Die Gemeinde Tarasp im Kreis Sur Tasna (Bezirk Inn) setzt sich aus elf Ortsteilen zusammen. Die wichtigsten sind neben dem Hauptort Fontana (1’403 m ü. M.) die Dörfer Vulpera (1’280 m ü. M.) und Sparsels. Als herausragendes Bauwerk und Wahrzeichen sticht das Schloss Tarasp hervor. Es stammt in seinen Grundzügen aus dem 11. Jahrhundert und zählt zu den imposantesten Schlössern Graubündens. Auf Gemeindegebiet liegen die Gipfel Piz Pisoc (3’173 m ü. M.), Piz Plavna Dadora (2’981 m ü. M.) und Piz Zuort (3’119 m ü. M.).
Einen Besuch wert sind die Hexenplatten (prähistorische Schalensteine in Sgnè), die Büvetta (aus dem 19. Jh. stammende Wandel- und Trinkhalle mit Heilquellen, die stärksten Glaubersalzquellen Europas), die barocke Dreifaltigkeitskirche in Fontana (1674 – 78) und die wildromantische Clemgia-Schlucht (von Vulpera und Avrona aus erreichbar).
Tarasp is a municipality in the Sur Tasna sub-district of the Inn district and is made up of eleven settlements. The most important ones include the main locality, Fontana (1,403 m above sea level), the hotel village of Vulpera (1,280 m above sea level), and Sparsels. The principal landmark of the Lower Engadin, Tarasp Castle, is located in the center. Its origins date back to the 11th century, and it is one of the stateliest castles of Graubünden. Three mountains are located within the municipal area: Piz Pisoc (3,173 m above sea level), Piz Plavna Dadora (2,981 m above sea level), and Piz Zuort (3,119 m above sea level).
Sights: Hexenplatten («witch stone disks»; prehistoric cup-marked stones in Sgnè), Büvetta (19th-century covered walk and drinking hall with mineral springs, the most potent Glauber salt springs in Europe), Baroque Trinity Church in Fontana (1674–78), savage Clemgia Gorge (accessible from Vulpera and Avrona).
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Die Gemeinde Tarasp im Kreis Sur Tasna (Bezirk Inn) setzt sich aus elf Ortsteilen zusammen. Die wichtigsten sind neben dem Hauptort Fontana (1'403 m ü. M.) die Dörfer Vulpera (1'280 m ü. M.) und Sparsels. Als herausragendes Bauwerk und Wahrzeichen sticht das Schloss Tarasp hervor. Es stammt in seinen Grundzügen aus dem 11. Jahrhundert und zählt zu den imposantesten Schlössern Graubündens. Auf Gemeindegebiet liegen die Gipfel Piz Pisoc (3'173 m ü. M.), Piz Plavna Dadora (2'981 m ü. M.) und Piz Zuort (3'119 m ü. M.).
Einen Besuch wert sind die Hexenplatten (prähistorische Schalensteine in Sgnè), die Büvetta (aus dem 19. Jh. stammende Wandel- und Trinkhalle mit Heilquellen, die stärksten Glaubersalzquellen Europas), die barocke Dreifaltigkeitskirche in Fontana (1674 -- 78) und die wildromantische Clemgia-Schlucht (von Vulpera und Avrona aus erreichbar).
Tarasp is a municipality in the Sur Tasna sub-district of the Inn district and is made up of eleven settlements. The most important ones include the main locality, Fontana (1,403 m above sea level), the hotel village of Vulpera (1,280 m above sea level), and Sparsels. The principal landmark of the Lower Engadin, Tarasp Castle, is located in the center. Its origins date back to the 11th century, and it is one of the stateliest castles of Graubünden. Three mountains are located within the municipal area: Piz Pisoc (3,173 m above sea level), Piz Plavna Dadora (2,981 m above sea level), and Piz Zuort (3,119 m above sea level).
Sights: Hexenplatten («witch stone disks»; prehistoric cup-marked stones in Sgnè), Büvetta (19th-century covered walk and drinking hall with mineral springs, the most potent Glauber salt springs in Europe), Baroque Trinity Church in Fontana (1674--78), savage Clemgia Gorge (accessible from Vulpera and Avrona).
Schloss Meggenhorn Castle, Luzern SWITZERLAND 城 スイス
Meggenhorn Castle (Schloss Meggenhorn) is a castle in Meggen near the Swiss city of Lucerne. It was built in 1868/70 by Edouad Hofer-Grosjean from Mulhouse and in 1926 equipped with a Welte Philharmonic Organ. It is surrounded by vine yards and is considered to be the municipality's symbol. Today, it is mostly used as a tourist attraction and reception venue. It is a Swiss heritage site of national significance.
All pictures, sounds, music by: © shiso2012 思想会社 Shiso Productions
Awesome Swiss Castle
Today we drove to Gruyères, Switzerland and took a tour of the inside of this 800 castle! It was an awesome Swiss Castle!!
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A visit to a medieval Swiss castle
Bellinzona's castles are considered amongst the finest examples of medieval fortification architecture in Switzerland, hence their designation as a Unesco World Heritage site. The fortifications were built up principally by the Dukes of Milan in the 15th century to hold back the warlike Swiss. (Julie Hunt,
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Das Dorfbild der Bündner Gemeinde Ardez (1'467 m ü. M.) mit den krummen Engadiner Holzhäusern hat sich seit 1622 kaum verändert. Politisch gehört der Ort zum Bündner Bezirk Inn im Kreis Sur Tasna. Auf der linken Talseite des Unterengadins über dem Fluss liegt die Ardezer Landschaft eingebettet in die Kristallinmassen der Silvretta und der Unterengadiner Dolomiten. Der Gemeindeboden erstreckt sich von der österreichischen Grenze bis zum Schweizerischen Nationalpark mit dem Piz Plavna Dadaint (3'166 m ü. M.) als dem höchsten Punkt. Nachbargemeinden sind Ftan, Tarasp, Zernez, Lavin, Guarda und Galtür (Österreich).
Sehenswürdigkeiten sind die Burgruine Steinsberg (Kirchenkastell aus der Zeit Karls des Grossen, vom 12. Jh. an Feudalsitz), die evangelische Kirche (erbaut 1576 -- 1577), der Plantaturm, die Höhle La Foura Chagnoula mit einem Tierfriedhof sowie die Ruinen des Passantenhauses und des Postgebäudes Chanoua.
Ardez (1,467 m above sea level) is a municipality in the canton of Graubünden and belongs to the Sur Tasna sub-district of the Inn district. It is located on the left side of the Lower Engadin valley above the Inn river. The Ardez landscape is nestled between the crystalline bulk of the Silvretta range and the Lower Engadin Dolomites. The municipal area extends from the Austrian border to the outskirts of the National Park, with the Piz Plavna Dadaint (3,166 m above sea level) as the highest point. Neighboring municipalities include Ftan, Tarasp, Zernez, Lavin, Guarda, and Galtür (Austria). The townscape of Ardez has remained virtually unaltered since 1622, with many Engadin buildings.
Sights: Castle ruins of Steinsberg (fortress and church from the times of Charlemagne; feudal residence from the 12th century), Protestant church (built 1576--1577), Planta Tower, La Foura Chagnoula, ruins of the lodging house and post office building of Chanoua.
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Der bekannte Kur- und Badeort Scuol (1'250 m ü. M.) im Kreis Suot Tasna (Bezirk Inn) ist Hauptort des Unterengadins, das für sein sonniges Klima bekannt ist. Es zählt zu den trockensten Regionen der Schweiz. Die Kleinstadt (ca. 2'400 Einwohner) liegt über dem «Unterengadiner Fenster», einer geologisch bedeutenden Erosionslücke, aus der Gase nach oben dringen und sich mit dem Grundwasser vermengen. So ist die Gegend Scuol-Vulpera-Tarasp mit über 25 heilkräftigen Mineralquellen gesegnet. In Scuol sprudelt die mineralreichste Glaubersalzquelle Europas. Das aufwendig als Wellness-Oase gestaltete Mineralbad Bogn Engiadina Scuoll (geöffnet an 365 Tagen im Jahr) ist ein Anziehungspunkt für die Region.
Als Scuols Hausberg erhebt sich im Silvrettagebirge vis-a-vis der Engadiner Dolomiten die Motta Naluns (2'146 m. ü. M) als Aussichtsplateau. Eine Besichtigung lohnen die spätgotische St. Georgskirche von 1516, einige gut erhaltene Engadinerhäuser mit Wandmalereien (etwas die Chasa Baer-Gaudenz), der Dorfplatz mit Brunnen, das Unterengadiner Museum und der Schweizerische Nationalpark gleich um die Ecke.
Scuol (1,250 m above sea level) is a Graubünden municipality in the Suot Tasna sub-district of the Inn district and the regional capital of the Lower Engadin, which is known for its sunny climate and counted among the driest regions of Switzerland. Scuol is situated right in the middle of the so-called «Lower Engadin Window», a geologically significant erosion gap. Gases can rise to the surface, mix with the groundwater, and thus form more than 25 mineral springs, which are used for medical purposes all around Scuol, Vulpera, and Tarasp (including the mineral-richest Glauber salt spring in Europe). Thanks to these medical and mineral springs, Scuol is a famous spa and also has a mineral water bath (Bogn Engiadina Scuol). The local mountain of Scuol is Motta Naluns, a 2,146-m-high viewing plateau in the Silvretta range facing the Engadin Dolomites.
Sights: late-Gothic St. Georg Church (1516), well-preserved Engadin buildings with Sgraffito decor, town square and fountain, Lower Engadin Museum, Chasa Baer-Gaudenz, Swiss National Park.
Airview - Burg Spliatsch in Sur, Kanton Graubünden, Switzerland
Sicht von oben in das Innere der Burg Spliatsch nach dem Dorfausgang von Sur auf der Julier Route Fahrtrichtung Bivio.
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Der Kur- und Badeort Scuol (1'250 m ü. M.) im Kreis Suot Tasna (Bezirk Inn) ist Hauptort des Unterengadins, das für sein sonniges Klima bekannt ist. Es zählt zu den trockensten Regionen der Schweiz. Die Kleinstadt (ca. 2'400 Einwohner) liegt über dem «Unterengadiner Fenster», einer geologisch bedeutenden Erosionslücke, aus der Gase nach oben dringen und sich mit dem Grundwasser vermengen. So ist die Gegend Scuol-Vulpera-Tarasp mit über 25 heilkräftigen Mineralquellen gesegnet. In Scuol sprudelt die mineralreichste Glaubersalzquelle Europas. Das aufwendig als Wellness-Oase gestaltete Mineralbad Bogn Engiadina Scuoll (geöffnet an 365 Tagen im Jahr) ist ein Anziehungspunkt für die gesamte Region.
Als Scuols Hausberg erhebt sich im Silvrettagebirge vis-a-vis der Engadiner Dolomiten das Aussichtsplateau Motta Naluns (2'146 m ü. M.). Eine Besichtigung lohnen die spätgotische St. Georgskirche von 1516, einige gut erhaltene Engadinerhäuser mit Wandmalereien (etwas die Chasa Baer-Gaudenz), der Dorfplatz mit Brunnen, das Unterengadiner Museum und der Schweizerische Nationalpark gleich um die Ecke.
Scuol (1,250 m above sea level) is a Graubünden municipality in the Suot Tasna sub-district of the Inn district and the regional capital of the Lower Engadin, which is known for its sunny climate and counted among the driest regions of Switzerland. Scuol is situated right in the middle of the so-called «Lower Engadin Window», a geologically significant erosion gap. Gases can rise to the surface, mix with the groundwater, and thus form more than 25 mineral springs, which are used for medical purposes all around Scuol, Vulpera, and Tarasp (including the mineral-richest Glauber salt spring in Europe). Thanks to these medical and mineral springs, Scuol is a famous spa and also has a mineral water bath (Bogn Engiadina Scuol). The local mountain of Scuol is Motta Naluns, a 2,146-m-high viewing plateau in the Silvretta range facing the Engadin Dolomites.
Sights: late-Gothic St. Georg Church (1516), well-preserved Engadin buildings with Sgraffito decor, town square and fountain, Lower Engadin Museum, Chasa Baer-Gaudenz, Swiss National Park.
Gutenberg Castle in Balzers, Liechtenstein
Gutenberg Castle in Balzers, Liechtenstein is one of 5 castles in the principality. It is one of two that are still preserved. During our 3 day visit to Liechtenstein, we had the opportunity to visit the castle. We hiked from the playground at the base of the hill up through the vineyard. On the way back down, we looped through the small patch of woods to see the nearby church.
And yes, out 4-year-old wanted to play fetch lol
To read more about the castle, visit Liechtenstein's tourism website here:
Music: Water Spirit - James Joshua Otto
Swiss Castles Home
Slideshow for Swiss Castles website
Veysonnaz, Valais - Wallis, Switzerland
Promotional Video from Veysonnaz - Switzerland - Suisse
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Die Unterengadiner Gemeinde Sent (1'440 m ü. M.) im Kreis Suot Tasna (Bezirk Inn) liegt auf einer Sonnenterrasse über dem Inn. Zu Sent gehören die Ortsteile Sur En, Crusch, Sinestra und Zuort. Typische mit Wandmalereien verzierte Engadinerhäuser prägen das Ortsbild. Als architektonische Eigenart findet man hier den Senter Giebel, ein Dachfirst in geschweifter Form, der im 18. Jahrhundert in Mode kam. Am Dorfeingang erhebt sich die Ruine der Kirche Baselgia San Peder. Baubeginn war um 1200.
Sent (1,440 m above sea level) is a municipality in the Sur Tasna sub-district of the Inn district in the canton of Graubünden.
It is located in the Lower Engadin on a sun terrace above the Inn river. Sent comprises the hamlets of Sur En, Crusch, Sinestra, and Zuort. The appearance of the place is characterized by typical Engadin buildings adorned with Sgraffito. A widespread architectural feature is the Sentner Gable (curved gables, since the 18th century). At the entrance to the village are the ruins of a church built around the year 1200, Baselgia San Peder.
Most beautiful castles in the Switzerland. Travels
Hotels -
This video presents the most beautiful and popular castles in Switzerland, which is worth seeing
The Courtyard of Durham Castle
The Castle now serves as a student accomodation for University of Durham students. Sowee guyz, the vid is shaky... Haha... =p
St, Joseph's church and rectory, DJI Phantom 4 Pro
4k 60fps
ND16 filter
2008.06.30 REGION GRAUBÜNDEN,SWITZERLAND-PONTRESINA is located in the highest-altitude valley that branches off from the Upper Engadine. It's a sunny place, protected from the winds, that lies on a slope opening towards the southwest. Pontresina continues to be a typical Engadine village, stretching along the valley's longitudinal axis. Pontresina is a traditional Engadine village, divided into four distinct residential areas - Laret, San Spiert, Giarsun and Carlihof. The more recent Muragls area is located in the direction of Samedan. The 12th Century mountain church of Santa Maria with its invaluable frescoes dating from the 13th and 15th Centuries, the pentagonal Spaniola Tower from the 13th Century, the Museum Alpin, and the bridges at Punt Veglia Roseg and Punt Veglia Bernina as well as the many typical Engadine houses built in the 17th and 18th Centuries have been well preserved and some carefully restored.
2008.06.30 REGION GRAUBÜNDEN,SWITZERLAND-PONTRESINA is located in the highest-altitude valley that branches off from the Upper Engadine. It's a sunny place, protected from the winds, that lies on a slope opening towards the southwest. Pontresina continues to be a typical Engadine village, stretching along the valley's longitudinal axis. Pontresina is a traditional Engadine village, divided into four distinct residential areas - Laret, San Spiert, Giarsun and Carlihof. The more recent Muragls area is located in the direction of Samedan. The 12th Century mountain church of Santa Maria with its invaluable frescoes dating from the 13th and 15th Centuries, the pentagonal Spaniola Tower from the 13th Century, the Museum Alpin, and the bridges at Punt Veglia Roseg and Punt Veglia Bernina as well as the many typical Engadine houses built in the 17th and 18th Centuries have been well preserved and some carefully restored.
Veysonnaz cloudy weather in Swisss