Este vídeo describe al majestuoso Parque Nacional Sierra de Bahoruco, un gran patrimonio de la República Dominicana.
The destruction of Sierra de Bahoruco
Video shows the crop production system established in Sierra de Bahoruco National Park (Pedernales Province, Dominican Republic) involving illegal Dominican land occupants exploiting haitian labour. It also portrays the failure of the Ministry of the Environment in addressing this situation through part-time brigades or local vigilantes.
SW Dominican Republic Road Trip - 4WD Trek Through Sierra de Bahoruco - Part 7 of 10
We start out day 4 of our 5 day adventure explaining our experience passing through the National Park called Sierra de Bahoruco. This truly was a 4WD adventure over some pretty narrow mountain roads hugging the mountainside as it meandered through the park. The team explains why it was not safe to stop and film most of the trek and tells us the plan to move on to the mountain town of Conatanza.
Be sure and check out all the other videos of our 5 day adventure.
Day1 Part1
Day1 Part2
Day1 Part3
Day2 Part1
Day2 Part2
Day4 Part1
Day4 Part2
Day5 Part1
Day5 Part2
Keep checking the DR Escapes website and our Youtube channel for more expat interviews and tours of businesses and healthcare facilities of interest to future expats. If you have not subscribed to the DRescapes Youtube channel then you may want to do that today by clicking on the subscribe button. This is one of the fastest ways to keep up to date on all the latest video tours and interviews of interest to anyone considering a move outside of the US, Canada or Europe.
If you have not subscribed to the DRescapes notification list, please do so by clicking . This is the best way for us to get you the information you need and to cover the topics that are most important to you if you ever want to explore living or retiring offshore.
And finally, if you have not already participated in one of our free DYD Discovery Tours of the north coast of the Dominican Republic...... WHY? Heck, worst case you get to explore another beautiful part of the world and best case you will fall in love with this little rural village overlooking the ocean that has become home to so many other expats. Click to sign up for YOUR own Discovery Tour.
Expat lifestyle
Cabrera Dominican Republic
southwest Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic adventure travel
DR Escapes
Retire overseas
Parque Nacional Sierra de Bahoruco
El Parque, que también forma parte de la Reserva de la Biosfera Jaragua-Bahoruco-Enriquillo, posee una superficie de 1,091.77 km2. Se encuentra ubicado entre las provincias de Pedernales, Independencia y Barahona, colindando por el oeste con Haití y al adentrarse por este territorio toma el nombre de Massif de La Selle, por lo que se puede hablar de parque binacional.
Reserva de agua junto al Sendero Rabo de Gato del Parque nacional Sierra de Bahoruco (Puerto Escondido, República Dominicana)Esta área protegida es una de las más diversas tanto desde el punto de vista de los ecosistemas como de las especies. Una de las razones principales de esta biodiversidad es la variación de gradientes ecológicos que van desde escasos metros del nivel del mar hasta alturas superiores a los 2,300 metros.
SW Dominican Republic Road Trip - Barahona to Bahoruco - Part 2 of 10
Come along on our 5 day road trip to the southwest corner of the Dominican Republic. The team heads out of Barahona into the more mountainous area of Sierra de Bahoruco then back to the coast to continue south toward the most southwestern corner of the Dominican Republic. While there are plenty of rock roads suitable only for a 4WD vehicle,especially heading out through the National Park in Bahoruco, I think you will also agree that contrary to popular belief, most of the roads in the Dominican Republic are in terrific condition, rivaling those in America and Canada.
The Dominican Republic is a tropical paradise that offers all the adventure and exploration opportunities you could ever hope for. This is a few highlights from the first day of our 5 day adventure in the southwestern Dominican Republic. Come along for the ride and discover this enchanting part of the island along with us and see this less developed portion of the island.
Be sure and check out all the other videos of our 5 day adventure.
Day1 Part1
Day1 Part2
Day1 Part3
Day2 Part1
Day2 Part2
Day4 Part1
Day4 Part2
Day5 Part1
Day5 Part2
Keep checking the DR Escapes website and our Youtube channel for more expat interviews and tours of businesses and healthcare facilities of interest to future expats. If you have not subscribed to the DRescapes Youtube channel then you may want to do that today by clicking on the subscribe button. This is one of the fastest ways to keep up to date on all the latest video tours and interviews of interest to anyone considering a move outside of the US, Canada or Europe.
If you have not subscribed to the DRescapes notification list, please do so by clicking . This is the best way for us to get you the information you need and to cover the topics that are most important to you if you ever want to explore living or retiring offshore.
And finally, if you have not already participated in one of our free DYD Discovery Tours of the north coast of the Dominican Republic...... WHY? Heck, worst case you get to explore another beautiful part of the world and best case you will fall in love with this little rural village overlooking the ocean that has become home to so many other expats. Click to sign up for YOUR own Discovery Tour.
Expat lifestyle
Cabrera Dominican Republic
southwest Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic adventure travel
DR Escapes
Retire overseas
Parque Nacional Sierra de Bahoruco
Proyecto ejecutado en conjunto con CEPF
Isla Adentro - Pedernales, más que Bahía de las Águilas T02E03
En este tercer episodio de nuestra segunda temporada los llevamos a recorrer Pederanles, una provincia fronteriza ubicada al suroeste de la República Dominicana. Les mostramos la impresionante diversidad con la que nos encontramos: flamencos, amaneceres entre bosques de pino, y uno de los pocos fragmentos de bosque húmedo que quedan en el parque nacional Sierra de Bahoruco. En este episodio colaboramos con el Grupo Jaragua para tratar los temas más importantes sobre la conservación de la zona.
¡Déjennos saber qué les parece y cuéntenles a sus amigos :)!
Isla Adentro
Ariel Contreras
Productor, host, cámara y edición.
Carla Faxas
Productora, host, cámara y edición
Luis Quijada
Director de fotografía, cámara y edición
Angie Milenkovic
Diseño gráfico, animación, cámara
Colaboración: Miriam Debora Huber
Apoyo en cámara & fotos
Pier infront of Las Cuevas, Bahia de Las Aguilas, Dominican Republic
Bahia de Las Águilas Literally Eagles Bay:: Biosphere reserve
Come and discover ther National Park of Jaragua, known as thye biggest of the Dominican Republic, and its marvelous beach playa de las Aguilas. The area is located 323 km from Santo Domingo and approximately 25 km from Pedernales (the nearest town). To reach the spot, first you must travel along the road through the Jaragua National Park Direction Pedernales, you have to turn off about 12 kilometers before reach Pedernales at Exit Cabo Rojo (Red Cape), where the land is literally red and surreal against the larimar-blue water of its shallow beach. From the highway, take the marked turnoff for Cabo Rojo, which curves around near where a large American bauxite mining facility has trucks speeding over the road (be very careful).
Follow the sign directing you to veer left to Bahía de las Águilas.
The 8 km long beach along the southwestern coast of the Dominican Republic has the name of a bird which is living there permanently, the eagle.The playa de las Aguilas is famous to be the nicest beach of the whole country. The climate is very arid and the vegetation is mainly made of cactus and other desert plants.
The thing that visitors like the most about this beach, is that is totally isolated. Discover this paradise of fishermen and lovers of white sand beach and crystal water. To reach this paradise you will go through the village of La Cueva, where local fishermen are living inside caves.
What is missing for the post card ??
The sea is really calm and a light wind will help you not to suffer too much of sun and heat. Be an explorer for one day, of this place entirely ecological, natural and totally unspoiled by human buildings.
You can observe more than 130 species of birds, 76 are living permanently on the bay, 10 are endemics and 47 are migrants.
The red ground road that runs along the bay is comparable to an African savannah landscape.
Here visitors can hire one of the local villagers to take them to the beach bordering the coast on a small motorboat; or with an all-wheel-drive vehicle and a good driver going through the park itself (either way its a 10-15 minute ride).
You also find here an a restaurant/bar which serving fresh seafood and beverages as well: Rancho Tipico (tel. 809/753-8058), location Las Cuevas
Tour can be booked with:
Photos & Virtual Tour by Udo Rauschenberger,
SW Dominican Republic Road Trip - Oviedo to Cabo Rojo to Pedernales - Part 5 of 10
Next leg of our 5 day road trip to the southwest corner of the Dominican Republic takes us from Oviedo to Play Cabo Rojo, then up to Pedernales and finally on one of the rock roads up into the National Park of Jaragua. The team discovers a great little resort about 8 miles down a rock road and checks out some of the reddest earth we have ever seen up in the national park. Definitely worth a look if you find yourself exploring the southwest corner of the Dominican Republic.
Be sure and check out all the other videos of our 5 day adventure.
Day1 Part1
Day1 Part2
Day1 Part3
Day2 Part1
Day2 Part2
Day4 Part1
Day4 Part2
Day5 Part1
Day5 Part2
Keep checking the DR Escapes website and our Youtube channel for more expat interviews and tours of businesses and healthcare facilities of interest to future expats. If you have not subscribed to the DRescapes Youtube channel then you may want to do that today by clicking on the subscribe button. This is one of the fastest ways to keep up to date on all the latest video tours and interviews of interest to anyone considering a move outside of the US, Canada or Europe.
If you have not subscribed to the DRescapes notification list, please do so by clicking . This is the best way for us to get you the information you need and to cover the topics that are most important to you if you ever want to explore living or retiring offshore.
And finally, if you have not already participated in one of our free DYD Discovery Tours of the north coast of the Dominican Republic...... WHY? Heck, worst case you get to explore another beautiful part of the world and best case you will fall in love with this little rural village overlooking the ocean that has become home to so many other expats. Click to sign up for YOUR own Discovery Tour.
Expat lifestyle
Cabrera Dominican Republic
southwest Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic adventure travel
DR Escapes
Retire overseas
#ParquesDePapel - Parques Nacionales: Sierra de Bahoruco y Jaragua
Los #ParquesDePapel son aquellos que solo existen en teoría. Forman parte del Sistema Nacional de Áreas Protegidas pero solo se valora su simple declaración formal porque no tienen gestión activa en el territorio, y el objetivo de proteger su biodiversidad no se cumple.
Estos Parques son pobremente monitoreados y al carecer de límites y señalizaciones en su espacio físico, puede dar lugar a la invasión de terrenos dentro del área de los mismos, así como a la explotación ilegal de recursos y a otras actividades humanas que amenazan la biodiversidad y el ciclo hidrológico.
Queremos nuestros Parques Nacionales vivos y no solo en papel. Súmate y ayúdanos a salvar los pocos bosques que nos quedan. #sosambienterd
SOS Ambiente RD es un grupo de apoyo a las Organizaciones que trabajan en la defensoría de las Áreas Protegidas de la República Dominicana. Ayudamos a difundir las problemáticas que ponen en riesgo la sostenibilidad de estos espacios naturales protegidos y trabajamos en articular esfuerzos para su protección y conservación. Somos personas voluntarias que decidimos luchar para asegurarle un ambiente vivible a las próximas generaciones de nuestro país.
Agradecimientos al Grupo Jaragua, en la persona de Yolanda León por su gran labor para proteger y conservar estos lugares y sus especies.
Una Producción del Grupo SOS Ambiente RD de la serie #ParquesDePapel
Mirador - Pedernales, Dominican Republic
Parques y Reservas de la Republica Dominicanas
Este video siendo un proyecto antiguo, quise subirlos para ustedes porque puede ser de mucha ayuda en donde usted lo requiera.
Disfrutenlo, denle like y Suscribase.
Documental sobre la Reserva de Biosfera Jaragua Bahoruco Enriquillo
La producción contó con:
* Sociedad Ecológica de Barahona (SOEBA)
* Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales.
* Proyecto de Manejo Sostenible de los Recursos Naturales en la Zona Fronteriza (PROMAREN)
* Cooperación Alemana en la República Dominicana
* Banco de Desarrollo Alemán
* Adalberto Grullón -------------- Guion y Producción
* Altagracia Salazar ------------- Coordinadora de Producción
* Francis Manuel Ortega y
* Juan Ramón Gómez --------- Fotografía
* Daniel López --------------------- Post Producción
* Togalma Rodríguez ---------- Administración y Logística
* Paloma Moreno ---------------- Asistente de Producción
Video AAA
Sociedad Hornitológica de la Hispaniola
Grupo Jaragua
Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
Administración del Parque Nacional Lago Enriquillo
Administración del Parque Nacional Sierra de Bahoruco
Asociación de Guías Ecoturísticos de Pedernales
Visión Mundial
Centro de Documentación de la Reserva de Biosfera y Unidad Coordinadora de la Reserva de Biosfera
Avenida Américo Melo Andújar No. 5, Barahona, República Dominicana
(Detrás de la Dirección Provincial de Medio Ambiente de Barahona).
Teléfono: 809-524-7571, Ext.228
Facebook: Reserva de Biosfera Jaragua Bahoruco Enriquillo
Instagram: @reservadebiosfera.jbe
Youtube: Reserva de Biosfera Jaragua Bahoruco Enriquillo
Oficina Dirección Provincial de Medio Ambiente
Teléfono: 809-524-0363
Calle Libertad No. 12, Barrio Nicolas Féliz
Víctor Ferreras, Director de la Reserva de Biosfera
Celular: 809-707-5462
Jornaleros en la Sierra de Bahoruco
Estos trabajadores estan preparando un terreno robado al Parque Nacional Sierra de Bahoruco para aumentar las plantaciones de aguacate del Sr. Jose Andujar.
Parque Nacional de Los Haitises
Conozca la belleza y los atractivos turísticos del Parque Nacional de Los Haitises
Parque Nacional Jaragua
This video is about Parque Nacional Jaragua
Conoce el Parque Nacional Jaragua...RD!!
Este video les estará enseñando el Parque Nacional Jaragua, y las áreas que este tiene en su haber. Disfruten esta belleza que tiene nuestra República Dominicana.
Parque Nacional Jaragua
Niños con mentes brillantes
Balneario La Plaza, Rio Bahoruco, Barahona | El río más cristalino de Rep. Dominicana - AquamanRD
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Así es..Lo considero como el río más cristalino de República Dominicana, y cuidado si está en la lista de los rios más cristalinos del mundo!
Barahona cuenta con lugares espectaculares. El Balneario La Plaza, Rio Bahoruco es uno de es ellos, te invito a visitarlo.
Tenemos varias excursiones programas.
Escríbenos :)
Whatsapp: 829-670-3503
Para visitar este lugar se necesita un guia experto de la zona.
Para llegar al Balneario se debe caminar por un camino de piedras.
El tiempo que se toma para llegar es de 2 horas aproximadamente.