Pardubice, Czech Republic
Took a day trip to Pardubice. It's about 2 hours from Prague by train. The train is comfortable and convenient. As always, remember to get on the correct train or pay twice the fee.
Pardubice is amazing city with a lot of options what to do, where to go to eat or where to have a drink. If you wish to have a very local experience, Pardubice is your choice.
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Honza Mikulka & Janek Rubeš
Pardubice castle Czech Republic ???????? 20 August 2019
#czechrepublic #pardubice #Pardubice #Czech #dynamo
Litomyšl, Pardubice Region, Czech Republic [HD] (videoturysta)
[PL] Litomyšl to ponad 1000-letnie bardzo interesujące miasto w Czechach, znajdujące się w kraju pardubickim (Pardubický kraj). Jego renesansowy zamek jest jednym z dwunastu czeskich miejsc wpisanych na Listę Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO, a samo miasto oprócz zabytków architektury słynie również jako miejsce narodzin kompozytora Bedřicha Smetany.
*** więcej informacji:
[EN] Litomyšl is more than 1000 years old very interesting town in Czech Republic, located in Pardubice Region. Its Renaissance castle is one of the twelve Czech places included in the UNESCO List of World Heritage Sites. Apart from the architectural monuments, the town is also famous as the birthplace of the composer Bedrich Smetana.
*** more info:
Exploring the Czech Republic: the Pardubice Region in East Bohemia
The Pardubice Region in the Czech Republic is only about 1 hour east of Prague, and has a wealth of incredible places to see. The main city, Pardubice, shines in the sun with stunning architecture- and almost no tourists! Litomyšl, another town in the region, has one of the most unique castles north of the Alps due to its architecture. In between, there are a plethora of beautiful castles, incredible activities, and stunning scenery to take advantage of.
Want me to help you plan your own perfect trip to East Bohemia? Book a travel consultation with me!
Thank you to Visit Czech Republic for hosting me in Eastern Bohemia!
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Pardubice CASTLE - Czech Republic
Lovely castle in Pardubice , located in czech republic 100km from prague!
Пардубицкий замок-дворец эпохи ренессанса Чехия Пардубице
Пардубицкий замок-дворец эпохи ренессанса Чехия Пардубице
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Pardubice (Czech pronunciation: [ˈpardubɪtsɛ] ( listen); German: Pardubitz) is the capital city of the Pardubice Region and lies on the river Elbe, 96 kilometres east of Prague. Pardubice has an antique centre square and old town, with many restaurants that stay open until late in the evening. There is an old Tower and a recently renovated Castle. Factories include the Synthesia chemical factory (manufacturer of Semtex, a plastic explosive), an oil refinery Paramo, a heavy machinery factory and an electronic equipment plant.
The Czech Open Chess Tournament is the biggest in Europe, with roughly 1200 players from all over the world competing in the main groups, and many side-events such as a team championship, a Rubik's Cube competition and a Go-tournament.
Pardubice is home to one of the top hockey teams in the Czech Extraliga, HC Pardubice (former Tesla). The local hockey club has bred international stars such as Vladimír Martinec, Dominik Hašek, Otakar Janecký, Aleš Hemský, Jan Bulis (all natives of Pardubice) and Milan Hejduk. Ex- NBA player Jiří Welsch is also a native of the city.
It's also home of a famous steeplechase, the Velká pardubická. The oldest extant Document regarding Pardubice comes from 1295.
The area had a monastery beginning in the early 13th century, and the city was founded c. 1340. Arnošt of Pardubice, the first archbishop of Prague, was born[citation needed] in Pardubice in 1297. It was Arnošt's testament of 1340 that proved the existence of the town of Pardubice, respectively a tributary town. Pardubice was promoted to a small town sometimes during the years 1332 - 1340. In 1491, Pardubice was bought by Vilém from Pernštejn, who continued to expand the town and made significant impact on its prosperity. Gothic reconstruction of Pardubice in the 16th century, yet again, enriched the town and thus confirmed the saying glitters like Pardubice. Until 1918, the town was part of the Austrian monarchy (Austria side after the compromise of 1867), head of the PARDUBITZ district, one of the 94 Bezirkshauptmannschaften in Bohemia.[1] In 1845, the first train arrived to Pardubice. The town was connected to other railway lines so Pardubice could thrive even more. New industrial enterprises started to emerge in the town, namely a distillery, a factory for mill machines of Josef Prokop and sons and Fanta's Factory. Since 1874, the Great Pardubice Steeplechase (Velká Pardubická) horse race has taken place every autumn (second Sunday in October). On 13 May 1911, Ing. Jan Kašpar made history by flying the first long-haul flight towards Prague. In Pardubice, industrial expansion was on the rise, especially after the First World War. However, during the Second World War the town was damaged by air strikes of the Allies. The Fanto Werke refinery at Pardubice was repeatedly bombed during the Oil Campaign of World War II, and forced labor was provided by a concentration camp.[2][3] The Tesla electronics manufacturer operated from 1921--1989, and the Foxconn factory was established in June 2000. After 1989 the town continued to develop and flourish; the Chateau and its surroundings of estates were reconstructed. Pardubice has established contacts with foreign towns. Pardubice is situated on the bank of the second longest river in the Czech Republic, the Labe River, where there is a mouth of another river called Chrudimka. Pardubice is located at approximately 15° east longitude and 50° north longitude. The town is located 100 km east of the capital city of Prague, 150 km north-west of Brno. Pardubice is in the area of Labe Lowlands with average elevation of 225m and its area is 78 km2. The area is of lowland character without many hills. One exception is a nearby hill Kunětická hora. Pardubice is called the city of industry. The dominant industries are chemical industry, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. The chemical industry is mainly represented by a company Paramo and Synthesia, which was founded in Pardubice-Semtín as a stock factory for explosive substances. This field of industry together with the factory went through significant development, especially in 1960s. Synthesia is now one of the leading Czech companies manufacturing cellulose, pigments and dyes, and organic compounds. Synthesia is also a major exporter mainly for the EU countries and is associated with the invention of explosive Semtex. Paramo -- formally known as Fanta's Factory was until 2012 one of the major companies of its kind, but during the year a major shareholder decided to significantly suppress its production and the future of Paramo is still uncertain.
Památky Pardubického kraje
Památky ve správě NPÚ ÚPS na Sychrově - Pardubický kraj
Pardubice - A Beautiful Czech Jewel in Eastern Bohemia
Pardubice in Eastern Bohemia is a city on the Elbe river which is navigable downstream from here. Coming from the train station you enter the old town through the Green Gate. Around the main square there are magnificent buildings from several periods: late Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and Neoclassicism. Not far from the place where the Chrudimka river flows into the Elbe is the Château, which has still strong traits of a castle, and its facade is decorated with sgraffito. Its entrance gate opens onto the city. Also worth seeing is the East Bohemian Theatre (Východočeské Divadlo) from the Art Nouveau period.
Pardubice in Ostböhmen, zu deutsch Pardubitz, ist eine Stadt an der Elbe, die ab hier flussabwärts schiffbar ist. Vom Bahnhof kommend betritt man die Altstadt durch das Grüne Tor. Um den dahinterliegenden Pernsteinplatz liegen prächtige Bürgerhäuser aus mehreren Epochen: Spätgotik, Renaissance, Barock und Klassizisimus. Unweit davon fließt das Flüsschen Chrudimka in die Elbe; dort ist auch das Schloss, das immer noch starke Züge einer Burg aufweist und dessen Fassade mit Sgraffiti verziert sind. Sein Zugangstor öffnet sich zur Stadt. Sehenswert ist auch das Ostböhmische Theater (Východočeské divadlo) aus der Zeit des Jugendstils.
Pardubice en Bohemia Oriental es una ciudad a orillas del Elba que es navegable aguas abajo desde aquí. Llegando de la estación se entra en el casco viejo por la Puerta Verde. Alrededor de la plaza mayor están magníficos edificios de varias épocas: gótico tardío, renacimiento, barroco y neoclásico. No muy lejos del lugar donde el río Chrudimka desemboca en el Elba está el palacio que tiene aún fuertes rasgos de un castillo, y su fachada está decorada con esgrafiados. Su puerta de entrada se abre hacia la ciudad. También vale la pena visitar el Teatro de Bohemia Oriental (Východočeské Divadlo) de la época del modernismo (Art Nouveau).
Pardubice, en Bohême de l'Est, est une ville sur l'Elbe qui est navigable en aval à partir d'ici. En venant de la gare, vous entrez dans la vieille ville par la Porte Verte. Autour de la place principale, il ya de magnifiques bâtiments de plusieurs périodes: tard gothique, renaissance, baroque et néo-classicisme. Pas loin de l'endroit où la rivière Chrudimka se jette dans l'Elbe, c'est le Château, qui a encore de fortes traits d'un château, et sa façade est ornée de sgraffites. Sa porte d'entrée s'ouvre sur la ville. A voir aussi le Théâtre Bohême de l'Est (Východočeské Divadlo) de l'époque de l'Art Nouveau.
[Pardubice ve východních Čechách je město na řece Labi, která je splavná po proudu od zde. Již od vlakového nádraží zadáte staré město přes Zelené brány. Kolem náměstí jsou nádherné budovy z několika období: pozdě gotické, renesanční, barokní a neoklasicismus. Nedaleko od místa, kde řeka Chrudimka vlévá do Labe je zámek, který má stále silné rysy hradu a jeho fasáda je zdobena sgrafity. Jeho vstupní brána se otevírá do města. Také stojí za to vidět, je Východočeské divadlo (Východočeské Divadlo) z období secese.]
Прогулка по Пардубицкому Замку (Pardubice Castle/ Pardubicky Zamek)
Мы пришли в замок, планируя найти павлинов, но неожиданно для себя нашли другие развлечения. Мы обнаружили колодец с папоротниками, устроили гонки грецких орехов, заглянули в замочную скважину в старинной двери и испытали акустику замкового дворика :)
Pardubice prazdninove
First vacation day at Pardubice town
Pardubice první červencový den. Studenti na prázdninách, klid a pohoda.
Pardubice castle Czech Republic August 2019
#pardubice #czechrepublic #czech #talent
Pardubice a okolí na fotografiích tehdy a teď
Krátký film mapující, jak se známá i méně známá místa v okolí Pardubic a Železných hor během jednoho staletí změnila.
Pardubice zámek
Pernštejnská rezidence - zámek v Pardubicích
Pardubice - Czech Republic
1-3.6.2018, Gopro 5 Hero Black
Pardubicky castle - Pardubický zámek (r.2009)
Spring view of pardubicky castle. - Jarní pohled na pardubický zámek
Nové Hrady, the castle, Pardubický kraj, Czech Republic [HD] (videoturysta)
[EN] The Nové Hrady palace is located in a small town of the same name, located in the Pardubice region, near the towns of Vysoké Mýto and Litomyšl. It's an interesting building in rococo style with a large English landscape park. Nearby there is also a very interesting nature reserve called Toulovcovy maštale. It's a great place for cycling and walking, a unique complex of bizarre sandstone formations, canyons and rock towns with lots of hiking trails.
*** more info:
[PL] Pałac Nové Hrady znajduje się w niewielkiej miejscowości o tej samej nazwie, położonej w regionie Pardubice, w pobliżu miast Vysoké Mýto i Litomyšl. Jest to ciekawy budynek w stylu rokoko z dużym angielskim parkiem krajobrazowym. W okolicy znajduje się też bardzo interesujący rezerwat przyrody Toulovcovy maštale. To świetne miejsce do wycieczek rowerowych i pieszych, które jest wyjątkowym kompleksem dziwacznych tworów z piaskowca, kanionów i skalnych miast z mnóstwem tras turystycznych.
*** więcej informacji:
Pardubice zámek jaro 2016
Pozvání na nedělní odpolední procházku