Wanderdorf Gaschurn-Partenen
Das Wanderdorf Gaschurn-Partenen liegt in der Wanderdörferregion Montafon.
Am Fuße der Silvretta-Hochalpenstraße gelegen mit der Silvretta-Bielerhöhe als Top-Gebiet für Wandern, Bergsteigen, Klettern und Mountainbiken mit dem höchsten Gipfel Vorarlbergs (Piz Buin 3.312m)
Zertifizierter Weg:
0:24 Landschaftspfad Gaschurn-Partenen:
Zertifizierte Betriebe:
1:56 Vital-Zentrum Felbermayer:
2:01 Hotel Verwall
2:05 Hotel Zerres:
0:05 Impressionen Gaschurn-Partenen (Tanzlaube, Geburtshaus von Bischof Franz Josef Rudigier, Kapelle Maria Schnee,..)
0:19: Gaschurn-Partenen von oben
0:22 Bergstation Tafamuntbahn
0:24 Landschaftspfad Gaschurn Partenen
0:41 Europaschutzgebiet Wiegensee
1:10 Europaschutzgebiet Verwall
1:27 Neue Heilbronner Hütte
1:56 Vital-Zentrum Felbermayer
2:01 Hotel Verwall
2:05 Hotel Zerres
Silvretta-Hochalpenstraße (2037m ü.d.M.) – Von der Passhöhe nach Partenen - Real time / Österreich
„Durch die Windschutzscheibe betrachtet“ führt uns in kompletter Länge und in Echtzeit von der Passhöhe der Silvretta-Hochalpenstraße auf der Bielerhöhe nach Partenen im Montafon nach Vorarlberg (Österreich / Austria /Autriche).
32 „Haarnadelkurven“ / Kehren auf 1.000 Höhenmetern sind dabei zu bewältigen!
Du sitzt virtuell hinter dem Lenkrad und fährst selber!
Die Musikauswahl traf ich aus der „Audio-Bibliothek“ von Youtube!
– Silvretta-Hochalpenstraße talwärts [ ]
Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr / All informations supplied without guarantee
- September 2017
© Copyright by Manfred Lang –
Unser Wohnmobilvermieter:
Geschäftsführer: Helmut Wiesenhofer
Silvretta Hochalpenstrasse - Wirl to Partenen - full length
From Wirl to Partenen via the Silvretta Hochalpenstrasse per motorcycle
Silvretta Hochalpenstrasse - Partenen to Silvretta Stausee
Silvretta Hochalpenstrasse. Partenen to Silvretta Stausee
Montafon.TV - Schneeräumung auf der Silvretta-Hochalpenstraße
Die Panoramastraße führt 22,3 km von Partenen im Montafon (1.051 m) in 34 Kehren über die auf 2.032 m hoch gelegene Bielerhöhe bis nach Galtür (1.584 m) im Paznauntal. Über die Wintermonate ist die Silvretta-Hochalpenstraße für den Verkehr gesperrt. Im Frühjahr wird die Straße dann von den großen Schneemassen befreit und nach den Felsräumungsarbeiten wieder für den öffentlichen Verkehr freigegeben. Weitere Informationen zur Silvretta-Hochalpenstraße findest Du auf unserer Website: Solltest Du noch Fragen zur Silvretta-Hochalpenstraße haben, dann kannst Du Dich gerne bei uns unter info@gsl-tourismus.at oder +43 5556 701 83167 melden.
Silvretta Hochalpenstrasse, Austrian Alps
Galtür - Partenen, 2018-07-15
50 Jahre Silvretta-Hochalpenstraße 1954 - 2004
Von Partenen, 1051 m - Montafon, Vorarlberg nach Galtür, 1584 m - Paznaun, Tirol
Nicht ohne Grund nennt man sie die „Traumstraße der Alpen für Genießer. Sie ist eine der beliebtesten und schönsten Gebirgsstraßen der Alpen. Die herrliche Bergkulisse der Silvretta, die direkt neben der Straße liegenden Seen Vermunt und Silvretta, ziehen Besucher mit und ohne Fahrzeug in ihren Bann.
Gerne kannst Du uns auch direkt kontaktieren:
+43 5556 701 83167
Silvretta Hochalpenstraße Montafon - Austria| Cinematic 4K UHD Drone Footage | DJI MAVIC PRO
Das Ziel ist es mit Erinnerungen zu sterben. Nicht mit Träumen.
Salvation [Inspiring Uplifting Orchestra] by Ghostrifter Official
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library
• Contact the artist:
Silvretta-Hochalpenstraße (2037m ü.d.M.) – Von Galtür zur Passhöhe - Real time driving / Österreich
„Durch die Windschutzscheibe betrachtet“ führt uns in kompletter Länge und in Echtzeit von Galtür im Paznaun (Österreich / Austria / Autriche – Bundesland Tirol / Tyrol & Vorarlberg) auf der Silvretta-Hochalpenstraße (mautpflichtig) auf die höchste Erhebung, genannt Bielerhöhe, in 2037m ü.d.M.!
Du sitzt virtuell hinter dem Lenkrad und fährst selber!
Die Musikauswahl traf ich aus der „Audio-Bibliothek“ von Youtube!
– Silvretta-Hochalpenstraße [ ]
Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr / All informations supplied without guarantee
- September 2017
© Copyright by Manfred Lang –
Unser Wohnmobilvermieter:
Geschäftsführer: Helmut Wiesenhofer
silvretta hochalpenstrasse, silvretta high alpine road
Die Silvretta Hochalpenstrasse ist eine der schönsten Panoramastraßen in den Alpen. 22,3 km Länge erstreckt sich diese Mautstraße von Partenen im Montafon nach Galtür in Tirol, mit insgesamt 34 Kehren bis zur Bielerhöhe hinauf auf eine Höhe von 2.032 m.
Leider zog das Wetter zu, aber die daraus resultierenden Aufnahmen machen das wieder interessant.
The Silvretta High Alpine Road is one of the most breathtaking scenic routes in the Alps. 22.3 km in length, this toll road extends from Partenen in the Montafon valley to Galtür in the Tyrol, using a total of 34 hairpin bends to climb up to the Bielerhöhe pass at an altitude of 2,032 m.
Musik: Mountains, Brio, ende.tv
Zu den Effekten ein Vergleichsvideo:
gopro hero 3+ be
Vermuntstausee Silvretta Hochalpenstrasse
Die Silvretta-Hochalpenstraße führt über 34 Kehren vorbei am Vermuntsee auf die Bielerhöhe (2032 m) zum Silvrettasee. Die Vermuntbahn ist Ausgangspunkt für die Silvretta-Bike-Safari, Wanderungen und eine Besichtigung des Wasser-Erlebnisstollens Vermunt.
Silvretta Hochalpenstraße
Eine Fahrt mit dem Mazda MX-5 über die Silvretta Hochalpenstraße von Partenen (Mautstelle) nach Mathon Anfang August 2011.
Das Video zeigt die Fahrt in Echtzeit und ungeschnitten.
Viel Spaß!
Zahlreiche Tourenberichte, viele Bilder und andere Videos sehen sie hier:
Vermuntstausee Silvretta Hochalpenstrasse
Die Silvretta Hochalpenstraße ist ein wunderschönes Ausflugsziel in den Alpen. Gaschurn-Partenen liegt als leztzer Ort im Tal und ist ein sehr schöner Tourismusort.
The Silvretta Hochalpenstraße High Alpine Road, Austria.
Welcome to my touring channel.
This is a short video edit of the ‘Silvretta Pass’ from Episode 2 of my ‘Alps with Attitude’ trip from June 2019.…yet it contains a lot of previously unseen footage.
I know how it can be difficult to find a spare hour to sit down and enjoy a complete Episode of a trip on YouTube, so here’s a short video for you to watch whilst enjoying your coffee & biscuits!
The Silvretta Hochalpenstraße High Alpine Road is one of the most beautiful and popular panoramic roads in the Alps. The toll road is 22.3 km long, expect steep turns and sharp bends through the 34 curves, endless serpentines, a superb panorama and runs from Partenen in the Montafon (1,051 m) to the (2,037 m) high Bielerhöhe, as far as Galtür
(1,584 m) in the Paznauntal.
I hope this ‘taster’ will give you the interest to explore Episodes 1 & 2 of my ‘Alps with Attitude’ tour, if you haven’t already.
If you have one, it looks great on a Smart TV, as it’s filmed in HD.
I hope that you enjoy my story and consider SUBSCRIBING, then click the bell icon next to it, to receive notifications when fresh video content has been added. Keep SHARING the video with your friends and colleagues, and please click the LIKE as it helps with the YouTube algorithms! Let me know what you think in the COMMENTS section below.
Thanks for watching!
Equipment used:-
Stills & Video Camera – iPhone 5s
Helmet GoPro – Hero7 Black
Second - GoPro Hero6 Black
Third - GoPro Hero Session
Editing – 27” Apple iMac i7
Editing Software – iMovie
Map Data Credit: Google
Paradise by Ikson (No Copyright)
Radio On by Dyalla (No Copyright)
Silvretta Hochalpenstraße - komplette Strecke auf 22,3 km länge - R1200GS LC
Bike: R1200 GS
Kamera: GoPro Hero 3 Black Edition
Datum: Juli 2013
Fahrt auf der Silvretta Hochalpenstraße. Komplette Strecke von der Bielerhöhe (2032m) zur Mautstelle Galtür (1725m) dann wieder hoch und auf der anderen Seite über den Zeinisee zur Mautstelle Partenen (1.051 m) und dann wiederum zurück zum Silvrettasee.
Länge: 22,3 km
Silvretta Hochalpenstrasse (Partenen - Silvretta Stausee)
Dashcam Silvretta Hochalpenstrasse (Partenen - Silvretta Stausee) Transcend's DrivePro 230 dashcam was designed with both style and safety in mind. The DrivePro 230 features a Sony image sensor to capture high-resolution videos with extremely fine tonal gradation even in low light. In addition, it features a GPS receiver, a built-in battery, a handy snapshot button, and Wi-Fi connectivity. More than just a safety device, Transcend's DrivePro 230 is a fellow traveler ready to explore more of the world with you.
The DrivePro 230 uses a Sony sensor to capture high-resolution images with superb, rich color even in low light. Its built-in Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) technology balances the light and dark areas of captured images, ensuring that every critical shot is as clear as possible.
The DrivePro 230's GPS receiver can log GPS coordinates, date, and time into recorded video footage. GPS coordinates precisely locate where an incident happened so that emergency road services, police, or an insurance representative can respond more quickly.
The snapshot button allows you to take photos while still recording video. During an incident, you can remove the DrivePro 230 from the vehicle to create a photographic record of collision damage.
A built-in Li-Polymer battery ensures uninterrupted power to the device. Video will continue to be recorded and stored in the event of an accident or when the engine is off.
In the event of a collision, the DrivePro 230's motion G-sensor detects the impact and triggers emergency recording mode. This prevents overwriting of the file being recorded at the time. This feature can also be manually activated by pressing the red button on the side of the unit.
The DrivePro 230 features Wi-Fi connectivity that works with the exclusive DrivePro App to provide real-time footage playback and download. This means ease of access to video evidence for reporting incidents to law enforcement and insurance companies without the need to pull out the memory card.
In addition to on-the-road safety, the DrivePro 230 stands sentry when the vehicle is parked at a public parking lot. While the vehicle is parked, you can enable the parking mode or the time-lapse video recording function. The former activates recording when motion is detected; the latter enables you to get right to the heart of the matter without needing to view hours of incident-free footage.
Note: These two features require external power supply after the car engine is switched off.
The Lane Departure Warning System (LDWS) helps to prevent accidents by issuing a warning when a vehicle veers out of a lane. The system monitors lane markings, and displays an onscreen alert while making a warning sound whenever the vehicle's speed exceeds a preset value or when the vehicle deviates from its path.
The Forward Collision Warning System (FCWS) warns the driver when the driving speed exceeds a preset value, such that the vehicle is getting too close to the car ahead. The system will in either case alert the driver with a warning sound and an onscreen alert.
When the DrivePro detects poor lighting conditions, for example at dusk, or in dark places such as a tunnel and basement, the headlight reminder will automatically activate.
To help prevent tired drivers from getting into an accident, the driver fatigue alert regularly reminds the driver of the need to rest after driving for a preset, driver-determined period of time.
In addition to playback, Transcend's DrivePro Toolbox features a sorting function to quickly locate video clips by file name, recording date, or group. The DrivePro Toolbox also provides a screenshot function allowing for the capture of a single frame. For DrivePro models with a GPS receiver, the Toolbox can display driving paths on maps along with the recorded video.
Silvretta Hochalpenstrasse (Stausee Kops - Silvretta Stausee - Partenen)
Silvretta Hochalpenstrasse (Stausee Kops - Silvretta Stausee - Partenen) DrivePro 230 dashcam was designed with both style and safety in mind. The DrivePro 230 features a Sony image sensor to capture high-resolution videos with extremely fine tonal gradation even in low light. In addition, it features a GPS receiver, a built-in battery, a handy snapshot button, and Wi-Fi connectivity. More than just a safety device, Transcend's DrivePro 230 is a fellow traveler ready to explore more of the world with you.
The DrivePro 230 uses a Sony sensor to capture high-resolution images with superb, rich color even in low light. Its built-in Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) technology balances the light and dark areas of captured images, ensuring that every critical shot is as clear as possible.
The DrivePro 230's GPS receiver can log GPS coordinates, date, and time into recorded video footage. GPS coordinates precisely locate where an incident happened so that emergency road services, police, or an insurance representative can respond more quickly.
The snapshot button allows you to take photos while still recording video. During an incident, you can remove the DrivePro 230 from the vehicle to create a photographic record of collision damage.
A built-in Li-Polymer battery ensures uninterrupted power to the device. Video will continue to be recorded and stored in the event of an accident or when the engine is off.
In the event of a collision, the DrivePro 230's motion G-sensor detects the impact and triggers emergency recording mode. This prevents overwriting of the file being recorded at the time. This feature can also be manually activated by pressing the red button on the side of the unit.
The DrivePro 230 features Wi-Fi connectivity that works with the exclusive DrivePro App to provide real-time footage playback and download. This means ease of access to video evidence for reporting incidents to law enforcement and insurance companies without the need to pull out the memory card.
In addition to on-the-road safety, the DrivePro 230 stands sentry when the vehicle is parked at a public parking lot. While the vehicle is parked, you can enable the parking mode or the time-lapse video recording function. The former activates recording when motion is detected; the latter enables you to get right to the heart of the matter without needing to view hours of incident-free footage.
Note: These two features require external power supply after the car engine is switched off.
The Lane Departure Warning System (LDWS) helps to prevent accidents by issuing a warning when a vehicle veers out of a lane. The system monitors lane markings, and displays an onscreen alert while making a warning sound whenever the vehicle's speed exceeds a preset value or when the vehicle deviates from its path.
The Forward Collision Warning System (FCWS) warns the driver when the driving speed exceeds a preset value, such that the vehicle is getting too close to the car ahead. The system will in either case alert the driver with a warning sound and an onscreen alert.
When the DrivePro detects poor lighting conditions, for example at dusk, or in dark places such as a tunnel and basement, the headlight reminder will automatically activate.
To help prevent tired drivers from getting into an accident, the driver fatigue alert regularly reminds the driver of the need to rest after driving for a preset, driver-determined period of time.
In addition to playback, Transcend's DrivePro Toolbox features a sorting function to quickly locate video clips by file name, recording date, or group. The DrivePro Toolbox also provides a screenshot function allowing for the capture of a single frame. For DrivePro models with a GPS receiver, the Toolbox can display driving paths on maps along with the recorded video.
Silvretta Hochalpenstrasse
Silvretta Hochalpenstrasse (High Alpine Road) is a route that begins southeast of Bludenz, Austria, and ends west of Landeck, Austria. The high part of the road, the formal Hochalpenstrasse, is a 22 km/ 13.5 mile toll road between Partenen and Galtür. At its highest, Bierlerhöhe, the elevation is 2032 m / 6667 ft. The route passes two reservoirs, used for hydroelectric power. The dams are part of a construction project expected to run into 2020. Don't be surprised to see construction trucks between Bludenz and the dam.
Once the east-bound road reaches Bierlerhöhe, it begins a descent along a high Alpine valley carved out, long ago, by glaciers. The scenery is quite striking.
On the way to Silvretta, and on the way up the toll road, there was near parade of old timers varying from sedate Mercedes to barely restrained racers. The parade was part of the Silvretta Classic Rallye (yes, with an e at the end). Cars, with a white sign on the door, coming the other way are part of the Rallye.
A few of the cars appeared to feel they could take their half out of the middle. The video shows a move it that way! finger-jabbing (not the NSFW finger) and an I've got my eyes on you move on my part. I felt better for it. The cars' drivers probably thought I was one more loony biker.
The next passes... Passo dello Stelvio, Umbrailpass, Ofenpass...