The World's Strangest Lake : Red Lotus Lake : ทะเลบัวแดง Talay Bua Daeng : CY015
A Thailand documentary about Red Lotus Lake (ทะเลบัวแดง Talay Bua Daeng), the world's Strangest Lake, is located in Udon Thani อุดรธานี, Thailand. Join us on a journey through this mysterious and unique lake. Subtitles in Thai ( ภาษาไทย )
All photos, video, music, script, editing, etc, by Shaun C. Mackey and Youlimone, for Cayenne Travels.
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Cayenne Travels video number: CY015
Озеро Красных Лотосов в Таиланде - Talay Bua Dang (Red Lotus Lake)
The Red Lotus Sea (although most of the flowers are more pink or crimson than they are red) is about 45km south east from the Udon Thani ring road, at Lake Nong Han on the banks of Ban Diam, in the Kumphawadpi Reserve. The beauty of the lake is best witnessed in the low season, between November and late February. The Red aquatic flowers begin to bloom in October, following the rainy season, reaching full bloom in December through to late January. The best time of day to visit is between 6.00am until around 10.00am. If the day is cloudy (as it was when I recently visited), a visit at any time should provide the best display as the blooms remain open when the sun is not bearing down on them.
Озеро красных лотосов находится в провинции Удон Тани, Таиланд. Лучшее время для посещения - первая половина дня.
Nong Han Kumphawapi Red Lotus Lake Thailand
Why the Nong Han Kumphawapi should be on your must see list for Thailand.
A bird watchers, twitchers, paradise. A sea of red lotus flowers. A traditional fishing industry. Easy access round the lake.
This is ‘Talay Bua Daeng‘; the ‘Red Lotus Sea’. … Although Nong Han Lake. Kumphawapi Lake
.This is ‘Talay Bua Daeng‘; the ‘Red Lotus Sea’.Although Nong Han Lake. is nicknamed the Red Lotus Sea or Red Lotus Lake, local experts tell me the pink-coloured flowers are actually tropical water lilies. … Nong Han Kumphawapi Lake
Talay Bua Daeng
The 'red lotus sea' Talay Bua Daeng in Udon Thani province, Thailand. It blooms every year between december and february and is about 50km from Udon Thani city.
Red Lotus Lake at Udon Thani, Thailand
Red Lotus Lake or Sea as some call it or the Thai name is Talay
Buadaeng. It is located outside of Udon Thani, Thailand. Open from 6 am
till 4 pm during the months of November through February is the prime
time to visit. The first boats of the morning is the best time to go
because the lotus mostly bloom in the morning. The driver would pull
over when we waved to a spot so we could take pictures while we floated
surrounded by a sea of bright pink flowers. It was magical and surreal
and we would do it again!
Red Lotus Sea, Udon Thani Thailand
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The Red Lotus Sea is home of millions of lotus flowers which showcases its beauty during Thailand’s cool season, but the peak blooms occur from beginning of December to the end of February. The best time of day to see the lotus blossoms is between 6:00 am until 11:00 am or 12:00 pm.
Red Lotus Lake, Han Kumphawapi
Red Lotus Lake, Han Kumphawapi,Udon Thani,Thailand
Red Lotus Sea” or Talay Bua Daeng Lotus Red Sea or Red Lotus Lake UdonThani North Thailand
Red Lotus Lake UdonThani
One of the highlights of visiting Udon Thani province in northeastern Thailand is the so-called “Red Lotus Sea” or Talay Bua Daeng
The Red Lotus Sea
Talay Bua Daeng ทะเลบัวแดง
The Red Lotus Sea
Early morning on the last day of the year, 31 December 2017, we traveled from Udon Thani city to see Thailand's most beautiful natural tourist attraction. The mornings in northern Thailand can be quite cold around the turn of the year so the Thais were well dressed in both fur and other winter clothes we are more used to wearing in the winters in Europe. A bit comical to us who think it's a nice summer day if it's over 15 degrees, here it was already well over 20 hot degrees Celsius. We have been here once before, but this time of the year it is most perfect time for seeing the sea, birds and the millions of lotus flowers at its most beautiful.
Located in Nong Han Kumphawapi Lake outside Udon Thani (a good half an hour drive from Udon Thani city). The best time to visit The Red Lotus Sea is from December to late February from 6am – 11am. To see the lotus sea you need to rent a boat. Different sizes and prices of the rentals. Our boat could take 8-10 people and costed 500 baht for an 1.5 hours trip.
The lotus flower blooms most beautifully from the deepest mud
All images are taken by us, hope you like some of them.
All Rights Reserved
January 2018
Red Lotus Lake, Han Kumphawapi
Red Lotus Lake, Han Kumphawapi,Udon Thani,Thailand
Udon Thai Red Lotus Lake Talay Bua Daeng Thailand
Udon Thai Red Lotus Lake Talay Bua Daeng Thailand
Udon Thani, Country Life and Red Lotus Lake - Thailand 4K Travel Channel
Udon Thani is approx. 560 km northeast of Bangkok in Isaan. The city with about 150,000 inhabitants is an important trading town, primarily with Laos. The region is Thailand's rice bowl. The Buddhism is the predominant religion. We stay at the Charoen Hotel, a modern block with a good view over the rooftops of Udon Thani. But, we are not in the mood for evening entertainment or a tour through the city. Our new guide for the next days comes to see us.
He has our program in hands and also a colorful leaflet. He showed us several other places of interest and offers us to see these, if we are ready to pay extra 2000, - bath per person. We find the proposal very strange, but, in the end, we finally agree. We did not regret it, but for us, the question remained, why these sights were not offered at the booking. One of these attractions is the Red Lotus Lake.
The next morning we head to the Red Lotus Lake. On the way, the guide always stops the car and gives us the opportunity to see the local population at their daily work. First stop is a paddy-field. The women still cut the rice with the sickle, an exhausting and laborious undertaking. The rice is not cut off directly at the root so that the water buffalo can graze the rest and at the same time fertilize the field.
Time and again we see people with their cows and water buffaloes on the road.
In front of a school, the headmaster gives his morning speech.
Interesting is a loom, where bamboo mats are woven. It seems striking that mainly women work in the farming and in the small trade.
As a rule, I give the women and men a small money for filming. And they are also pleased about it. But our guide criticizes me and says that I should give nothing to people. Later in temples, the same guide encourages us to donate something to the monks.
After about 50 km from Udon Thani, we reach our destination in the district Kumphawapi, the Red Lotus Lake. Its Thai name is Talee Bua Daeng.
The rich flowering is from the water lilies, the red lotus blossoms (Nymphaea pubescens) are a subspecies thereof. There are also white water lilies in the lake.
please read more:
Udon Thani liegt ca. 560 km nordöstlich von Bangkok im Isaan. Die Stadt mit ungefähr 150.000 Einwohnern ist eine bedeutende Handelsstadt, vor allem mit Laos. Die Region ist die Reiskammer Thailands. Der Buddhismus ist die vorherrschende Religion.
Wir übernachten im Charoen Hotel, ein moderner Block, der uns aber einen guten Ausblick über die Dächer von Udon Thani ermöglicht. Allerdings steht uns der Sinn nicht nach einer Abendunterhaltung oder einem Rundgang durch die Stadt. Unser neuer Reiseführer für die nächsten Tage möchte uns treffen.
Er hat unser Programm in Händen und zusätzlich ein buntes Prospekt. Er zeigte uns verschiedene weitere Sehenswürdigkeiten und bot uns an diese zu sehen, wenn wir bereit sind zusätzliche 2000,- Bath pro Person zu bezahlen. Wir finden den Vorschlag schon sehr merkwürdig, aber letztlich endlich willigen wir ein. Wir haben es auch nicht bereut, dennoch blieb für uns die Frage, warum uns diese Sehenswürdigkeiten nicht bei der Buchung angeboten wurden. Eine dieser Sehenswürdigkeiten ist der See der roten Lotusblüten.
Am nächsten Morgen machen wir uns auf den Weg dorthin. Unterwegs lässt der Führer immer wieder den Wagen stoppen und gibt uns die Gelegenheit der einheimischen Bevölkerung bei ihren täglichen Tätigkeiten zu zu sehen. Erster Stopp ist ein Reisfeld. Die Frauen schneiden den Reis noch mit der Sichel, ein anstrengendes und mühsames Unterfangen. Der Reis wird nicht direkt an der Wurzel abgeschnitten, damit die Wasserbüffel den Rest abgrasen können und gleichzeitig das Feld düngen.
Immer wieder werden Kühe und Wasserbüffel auf der Straße getrieben.
Vor einer Schule hält der Schulleiter seine morgendliche Ansprache.
Interessant ist ein Webstuhl auf dem Bambusmatten gewoben werden. Für uns erscheint es auffällig, dass in der Landwirtschaft und im Kleingewerbe hauptsächlich Frauen beschäftigt sind.
Für das Filmen gebe ich den Frauen und Männern in der Regel einen kleinen Geldschein, über den sie sich auch freuen. Unser Führer rügt mich aber und meint ich solle den Menschen nichts geben. Später in Tempeln animiert uns der gleiche Führer, den Mönchen etwas zu spenden.
Ca 50 km hinter Udon Thani, erreichen wir unser Ziel im Bezirk Kumphawapi, den See der roten Lotusblüten. In Thai wird er Talee Bua Daeng genannt.
Der Blütenreichtum wird hauptsächlich durch die Seerosen erzeugt, die roten Lotosblüten (Nymphaea pubescens) sind eine Unterart davon. Vereinzelt sind im See auch weiße Wasserlilien zu sehen.
weitere Infos im Reisevideoblog:
Talay Bua Daeng 2015
Talay Bua Daeng 2015 ทะเลบัวแดง 2558
The Great Lake of Lilly/Lotus flowers is ranked 2nd the most beautiful lake in the world by CNN. Talay Bua Daeng is located on Nong Han lake outside Kumpawhapi, one hour drive from Udon Thani City in Thailand.
All videos and pictures is taken by me, all rights reserved.
The Red Lotus Sea | Talay Bua Daeng | Udon Thani | 2017
Thaitravelfriends | Visit the Red Lotus Lake near Udon Thani | อุดรธานี | Talay Bua Deang | in Kumphawapi reserve | From November to February this lake is full of blooming lotus flowers. It is beautiful to look at this in morning time.
( red water lily Lake Talay Bua Deang )
#RedLotusSea #TalayBuaDaeng #Thaitravelfriends
Music: NCS / NoCopyrightSound/ Stradz---Holiday
Thailand | The Sea of Red Lotus Flowers attracts
Thailand | The Sea of Red Lotus Flowers attracts
Half an hour's drive from the town of Udon Thani in north-eastern Thailand is Talay Bua Deng Lake, which is literally translated to mean The Red Lotus Flowers Sea. The lake, full of legends, stretches for many kilometers almost to seem like a real sea. The view is fascinating and the lotus flowers, that grown naturally are symbol of spiritual purity according to Eastern tradition, and it also has a meaning of rebirth. While the roots sink into the mud, in fact, the flower blooms outside the water, in the sunlight. Many tourists from all over the world and Thai come here every year to visit it. In the middle of the lake there is also an old temple, where local fishermen come to pray.
تايلاند | جمال بحيرة زهور اللوتس الحمراء يستقطب سياح العالم
تقع بحيرة زهور اللوتس الحمراء على بعد نصف ساعة بالسيارة من مدينة أودون ثاني في شمال شرق تايلاند، حيث تمتد البحيرة المليئة بالأساطير لعدة كيلومترات لتبدو وكأنها بحر حقيقي رائع ، وتعد زهرة اللوتس التي تنمو بشكل طبيعي تحت ضوء الشمس بينما تغرق جذورها في الوحل رمزا للنقاء الروحي والتجديد وفقا للتقاليد الشرقية، وتستقطب البحيرة السياح من جميع أنحاء العالم ، إذ يأتون كل عام لزيارتها، كما يعد المعبد القديم وسط البحيرة أيضا أحد اهم المعالم الذي يتجه له الصيادون المحليون للصلاة.
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Red Lotus Lake near Udon Thani
Red Lotus Lake near Udon Thani
January 18-19, 2019
Shot on Sony A7II
Sony Vegas Pro 14
For more photos from this trip,
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Music: MIA GLADSTONE - Ideal (Prod. engelwood)
Music provided by Music Just For You | No Copyright
Video Link:
#udonthani #redlotuslake #thailand
Red Lotus Lake | Kumphawapi | Thailand 4K
Ein Wunderschöner Tag mit der Familie meiner Verlobten am Red Lotus Lake | Kumphawapi | Thailand
a beautiful day with the family from my fiance on the Red Lotus Lake | Kumphawapi | Thailand.
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Ich hoffe das Video gefällt euch allen, wenn ja gebt doch bitte einen Daumen nach oben und teilt es mit euren Freunden ;-)
created by Ramon Castillo
Red Lotus Lake, Han Kumphawapi
Red Lotus Lake, Han Kumphawapi