Day 14: Exploring Stein am Rhein & Boat trip on Rhine river & Konstanz, Germany
Taking a very relaxing boat trip on the Rhine river to Kanstanz near the Bodensee.
Bike riding from Stein Am Rhein to Winterthur
Hey! This video is quite long and a bit boring but the scenery is beautiful. I've got this one for a slow version then the other two I will speed up. It took us 3 and a half hours to ride from one town on the border of Germany back to home. Literally rode a bike from one country to another...weird ---also to people who I let view this comment ja ich sehe if you can see the video---
SWISSVIEW - SH, Stein am Rhein
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Das mittelalterliche Kleinstädtchen Stein am Rhein (402 m ü. M.) befindet sich an der Stelle, wo der Untersee (Seitenarm des Bodensees) in den Rhein mündet. Es ist berühmt für seine gut erhaltene Altstadt mit bemalten Häuserfassaden und Fachwerkhäusern, für die es 1972 den allerersten Wakkerpreis erhielt. Sehenswert sind auch die benediktinische Klosteranlage St. Georgen, eine der am besten erhaltenen mittelalterlichen Klosteranlagen, das Museum Lindwurm für bürgerliche Wohnkultur und Landwirtschaft im 19. Jh. sowie das Naherholungsgebiet mit der Inselgruppe Werd. Die 1225 erbaute Burg Hohenklingen thront hoch über dem Städtchen.
Die Flusslandschaft des Rheins lädt ein zum Radfahren, Wandern und zu Schifffahrten. Fast 50 km misst die beliebte Untersee-Rhein-Schifffahrt von Schaffhausen nach Kreuzlingen. Besonders reizvoll ist der Flussabschnitt zwischen Schaffhausen und Stein am Rhein.
The medieval small town of Stein am Rhein (402 m above sea level) is situated at the spot where the Untersee (a tributary of Lake Constance) joins the Rhine. It is famous for its well-preserved old town with painted house fronts and timber-framed houses, for which it received the first Wakker Prize in 1972. Also well worth a visit are the Benedictine monastery complex of St. Georgen, one of the best-preserved medieval monastery complexes, the Lindwurm museum for bourgeois cultivation of home decor and agriculture in the 19th century as well as the recreational area with the Werd island group. Hohenklingen Castle, which was built in 1225, sits enthroned high above the town.
The river scenery of the Rhine is perfect for bike tours, hikes and boat trips. The popular Untersee-Rhine boat trip from Schaffhausen to Kreuzlingen is almost 50 km long. The river section between Schaffhausen and Stein am Rhein is particularly attractive.
A Day in Stein am Rhein, Switzerland
A handful of shots from a bike ride to Stein am Rhein in Switzerland. Experimenting with match editing and time remapping in the Watchtower of Turkey style.
German border near Stein am Rhein Switzerland
German border between Germany and Stein am Rhein, Switzerland. Deutschland. Zoll - Stein am Rhein - Grenze. Filmed June 2012. From the show Swiss Adventures with Tom. Host Tom Webb. Hand held camera Hans Kasper. Produced by Robyn Kasper. Copyright 2012 Robyn Kasper Productions. Produced at the Community Media Center of the North Bay. A Finalist in the 2012 CreaTV San Jose's The CreaTiVe Awards.
Radtour 2016 Tag 3 - Der Rheinfall in Schaffhausen
Stein am Rhein, Switzerland
Spent a couple hours taking in Stein am Rhein and enjoyed its serenity as well as the music from a lovely street musician.
Week 36 - Rhine Cycle Route Part 2
... with a detour to the Southern Black Forest Cycle Path
Freiburg - Titisee - Grafenhausen - Bonndorf - Wutach Gorge - Rhein Falls - Stein Am Rhein - Lake Constance (Horn) - Vaduz, Liechtenstein - Bregenz
Relax by Jebase @jebasemusic
Music provided by Free Music for Vlogs
Susie and Rich on Tour
Rhein-Impressionen - 4K
Ein weiterer Ausflug zum Rhein bei Meerbusch Nierst. Diesmal in 4K-Qualität.
Rota 45 Cicloturismo Zurique to Stein am Rhein
Der Rhein: Von Brühl nach Oberwesel
Mit dem Fahrrad entlang des Rheins von Brühl nach Bingen.
Dieser Trailer zur DVD Von Altenbeken nach Bingen zeigt den Teil von Brühl bis Oberwesel - einem wahrlich weinseligen Ort. Die Radtour führte u.a. entlang der Ruhr und der Erft.
Viel Spaß beim Anschauen - mehr unter
Bodensee-Radweg_Ride to Konstanz_Part 1.wmv
This is a Part 1 of our bike trip through Germany and Switzerland, from Radolfzell to Konstanz of about 50 km. This route comes under secondary part of Bodensee-Radweg and is considered the most beautiful stretch of the whole route.
This video covers our initial train journey from Esslingen to Radolfzell. The route is very well marked and defined both in germany and Switzerland. On any good weather weekend, don't be surprise to find lot of bike traffic. Racers, trekkers, family , oldies ..etc you cross everyone kind of adventure soul on this route.
The region around this route seemed more like a holiday region with good number of Holiday houses and water-sport activities. On few occasions, we could even smell irresistible barbecue from backyards of farmhouses / holiday-houses. Depending upon the crowd in a particular house, you keep getting different music into your ears.
The route after about 15 km, becomes little demanding as there are few uphills on which sometimes slow moving traffic makes it more difficult to push pedals. Sometimes the track gets so narrow that you feel almost getting brushed by oncoming speedy racing cyclists. But regularly, the route takes you through cities, fast corners, downhills, uphills, off road mud tracks, countryside narrow tar tracks etc. You never gets the sea out of your sight.
Just about 4.5 km before Stein am Rhein you cross the border and enter the Swiss part of Route. The change is immediately evident from the difference in house styles, decoration, more flowers on streets and outside houses, small houses, low fences, decorated windows etc . One of the famous part of route through Stein am Rhein is the bridge over the river Rhein, standing on which you can actually say germany on left side and swiss on right side.
More about the trip in Part 2 of video.
Lake murten Switzerland
Lake Constance Bike Circuit
Our week cycling around Lake Constance 12-18 June 2015, including a trip out to Rhine Falls, staying in Konstanz, Stein am Rhein, Uberlingen, Yacht harbour near Kressbonn and Hochst.
bicycle Tour, Radtour, Aargau CH Rhein, Rhine River
test photo show, impressions of the Stein Aargau area, Fricktal, Bad Säckingen Rheinfelden Kraftwerk/power plant with new fish stair area, Möhlin area, wonderful May Sunday
From Konstanz (almost) to Stein a. Rhein
A bike tour time-lapse from Konstanz to Stein a. Rhein and back on the other side of the lake. Unfortunately, after about 2 hours the batteries of the camera failed...
Music: Kevin MacLeod - Go Cart
Packraft Tour | auf dem Rhein bis nach Schaffhausen zum Rheinfall 2017 | 3-3 | Outdoor BW
► Teil 2 - 3
schöne Packraft Tour auf dem Rhein vom Bodensee zum Rheinfall in der Schweiz bei Neuhausen (Schaffhausen). Dabei teste ich weiter meine Drohne (Quadrokopter), die DJI Mavic Pro um tolle Luftbilder zu machen.
Der Rhein ist ein Strom in West- und Mitteleuropa. Sein Quellgebiet liegt überwiegend im Schweizer Kanton Graubünden, seine Mündungsarme erreichen in den Niederlanden die Nordsee. (Länge: 1.232,7 km)
Der Lauf des Rheins wird nacheinander meist in die Hauptabschnitte Vorderrhein, Hinterrhein, Alpenrhein, Hochrhein (mit Bodensee inkl. Seerhein), Oberrhein, Mittelrhein und Niederrhein eingeteilt. Vom letzten gliedert man manchmal noch einen untersten Abschnitt Deltarhein aus.
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We drove through some cute little towns in Germany and then went to Frankfurt to meet up with a new friend named Ralf. He took us on an amazing helicopter tour in the Robinson R44 of the River Rhein. It's like a mini Grand Canyon in Germany. It was an amazing adventure. Then we headed to the Frankfurt Hahn airport to fly of to Edinburgh.
Bodensee Radmarathon (Lake Constance Cycling Marathon)
Gold Tour - 220km
Gold Tour of the 2014 Lake Constance Cycling Marathon. Start in Stein am Rhein, Switzerland to Konstanz, Germany. By ferry to Meersburg, from there to Lindau, then to Bregenz in Austria. Crossing the border back to Switzerland towards Altenrhein, Romanshorn and Tägerwilen. The last part lead back to Stein am Rhein.
Bodensee Radmarathon (Lake Constance Cycling Marathon)
Gold Tour - 220km
Gold Tour of the 2014 Lake Constance Cycling Marathon. Start in Stein am Rhein, Switzerland to Konstanz, Germany. By ferry to Meersburg, from there to Lindau, then to Bregenz in Austria. Crossing the border back to Switzerland towards Altenrhein, Romanshorn and Tägerwilen. The last part lead back to Stein am Rhein.