Places to see in ( Albi - France ) Palais de la Berbie
Places to see in ( Albi - France ) Palais de la Berbie
The Berbie Palace is an old episcopal palace located in Albi , in the south-west of France. Built in the second half of the xiii th century, under the episcopate of three successive bishops, the project required fifty years. Wanted as a prestigious residence by Durand de Beaucaire , it became a fortress under Bernard II of Combret and Bernard III of Castanet , facing the hostility of the population of Albigensia, both economically and religiously, with the Cathar heresy . Thereafter, it was remodeled several times by the bishops of the city between the xvi th century and xviiii th century, gaining comfort without losing quite the austere fortress.
It was classified as a historic monument in 1862 for construction and in 1965 for isolated interior elements: ceilings, fireplace, wood paneling. Since 2010, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site by its membership of the architectural ensemble Medieval of the episcopal city of Albi . He is close to the Sainte-Cécile cathedral for which he has experienced certain architectural techniques. He shares with her and many of the old city buildings the red brick fairgrounds .
During the law of separation of the Churches and the State , the palace is seized. Since 1924, it houses the museum Toulouse-Lautrec , dedicated to the painter Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec native of Albi. It hosts the largest collection of works by the artist.
Remarkable terracotta floors dating from the origins of the building were found in the 2000s; the research is not finished and other architectural treasures are probably still dormant. At the heart of the episcopal city, free access to its gardens makes it a place for a walk with a breathtaking view on the right bank of the Tarn and its hanging gardens or on the old medieval bridge , other sites belonging to the area classified by UNESCO.
( Albi - France ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Albi . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Albi - France
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Places to see in ( Albi - France ) Les Jardins de la Berbie
Places to see in ( Albi - France ) Les Jardins de la Berbie
Shaded walkway, located in the heart of the Episcopal City of Albi, the gardens of the Palais de la Berbie offer a panoramic view of the banks of the Tarn, Pont-vieux, the old mills and the Sainte-Cécile cathedral. We need the palace gardens of the Berbie the will of the first archbishop of Albi, Hyacinthe Serroni, who laid out end of the XVII th century a place of pleasure in the former backyard Berbie.
The Palace having lost its defensive function, he turned the walkway into a walk. The boxwood, finely carved, make up the French garden and draw embroidery embellished with colorful plantations. The maintenance of this site is done exclusively manually by an assigned gardener. It deals with watering, weeding, hoeing and box size. Any chemical treatment is prohibited in favor of an integrated biological protection.
Walkers can stroll in the shade of the wild vine arches to contemplate masterpieces of vegetable embroidery, or greet the Four Seasons, graciously carved in marble. By their incredible finesse, these gardens come to sublimate the imposing Palais de la Berbie, which stands proudly as the worthy guardian of the work of Toulouse Lautrec. Pride of the city, the Berbie Palace and its gardens stand out as true pillars of Albigensian heritage, a protected heritage and listed since July 2010 as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
( Albi - France ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Albi . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Albi - France
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Le Palais de la Berbie, Albi Francia
Albi - La Cité Épiscopale et le Palais de la Berbie
LA CLEF DE VOÛTE. Au XIIIe siècle, la ville d'Albi devint une puissante cité épiscopale au lendemain de l'éradication de l'hérésie des Albigeois ou Cathares. D'un style gothique méridional original à base de briques aux tons rouge et orangé fabriquées localement, la cathédrale fortifiée qui domine la ville (XIIIe siècle) illustre la puissance retrouvée du clergé romain. Elle est complétée par le vaste palais épiscopal de la Berbie qui surplombe la rivière et est cernée par des quartiers d'habitations datant du Moyen-Âge.
La cité historique d'Albi présente un ensemble architectural et urbain médiéval éminent. Il est homogène et il s'exprime par un paysage urbain de qualité, qui possède une grande cohérence visuelle due à l'usage généralisé et durable de la brique foraine. Le site urbain d'Albi s'est constitué progressivement au cours des âges, notamment à partir du Moyen-Âge. Le Pont-Vieux (XIe siècle) attestent un développement économique et urbain médiéval ancien. Les événements de la croisade des Albigeois ont transformé la ville en cité épiscopale emblématique, structurée autour de sa cathédrale et de son palais-forteresse épiscopal. L'ensemble est l'un des rares à être aussi complet et aussi bien conservé. Il exprime de manière très complète un type d'établissement urbain caractéristique de l'Europe médiévale et de la Renaissance.
Le palais de la Berbie, ancien palais épiscopal, a été édifié à partir du XIIe siècle avant l'édification du palais des Papes d'Avignon. C'est l'un des plus vieux châteaux de France et l'un des mieux conservés. Le palais offre de remarquables points de vue sur le Tarn ou en contreplongée sur la cathédrale, sa voisine. Cette imposante forteresse est incontestablement l'expression de la puissance temporelle et spirituelle des évêques d'Albi qui l'ont édifiée. La hauteur des murs et leur épaisseur attestent de son rôle défensif et disuasif. Au fil des siècles diverses transformations l'ont transformé en un véritable palais d'agrément.
Initialement la bâtisse s'organise notamment autour d'une salle féodale accolée à la tour Saint-Michel destinée au tribunal et aux prisons ecclésiastiques. L'aspect défensif est renforcé par des fortifications et l'édification d'une nouvelle tour, la Tour Mage, énorme donjon de 50 m de haut, flanqué de 4 tours d'angle.
Au XVIe siècle, les fortifications vont tomber, un portail s'ouvre sur la ville vers le quai Choiseul qui descend vers le Pont-Vieux. Des galeries, des grands salons, une bibliothèque, des terrasses vont agrémenter l'ensemble. Un jardin à la française dominé par un chemin de ronde remplace la place d'armes.
En application de la loi de 1905 relative à la séparation de l'Église et de l'État, le palais cesse d'être une résidence épiscopale et devient propriété de la ville qui va y installer le musée Toulouse-Lautrec, musée aujourd'hui de renommée internationale, avec une collection exceptionnelle du peintre natif d'Albi.
Albi les jardins du Palais de la Berbie
Les jardins du Palais de la Berbie, ancienne résidence épiscopale, sont un lieu très apprécié des Albigeois et des visiteurs. La promenade sur les anciens remparts surplombe ces jardins classés remarquables et offre un panorama incontournable sur les berges du Tarn, lieu de flânerie et point de départ des mini croisières en gabarre , (de juin à septembre) et de l'itinéraire de randonnée urbaine l'Echappée Verte. Le palais de la Berbie est le cadre exceptionnel d'un musée d'envergure internationale : le musée Toulouse-Lautrec. Production Serge Vincent
Albi Part 3 : Le Palais de la Berbie et son jardin à la française HD
3ème partie de mon montage vidéo sur la ville d'Albi, Tarn (Midi Pyrénées).
Après avoir eu une vision globale de la ville, puis de la Cité Episcopale, cette vidéo s'attarde sur le Palais de la Berbie, hôte de l'exposition permanente du peintre Toulouse-Lautrec, et de son magnifique jardin à la française, conçu par Le Nôtre, jardinier en chef sous Louis XIV.
TOURISME : Albi (France) Parte 2/3 - Palais de La Berbie
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Parte 2/3 do video que fiz em Albi (França).
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O Palais de La Berbie começou a ser constrído no século XIII, e com o passar dos anos, ou melhor, dos séculos, foi sendo incrementado.
Uma das coisas que me chamou a atenção foi um lindo jardim em seu interior, muito bem cuidado.
Atualmente abriga um museu com as obras de Toulouse-Lautrec. Quando o visitei, estam expostas também algumas obras dos amigos de Toulouse-Lautrec.
Texto e video : Wilson Luiz Negrini de Carvalho
Para você que quer viajar para a França, recomendo um guia turístico que poderá lhe ajudar. Veja-o neste link
The Gothic Cathédral Ste-Cécile of Albi, built in the 13th century in the heart of Cathar country, is the largest brick building in the world. Perched high on a hill above the River Tarn, it looks more like a fortress than a cathedral - and that's no accident.Construction on Albi Cathedral began in 1282 under the direction of Bernard de Castanet (1277-1307), who was Bishop of Albi and Chief Inquisitor. Construction was mostly done by 1383, but the cathedral was not fully complete until 1492Based on its sober, fortress-like exterior, one would expect the interior of Ste-Cecile to to be austere, plain, and practical. But the cathedral is literally covered in religious art on the inside. The walls, vault and side chapels are richly painted, the choir is enclosed inside an ornate screen, and sculptures stand on many of the pillars. The structure itself, however, is simple - a unified space with no side aisles.
The most interesting of all this decoration is the huge (16.4m x 15.6m) mural of The Last Judgment that covers both sides of the rounded west wall of the nave. Painted between 1474 and 1484 by unknown Franco-Flemish artists, it is considered one of the most important works of art of the Late Middle Ages. The painters of the Last Judgment were contemporaries of Hieronymus Bosch and some of the horrifying scenes of Hell are reminiscent of his work.
The scene is divided both vertically and horizontally: the Blessed are on the left and the Damned are on the right; Heaven is shown along the top, with the Resurrection of the Dead below, and Hell at the bottom. Interestingly, it lacks a Christ in Majesty, an element common to virtually all other medieval depictions of the theme. The vision of the underworld stars a variety of monstrous demons and suffering humans, organized around the theme of the Seven Deadly Sins. Labeled in Old French, they depict (from left to right): Pride, Envy, Wrath, Greed, Gluttony and Lust. Sloth is missing - maybe the painter didn't get around to it!
The decorative murals on the nave walls date from c.1509-20 and have been restored several times. The vault frescoes are the largest (97 meters long by 28 meters wide) work of Italian Renaissance painting to be found anywhere in France. Commissioned by Louis II d'Amboise and dating from 1509 to 1512, the work was carried out by a team of Italian painters from Modena and Bologna. Set against a background of deep blue sky, the frescoes depict various designs, pastoral scenes, and major characters and events from the Old and New Testaments. Two sections are dedicated to St. Cecilia, patroness of the cathedral.
Le Palais de la Berbie - Région Midi-Pyrénées - Le Monument Préféré des Français
Le Palais de la Berbie - Région Midi-Pyrénées - Le Monument Préféré des Français
Parmi les demeures construites pour les évêques du Midi de la France au cours du Moyen Âge, il y en a bien peu qui ont l'ampleur du Palais épiscopal de la Berbie.
Situé en plein cœur du centre historique d’Albi, l’impressionnant Palais surplombe le Tarn. Difficile de trouver plus belle vue sur les berges du fleuve. Accolé à l’imposante cathédrale Sainte-Cécile, il témoigne de la puissance des évêques d’Albi, qui le bâtirent au XIIIe siècle, avant même l'édification du Palais des Papes d’Avignon. Cette forteresse massive, avec ses murs de 7 mètres d’épaisseur et son donjon de 50 m de haut, se transformera en véritable palais d’apparat. A ne pas manquer également, les magnifiques jardins à la française qui se dessinent au cours d’une balade, ainsi que le Musée Toulouse-Lautrec. Ce musée, d’une renommée internationale, est dépositaire de l'œuvre du peintre. Avec plus de mille œuvres de l’artiste, il possède la plus grande collection dédiée à Toulouse-Lautrec au monde.
Albi France
De stad bestond al in de Romeinse tijd en had toen de naam Albiga. Sinds de 3e eeuw is de stad een bisschopszetel. De stad krijgt dan ook een belangrijk scriptorium, een werkplaats waar de belangrijkste liturgische boeken worden gekopieerd. De Albigenzen, een door de kerk vervolgde ketterse groepering uit de 13e eeuw, werden genoemd naar Albi, hoewel de stad niet het belangrijkste centrum van katharisme was. In de renaissance brengt de wede-industrie een periode van economische voorspoed. In de 16e eeuw breken er vanwege godsdienstoorlogen weer mindere tijden aan. Vanaf de 17e eeuw komen er nieuwe industrieën op; fabrieken voor glas en baksteen worden opgericht. In de 18e eeuw komen daar nog garen-, touw- en kaarsenindustrie bij
Kathedraal van Albi
Beschilderd gewelf in de kathedraal (1509-1512)
Kathedraal Sainte-Cecile. Deze werd in gotische stijl gebouwd tussen 1282 en 1480. Ze is het grootste bakstenen gebouw ter wereld. Aan het weerbare uiterlijk van de kathedraal is te zien, dat ze diende als een vesting tegen de ketterij van de Katharen. Een contrast met dit weerbare uiterlijk vormt het rijk versierde ingangsbaldakijn uit de eerste helft van de 16e eeuw. In het interieur bevindt zich een flamboyant gotisch doksaal, dat de scheiding vormt tussen koor en schip. Het plafond is gedecoreerd met door Italiaanse kunstenaars gemaakte fresco's uit de renaissance. Op de westelijke muur bevindt zich een groot fresco (18 x 15 meter) van het Laatste Oordeel uit de 15e eeuw, waarschijnlijk geschilderd door Vlaamse meesters.
Pont Vieux. This is the old bridge from the 12th century. He is 151 meters long and has 8 arches. Toulouse Lautrec museum, located in the Palais de la Berbie. This Palace was originally the Episcopal fortress from the 13th century. At the castle gardens on the river Tarn are hear. The museum of the painter Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec was here in 1922. It contains a large collection of paintings, drawings, posters and lithographs of the artist.Collegiale kerk Saint-Salvy met een romaanse kloostergang uit de 13e eeuw.
Oude stadscentrum met herenhuizen uit de renaissance en het huis van de kunstschilder Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec.
History the city already existed in the Roman period and then had the name Albiga. Since the 3rd century the city is a Bishop's seat. The city gets an important Scriptorium, a workshop where the most important liturgical books are copied. The Albigenses, a heretical group persecuted by the Church from the 13th century, were called to Albi, although the city is not the most important centre of Catharism. In the renaissance the Woad industry brings a period of economic prosperity. In the 16th century due to religious wars again times to break. From the 17th century, new industries; factories for glass and brick. In the 18th century are yarn, rope-and-candle-making industry at
Painted vault in the Cathedral of Albi Cathedral (1509-1512) Cathedral Sainte-Cecile. It was built in Gothic style between 1282 and 1480. She is the largest brick building in the world. To the able-bodied to see, appearance of the Cathedral is that she served as a fortress against the heresy of the Cathars. A contrast to this able-bodied appearance is the richly decorated entrance canopy from the first half of the 16th century. In the Interior there is a flamboyant Gothic Rood loft, that the separation between choir and ship. The ceiling is decorated with by Italian artists
Albi, la ville rouge
Au bord du Tarn, la ville d'Albi possède un centre historique ancien remarquable, notamment la cité épiscopale constituée de la cathédrale Sainte Cécile, du palais de la Berbie et de la collégiale Saint-Salvi. Autour les quartiers de Castelnau et Casteviel sont très pittoresques. Mais pourquoi tous cet ensemble a été construit essentiellement en brique cuite ?
Prises de vues : panasonic FZ1000 HD
Montage : Pinnacle VU18
Commentaires : Gérard Seigneur
French city of Albi added to World Heritage List
The medieval city of Albi has been named a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Located on the banks of the Tarn river in south-west France, the old city of Albi reflects the culmination of a medieval architectural and urban ensemble. Today the Old Bridge (Pont-Vieux), the Saint-Salvi quarter and its church are testimony to its initial development (10th -11th centuries). Following the Albigensian Crusade against the Cathar heretics (13th century) it became a powerful episcopal city. Built in a unique southern French Gothic style from local brick in characteristic red and orange colours, the lofty fortified Cathedral (late 13th century) dominates the city, demonstrating the power regained by the Roman Catholic clergy. Alongside the Cathedral is the vast bishop's Palais de la Berbie, overlooking the river and surrounded by residential quarters that date back to the Middle Ages. The Episcopal City of Albi forms a coherent and homogeneous ensemble of monuments and quarters that has remained largely unchanged over the centuries.
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Альби- Albi Palais de la Berbie и его сад — jardin remarquable
Places to see in ( Albi - France )
Places to see in ( Albi - France )
Albi is a town on the Tarn River in southern France, northeast of Toulouse. Dominating the skyline is the 13th-century, red-brick Sainte-Cécile Cathedral, a Gothic landmark with large interior frescoes such as the dramatic “Last Judgment.” The centuries-old Palais de la Berbie houses the Musée Toulouse-Lautrec, honoring the Albi-born painter. The Fashion Museum, in a former convent, shows 18th–20th-century costumes.
While it is not exactly undiscovered, Albi is one of those French provincial cities that has only recently come into its own as a tourist destination. The change in the city's fate came in 2009, when its episcopal area - comprising the cathedral and the Palais de la Berbie, the bishop's palace - was classed as a UNESCO world heritage site.
A small city standing on the banks of the river Tarn, Albi has a history rooted in the religious conflicts of the Middle Ages. The Albigensian Crusade (1209-1229) was the only medieval crusade conducted not against Islam, but against Christians, specifically against the Cathars, who practiced a form of proto-Protestantism, refusing the authority of the Catholic church.
Albi, capital of the Tarn department, is arguably the most interesting small city in the Midi-Pyrenees region. St. Cecilia's cathedral has always been a remarkable and unique monument, being both fortified and built of brick. On the outside, it looks like some gargantuan array of medieval grain silos; inside, it is all delicate gothic tracery in stone and wood, one of the finest late gothic buildings in France. Of particular interest are the massive murals of the Last judgement, that decorate the whole of the cathedral's western wall.
It is the only large gothic cathedral built out of brick rather than stone - brick being the trditional building material in the area of Albi as in nearby Toulouse and much of the Tarn and Garonne plains.
Next to the cathedral stands the similarly massive and fortified Bishop's palace, Toulouse Lautrec museum. Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, 1864-1901, was the great post-impressionist iconographer of Parisian life in the late nineteenth century; he was a native of Albi, and the museum hosts the largest collection of his work, along with a representative collection of late 19th century French art.
Beside the west end of the cathedral, a pedestrian piazza takes you to a vantage point overlooking the river Tarn below, and the old bishop's gardens. Upstream from the cathedral can be seen the Old Bridge, a thousand years old, and still in service today. The bridge can be reached on foot by taking a short walk down the street in front of the entrance to the Toulouse Lautrec museum. The old city of Albi, with its narrow pedestrian streets and historic buildings, is clustered round the cathedral. Of particular interest is the XIIth - XIIIth collegial church of Saint Salvi, with its cloisters.
( Albi - France ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Albi . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Albi - France
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Albi France (Fr12-02) musée Toulouse Lautrec
Visite du musée à Toulouse Lautrec dans le palais Berbie à Albi.
Découverte de pavements médiévaux au Palais de la Berbie
Dans l'enceinte du Palais de la Berbie de la ville d'Albi, classée au patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco, près de 130 mètres carrés de pavements médiévaux ont été mis à jour en juin 2009, révélant la plus importante surface découverte en France.
Henri Pradalier, maître de conférence en histoire de l'art médieval, et Daniel Schaad, archéologue, exposent la nature de la découverte ainsi que son caractère unique.
Plus d'informations :
Albi et sa Cathédrale
Albi, et son impressionnante Cathédrale fortifiée en briques rouges, le palais de la Berbie, son Cloître, etc...
Les jardins du Palais de la Berbie à Albi
Au cœur de la cité épiscopale d'Albi, les jardins du Palais de la Berbie.
Places to see in ( Albi - France ) Musee Toulouse Lautrec
Places to see in ( Albi - France ) Musee Toulouse Lautrec
The Musée Toulouse-Lautrec is an art museum in Albi, southern France, dedicated mainly to the work of the painter Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec who was born near Albi. The museum opened in 1922 and is located in the historic center of Albi, in the Palais de la Berbie, formerly the Bishops' Palace, an imposing fortress completed at the end of the 13th century.
The museum houses over a thousand works by Toulouse-Lautrec, the largest collection in the world. It is based on a donation by Toulouse-Lautrec's mother after his death in 1901. Lodged inside the Palais de la Berbie (built in the early Middle Ages for the town's archbishop), this wonderful museum offers an overview of Albi's most celebrated son. The museum owns more than 1000 original works by Toulouse-Lautrec – the largest collection in France outside the Musée d'Orsay – spanning the artist's development, from his early neo-impressionist paintings to his famous Parisian brothel scenes and poster art.
Of particular interest are the early portraits of some of Toulouse-Lautrec's friends and family – including his mother, the Comtesse Adèle de Toulouse-Lautrec, his cousin Gabriel Tapié de Celeyran, and his close friend, Maurice Joyant. They clearly demonstrate the artist's wry eye and playful sense of humour. There are also some delicate animal studies (especially of horses).
Inevitably, however, it's the later works that draw the eye. Toulouse-Lautrec's lifelong fascination with the Parisian underworld, particularly the lives of dancers and prostitutes, is brilliantly represented. Look out for key works including L'Anglaise du Star au Havre (Englishwoman of the Star Harbour) and Les Deux Amies (The Two Friends), which depicts two prostitutes embracing while they wait for their clients. Pride of place goes to two versions of one of his most famous canvases, Au Salon de la rue des Moulins, hung side-by-side to illustrate changes in the artist's technique.
Toulouse-Lautrec's skills as a cartoonist and caricaturist also made him a pioneer of poster art, and the museum has a fantastic collection of his most famous designs in its permanent collection.
On the top floor is a small collection of works by some of his contemporaries, including Pierre Bonnard, Maurice de Vlaminck and Henri Matisse.
( Albi - France ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Albi . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Albi - France
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Cathedrale Ste Cecile - Albi, France
part 2