Litomyšl, Pardubice Region, Czech Republic [HD] (videoturysta)
[PL] Litomyšl to ponad 1000-letnie bardzo interesujące miasto w Czechach, znajdujące się w kraju pardubickim (Pardubický kraj). Jego renesansowy zamek jest jednym z dwunastu czeskich miejsc wpisanych na Listę Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO, a samo miasto oprócz zabytków architektury słynie również jako miejsce narodzin kompozytora Bedřicha Smetany.
*** więcej informacji:
[EN] Litomyšl is more than 1000 years old very interesting town in Czech Republic, located in Pardubice Region. Its Renaissance castle is one of the twelve Czech places included in the UNESCO List of World Heritage Sites. Apart from the architectural monuments, the town is also famous as the birthplace of the composer Bedrich Smetana.
*** more info:
Melnik, Czech Republic
The town of Melnik is situated at the confluence of the Vltava and Elbe Rivers. Numerous wine shops can be found in a town whose charms include typical Czech souvenir shops mingling with Baroque styled facades.Chateau Melnik played a significant role in Czech history. Tours guide the visitor through the sumptuous rooms where the most conspicuous objects include 17th Century Baroque furniture and magnificent inlaid cabinets.
Nejde jen o vodu. Soudy potvrzují protiprávní komplot politiků a ti kolaborují dál s cizinci
Proč místo nápravy, mizí zisky z vody dál v zahraničí? Protože největší města- akcionáři vodárny, to podporují! Politici dál jednající v zájmu koncernů.
Soudní spory dopadly pro občany výborně, ale nezměnilo se nic.
Soud přitom potvrdil, že politici prodali vodu Veolii nemravným způsobem, ale Hadi na radnicích dál jednají v zájmu koncernu a chtějí, aby soud určil, že smlouva s koncernem je platná. Koncern do pozice prodejce vody instalovali protiprávně.
Za obranu lidí a vody, se spoluzakladatel NF PRAVDA O VODĚ postavil soudní cestou, obranou vodáren a projektem PRAVDA O VODĚ
Boj o vodu v ČR pokačuje, ale lidé to netuší. Důsledky nesou občané PŘEDEVŠÍM, ALE NEJEN V DRAHÉ CENĚ VODY.
Co přináší údajné zahraniční know-how? Jak je dodržován slib - koncerny zajistí lidem růst cen vody pouze o inflaci?
Přerov - 77,30 Kč/m3 - vodu prodává vodárna vlastněná městy a obcemi
Olomouc - 85,01 Kč/m3 - vodu prodává fr. koncern Veolia
Prostějov - 89,69 Kč/m3 - vodu prodává fr. koncern Veolia
Zlín - 87,96 Kč/m3 - vodu prodává fr. koncern Veolia
SmVak - 85,08 Kč/m3 - Severomoravské vodovody – v rukou šp. koncernu AQUALIA
Cenová mapa celé ČR -
Prioritou státu musí být dostatek vody, čistá voda bez plastů, léků a pesticidů, obnova vodárenské infrastruktury a ne zisky koncernů v cizině, kde vodu, ani trubky nemáme.
Toto prioritou nebude, pokud bude z vody kšeft.
Vrácení vody do rukou měst již probíhá ve Francii či Německu!
Proti absurdnímu systému jsme se postavili přes soudy. Založili jsme Nadační fond PRAVDA O VODĚ s cílem absurdní systém napravit. Naše úspěchy i neúspěchy jsou ZDE:
Organizuje kroky, aby se voda vrátila do podoby veřejné služby, tzn. do správy vodáren v rukou měst/státu:
a) Podněty k zabránění kalkulování neoprávněných nákladů lidem do cen vody
b) Soudní obrana vodáren před nájezdníky a zveřejňování rozsudků
b) Informování lidí a politiků - dokládání faktů, důkazů, přehledů a srovnání
e) Přes projekt VODA A KOHO VOLIT – konec voleb naslepo a odhalení Trojských koňů
f) Dokumentování kauz, tunelářský praktik a kolaborace politiků
g) Požadujeme vyšetření protiprávního jednání politiků a vyvození jejich odpovědnosti.
* PŘIDEJTE SE K LIDEM, KTEŘÍ ŠÍŘÍ PRAVDU O VODĚ a přivádí k vodě pozornost dalších lidí:
• Zrušit systém s prostředníkem, vodu prodávat na přímo a spravovat ji jako veřejnou službu.
• Vrátit správu vody a vše co s ní souvisí do vodáren v rukou měst /krajů nebo státu.
Více Ilona Švihlíková -
Monopol dodávky vody je v rukou cizinců v téměř polovině ČR –
Brněnské vodárny a kanalizace - vodárny Brno - BVK
Ostravské vodárny a kanalizace - Ovak
Pražské vodovody a kanalizace - PVK
Severomoravské vodovody a kanalizace - Smvak
Severočeské vodovody a kanalizace - SčVak - sčvk
Vodovody a kanalizace – Vak Zlín, Vak Prostějov, Vak Olomouc…
Naopak správa vody zůstala i díky práci lidí kolem NFPOV, v rukou měst, resp. jejich okresních vodárnách – společnostech Vodovody a kanalizace:
Vak Nymburk
Vak Hodonín
Vak Kroměříž
Vak Vsetín
Vak Vyškov
Vak Pardubice
Vak Přerov
Vak Mladá Boleslav
Vak Náchod
#PravdaoVode, #NadacniFondPravdaoVode, #CenaVody, #VodaJeŽivot
1. CASTLE HRADCANY 50° 5'25.60N 14°23'59.39E
2. ST.WENCESLAS CATHEDRAL,OLOMOUC 49°35'51.70N 17°15'45.39E
3. ST.PETER&PAUL CATHEDRAL,PRAGUE 50° 3'51.71N 14°25'4.34E
4. CASTLE RED, GATEWAY,MORAVIAN 49°51'49.81N 17°52'27.53E
5. MARIAN COLUMN,SVITAVY 49°45'22.29N 16°28'1.93E
6. HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH,PRAGUE 50° 5'23.91N 14°25'13.30E
7. ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL,HRADECKRALOVE 50°12'31.41N 15°49'51.84E
8. MUSEUM OF MUSIC,PRAGUE 50° 5'4.59N 14°24'16.48E
9. RADYNE CASTLE,STARY PLZENEC 49°40'51.76N 13°27'54.28E
11. ST.AUGUSTINE CHURCH,BRNO-STRED 49°12'9.60N 16°34'52.75E
12. ST.CRYL&ST.METHODIUS CHURCH,PRAGUE 50° 5'28.32N 14°26'53.69E
13. HOLY TRINITY COLUMN,OLOMOUC 49°35'38.10N 17°15'1.71E
14. LOBKOWICZ PALACE,PRAGUE 50° 5'29.97N 14°24'14.17E
15. TOWN HALL,CESKE BUDEJOVICE 48°58'27.53N 14°28'23.52E
16. ST.PETER&PAUL CHURCH,MELNIK 50°21'1.48N 14°28'24.44E
18. ST.FRANCIS CHURCH,PRAGUE 50° 5'11.42N 14°24'51.33E
19. ZAMEK,LIBEREC 50°46'5.04N 15° 3'38.84E
20. FILIÁLNÍ KOSTEL SV. VÁCLAVA,OSTRAVA 49°50'8.76N 18°17'41.45E
21. WHITE TOWER,HRADEC KRALOVE 50°12'32.36N 15°49'50.96E
22. PAVILION FOR REINER'S FRESCO,DUCHCOV 50°36'12.10N 13°44'37.18E
23. MUSEUM,OSTRAVA 49°50'5.91N 18°17'35.29E
48°58'32.22N 14°28'18.45E
25. CASTLE LITOMYSL,PARDUBICE 49°52'24.56N 16°18'47.09E
Plzen, Czech Republic, 7th July 2012
This town in western Bohemia is not far from the German border and so is very much, geographically, as well as culturally, in central Europe rather than 'Eastern' Europe. The architectural styles are a distinct blend, very colourful as well as pictorial and human-scale. The Automobile Association's routefinder puts it on the map between Budapest and the Channel ports due to the new motorway network which helps you to bypass Prague (if you want to). We timed it as 5 hours from Budapest and 10 hours from Dunkerque.
Lordi - Pardubice 16.3. 2009
My video Lordi from Pardubice, Czech Republic 16.3. 2009
Goncalo M, Techno Ivasion ,Czech republic, Pardubice city
Goncalo M, Techno Ivasion ,Czech republic, Pardubice city
Travel guide for Prague, Czech Republic
It's time to immerse yourself in the beauty of the splendid Czech city - Prague. Your private guided tour will include visits to Prague's Old Town Hall, St. Vitus Cathedral, Concert Hall, Parizska Street, and most famous Charles Bridge. Leave us a comment if you have already visited it!
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Czech republic - České Budějovice
Průvodce městem Pardubice - Maturitní projekt 2018
Toto video jsem natočil pro širokou veřejnost v rámci maturitního projektu na škole DELTA - Střední škola informatiky a ekonomie, s.r.o.
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Piano Rock Instrumental by Hyde - Free Instrumentals
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library
Brno is the second largest city in the Czech Republic and it definitely deserves your attention because of all the cool places and hidden gems!
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Places from the video:
BRNO: .... :)
Big black clock:
Zelný trh:
Old City Hall:
Smoking sign (one of many) :
Dat horse:
Pink tank:
Moravská galerie (with the slide) :
Exhibiton Kmeny 90:
Super Panda Circus: well, we didn't find it... :-D
Pater Noster elevator:
Vila Tugendhat:
Best Burger Kitchen:
Bar, který neexistuje:
Petr's video:
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Honest Prague Guide is your best guide for Prague :) We only show you what we as locals like and what we think you should see in Prague. There's ton of cool things to do in Prague as well as cool places. We'll show you around :) And we hope you'll come and will visit Czech Republic and will have an amazing time!
Thank you for your support!
Honza Mikulka & Janek Rubeš
Prague Based Journalists
#HonestGuide #Brno
Church Tower, City Hall, Plzeň Main Square-Interesting Buildings
The tallest Czech church tower, City Hall and other interesting buildings can be found inside the main square in Plzeň.
Plzeň or Pilsen is the fourth largest city in the Czech Republic. It's worth visiting for these treasures in addition to its being the place that originated pilsner lager beer that still continues brewing the world famous Pilsner Urquell beer.
Pardubice - Masaryk Square - Rush hour on Friday
10th February 2012 - afternoon
Pardubice (Czech Republic)
Ceske Budejovice en República Checa
Vídeo con un slideshow de fotos de Ceske Budejovice en la República Checa, con imágenes de monumentos y bellos edificios de la céntrica plaza medieval de Premysl Otakar
lordi pardubice
lordi pardubice
Liberec City Hall
Liberec City Hall
Liberecká radnice
Approximate coordinates (gps): 50.76982 15.05832
České Budějovice a statutory city in the Czech Republic
geography of the Czech Republic :
České Budějovice (Czech pronunciation: [ˈt͡ʃɛskɛː ˈbuɟɛjovɪt͡sɛ]; German: Budweis or Böhmisch Budweis) is a statutory city in the Czech Republic. It is the largest city in the South Bohemian Region as well as its political and commercial capital, the seat of the Roman Catholic Diocese of České Budějovice, the University of South Bohemia, and the Academy of Sciences. It is located in the center of a valley of the Vltava River, at the confluence with the Malše.
České Budějovice, which is located in the historical province of Bohemia, is not to be confused with Moravské Budějovice in Moravia.beautiful city, , nice photographs of landmarks, skyline, famous buildings, street life
nice city, tourist , toursm, beautiful, pictures, beautiful photographs, landmarks, street life, life, street, streets, aerial, famous, parks, statues, people, nice people, friendly , friendly people, amazing, train station, city hall, hotel, vacation, trees, green, technology, pituresque, wonderful, impression, happy people, photo, photo video,Youtube Red,
The city was founded in 1256 by King Ottokar II of Bohemia, who granted its municipal charter in 1265. The siting and planning of the city was carried out by the king's knight Hirzo. The settlers were coming from the Bohemian Forest and Upper Austria.[1] The royal city was created as a platform of the king's power in South Bohemia and to counterbalance the powerful noble House of Rosenberg, which became extinct in 1611. In 1256 the Svitavy brewery was founded there (closed in 2002),[2] beginning a long-lasting tradition of fine beer brewing, culminating in the famous Budweiser Budvar Brewery, founded in 1785.
In 1341 King John of Bohemia allowed Jewish families to reside within the city walls, and the first synagogue was built in 1380; however several pogroms occurred in the late 15th and early 16th century. Since the Hussite Wars, the city was traditionally a bulwark of the Catholic Church during the long-lasting religious conflicts in the Kingdom of Bohemia. A part of the Habsburg Monarchy from 1526, Budejovice remained a loyal supporter of Emperor Ferdinand II in the Thirty Years' War. Budějovice underwent a short occupation by Prussia during the Silesian Wars, and the war between the Habsburgs and the French army in 1742.
In 1762 the Piarists established a gymnasium here and Emperor Joseph II founded the diocese in 1785. In 1847, the production of Koh-i-Noor Hardtmuth pencils was relocated from Vienna to Budějovice.
During the Second World War in March 1945, Budějovice was twice targeted by U.S. Air Force raids that greatly damaged the city and caused great loss of life. At the end of the war, on 9 May 1945, Soviet troops liberated the city. On the following day, the Red Army and the American Army met on the main square in a joint celebration of the city's liberation.
The vast majority of the city's population today are Czechs (94.9% in 2001), with 1.15% Slovaks. In the past, the city had a significant proportion of ethnic Germans, who had formed the majority since medieval times.[3] The city remained a German-speaking enclave until 1880, after which Czechs became the majority. Until the end of World War II, the city contained a significant German minority (about 15.5% in 1930). For example, the ratios between the Germans and the Czechs were in 1880: 11,829 Germans to 11,812 Czechs, in 1890: 11,642 to 16,585, in 1900: 15,400 to 23,400, in 1910: 16,900 to 27,300 and in 1921: 7,415 to 35,800.[4] However, the entire German population was forcibly expelled in 1945 under the Beneš decrees.
Development of the city population since 1869
Branka Tomáše Petráčka v utkání s Karvinou
Jak Tomáš Petráček zvyšoval na 2:0...
Czech Republic - Liberecky Region
Liberecky Region
Hradec Králové - Nicely Preserved Historic Town Square
Architecture of 19th and early 20th century is one of the main reasons why domestic as well as foreign visitors come to Hradec Králové.
The plague-column is to be found still in the centre of any town-square in the Czech Republic.