Kalocsa Hungary - A Religious Experience
Listen to J.S. Bach's Toccata and Fugue on the magnificent pipe organ (4,668 pipes!) at the Roman Catholic Cathedral in Kalocsa, Hungary. Another travel video from the food and travel website,
Hungary-Kalocsa Cathedral Organ Concert
While in Kalocsa, Hungary we toured the beautiful Kalocsa Cathedral and listened to some soothing organ music played by the priest.
Kalocsa, Főszékesegyház Asztrik-harangja
Kalocsa Cathedral Hungary
Kalocsa Cathedral is in a small rural provincial town in Hungary. The grand organ plays Fugue,
Harangszó Kissomlyón
A vas megyei Kissomlyó római katolikus templomában delet ütnek.
The bell of Kissomlyó's roman catholic church (small village in Hungary) rings at noon.
Hungarian Settlement - St. Margaret Catholic Church
Hungarian Settlement - St. Margaret Catholic Church
Pipe organ concert in Kalocsa, Hungary
Pipe organ concert in a local church in Kalocsa, Hungary. Kalocsa cathedral was closed for renovation.
A kalocsai Nagyboldogasszony Főszékesegyház nagyharangjának helyére emelése 3.
Hungary Oh, Hungary Hallelujah Dolhai Attila, Magyarul, & Szemeredi Bernadett
Pictures of beautiful Hungary culture & landscapes, castles & cathedrals, Fabulous Lippizaners & other Hungarian horses. This should not be allowed to be destroyed.
Music is by Magyarul , Szemeredi Bernadett , & Dolhai Attila
A monostor vonzereje 2. rész - Benedictine Monastery - a Site of Attraction - Part 2
A monostor vonzereje 2. rész - Benedictine Monastery - a Site of Attraction - Part 2
2012. 05. 26. Adony Néptáncosok
Szt Orbán-napi Néptánc bemutató.
Art in Hungarian Settlement - Irene DeMars
Art in Hungarian Settlement - Irene DeMars
What Child Is This. Christmas Song as performed by June
Lovely June singing What Child Is This at Sacred Heart Catholic Church Budapest, Hungary. December 2011 Night of Nine Lessons and Carols.
Free improvisation on A keresztfához megyek...
Recorded live in concert at Calvin Square Prebyterian Church in Budapest in 1980.
Melinda Kistetenyi (1926-1999) was one of the greatest musicians of the history of Hungarian music, Professor of the Franz Liszt Academy of Music of Budapest for 53 years, and Xaver Varnus' tutor and musical mother for his childhood.
Her pupils include organist Xaver Varnus:
Pianist Andras Schiff:
Zoltán Kocsis and Ivan Fischer:
Dezső Ránki:
Sylvia Sass:
and Veronika Kincses, long-time partner of Pavarotti in MET:
Tribute to the Late Julius Kaiser
Tribute to Julius Kaiser, Ballroom Hall of Fame Instructor, National Treasure, and Founding Coach of the Harvard Ballroom Dance Team. Presented At the Harvard Invitational April 11, 2015
Hungarian Dance
While visiting the village of Kalocsa, Hungary, we were treated to a Hungarian folk dance.
Késő barokk impressziók. Franz Anton Maulbertsch és Josef Winterhalder
2009. november 20 - 2010. február 28.
Kurátorok: Jávor Anna, Boda Zsuzsanna
Harangzúgás Trianon emléknapján Sepsiszentgyörgyön, 2011 június 4
Harangzúgás Trianon emléknapján Sepsiszentgyörgyön, 2011 június 4. A belvárosi római katolikus és a közeli unitárius templom harangzúgása 17.30-kor.
Mohács, Hungary
Mohács, town and river port, located in southern Hungary, is a common stop on Danube River cruises. In the past, the small town of Mohács twice was the place for decisive events in Hungarian and European history. Two massive and historically crucial battles were fought near the small town of Mohács. The Ottomans won the first in 1526 and swept north, the Habsburgs the second in 1687, driving the Ottomans out of East-Central Europe. The Historical Memorial Park just outside of town has a comprehensive collection of clothing, tools, and arms that show the cultural differences between the enemies. The town has a number of fascinating churches: the 18th-century Baroque Protestant church, the Roman Catholic church, the Serbian Greek Orthodox church and the Avas church. The central square is dominated by the Battlefield Memorial Church, the so-called Votive Church. On one side of the central square is the Town Hall, an intriguing Moorish style building, with cream and pink stonework and green domes. In front of the town hall and the church, there is a statue embodying what the town believes in. The Statue of the Three Nationalities is a good example how to present that all people are the same, no matter of our nationalities or religion. Today, Mohács is well known for its Busó Carnival, a wide range of tourist attraction and its vicinity to the nearby city of Pécs. Most important is the vicinity of the Duna (Danube)-Dráva National Park and its wide range of attractions. Mohás, since some years, has become a brand new destination for eco tourism activities and the outstanding quality of food and drinks make it a perfect destination for relaxed outdoor holidays.
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