Casablanca Center Hotel - Petropolis (Rio de Janeiro), Brazil - Awesome place!
Casablanca Center Hotel - Exclusive price! -
One of our top picks in Petrópolis. In Petrópolis town centre, Casablanca is just 2,300 feet from the popular Imperial Museum and Santos Dumont House. It offers modern rooms with air conditioning, plus breakfast, free Wi-Fi and free parking.
Featuring garden views and wooden floors, rooms are equipped with a private bathroom and an LCD TV with cable channels. Amenities also include a minibar, safe, hairdryer and telephone.
The Bohemia Brewery Museum is situated 0.6 miles from Casablanca Center Hotel. Galeão International Airport, in Rio, is 40.4 miles away.
28º OMEP World Symposium and Assembly 17th to 21st July 2012, Campo Grande -- MS, Brasil
Early Childhood in the 21st Century: Children's Right to Explore, Play, Live and Learn about the World Around Them
17th and 18th July 2012 -- World Assembly
19th and 21st July 2012 -- World Symposium
21st July 2012 -- Closing date
Main Theme:
Early Childhood in the 21st Century: Children's Right to Explore, Play, Live and Learn about the World Around Them
• Valueing being a child, the right to play and biliguallism.
• Training early childhood teachers: Paths and challenges.
• Children, culture, diversity and human rights.
• Early Childhood Education: Pegadogical practices and its link to theory.
• The Teacher and Public Policies on Childhood.
• Educating children for a sustainable world.
To provide an exchange of ideas and communication between OMEP Brazil and various other countries. To highlight discussions concerning children's rights. To reflect upon the challenges of early childhood education, the demands exerted upon the work and training early childhood education professionals.
Teachers and education coordinators, directors, professionals and students.
Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson -- OMEP/World President
Madeleine Baillargeon -- World OMEP Vice-‐President for North America and the Caribbean
Victoria Peralta Espinosa -- Chile International Institute for Early Childhood Education IIDEI
Oral Presentations
Round Table
Reception Cocktail
Visits to Universities and Early Childhood Centres
Sight-seeing tour of the city
Final Deadline: 24 February 2012
Proposals may be submitted for presentation in the Symposium, in the form of oral presentations, posters and topics for the round table, within our afforementioned themes. Each proposal may be no longer than 300 words. Presentations may be sent in Portuguese, Spanish or English.
Oral Presentations: 20 minutes per presentation, and each session will be comprised of three to four presentations.
Lectures: There will be three or four lectures, and a Q&A session with the lecturers afterwards.
Presentation of the Posters: Members will present their own posters in sessions, which will be scheduled by the organisation committee prior to the event.
Round table: Each session will be comprised of two presentations. Presentations will last 45 minutes for each participant (30 minute presentation followed by 15 minutes of discussion and feedback).
Date for entries : 20th February to 30th March 2012
Notice of Acceptance: 7th May 2012
1st Period of Registration: 8th to 31st May 2012
2nd Period of Registration: 1st June to 2nd July 2012
Assembly and Symposium Dates: 17 a 21 de Julho de 2012
March 1st to May 7th, 2012 May 8th to July 6th, 2012 At the door
Individual U$280 U$320 U$350
Students U$130 U$150 U$160
Telephone: +55 67 3045-3674
Fax: +55 67 3305-2227
Address: 28º Simpósio Mundial da OMEP
Organização Mundial para Educação Pré Escolar OMEP/Brazil
Rua Estevão Capriata, 206 Vila Progresso
CEP 79050-440 Campo Grande -- MS Brazil
Southwest Florida Eagle Cam
Southwest Florida Eagle Cam
28º OMEP World Symposium and Assembly 17th to 21st July 2012, Campo Grande MS, Brasil
28º OMEP World Symposium and Assembly 17th to 21st July 2012, Campo Grande -- MS, Brasil
Early Childhood in the 21st Century: Children's Right to Explore, Play, Live and Learn about the World Around Them
17th and 18th July 2012 -- World Assembly
19th and 21st July 2012 -- World Symposium
21st July 2012 -- Closing date
Main Theme:
Early Childhood in the 21st Century: Children's Right to Explore, Play, Live and Learn about the World Around Them
• Valueing being a child, the right to play and biliguallism.
• Training early childhood teachers: Paths and challenges.
• Children, culture, diversity and human rights.
• Early Childhood Education: Pegadogical practices and its link to theory.
• The Teacher and Public Policies on Childhood.
• Educating children for a sustainable world.
To provide an exchange of ideas and communication between OMEP Brazil and various other countries. To highlight discussions concerning children's rights. To reflect upon the challenges of early childhood education, the demands exerted upon the work and training early childhood education professionals.
Teachers and education coordinators, directors, professionals and students.
Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson -- OMEP/World President
Madeleine Baillargeon -- World OMEP Vice-‐President for North America and the Caribbean
Victoria Peralta Espinosa -- Chile International Institute for Early Childhood Education IIDEI
Oral Presentations
Round Table
Reception Cocktail
Visits to Universities and Early Childhood Centres
Sight-seeing tour of the city
Final Deadline: 24 February 2012
Proposals may be submitted for presentation in the Symposium, in the form of oral presentations, posters and topics for the round table, within our afforementioned themes. Each proposal may be no longer than 300 words. Presentations may be sent in Portuguese, Spanish or English.
Oral Presentations: 20 minutes per presentation, and each session will be comprised of three to four presentations.
Lectures: There will be three or four lectures, and a Q&A session with the lecturers afterwards.
Presentation of the Posters: Members will present their own posters in sessions, which will be scheduled by the organisation committee prior to the event.
Round table: Each session will be comprised of two presentations. Presentations will last 45 minutes for each participant (30 minute presentation followed by 15 minutes of discussion and feedback).
Date for entries : 20th February to 30th March 2012
Notice of Acceptance: 7th May 2012
1st Period of Registration: 8th to 31st May 2012
2nd Period of Registration: 1st June to 2nd July 2012
Assembly and Symposium Dates: 17 a 21 de Julho de 2012
March 1st to May 7th, 2012 May 8th to July 6th, 2012 At the door
Individual U$280 U$320 U$350
Students U$130 U$150 U$160
Telephone: +55 67 3045-3674
Fax: +55 67 3305-2227
Address: 28º Simpósio Mundial da OMEP
Organização Mundial para Educação Pré Escolar OMEP/Brazil
Rua Estevão Capriata, 206 Vila Progresso
CEP 79050-440 Campo Grande -- MS Brazil
Old Trafford stadium tour - MANCHESTER UNITED! UK Travel vlog
Old Trafford stadium! Tour at the home of Manchester United! You will see in this vlog: stadium tour, Manchester United museum, store, and Hotel Football.
The Man United stadium tour at Old Trafford includes the dressing room, the players' tunnel, the pitch, the managers' seats, the stands (even the Directors' seats) and the press conference room.
This vlog is part of a UK travel series:
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This vlog was created for the official Renata Pereira YouTube Channel at
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+ YOUTUBE IN PORTUGUESE: (who knows if you have a Brazilian friend!? ;)
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Revuelta(s) - Un film de Fredi Casco et Renate Costa Perdomo (Fondation Cartier - 2013)
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REVUELTA(S), 2013 - Subtitles in French, English, Spanish and Portuguese
En intégralité et en haute définition
Entre février et août 2013, répondant à une commande de la Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain, l'artiste paraguayen Fredi Casco, accompagné de la réalisatrice Renate Costa, a sillonné l'Amérique latine à la rencontre de certains artistes et photographes présentés dans l'exposition América Latina 1960-2013. De Buenos Aires à Mexico, en passant par Caracas, La Havane, São Paulo ou encore Lima, les deux réalisateurs ont interviewé vingt-neuf artistes de huit pays, captant au passage les paysages urbains dans de longs plans séquences.
Revuelta(s), 2013
Film numérique couleur, 140 min
Réalisation : Fredi Casco et Renate Costa
Direction de la photographie : Luis Arteaga
Marcos Lopez
Facundo de Zuviria
Juan Carlos Romero
Marcelo Brodsky
Luis Pazos
Gracila Sacco
Luis Camnitzer
Carlos Altamirano
Eugenio Dittborn
Antonio Manuel
Anna Bella Geiger
Rosangela Renno
Arthur Barrio
Miguel Rio Branco
Claudi Andular
Felipe Ehrenberg
Eduardo Villanes
Flavia Gandolfo
Luz Maria Bedoya
Oscar Muños & Ever Astudillo
Paolo Gasparini
Vladimir Sersa
José Figueroa
Carlos Garaicoa
Pablo Lopez Luz
Jonathan Hernandez
Graciela Iturbide
Pablo Ortiz Monasterio
Codigo de Telecomunicações art 1 a 62
Codigo de Telecomunicações art 1 a 62
Educação, Cursos e Concursos
Leitura dinamica em 5 minutos - dynamic reading
Constituição Federal Completa e atualizada - 10 Horas de Audio
Ondas de Elliot
Lei 8666 Completa Atualizada - lei das Licitações
Lei 8112 completa atualizada - regime jurídico dos servidores públicos
Lei 8429 - Lei de Improbidade Administrativa Completa Atualizada
Animações no camtasia - Animations in the camtasia
Consolidacao das leis trabalhistas
Direito Administrativo - Estado e Governo
Sanções penais, administrativas lesivas meio ambiente
Lei Regula Ação Popular
Programa Proteção Testemunhas
Organizações Sociais e Programa Nacional Publicização
Normas Gerais Contratação Consórcios Publicos
Lei Lavagem de Dinheiro
Ação Civil Pública Danos Meio Ambiente
Lei Acessibilidade Inclusão
Politica Nacional do meio ambiente lei 6938
Lei de Informatização do Processo Judicial
Lei Sigilo Bancário
Lei Execução Fiscal
Lei pregão
Lei concessoes permissões serviço publico
Lei arbitragem
Lei mandado segurança
Lei crimes responsabilidade
Lei crimes ordem tributaria
Lei do Abuso de Autoridade
Lei Contravenções Penais
Lei ação direta inconstitucionalidade
Estatuto Militar
Lei de crimes hediondos
Declaração direitos humanos
Politica nacional arquivos publicos privados
Politica nacional pessoa deficiencia
Lei das Locações
Lei Maria da Penha
Lei Cartorios
Lei de Segurança Nacional
Estatuto da Terra
Processo administrativo ambito administração publica federal
Codigo das Minas
Codigo Tributario Nacional
Estatuto do Museus
Estatuto Micro Pequenas Empresas
Estatuto do torcedor
Estatuto do indio
Estatuto do Idoso
Estatuto do Estrangeiro
Estatuto igualdade racial
Lei das Eleições
Codigo das aguas
Codigo de Telecomunicações
Codigo Aeronautico Brasileiro
Código Processo Penal
Lei 8742 - Lei da Assistencia Social
Nossas Playlists:
Constituição Federal Completa
Lei 8112 - Lei do Servidor Público
Lei 8666 - Lei das Licitações
new Telex
Hi, in the next few minutes I will have the pleasure of being able to talk you about the evolution and how it is helping the communication and internet grow and how they affect our lives and society as a whole. It's an open a window of opportunities. You are welcome to a universe of opportunity of communication and technology worldwide. You may perceive that in the last years of the evolution and the development of communication through the internet stopped being a way to understand or complicate, and it becomes so simple that many time we don't notice that it is just one click in that palm of your hands.
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Globalization and the power of creative destruction | Tom Palmer | TEDxIbmec
Tom G. Palmer é um membro sênior do Instituto Cato, e diretor da Universidade Cato. Palmer também é o vice-presidente executivo de programas internacionais da Fundação Atlas Economic Research, e o é responsável pela criação de programas operacionais em 14 idiomas e gestão de programas de uma rede mundial de grupos de reflexão. Antes de ingressar no Cato ele era um companheiro HB Earhart em Hertford College, Universidade de Oxford, vice-presidente do Institute for Humane Studies da Universidade George Mason.
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
Rio de Janeiro | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Rio de Janeiro
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
You can find other Wikipedia audio articles too at:
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Rio de Janeiro (; Portuguese: [ˈʁi.u d(ʒi) ʒɐˈnejɾu]; River of January), or simply Rio, is the second-most populous municipality in Brazil and the sixth-most populous in the Americas. The metropolis is anchor to the Rio de Janeiro metropolitan area, the second-most populous metropolitan area in Brazil and sixth-most populous in the Americas. Rio de Janeiro is the capital of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil's third-most populous state. Part of the city has been designated as a World Heritage Site, named Rio de Janeiro: Carioca Landscapes between the Mountain and the Sea, by UNESCO on 1 July 2012 as a Cultural Landscape.Founded in 1565 by the Portuguese, the city was initially the seat of the Captaincy of Rio de Janeiro, a domain of the Portuguese Empire. Later, in 1763, it became the capital of the State of Brazil, a state of the Portuguese Empire. In 1808, when the Portuguese Royal Court transferred itself from Portugal to Brazil, Rio de Janeiro became the chosen seat of the court of Queen Maria I of Portugal, who subsequently, in 1815, under the leadership of her son, the Prince Regent, and future King João VI of Portugal, raised Brazil to the dignity of a kingdom, within the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil, and Algarves. Rio stayed the capital of the pluricontinental Lusitanian monarchy until 1822, when the War of Brazilian Independence began. This is one of the few instances in history that the capital of a colonising country officially shifted to a city in one of its colonies. Rio de Janeiro subsequently served as the capital of the independent monarchy, the Empire of Brazil, until 1889, and then the capital of a republican Brazil until 1960 when the capital was transferred to Brasília.
Rio de Janeiro has the second largest municipal GDP in the country, and 30th largest in the world in 2008, estimated at about R$343 billion (IBGE, 2008) (nearly US$201 billion). It is headquarters to Brazilian oil, mining, and telecommunications companies, including two of the country's major corporations – Petrobras and Vale – and Latin America's largest telemedia conglomerate, Grupo Globo. The home of many universities and institutes, it is the second-largest center of research and development in Brazil, accounting for 17% of national scientific output according to 2005 data. Despite the high perception of crime, the city has a lower incidence of crime than Northeast Brazil, but it is far more criminalized than the south region of Brazil, which is considered the safest in the country.Rio de Janeiro is one of the most visited cities in the Southern Hemisphere and is known for its natural settings, Carnival, samba, bossa nova, and balneario beaches such as Barra da Tijuca, Copacabana, Ipanema, and Leblon. In addition to the beaches, some of the most famous landmarks include the giant statue of Christ the Redeemer atop Corcovado mountain, named one of the New Seven Wonders of the World; Sugarloaf Mountain with its cable car; the Sambódromo (Sambadrome), a permanent grandstand-lined parade avenue which is used during Carnival; and Maracanã Stadium, one of the world's largest football stadiums. Rio de Janeiro was the host of the 2016 Summer Olympics and the 2016 Summer Paralympics, making the city the first South American and Portuguese-speaking city to ever host the events, and the third time the Olympics were held in a Southern Hemisphere city. The Maracanã Stadium held the finals of the 1950 and 2014 FIFA World Cups, the 2013 FIFA Confederations Cup, and the XV Pan American Games.
Palestra de Carlo Ratti - Arq.Futuro SP 2012
Carlo Ratti é arquiteto, engenheiro civil e professor do MIT (Instituto
de Tecnologia de Massachusetts), onde dirige o Senseable City Laboratory, centro de estudos
do ambiente urbano -- desde os planos de rua até sistemas de encanamento
e de descarte de lixo -- por meio de sensores e aparelhos portáteis.
São Paulo | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
São Paulo
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
You can find other Wikipedia audio articles too at:
You can upload your own Wikipedia articles through:
The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
São Paulo (; Portuguese pronunciation: [sɐ̃w̃ ˈpawlu] (listen)) is a municipality in the Southeast Region of Brazil. The metropolis is an alpha global city (as listed by the GaWC) and the most populous city in Brazil, the Western Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere, besides being the largest Portuguese-speaking city in the world. The municipality is also the Earth's 11th largest city proper by population. The city is the capital of the surrounding state of São Paulo, one of the most populous and wealthiest states in Brazil. It exerts strong international influences in commerce, finance, arts and entertainment. The name of the city honors the Apostle, Saint Paul of Tarsus. The city's metropolitan area, the Greater São Paulo, ranks as the most populous in Brazil and the 12th most populous on Earth. The process of conurbation between the metropolitan areas located around the Greater São Paulo (Campinas, Santos, Sorocaba and the Paraíba Valley) created the São Paulo Macrometropolis, a megalopolis with more than 30 million inhabitants, one of the most populous urban agglomerations in the world.Having the largest economy by GDP in Latin America and the Southern Hemisphere, the city is home to the São Paulo Stock Exchange. Paulista Avenue is the economic core of São Paulo. The city has the 11th largest GDP in the world, representing alone 10.7% of all Brazilian GDP and 36% of the production of goods and services in the state of São Paulo, being home to 63% of established multinationals in Brazil, and has been responsible for 28% of the national scientific production in 2005. With a GDP of US$477 billion, the São Paulo city alone would have ranked 26th globally compared with countries by 2017 estimates.The metropolis is also home to several of the tallest skyscrapers in Brazil, including the Mirante do Vale, Edifício Itália, Banespa, North Tower and many others. The city has cultural, economic and political influence both nationally and internationally. It is home to monuments, parks and museums such as the Latin American Memorial, the Ibirapuera Park, Museum of Ipiranga, São Paulo Museum of Art, and the Museum of the Portuguese Language. The city holds events like the São Paulo Jazz Festival, São Paulo Art Biennial, the Brazilian Grand Prix, São Paulo Fashion Week and the ATP Brasil Open. The São Paulo Gay Pride Parade rivals the New York City Pride March as the largest gay pride parade in the world. It is headquarters of the Brazilian television networks Band, Gazeta, and RecordTV.
São Paulo is a cosmopolitan, melting pot city, home to the largest Arab, Italian, and Japanese diasporas, with examples including ethnic neighborhoods of Mercado, Bixiga, and Liberdade respectively. São Paulo is also home to the largest Jewish population in Brazil, with about 75,000 Jews. In 2016, inhabitants of the city were native to over 200 different countries. People from the city are known as paulistanos, while paulistas designates anyone from the state, including the paulistanos. The city's Latin motto, which it has shared with the battleship and the aircraft carrier named after it, is Non ducor, duco, which translates as I am not led, I lead. The city, which is also colloquially known as Sampa or Terra da Garoa (Land of Drizzle), is known for its unreliable weather, the size of its helicopter fleet, its architecture, gastronomy, severe traffic congestion and skyscrapers. São Paulo was one of the host cities of the 1950 and the 2014 FIFA World Cup. Additionally, the city hosted the IV Pan American Games and the São Paulo Indy 300.
Chile | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written
language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through
audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio
while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using
a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
You can find other Wikipedia audio articles too at:
In case you don't find one that you were looking for, put a comment.
This video uses Google TTS en-US-Standard-D voice.
Chile ( ( listen); Spanish: [ˈtʃile]), officially the Republic of Chile (Spanish: República de Chile ), is a South American country occupying a long, narrow strip of land between the Andes to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west. It borders Peru to the north, Bolivia to the northeast, Argentina to the east, and the Drake Passage in the far south. Chilean territory includes the Pacific islands of Juan Fernández, Salas y Gómez, Desventuradas, and Easter Island in Oceania. Chile also claims about 1,250,000 square kilometres (480,000 sq mi) of Antarctica, although all claims are suspended under the Antarctic Treaty.
The arid Atacama Desert in northern Chile contains great mineral wealth, principally copper. The relatively small central area dominates in terms of population and agricultural resources, and is the cultural and political center from which Chile expanded in the late 19th century when it incorporated its northern and southern regions. Southern Chile is rich in forests and grazing lands, and features a string of volcanoes and lakes. The southern coast is a labyrinth of fjords, inlets, canals, twisting peninsulas, and islands.Spain conquered and colonized the region in the mid-16th century, replacing Inca rule in the north and centre, but failing to conquer the independent Mapuche who inhabited what is now south-central Chile. After declaring its independence from Spain in 1818, Chile emerged in the 1830s as a relatively stable authoritarian republic. In the 19th century, Chile saw significant economic and territorial growth, ending Mapuche resistance in the 1880s and gaining its current northern territory in the War of the Pacific (1879–83) after defeating Peru and Bolivia. In the 1960s and 1970s, the country experienced severe left-right political polarization and turmoil. This development culminated with the 1973 Chilean coup d'état that overthrew Salvador Allende's democratically elected left-wing government and instituted a 16-year-long right-wing military dictatorship that left more than 3,000 people dead or missing. The regime, headed by Augusto Pinochet, ended in 1990 after it lost a referendum in 1988 and was succeeded by a center-left coalition which ruled through four presidencies until 2010.
The modern sovereign state of Chile is among South America's most economically and socially stable and prosperous nations, with a high-income economy and high living standards. It leads Latin American nations in rankings of human development, competitiveness, income per capita, globalization, state of peace, economic freedom, and low perception of corruption. It also ranks high regionally in sustainability of the state, and democratic development. Chile is a member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), joining in 2010. Currently it also has the lowest homicide rate in South America. Chile is a founding member of the United Nations, the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC).
Mesa 9 - Ativismo das comunidades
Palestra de Joshua David, Robert Hammond e Lisa Switkin, sobre o High Line. Debate com Alexandre Lafer Frankel e Guilherme Wisnik, mediado por Raul Juste Lores.
A ONG nova-iorquina Friends of the High Line dividirá sua experiência na transformação de uma linha ferroviária abandonada em um parque elevado. Após ser desativada, a High Line tornou-se um problema urbano durante décadas, e seria demolida. A ONG, porém, catalisou a consciência do público e coordenou iniciativas políticas e fundos para gerir a implantação do parque. Participaram do encontro os arquitetos responsáveis por essa internacionalmente celebrada área verde de 2,33 quilômetros. A mesa incluirá uma discussão sobre projetos comunitários em São Paulo.
The 39 Steps (1935), Director Alfred Hitchcock (Multi Subs)
Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese (China), Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Croatian, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish subtitles...
A man in London tries to help a counterespionage agent. But when the agent is killed and the man stands accused, he must go on the run to both save himself and also stop a spy ring which is trying to steal top secret information.
Directed by
Alfred Hitchcock
Writing Credits
John Buchan ... (adapted from the novel by)
Charles Bennett ... (adaptation)
Ian Hay ... (dialogue)
Cast (in credits order)
Robert Donat ... Hannay
Madeleine Carroll ... Pamela
Lucie Mannheim ... Miss Smith
Godfrey Tearle ... Professor Jordan
Peggy Ashcroft ... Crofter's Wife
John Laurie ... Crofter
Helen Haye ... Mrs. Jordan
Frank Cellier ... The Sheriff
Wylie Watson ... Memory
Gus McNaughton ... Commercial Traveller (as Gus Mac Naughton)
Jerry Verno ... Commercial Traveller
Peggy Simpson ... Maid
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Chile | Wikipedia audio article
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Chile ( (listen); Spanish: [ˈtʃile]), officially the Republic of Chile (Spanish: República de Chile ), is a South American country occupying a long, narrow strip of land between the Andes to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west. It borders Peru to the north, Bolivia to the northeast, Argentina to the east, and the Drake Passage in the far south. Chilean territory includes the Pacific islands of Juan Fernández, Salas y Gómez, Desventuradas, and Easter Island in Oceania. Chile also claims about 1,250,000 square kilometres (480,000 sq mi) of Antarctica, although all claims are suspended under the Antarctic Treaty.
The arid Atacama Desert in northern Chile contains great mineral wealth, principally copper. The relatively small central area dominates in terms of population and agricultural resources, and is the cultural and political center from which Chile expanded in the late 19th century when it incorporated its northern and southern regions. Southern Chile is rich in forests and grazing lands, and features a string of volcanoes and lakes. The southern coast is a labyrinth of fjords, inlets, canals, twisting peninsulas, and islands.Spain conquered and colonized the region in the mid-16th century, replacing Inca rule in the north and centre, but failing to conquer the independent Mapuche who inhabited what is now south-central Chile. After declaring its independence from Spain in 1818, Chile emerged in the 1830s as a relatively stable authoritarian republic. In the 19th century, Chile saw significant economic and territorial growth, ending Mapuche resistance in the 1880s and gaining its current northern territory in the War of the Pacific (1879–83) after defeating Peru and Bolivia. In the 1960s and 1970s, the country experienced severe left-right political polarization and turmoil. This development culminated with the 1973 Chilean coup d'état that overthrew Salvador Allende's democratically elected left-wing government and instituted a 16-year-long right-wing military dictatorship that left more than 3,000 people dead or missing. The regime, headed by Augusto Pinochet, ended in 1990 after it lost a referendum in 1988 and was succeeded by a center-left coalition which ruled through four presidencies until 2010.
The modern sovereign state of Chile is among South America's most economically and socially stable and prosperous nations, with a high-income economy and high living standards. It leads Latin American nations in rankings of human development, competitiveness, income per capita, globalization, state of peace, economic freedom, and low perception of corruption. It also ranks high regionally in sustainability of the state, and democratic development. Chile is a member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), joining in 2010. Currently it also has the lowest homicide rate in South America. Chile is a founding member of the United Nations, the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC).