Софийский собор. Saint Sophia Cathedral in Polotsk | Film Studio Aves
The Cathedral of Holy Wisdom in Polotsk was built by Prince Vseslav Briacheslavich (r.1044–1101) between 1044 (it is first mentioned in the Voskresenskaia Chronicle under the year 1056) and 1066. It stands at the confluence of the Polota and Western Dvina Rivers on the eastern side of the city and is probably the oldest church in Belarus.
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Софийский собор в Полоцке 2016 #Saint #Sophia #Cathedral #Polotsk #DJI phantom vision + #Belarus
Софийский собор в Полоцке.
Зима 2016.
Люблю Беларусь.
DJI phantom vision +
Антон Пименов, Константин Замировский
The Cathedral of Holy Wisdom in Polotsk (Belarusian: Полацкі Сафійскі сабор; Russian: Собор Святой Софии в Полоцке) was built by Prince Vseslav Briacheslavich (r.1044–1101) between 1044 (it is first mentioned in the Voskresenskaia Chronicle under the year 1056) and 1066. It stands at the confluence of the Polota and Western Dvina Rivers on the eastern side of the city and is probably the oldest church in Belarus.
Софи́йский собор (белор. Сафійскі сабор) — памятник архитектуры XI-XVIII веков, самая первая каменная постройка на территории Белоруссии.
Возведённый в середине XI века в византийском стиле храм был освящён во имя Святой Софии. До нашего времени Софийский собор сохранился в значительно измененном виде, окончательно был перестроен в XVIII веке в стиле виленского барокко. В таком виде сохранился до нашего времени.
Полоцк Софийский собор Polotsk St. Sophia Cathedral
Полоцк Софийский собор Polotsk St. Sophia Cathedral
Полоцк. Софийский Собор
Софийский собор в древнем Полоцке – уникальный храм среди немногих одноименных православных святынь Европы, один из самых ранних в Древней Руси и первый каменный на территории Беларуси.
Этот старинный памятник представлен в предварительный Список всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО.
Собор Софии Премудрости Божией с поистине особенной и символичной архитектурой был построен в Полоцке на правом берегу Западной Двины в ХI веке. В середине XVIII-го его основательно перестроили по проекту архитектора Яна Глаубица в стиле виленского (позднебелорусского) барокко.
Однако до наших дней от храма ХI века дошли фрагменты кладки, практически полностью сохранившийся древний фундамент, части апсиды, столбов и стен, а также удивительные фресковые росписи 2-й половины ХI в. Собор и сегодня поражает красотой и величием.
Каменный собор в Полоцке появился после своих старших сестер в Киеве и Новгороде, построенных по образцу собора в Константинополе, и стал четвертым в мире храмом Святой Софии.
Греческое слово софия, означающее мудрость, мастерство, полочане объясняли шире – как великую человеческую общность, проявление единства жителей княжества.
Впервые храм упоминается в Житии преподобной Ефросинии Полоцкой и Слове о полку Игореве ХII века.
Величественное строение возводили византийские мастера и горожане в 1044 – 1066 годах по распоряжению князя Всеслава Чародея. Символ независимости и могущества Полоцкого княжества, храм словно олицетворял белый корабль, плывущий по Двине.
Софийский собор в Полоцке 2016 (Версия 2 )#Saint #Sophia #Polotsk #DJI phantom vision + #Belarus
Софийский собор в Полоцке. 2я Версия ролика.
Зима 2016.
Люблю Беларусь.
DJI phantom vision +
Антон Пименов, Константин Замировский
Полоцкий Софийский собор | Polotsk Sofia Cathedral
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Небольшое видео Софийского собора в Полоцке - старейшем городе Беларуси, используя квадрокоптер Phantom 2 и подвес Zenmuse H3-2D с камерой GoPro HERO3. Подписывайтесь и следите за нашими воздушными приключениями по Минску и другим городам Беларуси!
Музыка: Арыя Апалона (з оперы Апалон-заканадаўца, або Рэфармаваны Парнас) - Чатыры стагоддзі беларускай вакальнай музыкі
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Short aerial video of Polotsk Sofia Cathedral in Belarus using DJI Phantom 2 + Zenmuse H3-2D in the oldest city of our country (first mentioned in 862 BC). Subscribe to to catch up with the latest bird eye view adventures in Minsk and other places in Belarus!
Music: Apollo Aria (from the opera Apollo-legislator, or reformed Parnassus)
#phantom #quadcopter #aerial #video #квадрокоптер #аэросъемка #минск #беларусь
Museums of Polotsk
More about the Museum-reserve
Polotsk National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve is a unique historical area where its monuments are being preserved, studied, restored and adapted for museum expositions. Some of the architectural monuments house the museums' expositions: the Sophia Cathedral (11 --18th centuries), one of the buildings of the former Jesuit college (18th century), Lutheran church (1888), Brethren School (18th century), house in Voikova Street,1 and Nizhne-Pokrovskaya Street, 46 (19th -- beginning of the 20th century), Peter's the Great House (1692), the Water Tower (1953). Altogether, Reserve includes 11 museums.
Museum-Reserve itself including zone of preservation, zone with a special regime of construction, existing and future museums is the key to turn historical Polotsk into a museum town.
*BELARUS* Polotsk - 1150 years old (motion timelapse)
This videopresentation about Polotsk. It is one of the most ancient cities of the Eastern Slavs. Come to see it!
Music: Грамніцы - Ляцеў голуб.
Belarus- Polotsk Vlog
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Репортаж ТК Белсат о Софийском соборе в Полоцке
#СОФИЙСКЙ СОБОР г.ПОЛОЦК # Sophia Cathedral in Polotsk.
Софи́йский собор (белор. Сафійскі сабор) — кафедральный собор города Полоцка. Первоначально построен между 1030—1060 годами. Разрушен в 1710 году и в середине XVIII века восстановлен в стиле виленского барокко.
Hagia Sophia (Belor. Safest Sabor) — the Cathedral of the city of Polotsk. Originally built between 1030-1060 years. Destroyed in 1710 and in the middle of the XVIII century, restored in the Vilna Baroque style.
Aerial Polotsk | Полоцк с воздуха | Полацк з вышыні
Aerial Polotsk | Полоцк с воздуха | Полацк з вышыні
Music: Eddy, Alexandre - Positive Start
Gear: Phantom 3 Advanced, Mavic Pro
Color-graded using: DJI_Phantom4 D-Log2Rec709
Fortuna, Belarus, Polotsk/Championship Of The Republic Of Belarus, Formation Standart 22.03.2015.
Energy Efficiency in Polotsk, Belarus
Interview with Anastasiya Adamovich of the City of Polotsk about the EU-funded SURE project for Energy Efficiency and the changes it is expected to make to citizens in Polotsk and other cities in Belarus.
БЕЛАРУСЬ Полоцку 1150 лет. motion timelapse / BELARUS Polotsk 1150 years
Belarus likes - лучшее о Беларуси
Saint Eufrosyne Monastery, Polotsk, Soviet Union, Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, Belarus
In 1941, during the Great Patriotic War, the Cross of Euphrosyne of Polotsk disappeared without a trace and has not yet been found.
The monastery was founded by the holy princess Euphrosyne of Polotsk in 1125, when she settled near the Transfiguration church in Selce. Over time, the sisters of St. Euphrosyne were tonsured: the native Evdokia (in the world of Gordislav) and the cousin Evpraksia (in the world of Zvenislav) - the only daughter of the Polotsk prince Boris Vseslavich.
In 1161, with the zeal of St. Euphrosyne the Monk the stone Transfiguration Church was erected, the best preserved monument of the ancient Polotsk architecture.
Mother Euphrosynia in 1161 donated a gilt cross to the church. This cross known as the Cross of Euphrosyne of Polotsk had relics of many saints and was carved in wood which is claimed to come from the Life-giving Cross of Christ. The cross was carved by the local master jeweler Lazar Bogsha. In the XIII century the cross was taken from Polotsk, but again returned to the monastery Ivan the Terrible in 1563 after the successful siege of the city.
In 1580, the monastery was given to the Jesuits after the capture of Polotsk by Stephen Bathory. In 1654, it was returned to Orthodoxy but in 1667, was again taken over by the Jesuits, who kept it until 1820, when they were expelled from Polotsk. In 1832 the monastery was transferred to the orthodox church and in 1840 it was restored. In 1841 the Cross of the Euphrosyne of Polotsk was returned to the Transfiguration Cathedral.
In the 1840s, the ancient monastery was ranked first-class. In the walls of the monastery the Saint Euhrosyne women's spiritual school was located . In 1847, with the Abbess of Claudia Schepanovsky, the construction of the Euphrosyne Refectory Church was started. It was opened on 5 June (23 May o.s.), 1858.
In 1897, under the abbess Yevgeniya Govorovich, a monumental five-domed Cross Exaltation Cathedral was erected, designed according to the design of architect V.F. Korshikov in the neo-Byzantine style .
National Polotsk Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve
More about the Museum-reserve
Polotsk National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve is a unique historical area where its monuments are being preserved, studied, restored and adapted for museum expositions. Some of the architectural monuments house the museums' expositions: the Sophia Cathedral (11 --18th centuries), one of the buildings of the former Jesuit college (18th century), Lutheran church (1888), Brethren School (18th century), house in Voikova Street,1 and Nizhne-Pokrovskaya Street, 46 (19th -- beginning of the 20th century), Peter's the Great House (1692), the Water Tower (1953). Altogether, Reserve includes 11 museums.
Museum-Reserve itself including zone of preservation, zone with a special regime of construction, existing and future museums is the key to turn historical Polotsk into a museum town.