Memory Walk Ljubljana - The Path of Remembrance and Comradeship
PST (part 1/2) - The Path of Remembrance and Comradeship
The Path of Remembrance and Comradeship is protected as an historical monument of the City of Ljubljana (The capital of Slovenia).
33 km for walkers, hikers or bikers. Covered with gravel.
7.400 trees of 49 tree species planted.
102 memorial octagonal stones laid along the line where fence ran during occupation (second world war).
Raw sequences of film were produced by Quo - great software for outdoor activities. (UK maps) (Slovene maps)
PST (part 2/2) - The Path of Remembrance and Comradeship
The Path of Remembrance and Comradeship is protected as an historical monument of the City of Ljubljana (The capital of Slovenia).
33 km for walkers, hikers or bikers. Covered with gravel.
7.400 trees of 49 tree species planted.
102 memorial octagonal stones laid along the line where fence ran during occupation (second world war).
Raw sequences of film were produced by Quo - great software for outdoor activities.
Path of Remembrance and Comradeship 2015 / Pot Ob Žici 2015
We participated in the largest hike around the city of Ljubljana, called The Path of Remembrance and Comradeship. This time, the team DietSportExercise managed to achieve a personal record in the speed, with which we walked the entire route.
The Path of Remembrance and Comradeship, also referred to as the Path along the Wire, or the Path around Ljubljana, is a gravel-paved recreational and memorial walkway almost 33 km wide around the city of Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia.
Music by: Audio Jungle
For the full report please visit:
This small artificial lake would freeze over and we’d ice-skate on it. What used to be a clay pit, has served mainly fishermen in the last years, modellers play here with their favourite toys and of course in accordance with Slovenian characteristics, which is exercising, like jogging or cycling around it. There is a footpath that goes around it with several benches along the way.
Koseski bajer lies on the foothills of Roznik and Šisenski hrib which are hills between here and the centre. These places are included in a natural protected area. The Path of Remembrance and Comradeship passes by the pond and that’s why this altogether is Mecca for nature lovers. New sitting areas were constructed a few years ago stretching over the surface of the lake.
Koseski Lake Ljubljana - Slovenia #1
This small artificial lake would freeze over and we’d ice-skate on it. What used to be a clay pit, has served mainly fishermen in the last years, modellers play here with their favourite toys and of course in accordance with Slovenian characteristics, which is exercising, like jogging or cycling around it. There is a footpath that goes around it with several benches along the way.
Koseski bajer lies on the foothills of Roznik and Šisenski hrib which are hills between here and the centre. These places are included in a natural protected area. The Path of Remembrance and Comradeship passes by the pond and that’s why this altogether is Mecca for nature lovers. New sitting areas were constructed a few years ago stretching over the surface of the lake.
Koseski Lake Ljubljana - Slovenia #2
This small artificial lake would freeze over and we’d ice-skate on it. What used to be a clay pit, has served mainly fishermen in the last years, modellers play here with their favourite toys and of course in accordance with Slovenian characteristics, which is exercising, like jogging or cycling around it. There is a footpath that goes around it with several benches along the way.
Koseski bajer lies on the foothills of Roznik and Šisenski hrib which are hills between here and the centre. These places are included in a natural protected area. The Path of Remembrance and Comradeship passes by the pond and that’s why this altogether is Mecca for nature lovers. New sitting areas were constructed a few years ago stretching over the surface of the lake.
Bycicle ride (027) (SLO) Path of Remembrance and Comradeship (27.6.2012)
Path of Remembrance and Comradeship or (Pot Spominov in Tovarištva). Ljubljana was surrounded by barbed wire during World War II, and indicates the path where the barbed wire took place during the occupation. Nowadays there is a lot of hikers and recreationalists. Path of Remembrance and Comradeship is over 30 kilometers long and takes place over the hill Golovec. I did not go up the hill, because I do not have the right bike for such a climb. Enjoy and thanks for watching.
Memory Walk Ljubljana - Memorial to the Fallen of the 10-Day War
Memory Walk Ljubljana - The Monument to the Victims of All Wars
Ljubljana RUN
The Trail of Remembrance and Comradeship (Pot spominov in tovarištva) or the Trail Along the Wire (Pot ob žici) is a nice 34 km long gravel-paved recreational and memorial walkway. Well, because I got lost in the Žale and Nove Jarše sectors, I gathered some 2 km more, which I didn't really complain.
I started my run in Polje, up and down the Golovec hill, then running next to Ljubljana barje (Galjevica, Ilovica, Murgle and Mestni Log), Vič, around Rožnik hill passing pond Koseze, Šiška, Bežigrad, Žale, Nove Jarše and finally passing the highway to Polje.
Drinking water pit stops and tree shadows along the way makes this trail very nice for long run training.
Read more:
August 2018
plunge in the gorge
Ljubljana Pot 2009 (VIDEO 4): ICS walkers after 19km (paparazzi time!)
Aftter 19km of walk we can see that Petra is still really enjoying some paparazzi time! Recorded in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on 9th May 2009 with my Canon SX10IS.
Ljubljana Pot 2009 (VIDEO 5): ICS walkers after 31km, running time!
After 31km the seven ICS front walkers decided that it was time to stretch their legs and run a little bit! Only a few hundred metres before the finish line! Recorded on 9th May 2009 in Ljubljana, Slovenia with my Canon SX10IS.
Podgrad Besnica Janče Javor Podlipoglav Sostro
03:10 Zalog
06:23 Podgrad
14:40 Besnica
15:15 A feline
22:35 Zg. Besnica
38:05 Gabrje
47:30 Janče
58:00 climb to Javor
1:05:40 Javor
1:16:00 Podlipoglav
1:17:15 Sadinja vas
1:19:00 Sostro
1:21:30 Zavoglje
1:23:40 Kašelj
Potek proge na 10 km
Štart na prireditvenem prostoru (Sankališče za bazenom Tivoli) - asfaltirana pot proti Jakopičevem drevoredu - pot proti študentskemu naselju - ovinek pred študentskim naseljem obrat za 150 stopinj na pot proti Tivolskemu gradu - mimo Tivolskega gradu, mimo rezervoarja do sankaške proge - naravnost naprej po poti pod Šišenskem hribom - na križišču (razcep trasa 5km in 10km) navzdol proti Mostecu - mimo skakalnic SK Ilirije v Mostecu - po poti iz Mosteca na Večno pot - takoj za gozdom na pešpot ob Večni poti - naprej do živalskega vrta - pred živalskim vrtom na Večno pot (asfalt) - mimo živalskega vrta do križišča z Večno potjo - mimo Čada, trim steze, za naseljem - po poti mimo študentskega naselja, Tivolskega gradu -- po poti do prireditvenega prostora (priključek na traso 5km) - do cilja na prireditvenem prostoru (sankališče)
Bycicle ride (002) (SLO) Ljubljana-Skofljica (1) (26.8.2011)
I was riding my bike from Ljubljana to Skofljica, and distance was 10Km in one direction. Thanks for watching.
Pot ob žici 2016 - 60. pohod Pot okoli Ljubljane
Mestna občina Ljubljana in Timing Ljubljana sta od 5. do 7. maja 2016 pripravila tradicionalni, že 60. pohod Pot ob žici. Gre za največjo športno-rekreativno prireditev pri nas, ki vsako leto privabi več kot 30.000 udeležencev. Največ udeležencev običajno privabi pohod po poti okoli Ljubljane, kjer je med 2. svetovno vojno stala žičnata ograja italijanskih in kasneje nemških okupatorjev - zato tudi ime Pot ob žici.
Pot, ki jo imenujejo tudi Pot ob žici ali pa Zeleni prstan, je večinoma peščena, deloma pa vodi tudi skozi naseljene dele mesta, kjer je ponekod asfaltirana. Na več odsekih je obdana z drevoredom. Označena je s tablami, na katerih je orisan njen potek, pohodnike pa po njej usmerjajo tudi okrogle kovinske oznake, ki so vzidane v tla. Ob njej stojijo spominski kamni, ki označujejo položaje nekdanjih bunkerjev.
Najbolj priljubljeni so odseki Poti med naslednjimi mestnimi predeli:
- od Viča do Šiške (od Dolgega mosta do Koseškega Bajerja),
- od Bežigrada do Žal (od Športnega parka Stožice do pokopališča Žale),
- od Fužin do Rudnika (od Gradu Fužine do Dolenjske ceste). Ta odsek poteka čez hrib Golovec, ki je pokrit z gozdom in ponuja številne možnosti za rekreacijo na prostem.
Prireditev je namenjena vsem, tako najmlajšim kot starejšim, ki se zavedajo pomena zdravega načina življenja in želijo preživeti dan v dobri družbi, sproščenem vzdušju ter spoznati Ljubljano s pohodniške perspektive.
V soboto, 7. maja 2016 so udeleženci lahko v celoti prehodili Pot ob žici in si ob tem pridobili posebno spominsko kolajno. Udeleženec se vključi na pohod na kontrolni točki, ki mu najbolj ustreza in prehodi Poti ob žici. Na poti je osem kontrolnih mest, ki so hkrati štartna in ciljna mesta:
Ljubljana, trasa po Poti okoli Ljubljane v dolžini 35 km
Sobota, 7. maj 2016
TIMING Ljubljana, društvo za izvedbo športnih programov
Na poti je osem kontrolnih mest, ki so hkrati štartna in ciljna mesta:
KT-1: Vič - Agrotehnika Gruda, Tržaška 132,
KT-2: Šiška - Okrepčevalnica Kačji pastir (prej Pri cvičku) ob koseškem bajerju,
KT-3: Bežigrad - AMZ Slovenije, Dunajska 128,
KT-4: Jarše - Žito Ljubljana, križišče Clevelandske in Šmartinske,
KT-5: Polje - Trgovina Mercator, Zaloška 168,
KT-6: Fužine - Gostilna Babnik pri Fužinskem mostu,
KT-7: Rudnik - križišče Dolenjske ceste in Peruzzijeve ulice,
KT-8: Livada - Gostilna Livada, Hladnikova ul. 15.
Štartna mesta so bila odprta med 6.00 in 8.00 uro, cilji pa so bili odprti do 17.00 ure.
Vsak udeleženec se lahko vključi na rekreativni pohod na mestu, ki mu najbolj ustreza in tam bo dobil tudi kontrolni kartonček. Pohoda se ni mogoče udeležiti s kolesom.
Spodaj podpisani Milan Skledar sem se na pot odpravil prvič in šele takrat, ko me je prepričalo lepo sončno vreme. Da bi bila pot hitrejša in da bi prepričal tako sebe kot zanamce, da gre za nekaj, kar bo koristilo telesu in duši, sem se vsedel na koloz žepnim fotoaparatom Canon G7X in prikolesaril na kontrolno točko 3 za Bežigradom, kjer se je vse skupaj takole začelo....
Kamera in montaža: Milan Skledar
Video produkcija: S-TV Skledar
Več sorodnih vsebin na spletnih straneh in ter na strokovni televiziji S-TV Skledar, ki oddaja prek omrežij T-2, Siol-Telekom, Teleing in drugih.
Pot ob žici 2013
Ljubljana, 11. maj 2013 - Danes je v Ljubljani potekal že 57. pohod Pot ob žici. Za tek trojk na 29 kilometrov so organizatorji prejeli 223 prijav, za tek (posnetek prikazuje štart) na 12,5 kilometra pa kar 1456./Ljubljanske novice
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