Pekrska gorca -351 m-Slovenska Kalvarija (RC-AVTI)
Tourist destination Maribor - Pohorje
Ascend the 351 metre high hill, “Slovensko kalvarijo“ (Slovene Calvary), where you will be able to relax and enjoy the surrounding forests and vineyards (try the wine Pekrčan). At the top of Pekrska gorca stands a little church, where every Sunday you can attend mass. The Way of the Cross, with four beautifully renovated chapels, leads you up the eastern side to the church. From the top of the hill there is a unique view of the northern slope of Pohorje and the Maribor plain.
international ski-jumping competitions on Pekrska gorca
In 1955 a 60 m ski-jump, designed by engineer Stanko Bloudek, was erected on the north-eastern slope of Pekrska gorca. Until the 1970s international ski- jumping competitions took place here. At the beginning of the 1980 s the ski-jump was removed but the remains, in form of a concrete foundation, are still visible today.
Pekrska gorca is a geological peculiarity – it is an isolated tonalite hill, detached from the Pohorje tonalite massive, which rose to the surface at geological fault.
What does the legend say?
Legend says that Pekrska gorca arose due to the increasing loose living of the inhabitants of Maribor. God decided to punish the Mariborians and so he sent them the devil. The devil broke off part of the top on Pohorje because he wanted to stem the river Drava, so that the river would run over the dam and cause major floods in Maribor. On his way to Maribor the devil met the Mother of God. The devil was so frightened by this that he cast off his load and ran away into the night. On the spot where the devil's burden fell on the ground, Pekrska gorca arose. In gratitude to the Mother of God, the Mariborians in the years 1832 -1835 erected the little Church of Mary of Seven Sorrows on Pekrska gorca. There you can also see the vault Tscheligijeva grobnica.
Pekrska gorca -351 m-Slovenska Kalvarija.
Mariborskoa izletniška točka -Pekarska gorca, imenovano tudi Slovenska Kalvarija. To je osamljen grič nekako sredi Mariborske ravnine. Leži na vzhodni strani Peker.Ta tonalitni grič leži na geološki prelomnici-visok samo borih 351m. Severovzhodna stran griča je gozdnata, jugovzhodna pa ima zasajeno trto.Tu delajo znano vino-Perkčan.Vinograd je vzgledno vzdrževan in ograjen. Z vzhodne strani griča mimo Regionalnega centra RTV Slovenije -RTV Maribor vodi prek gozdička na vrh označena prijetna potka s štirimi obnovljenimi kapelicami križevega pota. V kapelici so zdužene tri postaje križevega pota-v kapelicah so lesene skulpture.Na vrhu pa je prijetna mala Marijina cerkvica zgrajena leta 1830 leta , ki je nadomestila 1664 postavljen križ. Na cerkvici sem videl obvestilo , da so tu enkrat na mesec maše-verski obred.V bližini cerkvice so klopi in celo miza in razgledna točka in veliki pano z zemljevidom Maribora in okolice in seveda zgodovina in pomen Pekarske gorce. Na severovzhodnem pobočju je Bloudek zgradil 1955 leta 70. metersko skakalnico, kjer so se še v sedemdesetih letih odvijale mednarodne skakalne tekme. RC models of higher quality at exceptional prices.
The RC models, LRP, Which is designed LRP Development Team Used Parts That we have so far been used only and racing RC models. LRP offers beginners and powerful RC models at an affordable price.
Nova stanovanjska bloka - pod Pekrsko Gorco - Maribor
4 sobno stanovanje s teraso Maribor Pod Pekrsko gorco PRODAMO ID: 4030
Cycling from Greece to England Vlog Day 35 - Brestanica to Maribor in Slovenia
Today I cycled the 90 kms between Brestanica and Maribor, most of it through the Kozjanski National Park. Slovenia seems to get more beautiful as each mile passes, although the hills make the cycling hard work at time! Part of my bicycle touring journey across Europe.
Filmed on a GO PRO
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High altitude RC soaring @ Maribor, Slovenia
High altitude RC soaring @ Maribor, Slovenia
Welcome to Maribor
Film Welcome to Maribor, ki ga je v lastni režiji izdelalo podjetje Soundbiro, je bil otvoritvena špica na največji podjetniški konferenci v Alpe-Adria regiji PODIM 2015. Film si je ogledalo več kot 700 udeležencev, od tega polovica iz tujih držav. Kot zanimivost: film ima v svojih dveh različicah več kot 150.000 ogledov preko različnih spletnih kanalov! Različico filma si lahko ogledate spodaj. Več filmov pa na :
Cycling from Greece to England Vlog Day 36 - Maribor in Slovenia to Bad Waltersdorf in Austria
All things considered, I've been very lucky with the rain during this bicycle touring trip so far. Even on today's ride between Maribor in Slovenia and Bad Waltersdorf in Austria it only rained for a couple of hours. Check the video and commentary of vlog day 36 !
Filmed on a GO PRO
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Mariborske ulice nekoč in danes
Mariborske ulice nekoč in danes je nova knjiga založbe Založba Roman. V knjigi so opisane vse ulice mesta Maribor od nastanka in do danes. Omenjene so tudi vse ukinjene ulice. Knjiga je bogato založena s starimi in novimi fotografi jami.
Maribor (Glavni trg) - 13.01.2011
Time lapse video made by combining web cam images.
Maribor-Glavni trg
Mariborska razglednica (Glavni trg)
Golden fox / Zlata lisica - Mariborsko Pohorje Snow Stadium
Yuneec 4K
Januar 2016
Znižana cena
1 199,20 € z DDV
Yuneec Typhoon Q5004K - Zajemite prihodnost,Z ultra visoko ločljivostjo (UHD), štirikrat večjo kot HD, zajema kamera sliko visoke kvalitete z možnostjo zajema videa v počasnem posnetku v 1080p s 120 sličicami na sekundo in fotografije z 12 milijoni točk.
Rešitev za snemanje iz zraka in na tleh. — in Maribor, Slovenia. RC models of higher quality at exceptional prices.
The RC models, LRP, Which is designed LRP Development Team Used Parts That we have so far been used only and racing RC models. LRP offers beginners and powerful RC models at an affordable price.
Mariborsko pohorje
Zimsko letenje na pohoruju, v odlični družbi.
Glasba: TOP GUN anthem
Inovine | Start:up Slovenia 2015 finalist
MagYeast, solution for quick production of sparkling wine.
production: SAMINO
director & dop: Marko Samec
executive producer: Urban Lapajne
production assistants: Urban Lapajne, Boža Samec, Ajda Račečič
narrator: Joel Butler
narration direction and recording: Aljaž Tepina
copywriters: Urban Lapajne, Marko Samec, Ajda Račečič
visual and sound editing: Ajda Račečič
graphics: Marko Samec
Slovenia, May 2015
Life is a game - Maribor KalvarijA
Pohorje Through Time
Writer: Peter Zajc
Director: Miha Kolar and Peter Zajc
Cameraman: Miha Kolar
Director of photography: Miha Kolar
Editor: Miha Kolar, Rok Petelin
Voice: Lenart Žuber
Music: Peter Zajc
Sound: Domen Hudrap, Aleš Gangl
Produced by the Regional Development Agency for Koroška
Photography and video material provided by:
Digital Library of Slovenia
Local Studies Collection by Jože potočnik
Jurij Gulič
Cultural and Etnographic Society of Josipdol
Matjaž Jež
Martin Vernik
Miha Kolar
Municipality of Mislinja
Maribor Regional Archives
Peter Zajc
Regional Development Agency for Koroška
Slovene Etnographic Museum
Slovene Film Archives
Diocesan Archives of Maribor
Tomaž Mihelič
Tomo Jeseničnik
Mislinja Tourist Association
Slovenia Forest Service, Slovenj Gradec Unit
Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation
Publishing financed by: European Regional Development Fund, Municipality of Dravograd, Municipality of Mislinja, Municipality of Ribnica na Pohorju and City Municipality of Slovenj Gradec.
Dravograd, 2014
[Video Slovenija] 31.10.2016 Nova24TV: V Mariboru ovadili znanega vinarja
[Video Slovenija] 31.10.2016 Nova24TV: V Mariboru ovadili znanega vinarja
Scufan teden zdravja: Študentska kalvarija // DOSTOP.SI
Včerajšnji pohod na Kalvarijo je v okviru Tedna zdravja potekal že drugo leto zapored. Dober študent mora skrbeti tudi za fizično zdravje. Seveda pa je to najbolje početi v dobri družbi. Skupinski pohod na Kalvarijo po stopnicah je se zato mnogim udeležencem zdela super ideja.
Celotni prispevek s foto galerijo.