Don't miss the ancient hilltop town of Civita di Bagnoregio in central Italy. Located between Florence and Rome, Civita di Bagnoregio makes a perfect day trip destination. Walk up the pedestrian bridge and through the city gates and travel back to ancient times.
In this video:
- Stop in town of Lubriano for a view point of Civita
- Walk up to Civita di Bagnoregio
- San Donato Church
- Lunch at Alma Civita
- Check out the ancient olive press in Antico Franoio Bruschetteria
CIVITA DI BAGNOREGIO in 4K - Picturesque hilltop village
Join us as we explore the picturesque hilltop village of Civita di Bagnoregio, Province of Viterbo in central Italy approx 75 miles from Rome.
Civita di Bagnoregio is accessed via a pedestrian bridge from the nearby ticket office in Bagnoregio village. The Porta Santa Maria gateway was built by the Etruscans. Founded in the 7th century, the Romanesque San Donato Church sits in the main square.
Civita di Bagnoregio was founded by Etruscans more than 2,500 years ago. The Civita (or City) was the birthplace of Saint Bonaventure, who died in 1274. The location of his boyhood house has long since fallen off the edge of the cliff. By the 16th century, Civita di Bagnoregio was beginning to decline, becoming eclipsed by its former suburb Bagnoregio.
At the end of the 17th century, the bishop and the municipal government were forced to move to Bagnoregio because of a major earthquake that accelerated the old town's decline.
Produced by konazotravels with CyberLink PowerDirector 17
Filmed October 2019
Civita di Bagnoregio
As a monument on a pedestal, Civita sits on the top of a hill at the height of 443 meters above sea level, in the municipality of Bagnoregio. Considered among the most beautiful villages in Italy for its picturesque location, Civita looks like an island suspended because of its beauty and its atmosphere really surreal and unforgettable.
Often called the town that is dying , Civita di Bagnoregio owes its name to the progressive erosion of the hill and the surrounding valley, which gave rise to the typical forms of gullies and that continues even today, threatening to wipe out the village.
It was founded 2500 years ago by the Etruscans on one of the oldest streets of Italy that connected the Tiber to Lake Bolsena.
Originally the entrance to the medieval town was represented by two gates: Majesty Gate and Santa Maria Gate, the latter erected near a little church dedicated to the Virgin Mary that now remained the only Etruscan gate that welcomes Civita, also known as Porta Cava inasmuch it was cut in the tuff to be adapted in the Middle ages with a Gothic arch.
Arrived in the historic center, you can admire Saint Donato square with the old town hall and the Church which bears his name, pole of aggregation around which develops the whole village.
The origins of Saint Donato church date back to the VII century, when it was founded on a pre-existing roman temple; was a bishopric until 1699 when, following the earthquake of 1695, the location was moved to Bagnoregio.
Among the other objectives of great historical importance we have the Bonaventura House in which St. Bonaventura spent his adolescence and where is now placed a kiosk; the Bucaione , a deep tunnel that affects the lower part of the town, and that allows the access, directly from the village, at the Valley of the Gullies, MUSEUM OF LANDSLIDES, four rooms dedicated to illustrate the geology of Civita di Bagnoregio and of the Valley of the Gullies Valley, finally the Ancient Civitas, small museum built in an Etruscan cave in which they are displayed the classic tools of country life.
The progressive collapse of the perimeter walls and the subsequent abandonment by the population over the centuries has led to an almost total desolation, currently the number of the inhabitants is reduced to only seven people and the town is accessible only by a footbridge approximately 300 meters long, made of reinforced concrete built in 1965 and accessible only on foot.
A Walk in Civita di Bagnoregio
Vlog #9 - Hubby went for a walk in Civita di Bagnoregio with his relatives last Aug. 10, 2019. It was a fun walk and a lot to learn about this tiny town up on a hill called Civita. It is nicknamed as a dying little town because of the erosion of the tuff rocks where it is built on.
Civita di Bagnoregio is a town located halfway between Orvieto and Lake Bolsena. It is roughly 2 hours drive by car from Rome.
This town was built by the Etruscans as far as 2,500 years ago. The Etruscans were aware of the seismic activity of the area and built some structures to help protect the village from any seismic activity. Drainage to route rainwater away from the village was also constructed. As time passed by, nature's element has taken some of its toll on this beautiful, and idyllic little town that portion of the village crumbled during the big earthquake of 1695. Now, you can reach the village of Civita by a narrow foot bridge that was constructed to connect the more modern town of Bagnoregio with Civita.
Inside the tiny village, you can almost feel like time stood still. The little alley ways are so quaint and very rustic. The small square in front of the Church of San Donato is reminiscent of what life was many, many years ago.
There were few residents with small businesses like small restaurants, bars, bed and breakfast, and local shop. There is also a small museum about Pinocchio because this was the location where the first movie was filmed.
Civita also has a famous son named St. Bonaventure. Although his residence has long been gone, he is still revered in the place. St. Bonaventure was the biographer of St. Francis of Assisi. He was born in this beautiful village.
The place is just amazing. One will feel a bit sad because of its future where it may succumb to nature in time. We hope and pray it won't...
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Music Credit: Italian Music Instrumental Classis (no copyright music)
#travel #thetravelbugs #Italy #CivitadiBagnoregio #Civita #Europe #travelvlog #wheninCivita #placestoseeinItaly
Tuscania is a beautifull town that is due to Etruscan time. In 1971 a terrible hearthquarck destroyed the city and made many damnages to the beautifull churches until now under reoaring. Two churches are really wonderfull: St Peter and St Mary the Major. Another town visited is Civita of Bagnoregio the city that dies. It is built on a tufic hill that is going to break. To reach the city there is a bridge 300 meters long. The parish church is St Donato but all the houses are simply wonderfull
BAGNOREGIO (LAZIO). A San Donato templom, a középkori falu főterén. Román és reneszánsz stílusban épült, ősi katedrális, amely már a 600-as években létesült. A korai évek nyomai ma is megtalálhatók. 1511-ben Nicola Matteucci építész átalakította, 1695-ben a földrengés súlyos károkat okozott a templomban.
イタリア「天空の村」、チヴィタ・ディ・バーニョレージョ~Civita di Bagnoregio、Itary
2013.10.28訪問。バーニョレージョからチビタに向かう町のはずれに「il paese che muore」(「死にゆく町」)という何とも寂しげな案内標識(本ビデオ冒頭の標識画像)があった。この標識からしばらく歩くと、いよいよ下り坂になってチビタに近づいているのが分かる。そして、村に通じる唯一の道である約300mの1本の、あの架け橋が現れ、岩壁の上にそびえ立つ集落が見えてくる。 Google Earthで眺めてみると、村は東西約250m、南北約60mと小さく、狭い。集落の全体の形状は木の葉のような形をしている。集落の中央の道から左右に延びる脇道は、葉脈のようでもある。架け橋を登り詰めると、集落の入口の門にたどり着く。その門をくぐると、左手に土産物売り場がある。さらに、中央の1本道を進んでいくと、自然と村の中心である広場に出る。広場は四角形をしていて、サン·ドナート教会(Chiesa di San Donato)やバール、土産物屋などが取り囲んでいる。中央や脇道には、石造りの家々がすき間なく建ち並んでいる。村の南側に、崖に沿って外周する道があるが、真ん中あたりで屈曲し、中央の道に合流する。外周する道の家の壁際には、ベゴニアがいっぱい咲き、なぜか季節外れのアジサイの花が咲いていた。北側にも、広場から西に延びる道があるが、短かかった。中央の1本道を一番奥まで突き進むと、村の東はずれに達し、にわかに下り坂となって建物が無くなって、村の端っこであることが分かる。東端の民家の塀からは、日本由来であろう柿の木が1本あり、熟しきった数個の実が寒空に揺れていた。
Civita di Bagnoregio is next to Bagnoregio, is a small town at the top of the steep cliff.On the way from Banyorejo in Civita, there is a signpost of il paese che muore. The village can be reached only in the bridge of about 300m. Climb the bridge get to the gate of the entrance of the village. And proceed one main road of the center, out in the square, which is the center of the village. Square is San Donato church and bar, surrounded by a souvenir shop.
Civita di Bagnoregio, La città che muore
Civita di Bagnoregio è conosciuta come La città che muore a causa dell'erosione e dei lenti franamenti della roccia di tufo su cui nacque il villaggio. Collegata alla terra ferma da un ponte, nel borgo rimane la chiesa romanica di S. Donato, i palazzi rinascimentali dei Colesanti e degli Alemanni. Ottime le taverne in cui si possono gustare bruschette e altro accompagnate da una buona selezione di vini. Si raggiunge percorrendo la strada statale Cassia fino a Montefiascone per voltare in direzione di Orvieto, oppure con l'autostrada A1 uscendo al casello di Orvieto. Bagnoregio è situata a mezza strada tra Orvieto e il lago di Bolsena. città che muore è situata sulla cima di un colle, arroccata su uno sperone di roccia e intorno un'ampia conca increspata dai calanchi....paesaggio da brivido intorno a lei e comunque suggestivo, sono i calanchi, grandi formazioni franose, che sembrano ammonire sul futuro del suo destino. Il colle tufaceo su cui sorge Civita di bagnoregio è minato alla base dalla continua erosione di due torrentelli che scorrono nelle valli sottostanti e dall´azione delle piogge e del vento: si sta dunque sgretolando, lentamente ma inesorabilmente. Di fronte al Belvedere, collegata al mondo da un unico e stretto ponte di 300 metri, ecco Civita di bagnoregio, appoggiata dolcemente su un cocuzzolo, col suo ciuffo di case medievali.
Addentrandosi nell´abitato, il primo importante monumento che si incontra è la Porta S. Maria, sormontata da una coppia di leoni che artigliano due teste umane, simbolo dei tiranni sconfitti dai bagnoresi.
Più avanti la via S. Maria si apre nella piazza principale, dove si può ammirare la romanica Chiesa di S. Donato rimaneggiata nel XVI secolo.
In essa sono custoditi uno stupendo Crocefisso ligneo quattrocentesco, della scuola di Donatello, e un affresco della scuola del Perugino.
Da vedere anche la Chiesa romanico-gotica dell´Annunziata, affiancata da uno slanciato campanile del 1735 e ricca di opere pittoriche.
Notevoli il chiostro realizzato nel 1524 su disegno dell´architetto Michele Sammicheli e il pozzo centrale del 1604, opera di Ippolito Scalza
Sul bordo orientale del Belvedere, dove c´era il convento francescano, è scavata nel tufo una grotta detta di S. Bonaventura.
civita bells and reply from lubriano; background of chirps
civita di bagnoregio
civita di bagnoregio, il paese che muore
Civita di Bagnoregio Bells
Listen to the bells of the Duomo San Donato in Civita di Bagnoregio, It
Chiesa di San Donato, Carpugnino (VB)
La Chiesa di San Donato a Carpugnino (VB) è già menzionata in un documento recante l'anno 1169.
Costruita in stile romanico è stata rimaneggiata ed ampliata nel corso dei secoli. Internamente degli affreschi originali non vi è rimasta traccia.
Gli attuali affreschi sono databili tra il 1600 e il 1700.
Degni di nota sono una statua lignea della Beata Vergine del Rosario, opera del 1640 e, dello stesso periodo, un Gesù Fanciullo in gesso che veniva venerato il 1° gennaio in occasione del raduno degli ombrellai, tipici artigiani di questi luoghi.
Antistante la Chiesa vi è un ampio sagrato attorniato dalle cappelle della Via Crucis (1780), recentemente restaurato.
Nel 1902 l'edificio è sato riconusciuto Monumento Nazionale.
(Musica Memories of Green Vangelis dalla colonna sonora di Blade Runner)
Purtroppo per la solita censura perniciosa di YT ho dovuto cambiiare colonna sonora!!!!!!!! E per questo motivo il video non è più fluido!!!!
Roma - Basilica Minore dei Santissimi Ambrogio e Carlo al Corso - Plenum
Chiesa dei Lombardi. Concerto di 4 campane a mezzo ambrosiano
Gli Spettri dell'abbandono (chiesa di S.Biagio a Cavagliano)
in questo video collage ci sono ancora mie foto, fatte presso la suggestiva chiesa di S.Biagio a Cavagliano, un luogo abbandonato suggestivo e che se da una parte è meravigliosamente affascinante, lascia l'amaro in bocca, una volta che ci si lascia alle spalle quella chiesetta diroccata... un'altra doverosa testimonianza fotografica del passato di Prato. (Daniele Nuti)
Italy: a visit to Civita di Bagnoregio 704930
For more information visit:
Between the Tevere River and Bolsena lake, in the green latium countryside, on the top of a clay hill, rises the small town Civita di Bagnoregio.
Civita appears isolated on a cliff spur to dominate the around valley and, thanks to this isolation, the town shows intact its medieval architectonical structure.
Joined to Bagnoregio, and to the world, through only one bridge, Civita appears in an unreal isolation due to landslip series and downfall of argillaceous ground on which the entire town is built and that is still in danger.
The History of Civita and Bagnoregio links each to other and the legend wants that Longobardi's king Desiderio named the city Bagnoregium after he was there to cure serious disease with local thermal water (Bagnoregio is a word composed by bagno (means: bath) and regio (regal, king)).
The urban planning of the city is of Etruscan origin, constituted from ortogonal alleys as Etruscan and later roman use, while the entire architectonic has medioeval and rinascimentale styles. Several sculptures of medieval age, pertaining to buildings destroyed for continuous landslips are inglobated on the arc and in the wall to the sides of town access gate.
The heart of the village of Civita is constituted from San Donato square, on which the cathedral dome rises. The cathedral was built in centuries VII - VIII, over a more ancient pagan temple. The building was widened in the XI XII when a bell tower was built too. In origin the cathedral had to be faced from a porch, today destroyed, like us testifies the rests of two columns placed the facade. Inside, the building, has three naves splitted by columns of medieval origin.
Always in San Donato square, on the left of the bell tower, there is a passage that leads to the building of medieval jails, while on the southern side of the square we have Via della Maest where we can see fragments of typical longobard sculptures. At the end of this road there were the gate of the Maest, collapsed with the church of Santa Maria della Maest after a landslip in 1695. From there, a narrow lane came down to the water sources of Civita, in particular to source
of the Columns and in the zone called dell'Uncino (hook), where, for the legend, was located the thermal source from which Bagnoregium name derived.
Italy: a visit to Civita di Bagnoregio 712854
For more information visit:
Between the Tevere River and Bolsena lake, in the green latium countryside, on the top of a clay hill, rises the small town Civita di Bagnoregio.
Civita appears isolated on a cliff spur to dominate the around valley and, thanks to this isolation, the town shows intact its medieval architectonical structure.
Joined to Bagnoregio, and to the world, through only one bridge, Civita appears in an unreal isolation due to landslip series and downfall of argillaceous ground on which the entire town is built and that is still in danger.
The History of Civita and Bagnoregio links each to other and the legend wants that Longobardi's king Desiderio named the city Bagnoregium after he was there to cure serious disease with local thermal water (Bagnoregio is a word composed by bagno (means: bath) and regio (regal, king)).
The urban planning of the city is of Etruscan origin, constituted from ortogonal alleys as Etruscan and later roman use, while the entire architectonic has medioeval and rinascimentale styles. Several sculptures of medieval age, pertaining to buildings destroyed for continuous landslips are inglobated on the arc and in the wall to the sides of town access gate.
The heart of the village of Civita is constituted from San Donato square, on which the cathedral dome rises. The cathedral was built in centuries VII - VIII, over a more ancient pagan temple. The building was widened in the XI XII when a bell tower was built too. In origin the cathedral had to be faced from a porch, today destroyed, like us testifies the rests of two columns placed the facade. Inside, the building, has three naves splitted by columns of medieval origin.
Always in San Donato square, on the left of the bell tower, there is a passage that leads to the building of medieval jails, while on the southern side of the square we have Via della Maest where we can see fragments of typical longobard sculptures. At the end of this road there were the gate of the Maest, collapsed with the church of Santa Maria della Maest after a landslip in 1695. From there, a narrow lane came down to the water sources of Civita, in particular to source
of the Columns and in the zone called dell'Uncino (hook), where, for the legend, was located the thermal source from which Bagnoregium name derived.