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Pumalin Park

Pumalin Park
Pumalin Park
Pumalin Park
Pumalin Park
Pumalin Park
Pumalin Park
Pumalin Park
Pumalin Park
Pumalin Park
Pumalin Park
Pumalin Park
Pumalin Park
Pumalin Park
Pumalin Park
Pumalin Park
Palena, Chile

Pumalín Park is a 400,000 ha nature reserve in the Palena Province of Chile, created by the United States environmental foundation The Conservation Land Trust, which was endowed and led by the American business magnate Douglas Tompkins. Designated a Nature Sanctuary in 2005, Pumalín was Chile's largest private nature reserve and operated as a public-access park, with an extensive infrastructure of trails, campgrounds, and visitor centers. By an accord announced on 18 March 2017, the park was gifted to the Chilean state and consolidated with another 4,000,000 ha to become part of South America's largest national park.The park consists of two areas, and there seems to be some interest of the park owners to purchase the intermediate 340 km² of the San Ignacio del Huinay Foundation as well. Opposed to this acquisition are mainly the thirty or so inhabitants of the hamlet Huinay, located at the coast of the aimed area. The northern portion of the park borders Hornopirén National Park.
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