Rtanj pyramidal mountain night climbing, above the clouds Serbia.
Rtanj pyramidal mountain, night climbing, near Sokobanja and Boljevac in Serbia. Altitude 1565 m
Iain's Travels #11 - Boljevac, Serbia
My fledgling travel VLOG, initially documenting my journey from the UK, through the Balkans and around the Black Sea.
This episode finds me trekking up Rtanj Mountain in Serbia.
Please feel free to add feedback and questions below.
Rtanj mountain
Rtanj is a mountain situated in eastern Serbia, approximately 200 km southeast of Belgrade, between towns of Boljevac on north and Sokobanja on south. It belongs to the Serbian Carpathians. Its highest peak is Šiljak (1,565 m), a natural phenomenon of karst terrain.
The north side of the mountain is covered with forests and shrubs, full of autochthonous plant species and plenty of sources of potable water.
According to a legend, the castle of a wizard was situated on Rtanj Mountain, in which a great treasure was guarded. However, the castle has disappeared and on the peak Šiljak, there is a now little chapel dedicated to St. George. It was built in 1932 by the wife of a former local miner. Today, the chapel is in ruins, as it was partly destroyed by dynamite, when treasure hunters tried to find the hidden gold.
Rtanj VerticalKilometer 2015
First VK race in Serbia, 21st March
Support by TO Boljevac & Hydrostar
Gondola na Rtnju
Na Rtnju kod Boljevca uskoro bi mogla da nikne gondola, koja bi povezivala podnožje planine I plato do ispod samog vrha. Vrednost investicije izgradnje gondole, kreće se od 13 do 20 miliona evra.
Istočna Srbija bez spasilačkih akcija, 13. januar 2017. (RTV Bor)
U Timočkoj krajni ove godine, nije bilo potrebe da intervenišu Vatrogasno spasilačke jedinice niti Gorska služba spasavanja. Pripadnici ove službe biće sutra prvenstveno angažovani na obezbeđivanju planinara koji će učestvovati na tradicionalnom božićnom usponu na Rtanj.
Produkcija: Radio televizija Bor ( RTV Bor)
Rtanj Vlog 2015
Ртањ је планина која се налази у источној Србији, око 200 km југоисточно од Београда, надомак Бољевца. Припада Карпатским планинама, а највиши врх Шиљак (1565 m) представља природни феномен крашког рељефа.
Rtanj is a mountain situated in eastern Serbia, approximately 200 km southeast of Belgrade, between towns of Boljevac on north and Sokobanja on south. It belongs to the Serbian Carpathians. Its highest peak is Šiljak (1,565 m), a natural phenomenon of karst terrain.
Ekipa iz Paracina,Rtanj 2010 II deo
Dragisa Filipovic,Rankovic Igor i Jovanovic Aleksandar
Rtanj, vrh Siljak 1565 m.
Opstina Boljevac
Uspon na Šiljak, 1565m
MT. RTANJ in CENTRAL SERBIA - old Romanian name: Aartan... means artificial mountain -
Rtanj odoleva smaku sveta.
Navodno, ima tri planine-piramide u svetu koje će preteći kraj sveta, a Rtanj je jedna od njih - priča Obrad Blečić, menadžer etno-centra Balašević u podnožju Rtnja.
Artur Klark čuveni pisac naučnofantastičnih bestselera, navodno, tvrdio je da se ispod Rtnja krije piramida. A danas je sve više entuzijasta, naučnika pravih i samozvanih, i inženjera koji tragaju za misterioznim zračenjima i raspravljaju o tome da li je Rtanj planina ili veštački stvorena piramida.
Odavno se govori o zračenjima za koja se tvrdi da su blagotvorna. Blagotvorno je i bilje Rtnja od kojeg se pravi čuveni rtanjski čaj. Legenda govori da je na vrhu Šiljak visokom 1.565 metara živeo čarobnjak koji je čuvao blago sakriveno u unutrašnjosti planine. I danas ima onih koji tragaju za skrivenim blagom.
People Are Flocking To This Mystical Serbian Mountain Ahead Of The Apocalypse
During his stay at a research conference Rtanj - the ancient Pyramids or the masterpiece of nature, held in a hotel-tourist complex Rtanj Boljevac municipality (Serbia) from August 15th to August 19th, Dr. Semir Osmanagic has expressed an opinion on Rtanj, based on field observations, meetings with current research and literature available including satellite maps and surveying.
Four-sided pyramid, in geometric terms, the rule must be met eleven o'clock straight lines (four edge, based on four pages, two equal diagonal and height). Three-sided pyramid should have seven straight lines. Rtanj has only three of seven straight lines and therefore have an incomplete pyramid geometry. The existence of straight lines (edges) should be confirmed by the Serbian Geodetic Institute or other relevant institutions. If it is confirmed the existence of edges, this could mean that this is a phenomenon that should be explored and explained geologically.
In terms of construction materials on the Rtanj absent. This is a limestone massive, with occasional layers of dolomite, clay and sandstone. There is no visible anthropogenic activities.
Although Rtanj does not meet the primary anthropological criteria to be called a pyramid, it deserves special attention. Specifically, a three-sided pyramidal Rtanj ending that is called Cusp. According to preliminary measurements at the Center for Research and Ecology Rtanj Ghost spikes and the adjacent peaks have a certain regular geometrical values. Some studies suggest that inside Rtanj are the cavities and passes. If confirmed by field work then this range could get a whole new dimension.
Also, if this kind of support can give rise to certain electromagnetic phenomena, with that aspect the study of Rtanj would be very interesting.
Further research on this site may lead to Rtanj become the engine of development of tourism in this part of the Balkans.
Боговинска пећина налази се на територији општине
Бољевац, од кога је удаљена 12 километара ,од
Параћина 62 км. а од Београда 220. километара,
на источном ободу Јужног Кучаја у атару села Боговина.
Једна од најлепших пећина у Србији, иначе спада у
заштићено природно добро III категорије. Својом
дужином од преко 6000 хиљада метара, дуго је била
најдужа пећина у Србији. Уређено је 540 метара
стазе која је уздигнута од речног корита и омогућава
несметан приступ до најлепших дворана пећине.
Сама пећина има велики број дворана, али се у
уређеном делу пећине по својој лепоти и богатству
пећинског накита посебно издвајају четири дворане.
Концертна дворана – где је северни зид дворане
обложен монументалним украсима, са кубетом
и саливима разних боја. Делује свечано и имозантно,
а због акустичности добила је назив Концертна дворана.
Рударска дворана – налази се на тераси са десне стране
речног канала. Посвећена је боговинским рударима.
Дворана киклопа – располаже обиљем накита претежно
сталагмитске скупине. Централно место заузимају
Киклопи по којима је дворана и добила име. Лево од
Киклопа истиче се пећински стуб, раскошан, светлуцав
и накинђурен, који је добио назив Влашка млада, а
између Киклопа и Влашке младе налази се један ниски
сталагмит који личи на мајку са дететом у наручју.
Хајдучка дворана – добила је назив по сталагмиту
румене боје, високом 10. метара, чије је постоље 2 метра,
и који симболизује Хајдук Вељка. Близу Вељка, из таме,
изронила је његова верна и храбра сапутница – Чучук
Постоји могућност групног обиласка (до 20) посетилаца
и не уређеног дела пећине, али тада се ангажују посебно
обучени водичи.
Филм је награђен доделом Специјалног признања за промоцију
природних лепота Србије на трећем интернационалном фестивалу
туристичког и еколошког филма ВРМЏА ФЕСТ 2019. у Врмџи
06. јула 2019. године.
Сваки национални, верски и политички коментар биће уклоњен.
Више на сајту:
Rtanj serbian pyramid
pozitive vibes and energy. Butterfly set on me :)
Rtanj 24.06.2018
Rtanj 24.06.2018
Rtanj timelapse
Planina Rtanj
You can do hard things (climbed mountain Rtanj)
You can do hard things... yes you can... fantastic mantra to use I can do hard things when courage and persistence are required in any area of your life. Remember to breathe, surround yourself with positive reminders how awesome you are, and be prepared to keep walking through the toughest moments (the faster way out is right through it).
Special moment after climbing mountain Rtanj in Serbia, so much peace, incredible flora and fauna...
Sat 19 Aug 2017
3D animirana rekonstrukcija piramidalnog kompleksa na Rtnju. U cilju boljeg sagledavanja piramidalnog reljefa planine Rtanj, centar za istraživanje i ekologiju Duh Rtnja predstavlja detaljan 3D prikaz. užeg i šireg područja.
3D animated reconstruction of the pyramid complex on Rtanj, Serbia. In order to better perceive pyramid mountain terrain Rtanj, Research and Ecology Center - The Spirit Rtanj present a detailed 3D view narrower and wider areas. More infos: duhrtnja.com
music by Chris Zabriskie - I Am Running With Temporary Success from a Monstrous Vacuum in Pursuit
People Are Flocking To This Mystical Serbian Mountain Ahead Of The Apocalypse
During his stay at a research conference Rtanj - the ancient Pyramids or the masterpiece of nature, held in a hotel-tourist complex Rtanj Boljevac municipality (Serbia) from August 15th to August 19th, Dr. Semir Osmanagic has expressed an opinion on Rtanj, based on field observations, meetings with current research and literature available including satellite maps and surveying.
Four-sided pyramid, in geometric terms, the rule must be met eleven o'clock straight lines (four edge, based on four pages, two equal diagonal and height). Three-sided pyramid should have seven straight lines. Rtanj has only three of seven straight lines and therefore have an incomplete pyramid geometry. The existence of straight lines (edges) should be confirmed by the Serbian Geodetic Institute or other relevant institutions. If it is confirmed the existence of edges, this could mean that this is a phenomenon that should be explored and explained geologically.
In terms of construction materials on the Rtanj absent. This is a limestone massive, with occasional layers of dolomite, clay and sandstone. There is no visible anthropogenic activities.
Although Rtanj does not meet the primary anthropological criteria to be called a pyramid, it deserves special attention. Specifically, a three-sided pyramidal Rtanj ending that is called Cusp. According to preliminary measurements at the Center for Research and Ecology Rtanj Ghost spikes and the adjacent peaks have a certain regular geometrical values. Some studies suggest that inside Rtanj are the cavities and passes. If confirmed by field work then this range could get a whole new dimension.
Also, if this kind of support can give rise to certain electromagnetic phenomena, with that aspect the study of Rtanj would be very interesting.
Rtanj Olimp Srpskih Bogova
Jedna lepa jesenja šetnja do vrha Šiljak mitske planine Rtanj.
Više na sajtu.
Svaki nacionalni, verski ili politički komentar biće obrisan.
First Hiking In Serbia Since 3 Years Ago - Tumane Hills