Sorø Pedersborg Døjringe Dänemark Denmark 4.7.2015
Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.
Travelling Denmark: Sorø Monastery Church
Best Tourist Attractions you MUST SEE in Soro, Denmark | 2019
Discover what's best in your city.
The rating information was taken from Google Maps and the list was last updated on 17th June, 2019:
1: BonBon-Land
2: Kattegat Center
3: The Great Belt Bridge
4: Andelslandsbyen Nyvang
5: Trelleborg - Museum of the Viking Age
6: Møns Klint
7: RAGNAROCK- Museet for pop, rock og ungdomskultur
8: Gavnø Slot og Park
9: Cold war museum Stevnsfort
10: Røsnæs Fyr
Click on a link below to see an up-to-date list and more:
Sorø sø i Denmark
Boat testing ^_^
Museet på Sønderskov - egnsmuseum Vejen Kommune
Hils på historien på Sønderskov, der er egnsmuseum for Vejen Kommune. Få indblik i egnens kulturhistorie på Museet på Sønderskov. Den smukt istandsatte herregård rummer sin egen unikke historie, og museet giver overblik over områdets arkæologi Særudstillinger sætter fokus på egnsspecifikke emner., højskoler, væveskoler etc.
I Herregårdskælderen findes en af landets bedste frokostrestauranter.
Mining Stone In Denmark, 1950s - Film 96480
Denmark. An open cast mine, an explosion, large plume of dust. View from top of the pit to large vehicles working at the mine face. Closer view of digging equipment, looks like they are mining stone or granite. Huge slabs of stone, a man drills into slabs of granite. Slabs of stone in bundles of three are lifted by crane onto a boat or barge. A forklift truck stacks rows of pipes. In a factory a machine or press makes the pipes, a man removes each pipe from the press. Another factory setting, a machine cuts bricks and a man removes them from a conveyor belt.
Skjoldenæsholm The Danish tramway museum
Music: dreaming in 432 hz
from : YouTube audio library
The danish tramway museum homepage
O-løb på Moesgård Museum
Traditionen tro var der o-løb på Moesgård Museum i vinterferien, hvor der var arrangeret forskellige aktiviteter for børn og deres voksne hele ugen. Man kunne Tag med på et anderledes orienteringsløb, som førte rundt i museets udstillinger, hvor man kunne møde både bemandede og ubemandede poster. Vi talte bl.a. med museumsinspektør Lene Birgitte Mirland.
Travelling Denmark: Tystrup Village
Tystrup Bavelse Naturpark
Bliv inspireret til en cykeltur rundt om Tystrup Bavelse-søerne (ca. 30 km). Turen går mod uret og begynder ved Skelbyvej 146, 4180 Sorø, hvor der drejes til venstre ad Strandvejen.
Ruten går gennem Vester Broby og Broby Vesterskov videre ad Suserupvej, Skælskørvej og Tystrupvej. Fra Røde Hus kører man ud til landevejen mellem Fuglebjerg og Glumsø og følger den til Skelbyvej. Det er et meget smukt og kuperet terræn, man kommer igennem.
Den bedst bevarede landsby i Danmark
Viby ligger på Hindsholm nord for Kerteminde.
De gamle gårde ligger langs den slyngede bygade.
Flere af gårdene er fredede.
Best places to visit
Best places to visit - Jyderup (Denmark) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.
Best places to visit
Best places to visit - Skælskør (Denmark) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.
Denmark, Zealand
A great cold and unexpected adventure in a land where you can't survive if you don't eat fish.
SMK TV: Danish and Nordic Art 1750-1900
Come along as Peter Kær, Museum docentat at The National Gallery of Denmark, visits the collection Danish and Nordic Art 1750-1900. Get a taste of which artworks to experience here and hear which ones are the personal favourites of Peter Kær.
From the birth of Danish painting through the famous Golden Age of Danish art to the dawn of Modernism.
The major features of Danish and Nordic art over 150 years are unfolded in a display that features both an historic overview and special themes of immediate relevance to contempoary life, while also focusing on artists of particular importance. At the same time, this display casts light on some of the more overlooked chapters in the history of Danish art.
In the first exhibition room, we present the beginnings of Danish painting. From here you can choose to go chronologically forward or you may choose to explore secondary roads. Along the way, you will have the opportunity to go in depth with various artists or themes.
Egtved - Domea - Film til Landsbyggefonden
Sorø Privatskole - Idræt 2.Z 2018
Alle mine kyllinger kom hjem, Banke bøf, kan I huske dem? 2.Z har flyttet idræt udenfor, hvor den står på gammeldags lege. #privatskole
Brandes & Bindesbøll / CLAY - Keramikmuseum Danmark
Brandes & Bindesbøll - Bånd & Brud - Keramiske arbejder / CLAY - Keramikmuseum Danmark. Peter Brandes udtrykker sig i et ekspressivt og koloristisk formsprog, mens Bindesbøll udviklede et non-figurativt formsprog, der foregriber det abstrakte maleris gennembrud i modernismen nogle årtier senere.
Køge Museum by Museum Sydøstdanmark
concept for the newly reopened municipal museum in Køge. The storyline of the first exhibition since the reopening describes the sinking of a warship that exploded in a battle against Sweden and that has been in the bay of Køge ever since. The exhibition follows the course of that fateful day on October 4, 1710. Via a fact track and a drama track, visitors can use their tablet guides to follow the dramatic events of that day, which claimed almost 600 lives. While the fact track tells of the objects that have been salvaged by divers and their historical context, multimedia fictional stories were developed for the drama track, which provide visitors access to the individual destinies of the protagonists.
For the museum’s permanent exhibition area – which revolves around science education – each researcher, e.g. of Celtic lake dwellings, is given the time and space to present their work comprehensively in the form of video interviews and blogs as well as to publish their latest results.
Трейлер к выставке Красса Клемента «Незримое пространство»
РОСФОТО в сотрудничестве с Датским институтом культуры и Художественным музеем в Сорё (Дания) представляют ретроспективную выставку Красса Клемента «Незримое пространство».
Красс Клемент изучал режиссуру в Датской школе кинематографии, но предпочел фотографию производству фильмов, в 1978 году опубликовав свою первую книгу «Тени момента».
Работы автора отражают характерную скандинавскую меланхолию и традицию фланирования, гуляния по улицам с целью наблюдения городской жизни. В центре внимания Клемента — человек и его место в городском пейзаже. Фиксируя моменты, раскрывающие человеческие отношения и характеры, Красс одновременно рисует и портрет города.
27 сентября — 1 декабря 2019 года
Exhibition by Krass Clement The Unseen Room”
The State Museum and Exhibition Centre ROSPHOTO in cooperation with the Danish Institute of Culture and the Art Museum in Sorø (Denmark) presents a retrospective exhibition of works by Krass Clement “The Unseen Room.”
Krass Clement is a Danish photographer specializing in black and white documentary photography. Having graduated from the National Film School of Denmark as a film director, he chose photography over cinema. His first book, Shadows of the Moment, came out in 1978.
Clement’s works reflect typical Scandinavian melancholy and the tradition of flaneur’s strolling, wandering along the streets to observe urban life. His focus is on man and his place within urban landscape. The photographer captures moments revealing human relations and characters, at the same time painting a portrait of the city.
27 September — 1 December 2019