Pozzo della Cava, Orvieto Umbria ITA - Orvietoviva.com
Il pozzo, di origine etrusca, è un cilindro scavato a mano nel tufo con una profondità di 36 metri, gli ultimi dei quali occupati dall'acqua della sorgente. La sua struttura è costituita da due parti accorpate: la prima, una sezione circolare con un diametro medio di 3 metri e 40 cm, e la seconda, più piccola, di forma rettangolare presenta le tipiche pedarole etrusche, delle tacche incise sulle pareti laterali per consentire alle persone la discesa e la risalita con i piedi. L'ambiente presenta diverse cavità e locali, in uno di questi si possono tutt'oggi vedere resti di un forno di cottura di un antico laboratorio di ceramica medievale; sempre di origine medievale è una cavità scavata nel tufo, utilizzata come cantina. Del periodo etrusco sono invece altre cavità e ritrovamenti, quali tombe, cunicoli per l'acqua ed una grande cisterna. Oggi il pozzo è una affascinante attrattiva e meta della città, nonché ambientazione dell'evento natalizio Presepe nel Pozzo, una originale rappresentazione artistica a tema della Natività, che ogni anno cambia di scenografia.
Pozzo della Cava, Orvieto, Umbria, Italy
Places to see in ( Orvieto - Italy ) Pozzo della Cava
Places to see in ( Orvieto - Italy ) Pozzo della Cava
A visit to underground Orvieto cannot exclude the exploration of the suggestive path of the Pozzo della Cava that, in the heart of the Medieval district, will carry you down into the cliff through an array of caves rich in archaeological findings. You will go through all the ages that made the history of Orvieto and, by visiting some of the caves, you will learn the extent to which the life of Orvieto's inhabitants included feverish activities carried out in the underground city. From Etruscan times to the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the modern Slow-City, this unusual walk will allow you to discover interesting evidence spanning over centuries and centuries of daily life.
Along the tunnels of this structure, going from one evocative spot to another, you will come across a follone for wool processing in the Middle Ages; an Etruscan tunnel for channelling water; an Etruscan tank in opus signinum; two Medieval pits, one flask-shaped the other vertical, the two varieties that are known so far; a typical Medieval cellar completely dug out of the tufa rock for the production and storage of Orvieto's famous wine; a tufa rock pillar, part of the foundations of a Medieval tower; a kiln used as a ceramic workshop in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, with remains of the baking oven dug out of the tufa rock from Orvieto's cliff; kiln waste, majolica fragments, sixteenth century lusterware to confirm the continuous activities of ceramists in Orvieto and, particularly interesting, some work tools; the remains of the lower chamber of a muffola-shaped kiln, that was used to produce lusterware, valuable Renaissance ceramic items famous for their iridescent colours and beautiful reflections, that allow us to place Orvieto with Gubbio, Gualdo Tadino and Deruta as far as this particular production is concerned; a large quarry that gave the tufa rock used to build the great wall that supports the road above it (Via Malabranca) in the nineteenth century. Of course, you will also admire the actual Pozzo della Cava, identified outside by a small modern stone tip located underneath the entrance arch to the underground complex where the original well head used to be.
Pope Clement VII had the well restored in 1527, when he commissioned Saint Patrick's Well to Antonio da Sangallo the Younger on the opposite side of the town; works were carried out at the Municipality’s expense and were completed in 1530, while Saint Patrick’s Well was completed in 1537. Dug out of Orvieto’s lithoid tufa cliff, the Pozzo della Cava is 36-metres deep and has an average diameter of 3 metres and 40 centimetres. You will immediately notice a rectangular section (60x80 cm) cut vertically along the circular structure, provided with notches for footboards: it is a channel dating back to Etruscan times that probably served as a track for excavating the seventeenth century well; a tunnel that was probably a further source of water supply starts at a depth of 30 metres inside the main channel. As confirmed by a wallstone in the building that surmounts the well, the municipal authorities ordered the closing of the well in 1646 for just reasons that are still not well identified. Long forgotten, the well was rediscovered in 1984 by the Sciarra family, that owned this little gem, when the family house and trattoria underwent some restoration. Later works restored the structure to its original completeness in 1996 and the arch and the ancient access to the Via della Cava well were restored in 2004.
This complex is not only a small underground museum: you will also find a bookshop and a traditional cafeteria dug out of Orvieto’s warm rock, particularly pleasant in Summer when it is possible to stay out in the courtyard surrounded by flowers, greenery and inaccessible tufa walls. A spectacular themed Nativity with man-size statues is also organized along the underground route during the Christmas seasons.
( Orvieto - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Orvieto . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Orvieto - Italy
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Orvieto, Pozzo della Cava
Pozzo della Cava, Orvieto Umbria ENG - Orvietoviva.com
This Etruscan well is a hand-dug cylinder inside the tufa rock 36 meters deep. At its bottom is the natural water source. The structure is composed of two sections: a circular shape which has a 3 meters and 40 centimeter diameter and rectangular shape which shows the typical Etruscan pedarole, foot holes dug in the rock, that allowed people to climb up and down the well. The well is surrounded by several hand-dug rooms. In one of them today we can see the remains of an ancient kiln of a Medieval ceramic workshop. Another room had been used as cellar. During the Etruscan period, these rooms were a tunnels system for the water and a large cistern. Today the well is a charming attraction to visitors, and is also the setting for the yearly Christmas event called Presepe nel Pozzo (Nativity in the Well), an exhibit showing scenes from the nativity throughout each room. The design of the nativity changes every year.
Pozzo della Cava, Orvieto
Orvieto, Pozzo della Cava
Pozzo della Cava - Promo a cura di Orvieto Centro; ORVIETO UPSIDE-DOWN Pozzo della Cava - Promo by Orvieto Centro
20150405 Pozzo della Cava in Orvieto
Orvieto underground, il pozzo di San Patrizio
Orvieto, Pozzo della Cava
Pozzo della cava
Orvieto private cave
Places to see in ( Orvieto - Italy ) Pozzo di San Patrizio
Places to see in ( Orvieto - Italy ) Pozzo di San Patrizio
You may wonder: what does Saint Patrick have to do with Orvieto? Little or nothing, so much so that this formidable hydraulic work was originally called Pozzo della Rocca, as it was close to the Albornoz fortress. He then took the name of St. Patrick because probably used, in the second half of the eighteenth century, as Purgatory of St. Patrick, in analogy to the underground cavity in which the famous Irish saint retired to pray, and where the unbelievers had ventured up to reach the bottom would have obtained the remission of sins and access to Paradise.
The work, commissioned by Antonio da Sangallo the young in 1527, was commissioned by Pope Clement VII , more or less simultaneously with the restoration of the Pozzo della Cava on the other side of the cliff, to ensure water to the city in the event of a siege. Completed in 1537 under Paolo III Farnese denotes, for the size and careful design, all the ambition to be remembered as a difficult and grandiose undertaking.
It is a skilful work of engineering, preceded by studies of a hydrogeological nature, which led both to the identification of the most suitable site to reach the clayey layer of the springs, and to cover a part of the walls with bricks for a better seal. . Huge measures of cylindrical perforation - 54 meters deep, 13 of diameter - and really unique the architectural found of the double helical ramp , which allowed the beasts of soma used for water transport not to hinder in the double direction of travel along the 248 steps; the 72 windows that allow light to filter and play with the shades of stone are particularly suggestive.
The outer part of the well presents itself against the backdrop of the hills that surround the cliff, like a wide and low cylindrical construction decorated by the Farnesian lilies of Paul III, with two diametrically opposite openings for those who descend and those who climb.
Immerse yourself in its greenish depths, take photos in abundance to capture all the perspective and light effects, do not give up bouncing the echo of your voice on the walls. Then throw into the water, reached the bottom of the well, the small superstitious coin that will take you again, and happily, to Orvieto.
( Orvieto - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Orvieto . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Orvieto - Italy
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Presepe nel Pozzo - Orvieto (Terni)
Il Presepe nel Pozzo di Orvieto viene allestito durante le feste natalizie nel Pozzo della Cava, nel quartiere medievale di Orvieto.
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Pozzo di San Patrizio Orvieto Terni - DJI - Osmo
Tappa in provincia di Terni, Orvieto, Pozzo di San Patrizio XVI secolo costruita da Antonio da Sangallo per volere di Papa Clemente VII. Il pozzo è profondo 54 metri 13 metri di diametro ed è formato da due rampe elicoidali, a senso unico, completamente autonome.
248 scalini e 70 finestre.
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Presepe nel Pozzo - 2009 - Gli esseni
Nonostante la pioggia di Natale e Santo Stefano sono stati numerosissimi i visitatori del 21° Presepe nel Pozzo, che quest'anno propone un allestimento particolarmente suggestivo, con una Natività molto distante dai canoni agiografici tradizionali.
Apprezzato l'allestimento - informa l'ideatore e l'organizzatore del Presepe nel Pozzo, Marco Sciarra - la scelta del tema, i quadri di Luca Morganti lungo il percorso, il realismo dei personaggi animati a grandezza naturale e il DVD video realizzato con le immagini dei primi venti anni del nostro presepio, andato a ruba, tanto che è già stata prevista una ristampa entro l'Epifania.
Acquista questo spazio pubblicitario
L'afflusso è stato buono anche nella giornata del 26 dicembre, quando Poste Italiane ha allestito una postazione per lo speciale annullo filatelico commemorativo per il 25° anniversario della scoperta del Pozzo della Cava, avvenuta nel dicembre 1984. I collezionisti e i semplici appassionati potranno trovare anche nei prossimi giorni, presso il bookshop del Pozzo della Cava, le speciali cartoline con 5 differenti affrancature, fino ad esaurimento delle scorte disponibili.
A contribuire all'evento anche le belle composizioni della fiorista Sabrina Maestripieri de «L'Erbavoglio» di Orvieto Scalo, che hanno impreziosito il tavolo dell'annullo e a cui vanno i ringraziamenti della direzione del Pozzo della Cava.
Tra Tunnel e Pozzi Fino al Centro della Terra. Orvieto la Città del Sottosopra
Siamo stati in visita ad Orvieto, la città del famosissimo Pozzo di San Patrizio e dei tunnel che ne percorrono tutto il sottosuolo.
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Il muro etrusco di Via della Cava
Individuato nel 1966, il grande Muro di Via della Cava proteggeva l'accesso principale e più scoperto della città etrusca. La datazione proposta si avvicina alla metà del VI sec. a.C., il periodo di maggior splendore dell'antica Velzna.
Cittaslow General Assembly 2019 - Orvieto (Italy)
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Il Comune di Orvieto
L'Opera del Duomo di Orvieto
L'Associazione Lea Pacini - Corteo Storico di Orvieto
Vetrya (alcune riprese sono state estrapolate da un loro video aziendale
La Te.Ma. - Teatro Mancinelli
Associazione ACQUA - Tombe Hescanas
Fattoria il Secondo Altopiano
Caffè Montanucci
Gastronomia Aronne
Lavanda del Lago
Capitano del Popolo
Il Forno di Mario Basili
Federico Badia
La Corte dei Miracoli
AB Gioielli
Bottega Michelangeli
Tappezzeria Carli
Il Pozzo della Cava - Marco Sciarra
CAI di Orvieto
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