Flying Around - Skydiving - Spain 2017 - Skydive Lillo
Flying Around the World.
Some Jumps September 2017 Spain - Europe
Edition Ipiranga - RM The Company
Videos Ipiranga-Joako-MatiasParker-Danilo
Flyers Ipiranga-Monique-UliIdra-Tonicabre-CiruCiru-ZehMiguel-Joako-MatiasParker-Danilo-Antulio-andothersfriends.
Tandem Skydive Lillo Spain
Apart from driving around randomly in Spain for two weeks what the most random activity you can do? Yea, Jump out of a perfectly servicable airplane with a blokey you were out drinking with the night before! (Cheers Dean!) Tandem skydiving is excellent, jumping from over 12,000ft is such a rush. 12 seconds of zero g, backflips are possible. Then a minute of terminal velocity and just playing in the 'breeze'. Next, several minutes of near silent floating to earth. If that hasn't got you thinking, it's half the price of the uk and the weather doesn't suck. Try it out!!!
First Tandem Jump - Lillo Spain
First ever freefall jump by me. 60 seconds from 4000 metres. Next stop AFF levels 1 to 8 starting 17th June 09 same place, same instructor. Am I scared - no chance not to be but should be good.
Ricardo19k - Skydive at Lillo (Spain)
My first jump from a moving plane!
This was an incredible and one of the most exciting experiences I ever had. Adrenaline levels went through the roof!
Lucas (the guy with the red t-shirt that jumps before me) was my team mate for the last 2 months and joined me in this adventure.
I strongly recommend everybody to try it out!
Tandem Skydive in the heart of Spain | Skydive Lillo | Skydiving videos
Tandem skydiving is a great way to experience skydiving for the first time. After a short brief, you'll be taken up by one of our highly experienced tandem skydiving instructors, who will be responsible for the operation of the equipment.
Try it with us! Skydive Lillo, in the heart of Spain
Lillo is located 96 km south of Madrid, less than 1 hour drive from the A4 motorway (Andalucía) Cordoba direction, turning at km 81.
Saltos Tandem y Cursos de Paracaidismo a 1 hora al sur de Madrid [Lillo, Toledo]
+34 669 273 254
+34 925 170 704
2-way with Jason Robson at Skydive Lillo, Spain, 28 APR 2019
Not bad for a first 2-way with Jason, not to mention that he is a very professional rigger and To be predictable is a crucial quality in skydiving to establish a good parthership, something which makes me feel safe in the air. Will always remember him saying: Once you exit the aircraft you are practically dead and it's up to you to save yourself. Definitely would skydive with him again.
Camera: Jason Robson
Skydive - Freefly at Skydive Lillo Spain
Freefly Skydiving at Skydive Lillo Spain from Wildcats Freeflight team.
SUMMER 2007 - skydive at Lillo spain
Lillo !! - summer 2007
Trying to Skydive Fun Jump @ Lillo, Spain
Skydive Tandem Oliford Lillo Spain
Skydive Tandem Oliford Lillo Spain
2-way with Paulinha at Skydive Lillo, Spain, 27 APR 2019
Cool 2-way with Paulinha, first skydive of the season, also first on my new helmet (Belaavis Top), RW-suit ( and altimeter (Atlas Alti-2)
Skydive Lillo Tandem Promo
A short promo I made for our webpage at skydive Lillo Spain.
Tandem Jump | Skydive Lillo | Videos of Skydiving
Skydive Tandem jumps and Skydiving courses in the heart of Spain: 1 hour south of Madrid [Lillo, Toledo]
+34 669 273 254
+34 925 170 704
Skydive Lillo - Flight of Icarus
Skydiving in Lillo (Spain) on 15th Aug 2015.
Altitude: 13,000 feet (4,000 meters), which gives the jumper about 60 seconds of free fall.
Video recording: Skydive Lillo
Video edition: Gus C.
Music: Flight of Icarus - Iron Maiden
Salto en paracaidas, Lillo (spain)
salto a 4000mts de altura, 60 segs de caida libre, 200km/h....
repito cuando sea!!!
AlbertoFuertes Skydiving Lillo Summer 04
Jomp from the wing of the Pilatus, One of the best pilots of Pilatus in Spain, My first emergency
Skydive Lillo
Germano e Daniel sit flying at Lillo, Spain. May 2008
Skydive Lillo
Skydive, Lillo (near Madrid, Spain) 02-10-2007
En junio de 1985 se realizaba en Sanchidrian | Ávila lo que fue el PRIMER SALTO EN PARACAÍDAS TANDEM DE ESPAÑA y, aunque no podemos certificarlo, fue también, el primer salto tandem realizado en Europa.
Nuestro instructor y director del centro Miguel Ángel Paredes, experto paracaidista de la brigada del ejercito salta con su hijo Daniel Paredes que tenía entonces apenas 8 años.
¡Este vídeo es un tesoro de la historia del paracaidismo deportivo español y merece ser difundido!