- #1 Escape Room In Ljubljana Slovenia
Take a look at this awesome trailer from and get a small preview of the best and most famous escape room in Ljubljana, Slovenia. When you're visiting Ljubljana, you need to book it and experience the most thrilling and fun game ever.
THE KEY - Soba Pobega / Escape Room Ljubljana
- Oglejte si predogled, kaj vas čaka, ko boste obiskali najbolj slavni escape room oz. sobo pobega v Ljubljani. Se vidimo na Obrežni stezi 2 v centru Ljubljane.
Rezervacije na naši internetni strani!
An ETR EXCLUSIVE tour at ESCAPE ROOM ENIGMARIUM in Ljubljana, Slovenia!!
After docking in Koper, Slovenia, we took a 2-hour bus ride to visit Ljubljana and what a pleasant surprise it was!! A even bigger surprise is the amount of escape room locations there are in this amazing town! With only 2 hours available to roam around the town, we decided to try one of the locations so that we can add ESCAPE ROOM ENIGMARIUM to our Escape Route map -
With so little time to prepare, we were luckily able to book their newest room - Salvation Room 2- Inventor Čuden’s Wondrous Machine!!
Here are the room(s) that we played:
- “Salvation Room 2- Inventor Čuden’s Wondrous Machine” (Escape Room Enigmarium)
- Escape Room Enigmarium
Mitch Martinez:
Title: Stealth Music
Composer: Jake Embleton
Genre: Suspense Music / Stealth Music
Title: Osaka Asian Trap Beat (music was provided by BNB)
Composer: V.I.P.N
Infados by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Music: Per Kiilstofte - Dystopia
Promoted by BreakingCopyright:
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
** To owners or copyright holders: If you do not see your Credit, Please send us a message and we'll add you gladly, it's not on purpose!
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If you want this song taken down, just send me a message, it will be removed within 24 hours with no hassle. Please just don't flag the video.
All uploads are the intellectual property of ESCAPETHEROOMers. You do not have permission to re-use or publish any part of them without our written consent.
Pobeg iz Okupirane Ljubljane - Escape room MindMaze Ljubljana
Koščki zemljevida, čudaški pisalni stroj, velike skrinje, še večje skrivnosti ... kako pobegniti in rešiti Okupirano Ljubljano? Vam bo uspelo? Na voljo imate le 60 minut ... ura se odšteva ... ZDAJ!
Escape Room Enigmarium Ljubljana - Profesorjeva skrivnost
- najbolj obiskane sobe pobega v Ljubljani. Oglejte si zgodbo ene izmed naših sob - Profesorjeve Skrivnosti in se pridite zabavati v Escape Room Enigmarium ... Profesor Rufus Amadeus je po desetletjih eksperimentiranja in izpopolnjevanja ustvaril čudežni napoj. Ali boste prestali njegovo preizkušnjo in dokazali, da ste vredni njegove zapuščine? Ali boste ostali zaprti v njegovih sobanah za vedno?
Unicef Slovenia The Real Life Escape Room
UNICEF Slovenia in partnership with the Association against Sexual abuse presents The Real-Life Escape Room campaign. The goal of the campaign is to raise awareness on the child sexual abuse and encourage a first step toward a solution. Since as many as 62 %* of abuse victims remain silent, it is extremely important that we start talking about the issue.
The child sexual abuse is the most hidden of crimes, which usually goes on for several years. The majority of offenders are not pedophiles but people who have a need for control, dominance and power. This means that anyone can be an offender. Man or woman, regardless of social status, income, culture or religious belief. In 85%* of the cases, the offender is even a member of the child's immediate or extended family, or someone the child knows and trusts.
The offenders are highly motivated to keep their actions hidden, so the abuse may continue. Meanwhile, the children who undergo such abuse are helpless, caught in between fear, sophisticated manipulation, and feelings of guilt cunningly incited by the offenders. It is only us adults who can help them.
For this reason, UNICEF Slovenia has partnered up with the Association against Sexual abuse and shed some light on the issue by means of The Real-Life Escape Room. The escape room was active for two days at a secret location, the actual site of the years-long sexual abuse experienced by Amadea. Groups of visitors applied online without knowing any further details. A select few were then welcomed at the homestead by the hostess of The Real-Life Escape Room – Amadea – and heard her story.
The groups had to find a realistic solution to how adults can help all children who are currently trapped in their own hidden escape rooms. And this first step toward a solution was also a symbolic solution to The Real-Life Escape Room.
We filmed what was happening inside the escape room with hidden cameras and made an online video in order to spread the word on the issue, encourage victims to speak up and raise public awareness on how we can help.
The face of the campaign, 23-year old Amadea, was a victim of child sexual abuse for many years. Now she is doing her best to expose as many such escape rooms as possible. “I want to help all, who are in a similar situation of sexual violence and abuse. I am only one of the many, who are lending their voice to victims of sexual violence, whose voice is not being heard. I want to make public aware that we cannot stick our heads in the sand in the face of violence and that each and every one of us has the power to help,” said Amadea.
You can find out more about the campaign and child sexual abuse at
Escape room MindMaze Ljubljana / 041 991 771 /
Escape room je pustolovščina za 2-5 oseb, ki imajo 60 minut za pobeg iz tematske sobe pobega. MindMaze ima 2 sobi.
Med reševanjem mora ekipa sodelovati, reševati preproste in malce manj preproste naloge, da lahko z najdbo zlatega jajca ljubljanskega zmaja uspešno pobegnejo iz Alkimistove sobane ali z zemljevidom mesta iz Okupirane Ljubljane.
Escape room MindMaze je svoja vrata odprl v decembru 2014. Nahaja se v strogem centru Ljubljane, na kultni Trubarjevi ulici med Prešernovim trgom ter Zmajskim mostom. Osrednje mesto ima naša prestolnica, saj sta obe sobi tematsko povezani z Ljubljano.
Obiskovalci ob vstopu v Alkimistovo sobano zapustijo sodobni svet in se znajdejo v 16. stoletju, kjer morajo za uspešen pobeg najti zlato jajce ljubljanskega zmaja.
V drugi sobi se zgodba začne malo kasneje, natančneje v letu 1943, ko je bila Ljubljana obdana z bodečo žico. Obiskovalci prevzamejo glavno vlogo pri reševanju mesta, ko se soočajo z iskanjem poti iz zapora in iskanjem zemljevida Okupirane Ljubljane, kakor se igra tudi imenuje.
Da gre za nepozabno doživetje nam vztrajno ponavljajo naši obiskovalci, ki svoje vtise vzorno zapisujejo na portalu Tripadvisor od katerega je MindMaze prejel odličje “Certificate of excellence 2016”.
Obiskovalci sobi izkoristijo za doživetje nepozabnih 60 minut, ki jih doživijo z družino, prijatelji ali sodelavci. Vsem je skupno to, da se umaknejo iz svojega vsakdana v film, kjer so prav oni glavni junaki.
Prav vse vabimo, da sami odkrijejo naše glavno mesto, kot ga še ne poznajo.
Escape Room
Pozdravljeni! Tokrat vas vabim, da se nam pridružite, ko bomo šli v Escape Room, kjer lahko izbirate med šestimi igrami. Te so: Učilnica, Escape Igloo, Skrivnostni recept Maestra Luigija, (od)Rešitev – prava klasika, Izgubljeni navdih umetnika Francesca, Unlock Ljubljana – spoznajte Ljubljano v nepozabni pustolovščini na prostem. Čaka vas zabavna, posebna, izvirna preizkušnja: pobeg iz zaklenjene sobe v eni uri. Vam bo uspelo pravi čas razvozlati uganke, ugotoviti kodo in odkleniti vrata, da boste lahko pobegnil?
Čudežna Dežela - Escape Room THE KEY Ljubljana
Po naši prvi uspešnici DaVinci & Sherlock sobi, smo tokrat naredili Čudežno Deželo, kjer se boste morali preko magičnih urokov in zapletov rešiti najprej iz ječe, nato pa preko pravljične čudežne dežele na prostost. Tudi tokrat nam je uspelo ustvariti wow efekt in po mnenju mnogih, smo nadgradili prejšnjo sobo in lahko z zagotovostjo trdimo, da je to nova uspešnica! VABLJENI!
Nasvet za izlet : Ljubljana - Soba pobega/ Escape room
Escape Room Enigmarium, Travelstarter (januar 2015)
Escape room Enigmarium ( is gearing up to bring you a new escape room experience in the centre of one of Slovenia's most popular tourist destinations.
Here is our story:
In September 2014 Enigmarium opened the first real live escape room in Ljubljana. Two months later we opened our second room, the Classroom of Doom. Now we have three rooms that are nearly fully booked every day and we’ve become Ljubljana’s number ONE Tourist activity on TripAdvisor!
Over 3000 people have played our Escape Room games. They always leave with a smile on their faces.
We’ve just opened the world’s very first Escape Igloo ( on the slopes of Slovenia’s ski resort in Kranjska Gora.
We’ve set out to create fun, engaging and completely original rooms - to make the best escape rooms in Slovenia and beyond. To accomplish our goal, we need your help.
So check out the perks listed on our TravelStarter page. , make a donation that suits your pocket book and help us make Enigmarium® the best escape rooms in Slovenia and beyond!
Labyrinth Ljubljana - odzivi udeležencev
Navdušeni obiskovalci Labyrintha Ljubljana po odigrani igri.
Escape Room (soba pobega) vs Labyrinth Ljubljana
Popolnoma nova akcijska, adrenalinska pustolovska igra Labyrinth Ljubljana.
Avtorska ideja, samo v Ljubljani, samo v Sloveniji.
Labyrinth Ljubljana Trailer
A new action, adventure, interactive game, Labyrinth Ljubljana. Only in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Another escape room? We don't think so... check it out!
Slovenia is our new favourite country! Ljubljana, Predjama Castle and Lake Bled all amazed us with their natural beauty and the Slovenian people are SO friendly! Also helps that we didn't have a single bad food experience!
???? Business enquiries -
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JR Francisco
✩ Sav:
Vlogs currently filmed on a OnePlus 5
???? - SETTINGS - ????
- Rear camera: 4K @ 30fps (stabilised & cropped internally)
- Selfie camera: 1080p @ 30 fps (stabilised & cropped internally)
???? - MISCELLAINEOUS - ????
???????????? - Medals awarded to first commenter only and you need to comment with first to be eligible to claim your medal.
Medals will be awarded to whoever appears at the bottom of all the comments when comments are arranged to show Newest First, therefore letting YouTube decide who the winner is (in the event of a tie).
The winner will have their comment pinned and replied to with the current standings for that month.
Prizes MAY be awarded to top medal holders from each month ????
If anyone's even bothered to read the description let me know in the comments with Get those booty roasters on.
❓ - F.A.Q: -❓
For any F.A.Q's check out my two Q&A videos:
Old one:
✩ -
New one:
✩ -
Love you all (but like, as friends.)
Rojstni dan za otroke, športni rojstni dan, otroški rojstni dan - Ljubljana
SportSiTi se ukvarja z organizacijo športnih dogodkov za vaše otroke. Naj bo to praznovanje rojstnega dne, športni dan ali šola squasha, poskrbimo da bodo vaši otroci maksimalno uživali in pri tem bili tudi športno aktivni.
Ste že kdaj razmišljali, da bi praznovali rojstni dan malo drugače, bolj športno? Če ste za to, da vašim otrokom ponudite praznovanje rojstnega dne na športen, zanimiv in družaben način, potem imamo idejo za vas. SportSiTi ekipa animatorjev bo za vašega slavljenca in vse prijatelje pripravila praznovanje rojstnega dne s športno obarvano zabavo, vam pa omogočila, da boste tudi na ta dan brez skrbi.
Vse kar si želijo otroci na rojstnem dnevu je brezskrbna zabava po njihovih željah. Zato smo pripravili program, ki bi ga pripravili otroci sami. Današnja generacija otrok zelo rada igra igre na račualniku, konzoli ali na telefonu, zato smo dodali obilico video iger. Vendar, ker doma večino časa otroci SEDIJO za račualnikom (in nič ne migajo !!!), smo pripravili mešanico klasičnih športov in gibalnih video iger. Prav tako bodo lahko vadili na edinem otroškem fitnesu v Sloveniji, kjer so naprave manjše in primerne za otroke do 12 let.
Za šole organiziramo športne dneve na več lokacijah v Ljubljani.
V BIT Centru je na voljo 3 urni sklop 6 dvoranskih športov in gibalnih video iger. Istočasno je lahko aktivnih do 100 šolarjev pod vodstvom naših vaditeljev.
Za šolarje imamo 12 badminton igrišč, floorball, mini hokej, plezalno steno, wallyball, squash, otroški fitnes, arkadni ples, just dance, virtualno atletiko.
V Plezalnem centru Ljubljana je na voljo več plezalnih dvoran, kjer lahko šolarji plezajo na 17 in 11 metrov visoki steni ali na 4,5 metrov visoki balvanski steni.
V Enigmarium ESCAPE ROOM šolarji poizkušajo pobegniti iz zaklenjene sobe, kjer morajo uporabiti svoje znanje in spretnosti in seveda tudi sodelovati med seboj. Za večje skupine pa je tu še UNLOCK Ljubljana, ki poteka na prostem po starem mestnem jedru Ljubljane. Cilj igre je odkleniti večkrat zaklenjeno knjigo, katero lahko odklenejo z reševanjem ugank in tako postopoma razkrivajo zgodovinske in arhitekturne znamenitosti Ljubljane.
V Športnem centru LUDUS imamo za šolarje na voljo prvo dvoransko odbojko na mivki s 4 pokritimi igrišči, poleg tega je še 6 igrišč na prostem za toplejše dni.
V Vodnem mestu Atlantis ponujamo 2 ali 4 urne vodne aktivnosti, kjer se šolarji kopajo v več bazenih ali spuščajo po toboganih. Aktivnosti so lahko tudi vodene.
Na voljo je tudi kombinacija različnih lokacij, tako lahko naprimer šolarji obiščejo od 9h do 12h Bit Center in nato od 12.30 do 14.30 še Vodno mesto Atlantis.
Na vse lokacije organiziramo tudi AVTOBUSNI PREVOZ od vaše šole do nas in nazaj.
Escape Room Veluwe - Aandacht trailer
Een Productie
Escape Room vs Labyrinth Ljubljana (eng)
A new action, adrenaline, adventure game Labyrinth Ljubljana, only in Ljubljana, only in Slovenia!
1ST VLOG - Budapest & Ljubljana
1st vlog ever! A little glimpse into my 8 day trip to Budapest, Hungary & Ljubljana, Slovenia.
I’m obsessed with Budapest so here’s a few recommendations (included in the video above!) that I’d highly recommend!
????Trofea buffet - cheap buffet w/ all you can drink beer, wine & champagne
????New York Cafe - so pretty! For breakfast or lunch
????Karavan - food trucks (opened all day/super late too) burritos are bombbbb
????Drum Cafe for Goulash
????Cirkusz for breakfast (close to the hostel!)
????Pizza Me for bomb pizza after drinking (open til like 5am!)
????Zoo Cafe - make a reservation! Has a bunch of animals just chilling in the cafe
????Bors Gastrobistro for hot sandwiches
????Instant/Fogas Haz - SO DOPE! Different rooms with different DJ’s/genres. My favorite place!
????Szimpla Kert - Best Ruins bar, also had hookah and a little restaurant
Things to Do:
????Thermal Baths! I only when to Széchenyi which is the most famous but so many others
????Walk around Gozsdu (alley) - so many little cafes/bars/restaurants
????Danube river cruise
????Escape game! We did it through E-Exit & it was so much fun, definitely a highlight
????Hike to the Citadella for the best panoramic views (free to do & better view than the Ferris wheel)
Escape Room Enigmarium® ER FRANCHISE / june 16
In September 2014, the team of Escape Room Enigmarium® was the first to present this new and completely original concept for spending free time: today’s most popular Escape Room Enigmarium®.
Today, our rooms have become one of the most sought after tourist attractions and Enigmarium now (june 2016) runs 10 unique escape rooms in 3 EU states and has become a trendsetter in the wider region (Slovenia, NE Italy and Croatia/Istria).
Our innovation – literally the coolest escape room in the world – the world’s first Escape Igloo®, which we built from snow on the ski slopes of Kranjska Gora, won the prestigious Snovalec 2015 Award from the Slovenian Ministry for Tourism and confirmed that the Enigmarium team can think out of the box room, too!
We work hard to make Enigmarium® – with the unique gaming and user experience – an synonymus for best escape room you have ever played.
That’s why our players always leave our rooms terribly excited and wanting to play another room. They share their excitement with their friends and acquaintances and in doing so become our ambassadors – and put Escape Room Enigmarium® as leader & trendsetter in the field throughout our wider region. LJubljana's Enigmarium roomse were awarded by TripAdvisor Certificate of excellence 2016
By joining our franchise, you won’t lose any valuable time (and money) creating a business plan, developing and protecting your brand, logo and visual image, thinking up your marketing and communication strategy, setting up and optimizing your website, booking system, developing a system for giving hints to players, figuring out how to do time monitoring and looking for other solutions that we have already tested and incorporated in our games.
You will also get help developing the escape room game itself , including ideas, dramaturgy, scenarios, puzzles… In addition you’ll get access to our development team of investors in charge of developing hi-tech gadgets for your needs. We take care of all the KNOW-HOW to set up your centre within our network and you run it.
Acting under one brand we can all but gain, working together means a more cost effective business, stronger brand recognition and greater customer loyalty. As well as a higher entrance barrier for competition.
Send as a mail with letter of intent including your location and a short CV at
031 33 44 88