°51'23.36N 21°35'59.21E
7. KNEZ MILOS SPOMENIK,SAVSKI VENAC 44°48'24.28N 20°27'38.84E
8. DJURDJEVI STUPOVI,NOVI PAZAR 43° 9'57.70N 20°29'51.46E
9. USPENSKA CRKVA,VOJVODINA 45°15'19.72N 19°50'31.88E
11. CATHEDRAL,NOVI SAD 45°15'19.98N 19°50'44.40E
15. BOTANIC GARDEN,JEVREMOVAC 44°48'57.45N 20°28'23.36E
17. MUSEUM,BELGRADE 44°49'10.29N 20°26'32.83E
18. CRKVA SVETOG LUKE,BELGRADE 44°50'36.37N 20°29'26.55E
19. HOLY CHURCHES,KRAGUJEVAC 44° 0'29.07N 20°54'47.30E
20. MONUMENT,BELGRADE 44°49'13.15N 20°26'8.04E
21. SUBOTICKA SINAGOGA,VOJVODINA 46° 6'4.88N 19°39'41.32E
23. CRKVA SVETA TROJICA (1898),PARACIN 43°51'49.98N 21°24'45.06E
24. OSH SVETOZAR MILETIЋ,BELGRADE 44°50'25.79N 20°24'47.50E
25. MANASTIR PETKOVICA ( XVI ),DIVOS 45° 7'33.58N 19°32'0.24E
27. ST.NICHOLAS CATHEDRAL,KARLOVCI 45°12'10.49N 19°56'3.48E
29. CITY HALL- SUBOTICA, VOJVODINA 46° 5'59.06N 19°39'52.47E
30. ST.SAVA CHURCH,BELGRADE 44°47'55.36N 20°28'6.08E
31. MANASTIR STARA PAVLICA ( XII/XIII ),BRVENIK 43°20'32.88N 20°38'48.57E
33. BACKA FORTRESS 45°23'35.03N 19°13'19.71E
Вожња зауставном траком #3 / Driving in an emergency lane #3
Kragujevac (Serbian Cyrillic: Крагујевац, pronounced [krǎɡujeʋat͡s] ( )) is the fourth largest city in Serbia, the main city of the Šumadija region and the administrative centre of Šumadija District. It is situated on the banks of the river Lepenica. According to official results of the 2011 census, the city has a population of 150,835 inhabitants, while administrative area has a population of 179,417.
Kragujevac was the first capital of modern Serbia (1818–1839), and the first constitution in the Balkans was proclaimed in this city in 1835. Further on, the first full- fledged university in the newly independent Serbia was founded in 1838, preceded by the first grammar school (Gimnazija), Printworks (both in 1833), professional National theatre (1835) and the Military academy (1837).
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Counterterrorist unit Serbia gopro hero 2 test
Fractal Art and Art of Fractals
Opening of multi medial exhibition Fractal Art and Art of Fractals by Marija Rafajlovic Stojkovic (computer prints) and Milena Andrić (paintings) in the Gallery of National Museum of Kragujevac, Serbia, Saturday, September 3, 2016. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ljubisa M. Kocic.
Sremski Karlovci: Serbia - HD Video Tour
Sremski Karlovci: Serbia - Guided HD Video Tour.
Enjoy the guided tour of town of Sremski Karlovci in Vojvodina, Serbia...
Sremski Karlovci (Сремски Карловци), is a town and municipality in Serbia, in the autonomous province of Vojvodina, situated on the bank of the river Danube, 8 kilometres (5 miles) from Novi Sad. The population in 2011 was 8,722. The town has traditionally been known as the seat of Serbian Orthodox Church in the Hapsburg Monarchy, as well as political and cultural capital of Serbian Vojvodina after the May Assembly and during the Revolution in 1848.
In Serbian, the town is known as Sremski Karlovci (Сремски Карловци), in Croatian as Srijemski Karlovci, in German as Karlowitz or Carlowitz, in Hungarian as Karlóca, in Polish as Karłowice, in Romanian as Carloviț and in Turkish as Karlofça.
In ancient times, a small Roman fortress existed at this location. The town was first mentioned in historical documents in 1308 with the name Karom. The fortress of Karom was built on the ruins of the ancient Roman one. Until 1521, the Karom was a possession of the Hungarian noble families, of which the most well known were Báthory and Morović.Turkish military commander Bali-beg conquered Karom in 1521, and in the next 170 years, the town was part of the Ottoman Empire. The Slavic name for the town - Karlovci, was first recorded in 1532/33. During the Ottoman rule, the town was mostly populated by Serbs, with the smaller part of population composed of Muslims. According to the Ottoman defterler from 1545, the population of Karlovci numbered 547 Christian (Serb) houses, thus it was the largest city with a Serb majority in the whole Ottoman Empire. The city also had three Orthodox churches and a monastery.
Between 1980 and 1989, Sremski Karlovci was one of the seven municipalities of Novi Sad City. Today, the municipality is not part of Novi Sad City, but a separate administrative unit of South Bačka District. Most recently, the government of Serbia announced its decision to move the Constitutional Court of Serbia to this town as part of the national strategy for decentralization. Furthermore, the government decided to make this move because of the historic importance of this town in Serbian history as well because of its relative proximity to the capital, Belgrade.
Serbian White (Baltic) Sea
The White (Baltic) Sea of Serbian national place origin before the Migration to the Balkans
Went to explore the abandoned sugar mill in Belgrade by the docks near the Sava lake (Ada Ciganliaja) but apon arrival found that the gates were freshly locked and that all points of entry had been shut off. so we decided to explore the ware house style building that once used to be part of the sugar mill grounds.
music - see through me DROELOE
Ivan Radovic - Energija Naroda Srbije - drugi deo
Ivan Radovic was born in June 23th, 1975 in Uzice. Academy of Fine Arts graduated in 1998 in Prishtine as a sculptor. He is a member of ULUS (The Association of Serbian Artists) since 1999. He lives and works in Belgrade, Serbia. He is a member and asisstent of Visual Culture Centre KRUG in Cacak and the owner of ART ARTICLE DESIGN STUDIO and a member of GRUPA DESIGN STUDIO since 2001. Also, he is a member or The Association of Cacak's Artists - RISIM General Manager of Maestro Real Estate Comany Ltd Independent exhibitions: 1998. -- Cacak, The City's House of Culture 1999. - G. Milanovac,The Museum of Rudnik and Takovo region 1999. - Kragujevac, The National museum / The Gallery Little art saloon 2000. - Belgrade, The Galery of National university -- Brace Stamenkovic 2001. - Vranje, The Gallery of National museum 2001. -- Vishegrad, Town's Gallery, Bosnia and Hertzegovina 2001. -- Uzice, The Gallery of Teacher's Faculty 2004. - Belgrade, The Gallery 73 2009. - Nicosia, Cyprus, B-Rosso Gallery Art colonies: 1997. - Zrenjanin, 1998. - Savinac (Pozega), 1998. Ovcar Spa, 1998. - Rezevici, 2000. - Vlasina, 2001. - Poganovo, 2001. - Savinac (Gornji Milanovac), 2006. - Trepca Spa Awards: - The Annual Reward of The Association of Artists - RISIM - Cacak, 1998. - YU palette of the young, Vrbas, 2000.- National award - The first award of Novi Sad's Fair of Technique for design of packaging for ELSAT ltd (for product Roto antenna), 2002. - The Annual Reward of The Association of Artists - RISIM - Cacak, 2003. - Annual award of Municipality of Belgrade and Municipality of Banovo Brdo for the the best exhibition in The Gallery 73, 2004. - The first award on competition for design of logo for the AUDI competition for the best young artist in Serbia, 2007. - The first award on competition for design of logo for the pocket book edition RAVNOTEZA under the authority of Town's Gallery Nadezda Petrovic, Chachak, 2007. - The third award for design of logo for McMilan company, Bosnia and Hertzegovina, 2007. Clients: P.S. Fashion,Dragon Electronic ltd, ELSAT ltd, HIDROKOMERC ltd,VARDIM ltd, Tourist's Organisation of Cacak,DEMARI developers, ELIA developers,ALTER ltd,DIVA ltd,Buffalo and Office shoes, LAKI LINE STUDIO GP,Agronomic Faculty in Cacak, Tehnical Faculty in Cacac,PD HENDY MEN, Cyprus,Health Center of Cacak,City's House of Culture,DiMark group ltd,KOMET ltd,TREF ltd, URBANPROJECT Cacak,The Business Association of Cacak GRADAC 97,UNIPROMET ltd,BIOPRODUKT ltd, many restaurants,clubs,pubs,boutiques, etc. Artworks and design are published in magazines like: CKM, PLAYBOY Serbia, Art Life of Serbia, POLITIKA, The Voice of Chachak, Touristic Organization of Cyprus... He took part in many projects of VISUEL CULTURE CENTRE like: The Art and Paper, international exhibition in every two years. Library -- the open books of Balkan, international exhibition in every two years. The art critics to his work: Dejan Djoric, Mihajlo Kandic,dr Srdjan Markovic, Bozidar Plazinic, Sreto Bosnjak, Djordje Kadijevic
Zona Zamfirova u Cikagu Zikina Sarenica RTS
Natural history center of Serbia SVILAJNAC
Сербия. Экскурсии. Наша поездка в музей природы Свилайнац