National Technical Museum Prague Czech Republic
Národní technické muzeum Praha
National Technical Museum
Kostelní 42, 170 78 Prague 7 Czech Republic
Národní technické Muzeum Praha | National Technical Museum Prague
National Technical Museum,Prague-Czech republic. A Must See
National Technical Museum
The seat of the museum is monumental functionalist building was founded in 1908, and for over a hundred years it has built an extensive collection documenting the development of many technical fields, natural and exact sciences and industry. You can view the most interesting and, in many cases, rare and unique collection items can be viewed in 14 permanent exhibitions as well as temporary exhibitions
The museum now presents centuries of ingeniousness in: TRANSPORTATION, ARCHITECTURE, CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGN, ASTRONOMY, PRINTING, PHOTO STUDIO, MERKUR PLAYROOM, HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES .The extra mining section below the museum is totally unique. They built a mine with real coal walls and real mining equipment from the past 2 centuries
National Technical Museum Prague 2015-08-02
Národní Technické Museum
National Technical Museum
Tekniska Museet i Prag.
Prague in August 2, 2015.
National Technical Museum in Prague, Czech Republic, Europe
#museum #czech #prague #history #praha #czechrepublic #muzeumchomutov #trip #vylet #visitcz #prag #travel #historie #ceskarepublika #car #tourism #praga #bicycle #plane #train
National technical museum - Prague
National Technical Museum Prague
National Technical Museum Prague cz
Národní Technické Muzeum Praha (National Technical Museum)
Národní technické muzeum
Pražská muzejní noc 13.6.2015
Prohlídka dopravní expozice :-) auta, motorky, kola, letadla a vlaky
National Technical Museum Prague Czech Republic
Prag night of Museums 13.6.2015
Tour of traffic exposition cars, motorbikes, bikes, planes and trains
Transportation Gallery of National Technical Museum, Prague, Czechia, 2017-07-22
(c) All rights reserved.
History of Jawa bike | National Technical Museum Prague | Jawa Perak
History of Jawa Bikes at Praha National Technical Museum.
Jawa is a motorcycle and moped manufacturer founded in Prague, Czechoslovakia in 1929 by František Janeček, who bought the motorcycle division of Wanderer. The name JAWA was established by concatenating the first letters of Janeček and Wanderer.
The National Technical Museum (Czech: Národní technické muzeum) (NTM) in Prague is the largest institution dedicated to preserving information and artifacts related to the history of technology in the Czech Republic.
JAWA was one of the top motorcycle manufacturers and exported its 350 into over 120 countries. Another famous model in the 1970s was the 350 Californian. After 1990, there was a significant loss of production. A successor company was formed in 1997 in Týnec nad Sázavou, continuing the name as JAWA Moto.
History of Jawa Motorcycles
The first model under this Jawa name was the 500 OHV, nicknamed as Rattler. This motorcycle was not very successful. It was expensive and robust.
Janecek Company was on the verge of bankruptcy after the first product failed. The Englishman G. W. Patchett brought with him to Jawa the design of the new JAWA 175 which was built from parts from firms specialized on producing components. A lighlty constructed motorcycle was created, with decent performance and which at a very low selling price, also provided excellent value for money.
Jawa 175 rapidly became the best selling motorcycle in this country. In 1938 Jawa developed a new prototype with ans electric starter, which never went into production. ie the Jawa 350 SV
Janecek Arms Factory always placed great emphasis on motorcycle sport. It took part as almost the only one of Czechoslovak firms in a number of international motorcycle competitins road ans speedway races. Jawa developed the JAWA 350 DOHC road racing special motor cycle just before the World War II.
World War II started.
German military vehicles had to be repaired in Jawa during the war. This was exploited to perfection. In order for prototypes of new Jawas not to arouse attention unnecessarily in secret road tests, they were camouflaged as German militiary machines and fitted with SS number plates. JAWA 250 DIN is one of the machine tested in this way.
Employees of the Janecek Arms Factory developed new motorcycles and cars alongside the production of military materials for the post war years. In a secret development workshop, new racing motorcycles of the Jawa make were created. The speedway special Jawa 500 DT and Jawa 500 DTC was one of the motorcycles develped during this period.
The risk connected with secret wartime development reaped rich rewards for JAWA. At a time when competitors were just beginning to assess their war losses, Jawa had a motorcycle ready which has no equal in its category. The new JAWA 250 11 Perak was successfully exported to almost all countries. This machine became the basis for the exceptional successes of the Czechoslovak motorcycle industry.
In 1954 Jawa merged with CZ under the name “Jawa-CZ” and began to produce new motorcycles jointly. The first one to produce was Jawa-CZ 150 – 352, popularly nicknamed as “Swinger”. The Swinger and its slightly modified successors were the most commercially successful motorcycles produced in Jawa.
Jawa started developing smallest motorcycles, the Jawa 50 type 500 Pioneer. It was designed by Jawa in Prague, but produced in Slovakia. Over time several hundred thousand of these small motorcycles were made. The Pioneer was for several generations of our motorcyclist the first machine they encountered. its a small motor cycle with many merits.
Jawa developed a four cylinder motorcycle on 1967. The 673 racing Jawa was the fastest machine in the 1969 world championship.
Since 1964, only speedway machines have been produced in Jawa division. This specialization has paid off handsomely, and speedway Jawas are the worlds best even today. A sport only for the brave is races on the ice speedway, where motorcycles without brakes but with dozens of sharp spikes on the wheels race round an ice rink. Soviet Union dominated in this game for years. In 1974, a Czech, Milan Spinka, beat them and become world champion using the Jawa 500 – 891 motorcycle
Read more about the Jawa Bikes from
Národní technické muzeum / National Technical Museum - Prague
Krátký náhled do expozice Národního technického muzea v Praze. Short look from exposition of National Technical Museum in Prag.
Sony A5000 + 16-50mm F3.5/5.6 OSS
...shooted hand held and stabilized in post-production
Airplanes Museum at Technical Museum Prague 2019
Prague National Technical Museum
Prague Technical Museum 2018
NATIONAL MUSEUM - Prague, Czech Republic (main building)
#nationalmuseum #prague #czechrepublic
National Technical Museum, Railway Collection - Prague 2019
National Technical Museum
Kostelní 42, 170 78 Prague - Czech Republic
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Linha 2
National Technical Museum, Národní technické museum, -Part-1-Prague, (SS Studios-Incredible Places)
Yes it is Národní technické Museum which i visited in Prague, it is informative, and in this video, you can see the development of cameras from the olden days to upto today.
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Prag Technik Museum Prague - Národní Technické Muzeum Praha
Technikmuseum Prag - Národní Technické Muzeum Praha - National Technical Museum Prague
Prague Technical Museum offers a recommended daily visit to the museum. It is the Czech edition of the German Sience Museum in Munich
Museale Exhibition of very respectable exhibits in a beautiful monumental building.
Bilingual information, building technology and didactic on today's state of technology museums. If you look away from the frontal museum pedagogy, which is still common in many countries, I am reminded much of the Mannheim Museum of Labor and Technology. Just as in the older exhibits, as much in the German Museum in Munich appears, spatially and thematically only somewhat less extensively.
Worthy of note is that the rare theme of architecture is represented in a technical museum!
Our conclusion:
Absolutely worth seeing exhibition for a more than day-filling museum visit; Not only in bad weather (great view from the top floor, architecture exhibition).
Regarding Czech achievements and state of technology and science a successful, representative and historical overview.
Another tip for the return trip: Architecture friends must pass the Bruselský pavilon Expo 58 (approx. 550m direction city)
Technikmuseum Prag bietet einen empfehlenswerten tagesfüllendernMuseumsbesuch. Es ist die tschechische Ausgabe des Deutschen Museum München
Museale Ausstellung von durchaus beachtenswerten Exponaten in einem schönen Monumentalbau.
Zweisprache Informationen, gebäudetechnisch und didaktisch auf heutigem Stand von Technikmuseen. Sieht man einmal ab, von der frontalen Museumspädagogik, die in vielen Ländern eben noch üblich ist, so erinnert mich thematisch vieles an das Museum für Arbeit und Technik Mannheim. Genauso hinsichtlich der älteren Exponate, wie vieles im Deutschen Museum in München erscheint, räumlich und themtisch nur etwas weniger umfangreich.
Lobenswert ist, dass in einem Technikmuseum auch das seltene Thema der Architektur dargestellt wird!
Unser Fazit:
Absolut sehenswerte Ausstellung für einen mehr als tagesfüllenden Museumsbesuch; nicht nur bei schlechtem Wetter (tolle Aussicht vom obersten Stockwerk, Architekturausstellung).
Hinsichtlich tschechischer Errungenschaften und Stand von Technik und Wissenschaft ein gelungene, repräsentative und historische Übersicht.
Noch ein Tip für den Rückweg: Architekturfreunde unbedingt am Bruselský pavilon Expo 58 vorbeilaufen (ca. 550m Richtung Stadt)
Národní technické muzeum
Kostelní 42
170 78 Praha 7
Czech Republic
#Prague #Národní #Technické #Muzeum #Technik #Museum #Prag #Deutsches #Museum #München #Arbeit #Mannheim #Experimenta #vaisseau #Automobil #Autoausstellung #Motorrad #Naturwissenschaften #Architektur #Aeronautic #Aeroplanes #Flugzeuge #Bergbau #Drucktechnik #Pavillon #Expo #Fahrzeuge #Telekommuniktaion #Television #Geschichte #History #Speyer #Berlin #National #Technical #Museum #Prague
Národní Muzeum v novém 2019 / National Museum Prague - Czech Republic
Národní muzeum (NM) je nejvýznamnější česká muzejní instituce. Bylo založeno v roce 1818 a je zaměřeno na více vědních a sbírkových oborů, jak přírodovědných (mineralogie, zoologie), tak historických (archeologie, numismatika atd.) a uměleckých. Své sbírky spravuje a vystavuje v řadě budov v Praze i jinde v Česku. Národní muzeum sídlí v monumentální novorenesanční historické hlavní budově v horní části Václavského náměstí v Praze. Pod Národní muzeum spadá také řada dalších expozic v muzeích a památnících především v Praze, ale i v dalších místech Česka.
Muzeum bylo založeno roku 1818 pod názvem Vlastenské muzeum v Čechách, či Vaterländisches Museum in Böhmen provoláním An die Vaterländichen Freunde der Wissenschaften.[1][2] U zrodu stáli zástupci tehdejší české akademické veřejnosti a především šlechty, přičemž faktickým zakladatelem byl hrabě Kašpar Maria ze Šternberka, paleontolog světového významu, jenž muzeu věnoval své rozsáhlé sbírky, které se staly základem sbírek Národního muzea. Byl to také Šternberský palác na pražských Hradčanech, kde byly v letech 1821 až 1847 první sbírky muzea uloženy[3]. Mezi další osobnosti raného období muzea pak patřili například také František Palacký, či hrabě Jan Dětmar z Nostic, J. T. Lindacker, František Xaver Maxmilián Zippe (zakladatel české mineralogie), botanici Tadeáš Haenke a Karel Bořivoj Presl, bratr Jana Svatopluka Presla. Jan Evangelista Purkyně, či francouzský paleontolog Joachim Barrande, jenž Národní muzeum proslavil celosvětově, nebo matematik Bernard Bolzano.
Mezi zakladateli a pokračovateli muzea byli také členové významného českého šlechtického rodu Kolowratů. Hrabě František Antonín II. se zasloužil o vznik Vlastenského muzea, odkázal mu knihovnu čítající 35 000 svazků knih a sbírku minerálů. Dále hrabě Jan Nepomuk Karel stál u zrodu a odkázal část svých sbírek a březnickou knihovnu s mnoha vzácnými prvotisky a iluminovanými rukopisy. Následně muzeum podporoval hrabě Josef Maria. Mezi další osobnosti patřili také cestovatelé Emil Holub, Vojta Náprstek, slavista Pavel Josef Šafařík, historik Karel Jaromír Erben ad.
Od roku 1848 nesla instituce název České muzeum, v období let 1854–1919 pak Museum Království českého, v letech 1919-1922 Zemské museum a od roku 1922 do 1939 Národní museum. V letech 1940-1945 se nazývalo Landesmuseum in Prag.
camera: BlackBerry Priv