BUDAPEST Top 50 Tourist Places | Budapest Tourism | HUNGARY
Budapest (Things to do - Places to Visit) - BUDAPEST Top Tourist Places
Capital of Hungary
Budapest, Hungary’s capital, is bisected by the River Danube. Its 19th-century Chain Bridge connects the hilly Buda district with flat Pest.
A funicular runs up Castle Hill to Buda’s Old Town, where the Budapest History Museum traces city life from Roman times onward. Trinity Square is home to 13th-century Matthias Church and the turrets of the Fishermen’s Bastion, which offer sweeping views.
BUDAPEST Top 50 Tourist Places | Budapest Tourism
Things to do in BUDAPEST - Places to Visit in Budapest
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BUDAPEST Top 50 Tourist Places - Budapest, Hungary, Europe
Hungary (Europe) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Hungary.
The land of the Magyars is considered to be one of the oldest cultural regions in Europe and whose history dates back to primeval times. Hungary is a gateway between East and West, with a remarkable past and is a diverse country of nature and culture. In 1991 the Fertö Hansag National Park was founded on the Hungarian side of Lake Neusiedl, a protected natural area in which grey Hungarian cattle populate the soda veldts of small salt ponds and where water buffalo enjoy to wallow, while a variety of water fowl stop on their annual migration. Köszeg is one of Europe’s most beautiful castle cities, with typical courtyards and the little main square has a Marian column and Captain's Gate Tower. The square is dominated by the tall facade of the Saint Emmerich Church that was built above an ossuary by the Hungarian Calvinists in around 1615. A beautiful Baroque building contains yet another treasure, the Jesuit Apoteka, in which remedies were prepared according to ancient formulae. Budapest is the capital of Hungary, pearl of the Danube and ever-changing cosmopolitan city. In the south of Pest, historic buildings are located within the Gozsdu Courtyard and close by, in the Jewish quarter, the Great Synagogue, the second largest Jewish sacred building in the world. One of the main landmarks of Hungary’s capital city is the Parlament, an imposing Neo-Gothic building located alongside the Danube on the banks of Pest. At the confluence of the Tisza and Bodrog, within the northern tongue of Puszta, is the world famous wine growing region of Tokaj where the tradition of wine growing goes back several centuries and brought the area much prosperity. The southern Hungarian town of Kalocsa is located near the Danube and is a centre of paprika growing and folk culture that is well worth a visit. Hungary is a land of many faces, a glorious gem set in the heart of Europe.
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Budapest Travel Hungary | Europe Travel | Evan Tamu
Budapest is one of the most beautiful city in Europe. This is a short clip for you guys during my Europe trip 2018.
Top 10 places to visit Budapest.
1. Hungarian Parliament Building
2. Buda Castle
3. Széchenyi Chain Bridge
4. Margaret Island
5. Gellért Hill
6. Citadella
7. Liberty Bridge
8. Shoes on the Danube Bank
9. Margaret Bridge
10. Memento Park
#travel #budapest #hungary
Shopping in Budapest - Hungary
World Travel
Budapest - Hungary Travel Guide, Tourism
Shopping in Budapest - Hungary
Budapest offers a great variety of decently priced shopping. Particularly good to buy here is clothing, antiques and jewellery.
Key areas:
Pest's chic Váci utca and its surrounding avenues tempt tourists with familiar high-street and designer names. Porcelain lovers should hunt down Zsolnay, V Kigyó utca 4, or Herend, I Szentháromság utca 5 - both produce some of the finest pieces in Europe.
Budapest's Great Market Hall (Nagy Vásárcsarnok), IX Fovám tér, is great for bargains. This imposing three-storey structure first opened in 1897. On the ground floor are strings of paprika-like red coral necklaces, pots of pickles, goose liver and salami. There is also a supermarket to stock up on Tokaj wines, Pálinka (cherry and apricot brandy) and bitter, black Zwack unicum (herbal liqueur). Upstairs, there is a choice of Kalocsa and Matyó hand-embroidered tablecloths, Zsolnay and Herendi porcelain, glittering beaded necklaces and traditional folk costumes.
Shopping centres:
Budapest's BÁV stores, the main branch of which is found at V Bécsi utca 1, are state-run pawn shops selling everything from junk to gems.
Opening hours:
Standard opening hours are Monday to Friday 1000-1800 (usually until 2000/2100 on Thursdays) and Saturday 1000-1300. Grocers, bakeries and supermarkets are open 0700-2000. The Great Market Hall is open Monday 0600-1700, Tuesday to Friday 0600-1800 and Saturday 0600-1400. Only shopping malls open on Sundays and many small shops close in summer.
Tax information:
Sales tax (ÁFA) of 25% (12% for food, some medical supplies, books, newspapers and hotel rooms) is included in the price and can be reclaimed by visitors purchasing goods worth Ft50,000 or more. A receipt and VAT refund application form must be presented to customs on leaving the country.
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【K】Hungary Travel-Budapest[헝가리 여행-부다페스트]중앙시장의 화려함/Grand Market Hall/Paprika/Market
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
여행을 가면 꼭 들러봐야 하는 곳, 현지의 시장. 그런데 이곳은 도무지 시장이라고 믿기지 않을 만큼 우아하고 아름답다. 내부로 들어서자, 천장이 높고 고풍스러워, 오래된 어느 기차역에 와 있는 기분이 든다. “이 건물은 매우 아름다운 건물이죠. 올해로써 3년째 유럽에서 제일 아름다운 시장으로 선정되었습니다. 지붕들은 도자기로 만들어졌으며, 건물을 지지하고 있는 철 구조물 또한 특별한 재질로 만들어졌습니다. 매우 크고 오래된 건물이며 정말 아름답습니다. 이 부분들이 일반 시장들과의 제일 큰 차별점이죠.” 시장은 지하 1층, 지상 2층으로 돼 있다. 지상 1층에서는 선명한 색깔을 자랑하는 싱싱한 채소와 과일을, 그리고, 각종 소시지와 육류, 헝가리의 주요 향신료들을 판매하고 있다. 그런데. 신기하게도 한국 시장에나 있을법한 말린 고추들이 가게마다 매달려 있다. 파프리카였다. 우리나라에서 파프리카는 단맛을 내는 채소를 말하지만 헝가리에서는 ‘매운 고추’를 말한다. 특히, 파프리카 가루는 우리나라의 고춧가루처럼 헝가리 음식에선 빠질 수 없는 식재료다. “이 시장에서 제일 유명하고 헝가리다운 채소는 빨간색 파프리카입니다. 이 파프리카로 수많은 헝가리 음식을 요리 합니다. 헝가리에서 유명한 것들은 와인, 거위 간, 꿀, 사프란, 그리고 파프리카입니다.”
[English: Google Translator]
I travel a must-see place to stop, local markets. But here it is beautiful, elegant and incredibly heck that market. Upon entering into the interior, high ceiling lovable old-fashioned, which costs a feeling that with the old train station. The building's very beautiful building. It has been selected as the most beautiful markets in the third year as the European Year. Roofs were made of pottery, iron structures that support the building also made of a special material. A very large and really beautiful old building. It's part of their biggest differentiator and the general market. The market has gotta a basement floor, ground floor 2. The ground floor boasts the freshest fruits and vegetables crisp colors, and sells various sausages and meats, the main spice of Hungary. By the way. Surprisingly, there are dried peppers hanging on every store everywhere probable Korea. Were paprika. Paprika vegetables in the country say that the sweetness in Hungary refers to the 'chilli'. In particular, the paprika powder is an indispensable ingredient pepper In Hungary, as in our country food. The best Hungarian famous and beautiful vegetables at the market is red paprika. The cook Hungarian food with a lot of paprika. The famous ones in the Hungarian wine, goose liver, honey, saffron and paprika.
■클립명: 유럽112-헝가리03-09 중앙시장의 화려함/Grand Market Hall/Paprika/Market
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 전수영 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2016년 4월 April
도시,downtown,도심, 시가지, urban, city, metropolitan,시장,market,가게, 쇼핑몰, 상점, 아케이드, marketplace, mall, shopping, store, arcade,채식,vegetarian,veggie,meal,식사,육식,meat,meat,meal,식사,유럽,Europe,동유럽,헝가리,Hungary,,,전수영,2016,4월 April,부다페스트,Budapest,,
Hungary Pictures
【K】Hungary Travel- Budapest[헝가리 여행-부다페스트]재래시장, 파프리카로 얻은 노벨상/Grand Market Hall/Local/Spice/Vegetable
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
백화점보다 더 화려해 보이는 재래시장. 그곳에선 어떤 물건들을 팔고 있을까. 가장 눈에 띄는 건 고추와 마늘이었다. 헝가리의 주요 향신료는 우리와 같은 고추와 마늘이어서 음식 맛 또한 우리와 비슷하다. 고춧가루의 맛도 빛깔도 우리와 똑같았다. 특이한 것은 소포장을 한다는 것인데 아주 작은 단위까지 판매한다는 게 우리와 달라보였다. 채소코너에서 흔히 볼 수 있는 것은 파프리카. 파프리카는 헝가리에서 가장 많이 생산되는 농산물 중 하나다. 그런데 재미있는 사실은 인류가 먹고 있는 비타민C를 파프리카에서 최초로 추출한 게 헝가리인이고 그 공로로 그는 노벨상을 받았다고 한다. 돼지고기를 즐겨먹는 헝가리인들. 소시지 가게가 즐비하다. 헝가리산 돼지고기는 그 맛이 좋기로도 유명한데, 이는 넓은 국토에 비해 인구가 작가, 돼지를 방목해서 키운 까닭이라고 한다.
[English: Google Translator]
It looks more gorgeous than the traditional markets department. Bah, it could sell certain goods. The most striking thing was the red pepper and garlic. Hungary's main spices also taste food, such as pepper and garlic then we are similar to us. Color was also exactly the taste of pepper is also with us. It is unusual that a small packaging geotinde to sell it to a very small unit was different with us. It is often found in vegetables paprika corner. Paprika is one of the most popular agricultural production in Hungary. But it is an interesting fact that humanity is Hungary's first extracted Vitamin C from paprika to eat and he received the Nobel Prize as a contribution. Enjoy the Hungarians eat pork. The shop is packed with sausage. Hungarian pork is also famous for its taste as good, which is called a large population compared with the Homeland writer, grazing pigs reared by reason.
[Hungarian: Google Translator]
Úgy néz ki, gyönyörű, mint a hagyományos piacok osztály. Bah, ez lehet eladni bizonyos áruk. A legszembetűnőbb dolog volt, a piros paprikát és a fokhagymát. Magyarország fő fűszerek íze élelmiszerek, mint például a paprika és fokhagyma akkor vagyunk hozzánk hasonló. Color is pontosan az íze a paprika is velünk. Ez szokatlan, hogy egy kis csomagolás geotinde eladni, hogy egy nagyon kis egység más volt velünk. Ez gyakran előfordul a zöldségekben paprika sarokban. Paprika egyik legnépszerűbb mezőgazdasági termelés Magyarországon. De ez egy érdekes tény, hogy az emberiség Magyarország első kivont C-vitamin paprikából enni, és ő kapta meg a Nobel-díjat, amellyel hozzájárul. Élvezze a magyarok esznek disznóhúst. Az üzlet tele van kolbászt. Magyar sertéshús is híres íze olyan jó, amely az úgynevezett lakosság nagy képest a Homeland író, legeltetés sertések nevelt miatt.
■클립명: 유럽122-헝가리01-18 재래시장, 파프리카로 얻은 노벨상/Grand Market Hall/Local Life/Spice/Vegetable/Pork
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 임현진 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2006년 5월 May
,유럽,Europe,동유럽,헝가리,Hungary,,,임현진,2006,5월 May,부다페스트,Budapest,,
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