The Natural History Museum in Bolungarvík
A short tour though the Natural History Museum in Bolungarvík.
Iceland from Above - Part 1 | 1 Hour Drone Film | Aerial 4K Video w/ Relaxing Music | OmniHour
Iceland from Above; Please sit back, relax, and enjoy this 1 Hour Drone Film / Nature Relaxation 4K video with peaceful relaxing music flying over the beautiful Iceland ( this is Part 1 of 2 ) in Real-time with no loops. Iceland, a Nordic island nation, is defined by its dramatic landscape with volcanoes, geysers, hot springs and lava fields. Massive glaciers are protected in Vatnajökull and Snæfellsjökull national parks. Most of the population lives in the capital, Reykjavik, which runs on geothermal power and is home to the National and Saga museums, tracing Iceland’s Viking history.
We upload a new Relaxing Nature Sounds and / or Relaxing Music Videos in UHD 4K (and more) every week. We provide our peaceful nature relaxation videos mainly to help you to reduce anxiety, help you with your stress relief, relaxation, sleep, study, meditation or just simple enjoyment after a busy day.
In this video, Bird's Eye Drone View of the following locations in Iceland:
Faxi ( along The Golden Circle Route ), Gerðuberg in Snæfellsnes, Gatklettur, Arnarstapi, Arnarstapi Basalt Cliffs, Kálfá River and Waterfall, Snæfellsjökull, Bolungarvík, Gufudalur, Ísafjörður, Westfjords, Haukadalur, Sandafell, Esjan Sunset
Disclaimer: the Drone flights were undertaken according to local policies and regulations, with consultation and some cases special permissions.
Drone Footage by: Drone Tech Media
Filmed for your relaxation, mediation, reading, sleep or Stress relief, turn your TV or Screen into a High Quality relaxation portal.
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Bolungarvik 1 - 29 des 2012
outside my window in Bolungarvik, Iceland on December 29th. in Blizzard.
FPV flying octocopter in Bolungarvik, Iceland - # 3
Flight #3 using FPV only. Still having some problems with vibration but the flight characteristics are getting pretty good.
Panorama of Bolungarvík, West Fjörds, Iceland, 8/8/07
I wanted to stop in the town itself but we didn't have time. Bolafjall above it is one Hell of a landmark.
Nýtískuleg beitningaraðstaða í Bolungarvík
Fórum í heimsókn til Bolungarvíkur og ræddum við bræðurna Hrólf, Guðmund og Jón Þorgeir hjá Blakknesi ehf. Þeir hafa stórbætt beitningaraðstöðu fyrirtækisins og þar með vinnuaðstöðu starfsfólksins.
Markaðsdagurinn í Bolungarvík
Það var fjör á markaðsdeginum í Bolungarvík.
L'Austral Iceland Cruise Day 6: Osvor 19th Century Fishing Huts
Osvor is close to the small town of Bolungarvik, the northernmost village in the Westfjords and a fishing village. Close by is the Osvor Museum, a replica of an old fishing outpost.
The museum curator greets visitors wearing a skin suit similar to the one Icelandic sailors wore in the 19th Century and describes a little about the clothing. Osvor is the largest and the oldest fishing base in Ísafjardardjupt. Visitors can walk through an old salt hut and drying hut partially built in the turf for protection.
A short stop but interesting stop. Particularly, gloves with two thumbs!
Hljómsv. Maó 17 júní 1988 (Bolungarvík)
Brekkusöngur í Bolungarvík
Það var líf og fjör í gryfjunni við Hreggnasa í Bolungarvík á föstudagskvöld þegar þar fór fram brekkusöngur í tilefni af Markaðshelginni í Bolungarvík. Að venju hélt Benni Sig uppi fjörinu.
Einarshúsið Guesthouse in Bolungarvík
Einarshúsið stands near the pier Lækjarbryggja in Bolungarvík and was built in 1904. In the basement is a pub and there is often live musik at weekends. In the basement there are many intresting things and for example the steering wheel of the french sailing ship Pourquoi Pas? which strandet on the shore of Iceland in the beginning of last century. On the first floor of the house is a resturant wich specialices in seafood dishes. The story of the house is often told to guests in the resturant.
Two of the greatest pioneers of the town lived in this house most part of the last century and ruled their buisnesses from there. Pétur Oddsson lost most of his family from tuberculosis and followed 14 of his family members from the house, from the year 1907 until 1930. Einar Guðfinnsson moved into the house several years later and had að very good life with his family in the house. So the story of the house is devited in two seperate chapters.
The house was falling a part when new owners took it over in the year 2004 and the house has been rebuilt in its previous form and the story of the former inhabitants is told to everyone who wants to hear.
Flugeldasýning á þrettándanum í Bolungarvík
Flugeldasýning Björgunarsveitarinnar Ernis er ætíð rúsínan í pylsuendanum á álfadansinum/þrettándagleðinni í Bolungarvík. Fimm mínútur af góðum sprengingum og litadýrð fyrir ofan Hreggnasavöll 6. janúar 2013.
Fossils - from Iceland - Steingervingur - af laufblaði - Jarðlög - Íslenskt grjót
Eigandi, Einar Þorsteinn Einarsson - sem fann hann a göngu sinni a Snæfellsnesi.
Neðarlega í fjöllum á ystu nesjum Vestfjarða hafa fundist trjábolaför sem eru elstu menjar um gróður á Íslandi eins og landið lítur út í dag. Þannig för hafa til dæmis fundist í Lónafirði í Jökulfjörðum. Ekki hefur tekist að greina förin til tegunda og trúlega reynist það erfitt, en mjög líklega eru þau eftir einhverjar furu- eða rauðviðartegundir. Aldur þessara trjábolafara er talinn vera 15-16 milljónir ára. Elstu íslensku gróðurfélögin eru hins vegar talin rétt um 15 milljóna ára gömul og hafa fundist í setlögum í Þórishlíðarfjalli í Selárdal í Arnarfirði og fyrir ofan Botn í Súgandafirði. Mest ber á lauftrjám í Selárdal, einkum arnarbeyki (Fagus friedrichii), en leifar barrtrjáa eru meira áberandi í Botni. Gróðurfélögin voru þá þegar af mismunandi gerðum og réðu umhverfisaðstæður mestu um hvaða félög voru ríkjandi á hverjum stað, en í þeim ber allmikið á plöntum náskyldum núlifandi plöntum sem einkenna heittempruð miðjarðarsvæði. Má þar nefna evrópuvatnafuru (Glyptostrobus europaeus), magnólíu (Magnolia) og hjartatré (Cercidiphyllum). Þá hafa fundist í þessum setlögum leifar fornrauðviðar (Sequoia abietina), plöntur af grátviðarætt (Cupressaceae) og greninálar (Picea). Einnig hefur fundist arnarlind (Tilia selardalense), askur (Fraxinus), álmur (Ulmus), birki (Betula), hvítplatanviður (Platanus leucophylla), kastanía (Aesculus), lyngrós (Rhododendron) og toppur (Lonicera). Rannsóknir sýna að þegar plöntur numu land á frum-Íslandi var það enn tengt við meginland Evrópu og Norður-Ameríku, en landsvæðið var og er hluti af Grænlands-Skotlands-þverhryggnum. Stór hluti hans var ofan sjávarmáls frá upphafi tertíertímabils fyrir um það bil 65 milljónum ára. :
Steingervingar eru leifar dýra, jurta eða annarra lífvera frá fortíð. Þeir verða til inni setbjörgum. Steingervingafræði er rannsókn steingervinga og myndun þeirra. Lægsti aldur steingervings er 10.000 ár, þess vegna eru yngstir steingervingarnir frá nútíma og elstir frá upphafsöld (fyrir milljörðum ára síðan). Steingervinga er hægt að finna í mörgum formum, meðal annars sem plöntur og dýr.Elstu steingervingar sem hafa fundist eru frá míósen, um 15 milljón ára. Fundist hafa plöntuleifar og eru fundarstaðir m.a. yst á Vestfjarðakjálkanum, í Þórishlíðarfjalli í Selárdal, Svalvogum við Dýrafjörð, Botni í Súgandafirði og Breiðhillu utan við Bolungarvík. Í Mókollsdal í Strandasýslu hafa auk plöntuleifa fundist skordýraleifar sem talin eru 8--9 milljón ára gömul. Í jarðlögum á Tjörnesi má sjá mót tertíer og kvarter í jarðlagastafla og þar er mikið um steingervinga sjávardýra, aðallega skeljar og kuðunga en einnig selabein. Þessi jarðlög settust til á sjávarbotni, hörðnuðu síðan og risu úr sæ. Fossvogslögin eru jarðlög frá síðjökultíma sem hafa harðnað vegna þess að þau eru rík af gjósku. :
Like extant organisms, fossils vary in size from microscopic, even single bacterial cells one micrometer in diameter, to gigantic, such as dinosaurs and trees many meters long and weighing many tons. A fossil normally preserves only a portion of the deceased organism, usually that portion that was partially mineralized during life, such as the bones and teeth of vertebrates, or the chitinous or calcareous exoskeletons of invertebrates. Fossils may also consist of the marks left behind by the organism while it was alive, such as the footprint or feces (coprolites) of a reptile. These types of fossil are called trace fossils (or ichnofossils), as opposed to body fossils. Finally, past life leaves some markers that cannot be seen but can be detected in the form of biochemical signals; these are known as chemofossils or biomarkers. Permineralization is a process of fossilization that occurs when an organism is buried. The empty spaces within an organism (spaces filled with liquid or gas during life) become filled with mineral-rich groundwater. Minerals precipitate from the groundwater, occupying the empty spaces. This process can occur in very small spaces, such as within the cell wall of a plant cell. Small scale permineralization can produce very detailed fossils. For permineralization to occur, the organism must become covered by sediment soon after death or soon after the initial decay process. The degree to which the remains are decayed when covered determines the later details of the fossil. Some fossils consist only of skeletal remains or teeth; other fossils contain traces of skin, feathers or even soft tissues. This is a form of diagenesis. :
FPV Octocopter test - flug #6 - Bolungarvik - Iceland
Fyrsta flugið þar sem ég nota Videógleraugu eingöngu við flugið frá flugtaki til lendingar. Það var mjög skrýtið og erfitt að treysta gleraugunum en gekk vonum framar. Ekkert brotið eða skemmt þrátt fyrir tvær frekar harkalegar lendingar en þriðja lendingin gekk mjög vel.
Jólakveðjur frá Bolungarvík
Drónaupptökur 24-26. Desember 2016
Copyright: Haukur Vagnsson
Bjarnabúð í Bolungarvík
Ein af síðustu gömlu búðum Íslands. Þarna fjárfestu engir útrásavíkingar í rekstri engar afskriftir farið fram. nema þá á óseljalegri vöru eða útrunnri. Þarna er opið 360 daga á ári þjónustan á gamla mátann og engin hætta að maður fari tómhentur þarna út.
Þrettándagleði í Bolungarvík
Jólin voru kvödd með áfladansi í Bolungarvík 6. janúar 2013. Veður var gott og fjölmenntu bæði fólk úr mannheimum og verur úr hulduheimum á þrettándagleðina.
The amazing graves of Hofskirkja Church, Iceland.
I came to see the small but perfectly formed Hofskirkja Church. I wasn't expecting to see the unique (?) raised graves in the graveyard beside the church.
The Hofskirkja Church is one of only six turf/earth roofed churches that remain in Iceland. It is very close to the ring road and so a popular stopping point for ring road tourists.
The graves appear to have been constructed with a large mound above the normal ground level because the topsoil layer is extremely thin due to the volcanic rock below.