Saint Martin's Church in Valjala
It is one of the oldest churches in Estonia.
Church is situated in the Valjala Commune that is around 25 kilometers from Kuressaare on the island of Saaremaa. It was built during the 13th century.
Saaremaal lustikummut 2006 Laokülas Endel Kumm (sõrve)
Endel Kumm (sõrve) mängimas pilli Saaremaal lustikummut 2006 Laokülas
Ultima Thule Valjala Ancient Fort and Church Ösel Øsel Eysýsla Saaremaa
Ultima Thule Valjala Ancient Fort and Church Saaremaa/ Valjala muinaslinnus ja kirik Saaremaa / Valjala fornborg och kyrka
Ultima Thule,
Ösel / Øsel / Eysýsla / Saaremaa
Estland / Eesti
Suvi/ Summer 2017
Cameras: Fuji XT2, GoPro 4 Black, & Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Drone Copter: DJI Phantom 2
Filmed and Ivar Eensoo & Allan Tark
Directed by Allan Tark
Company: Rein Mets & Tanel Erma
Music: WANDRUNA NOR - Yggdrasil
Joseph Payne - GBR / CH - Remember not, O Lord
Stockholm 2017
Saint Martin's Church of Valjala is a Lutheran church in Valjala, on the island of Saaremaa, Estonia. It is the oldest stone church on Saaremaa and possibly the oldest surviving church in Estonia.
The first church was a smaller chapel built on the site of an ancient stronghold. The chapel was later extended and still forms the nucleus of the current church. Remnants from this earliest period of the building include Romanesque fragments of murals depicting six of the apostles inside the church.
In 12th century, the church was expanded and it got its present form of a single-nave church.
The builders stayed true to Romanesque forms as evidenced by the round-arched portals of the church.
The oldest part of the church is the choir room to which the nave was later added. At Valjala Church you can see a Romanesque baptismal font , which is believed to be one of the most unique pieces of carved stonework in the Baltic states.
In the choir room of the church you can marvel the murals which depict six apostles and are painted at the time when the original chapel was built - the later choir room part.
This video is not for commercial purposes, only educational / See video ei taotle ärilisi eesmärke, ainult üldhariduslikul eesmärgil.
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Valjala kirik
Gooti-romaani segastiilis kirik on esimene kivikirik, mis Saaremaale ja arvatavasti ka kogu Eesti alale ehitatud. Valjala kirikut hakati püstitama ilmselt kohe pärast saarlaste alistamist 1227. aastal.
St Catherine's Church in Muhu
The Muhu Church is considered one of the most remarkable early-Gothic buildings in Estonia. The exterior architecture of the Muhu Church is a strict monumental style and its originality is prominent. The patron saint of the church is St. Catherine from Alexandria who lived about 700 years ago.
Tõmba, Jüri - Valjala Põhikool.flv St. John's church
Estonia : Tartu. See on map .
Eesti Evangeelne Luterlik Kirik
Evangelical Lutheran Church
Eesti Evangeelne Luterlik Kirik
Modern history of the Estonian church:
The Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church (Estonian: Eesti Evangeelne Luterlik Kirik) was constituted in 1949, when the previous church hierarchy, Eesti Evangeeliumi Luteriusu Kirik, headed by bishop Johan Kõpp, had escaped to Sweden in 1944. When the Soviet Union invaded Estonia in 1940, most Christian organizations were dissolved, church property was confiscated, theologians were exiled to Siberia, and religious education programs were outlawed. World War II later brought devastation to many church buildings. It was not until 1988 that church activities were renewed when a movement for religious tolerance began in the Soviet Union.
The EELK is member of the Lutheran World Federation. The current archbishop is the Most Rev. Andres Põder. The Archbishop of the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church Abroad (with about 8,000 members) is the Most Rev. Dr Andres Taul, also a pastor of the Lutheran Church--Canada
Organ Meditation
Amazing Gothic sculptures in Kaarma church
One of the oldest churches in Saaremaa.
The church of Kaarma parish, dedicated to St. Peter and St. Paul, is one of the oldest churches in Saaremaa and whole Western Estonia. Many amazing pieces of art have survived in Kaarma church. There is a medieval; baptismal font (13th century) and a wooden sculpture of St. Simon of Cyrene (mid-15th century) standing under the pulpit.
St. John's church, Tartu 2016
The assembling of a 13-meter scaffold tower at St. John's church, Tartu, Estonia
Saare- ja Muhumaa III lasteaedade spordipäev. Valjala poisid võidukad kõieveos
Medieval church Kaarma.
The church of Kaarma parish, dedicated to St. Peter and St. Paul, was constructed across from Kaarma stronghold. It was built a little later than the Valjala church, possibly after the 1261 rebellion. Here we can see the constructional arangement which later became typical of the churches of the Osilia Bishophric - a simple nave with a slightly narrower choir. The steeple was added in the 15th century and thus Kaarma became the first church with a steeple on Saaremaa.
The church is built on unstable ground and during construction an accident seems to have occurred, and part of it seem to have collapsed. The nave did not acquire its present vaults until the 15th century. The relatively wide nave was divided into two aisles for safety purposes. The unsableness continues. To this day the steeple section of the building tends to lean away from the rest, and continual cracks develop in the walls between the two sections. Sometime prior to the 15th century reconstructions, a room with a fireplace was built above the vestry. This room could serve as a place of refuge for the colonizers from the angy natives of Saaremaa. Later, it became shelter for pilgrims who followed a route that included churches on the island of Gotland and Saaremaa.
St Catherine's Lutheran Church in Karja
Medieval church on The insel Saaremaa.
This small, unique and beautiful medieval church has been continuously active as a sanctuary for more than 700 years.
St Catherine's Church in Karja was built in the 13th century and has maintained its original shape in an almost unchanged fashion. In this country church one can find refined stone sculptures, stories of saints carved in stone, a unique Calvary bas relief, and unique mural paintings on the walls.
Valjala ja Orissaare kandle-bande
Valjala ja Orissaare kandlehuvilised noored Saaremaa Kaubamaja ees talenti tutvustamas
Ultima Thule Karja Church Saaremaa Ösel Øsel Eysýsla Saaremaa
Ultima Thule
Ösel / Øsel / Eysýsla / Saaremaa
Ultima Thule, Karja Church Saaremaa. Ösel.
Estonia Estland Eesti
Karja Church located in Linnaka village on Saaremaa island, Estonia. It is the rural church with the richest medieval stone sculpture decoration in all the Baltic states. The origins of the church are not well known, but it was most probably constructed sometime during the late 12th or early 13th century. The style of the decorations range from Romanesque to Gothic and high Gothic. The church has 28 characters - signs of ancient Irish - Celdic Christian symbolism
Karja kirik asub Linnaka külas Saaremaal, Eestis. See on maakirik ja rikkaim keskaegne kivist skulptuuride ja kaunistustega kirik kogu Baltimaades.
Kiriku päritolu ja asutamise aeg ei ole hästi teada, kuid see oli ilmselt ehitatud millalgi 11.-12. või 13. sajandi väga alguses. Stiilis kaunistused ulatuvad romaani gooti ja kõrge gooti.
Kirikul on 28 tähemärki iidse Iiri-keldi muinaskristliku sümboolikaga.
Karja kyrka ligger i Linnaka by på Ösel, Estland. Det är på landsbygden kyrka med den rikaste medeltida stenskulptur dekoration i alla de baltiska länderna. Ursprunget till kyrkan är inte känt, men det var förmodligen true någon gång under slutet av 12 eller början av 13-talet. Stilen av dekorationer sträcker sig från romansk till gotiska och hög gotiska. Kyrkan har 28 tecken av forntida irländska kristna symboliken
Music: Handi paadimehe lugu / Traditional song from Estonia. Author: Chicago Eesti rahvamuusika ansambel.
Album: Tuuletargad (2000)
Video directed by Allan Tark
Company: Rein Mets
Stockholm 2016
This video is not for commercial purposes / See video ei taotle ärilisi eesmärke.
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