Die Rückkehr der Bären im Naturmuseum Solothurn
Die Rückkehr der Bären im Naturmuseum Solothurn
The Unknown Canton: 7 Facts about Solothurn
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1. The canton of Solothurn is a canton of Switzerland. It is located in the northwest of Switzerland.
2. Foundation of the village of Salodurum in the time of the Roman emperor Tiberius. The territory of the canton comprises land acquired by the former town, mainly in the Middle Ages. For that reason the shape of the canton is irregular and includes two exclaves along the French border, separated from the rest of the canton by Basel-Land, which form separate districts of the canton. In 1481, the canton became a member of the military alliance of the former Swiss confederation.
3. From the 16th to the 18th centuries, the Catholic town of Solothurn was the residence of the French king’s ambassador. Fine Baroque and Renaissance buildings, such as the noble Palais Besenval, and magnificent religious buildings meet the visitor at every end and turn – the Old Town has eleven churches and chapels and the same number of fountains and towers. Truly magnificent is the St.Urs Cathedral, with an Italian-style staircase in front. Inside are wonderful Baroque stuccos. The town walls, which are still intact in some places, were built according to the principles of the French military engineer Vauban.
4. If you love museums, there’s some good news. Solothurn is full of them. The canton of Solothurn is home to around 50 museums.
5. A little outside the town is the romantic Verena gorge with its chapel and hermitage, a popular destination for walkers.
6. Utterly unique are the 150 million year old fossilized turtles from the quarries of the city, the beautiful starfish from Weissenstein and of course the famous Lommiswil dinosaur tracks.
7. Most lists have a round number of points – 5, 10, 15, 20 … But as you might have learned from previous points, Solothurn´s holy number is 11. In the Middle Ages, there were 11 guilds, 11 bastions on the fortifications, now you can find here 11 fountains, 11 museums, 11 churches and chapels, and even the local brewery is called “Öufi” (in the local dialect 11).
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Pushed to Insanity
The Canton of Solothurn : No red tape
Here in the Canton of Solothurn, we are easygoing and pragmatic. Our cantonal administration is straightforward, the government practical: the political decision makers are accessible, they understand business concerns and act accordingly. Solothurn is a Canton with no red tape. This saves money and valuable time. Entrepreneurs are surprised how fast we can find an optimal solution for any problem. Please consult our homepage locationsolothurn.ch or contact us directly: wifoe@awa.so.ch.
Solothurn - die schönste Barockstadt der Schweiz
Solothurn ist zwar klein, aber fein. Die Stadt wird Sie so sehr begeistern, dass Sie sich fragen werden, weshalb Sie sie nicht schon früher entdeckt haben. Begleiten Sie die Schauspielerin Kristina auf einen Spaziergang durch diese bezaubernde Stadt voller Mythen. Bei einem Besuch der St. Ursenkathedrale oder einem der zahlreichen Brunnen in der Innenstadt erkennen Sie, warum die Stadt eine besondere Beziehung zur Zahl 11 hat. Wenn Sie sich danach an der Aare entspannen, werden Sie zufrieden feststellen, dass Sie die Geheimnisse der «Ambassadorenstadt» gelüftet haben.
Wir lieben es, Ihre schönen Momente & Anekdoten zu entdecken. Teilen Sie uns Ihre Fotos mit #VisitSolothurn #Jura3SeenLand #VERLIEBTindieSCHWEIZ.
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The Canton of Solothurn: Where industry means business
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