2. Bielerhöhe PassPartenen The Bielerhöhe connects the Montafon valley in Vorarlberg with the Paznaun valley in Tirol. At 2,037 m above sea level, the Bielerhöhe lies in the Vorarlberg region, due north of the Silvretta Reservoir. The Bielerhöhe is the highest reachable point of the Silvretta high alpine road, a toll road over the Bielerhöhe. Due to its exposed location the road is closed to normal traffic in winter at which time it can be reached only by cable car from Partenen, and then, using a taxi service, through a tunnel owned by the Vorarlberger Illwerke AG, followed by the last stretch along the mountain pass road. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
3. Bregenz FestivalBregenz Bregenz is the capital of Vorarlberg, the westernmost state of Austria. The city is on the eastern shores of Lake Constance, the third-largest freshwater lake in Central Europe, between Switzerland in the west and Germany in the northwest. The city is on a plateau falling in a series of terraces to the lake at the foot of Pfänder mountain. It is a junction of the arterial roads from the Rhine valley to the German Alpine foothills, with cruise ship services on Lake Constance. It is famous for the annual summer music festival Bregenzer Festspiele as well as the dance festival Bregenzer Spring. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
4. Alpine CoasterImst A mountain coaster or alpine coaster is a type of roller coaster with bobsled-like cars on tracks installed on a mountain. It is similar to alpine slides where a low-wheeled sled is used to navigate the track, but instead of running over smooth concave tracks like the alpine slide, alpine coasters run on rails with up-stop wheels like traditional roller coasters. Thus, an alpine coaster isn't necessarily safer due to the jerky movements the cart makes as it navigates its way on a fixed track. Alpine coasters are undoubtedly slower than an alpine slide since alpine coasters have speed regulated carts that prevent a rider from experiencing the track at full speed. Tracks are usually tubular rails, like a steel roller coaster, while some have monorail-type tracks. Unlike a traditional roller ... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Das Montafon – Austria/Autriche/Österreich - Durch die Windschutzscheibe - Komplett/Echtzeit
„Durch die Windschutzscheibe betrachtet“ führt uns durch das Montafon (Österreich/Austria/Autriche) im Bundesland Vorarlberg in kompletter Länge und Echtzeit, von der A14/S16 bei Bludenz bis zum Talschluss und zum Beginn der Wintersperre Richtung Silvretta-Hochalpenstraße!
Du sitzt virtuell hinter dem Lenkrad und fährst selber!
Die Musikauswahl traf ich aus der „Audio-Bibliothek“ von Youtube!
– Das Montafon [ ]
Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr / All informations supplied without guarantee
Travel-Equipment Nikon D7100 GoPro 3+ Camera Stabilizer Portable Harddisk Apple MacBook Air The North Face Backpack Dji Mavic Pro Drone (cs)
Song: Dont let me go by Nurko
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Weltreise Tag 549 • Seenwanderung in Vorarlberg/im Montafon • Österreich • Vlog #086
Tourismus Vorarlberg und Tourismus Montafon hat uns eingeladen, 3 Tage gemeinsam mit 6 anderen Bloggerteams Vorarlberg zu entdecken! Bedeutet: die Unterkünfte und Aktivitäten wurden uns gestellt und am Programm der Tage haben wir gemeinsam gebastelt. Sesselliftfahren war nicht mal ein Programmpunkt! Ist aber besser als jede Kirmes-Fahrt! :D
Wintertime in Bregenzerwald, Vorarlberg, Austria | Oskar Prasser
We spent our christmas holidays at our farm house called Eixer. It's located in Bregenzerwald, Vorarlberg, Austria. Instagram:
the equipment I use: - my main camera: - my favorite lens: - the prime lens I use: - my telephoto lens: - my GoPro: - Rode VideoMicro: - Hoya variable density filter:
Impressions from Tirol & Vorarlberg
Photos from Austria's two westernmost districts, combined with some charming traditional music.
E-bike tour naar de Heilbronner Hütte in het Montafon | Vorarlberg
Markus gidst je op de e-mountainbike door alpien terrein. Je geniet van een welverdiende pauze in de Heilbronner Hütte, die prachtig gelegen is aan de Scheidseen in het Europese beschermde natuurgebied Verwall.
Ontdek de vakantieregio Montafon op onze website: montafon.at/nl
Abonneer je op ons YouTube-kanaal: youtube.com/user/GregMonta Like onze Facebook-pagina: facebook.com/Montafon Volg ons op Instagram: instragram.com/meinmontafon
Montafon: Echte bergen. Echte ervaring.
Als een van de mooiste vakantieregio's van Oostenrijk biedt het Montafon het beste van de Alpen. Unieke natuurlijke landschappen en ruige bergen zorgen ervoor dat u in de zomer of wintervakanties voor buitenactiviteiten wilt gaan. Tijdens het skiën, snowboarden, klimmen, mountainbiken en wandelen zijn sportliefhebbers actief. Kunst en culturele evenementen en verfijnde culinaire gerechten bieden afwisseling in de sportieve natuurbelevenis.
Het officiële kanaal van Montafon op YouTube verwelkomt alle bezoekers en nodigt uit tot een vakantie in Vorarlberg. Wintervakanties met skiën en snowboarden, cultuurreis met musea en concerten of klimmen, wandelen & mountainbiken in de zomer - het Montafon maakt uw vakantie in Oostenrijk onvergetelijk.