ON THE SPOT, 12 Maret 2018
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Sejarah museum kesultanan ternate
Museum Kedaton Sultan Ternate adalah museum peninggalan Kesultanan Ternate. Museum ini berada di bukit Limau, jalan Sultan Khairun, Kelurahan Sao-sio, Ternate Utara, Ternate, Maluku Utara, Indonesia. Wikipedia
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legu gam sultan ternate 2011.flv
Acara Puncak Festival Legu Gam Sultan Ternate tahun 2011 dihadiri oleh para raja-raja nusantara, Putri indonesia 2010 dan tamu Negara diantaranya Duta Portugal dan istri. Lokasi acara Alun alun keraton Sultan Ternate.
The description kadaton kesultanan Ternate
Sejarah kesultanan Ternate
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KERATON KESULTANAN TERNATE | Rihlah Bersama Imaamul Muslimin
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Rihlah bersama Imaammul Muslimin K.H. Yakhsyallah Mansur, M.A
Keraton Kesultanan Ternate 26 Januari 2019
Tidak ada kata menyerah untuk terus berkarya dan berda'wah
Indonesia -- Wedding of Ternate Sultan's Son
Ternate Island was a very important power center in Indonesia in the Spice Trading days, as far back as the 1500's. It still has an influential Sultanate today. On 22 December 2012, we had the rare opportunity and privilege to be invited as guests of the Sultan of Ternate to the marriage of his son held at the Palace. The whole-day affair gave us a unique glimpse into the pomp and circumstance surrounding the royal court of a Sultan of Indonesia. We felt that we were teleported back to the time when the royal court entertained it's guests with elaborate dance, and food, and ritual ceremony, while it's hierarchy of attendants, all in traditional dress according to their station, flitted around orchestrating the event so that all was perfect. The guests looked splendid dressed in all their finery. The Wedding Couple were dazzlingly attired and so gracious as they received hundreds of well-wishers who passed by their seat of honor.
Our many thanks and appreciation to the Sultan, Sultan Hi. Mudafar Syah, and his family for graciously letting us attend this splendid event. We also thank our escort, Rinto Taib. Filmed in December 2012.
Indonesia -- Ternate City Tour
Ternate City is a bustling, busy city of contrasts: old and new, traditional and contemporary, colorful and dreary, clean and dirty. We saw only a small portion of it, but were very fortunate to be invited to many unique events, such as traditional Indonesian wedding ceremonies ranging from those of middle class to the upper echelon, (mayors and sultans) (See our clip covering the Wedding of the son of the Sultan of Ternate.) We toured the Sultan's Palace, visited the traditional market, the modern mall, saw fabrication of Ternate batik craft and food stuffs, saw churches and mosques, and were invited to see and have lunch at a very nice Homestay up in the heights overlooking the city and the sea.
We would like to thank Mr.Samin Hamudu for making it possible for us to film so many weddings, and their traditions, and also for being tour guide for many of the things we saw here. Thanks also to his colleague and Co-Director of the English Training Center, Mr. Rusdi Karim for organizing other tours with student guides. Also thanks to Sultan Hi. Mudafar Syah, the Mayor of Tidore, Ahmad Mahifa, the L-PIA English School, the Ternate Catholic Church, Dewi Lestari Homestay, and to all the Wedding Couples and their families for making us feel so welcome. We wish them many years of happiness together. Filmed in December 2012.
Kedaton Kesultanan Ternate | Januari 2020
DINAR TERNATE, T1, Meeting with Sultan Ternate Yang Mulia Sri Sultan Mudaffar Sjah II, 17 April 2012
DINAR TERNATE is a collection of 7 short videos of several journeys of Hj Ir Umarazmon Amir Hassan, Wazir AbdarRahman Rachadi Soeriakoesoemah, Dr Zahimi Chik, Sidi Abdalhaqq Salaberria dan Hj Awaludin Mohal in their strong and noble intention to bring the Sunna of the Dinar and Dirham to the Kesultanan Ternate which commenced during the Festival Legu Gam 2012.
In this video, the first part shows the meeting of World Islamic Mint (WIM) with the Sultan of Ternate and the second part shows the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between WIM and the Sultan. Allahu Akbar !.
During the Festival Legu Gam 2013, Sidi Zulkifli Hamzah, Sidi Abdallah Seymour, Sidi Muhammad Mohd Hakimi, Hj Mazli Alias, Muqadim of Shaykh Abdalqadir as-Sufi Sidi Syamsul Haq joined Hj Ir Umarazmon Amir Hassan and Dr Zahimi Chik in interacting with the public in the Dinar booth.
Here the men spoke to the public about Dinar and Dirham, restoring zakat and Mu'amalah, in responding to the call of the Sultan to bring real wealth to the pople and returning ourselves to the Shariah of Rasulullah sallallahi wasalam.
May Allah bless their efforts. Amin.
Please visit and join :-
1. Shaykh Umar's official page in FB,
2. 'Muslims Against Riba' FB Group
Kadaton Kesultanan Ternate
GenPi goes to Ternate
Kisruh Kesultanan Ternate
Kisruh Kesultanan Ternate, di Maluku Utara berlanjut. Jumat siang, situasi kembali memanas. Kejar-kejaran terjadi antara pendukung Sultan di Pendopo Keraton Kesultanan Ternate. Kericuhan dipicu oleh seseorang yang hendak menerobos masuk ke dalam kamar Puji yang dianggap keramat.
Ikuti berita dengan kemasan internasional berbahasa Indonesia di dan channel CNN Indonesia di Transvision.
Kraton Sultan Ternate
Kraton Sultan Ternate berdiri megah di tengah kota Ternate, Maluku Utara. Posisi kraton ini menghadap ke pantai Ternate, dengan pemandangan Pulau Halmahera dan Tidore.
Info lengkap:
Kerajaan Ternate
Kesultanan Ternate atau juga dikenal dengan Kerajaan Gapi adalah salah satu dari 4 kerajaan Islam di Kepulauan Maluku dan merupakan salah satu kerajaan Islam tertua di Nusantara. Didirikan oleh Baab Mashur Malamo pada tahun 1257. Kesultanan Ternate memiliki peran penting di kawasan timur Nusantara antara abad ke-13 hingga abad ke-17. Kesultanan Ternate menikmati kegemilangan di paruh abad ke-16 berkat perdagangan rempah-rempah dan kekuatan militernya. Pada masa jaya kekuasaannya membentang mencakup wilayah Maluku, Sulawesi bagian utara, timur dan tengah, bagian selatan kepulauan Filipina hingga sejauh Kepulauan Marshall di Pasifik.
Dikutip dari berbagai sumber
Silahkan tambahkan komen anda jika ada yg perlu diralat, untuk penambahan referensi
Kerajaan ternate kota ternate pulau ternate, Kota ternate, Ternate, Kerajaan ternate, Pulau ternate, kesultanan ternate, sultan ternate, sultan khairun, maluku utara, on the spot, on the spot hari ini
Haris abdul halik
Instagram : Ariztograf
Tamu Sultan Ternate.flv
Undangan Raja-raja dan Sultan Nusantara yang menghadiri Acara Pembacaan Doa Keselamatan untuk YM.Sri Sultan Ternate . Acara ini merupakan puncak dari Acara Festival Legu Gam Sultan ternate Tahun 2011
Al Qur'an ini berusia 500 tahun lebih lembaran kertasnya terbuat dari kulit kayu dan ditulis tangan dengan Tinta berwarna hitam dan merah, Al Qur'an ini merupakan peninggalan zaman Sultan Babullah dari kesultanan Ternate yang dibawa oleh keluarga kerajaan bernama Ian Gogo dan saudaranya pada saat penyebaran agama islam di Pulau Alor Nusa Tenggara Timur pada abad ke 16 Masehi.
Sejarah Kerajaan Islam Ternate & Tidore | SMAN1 Pkl.Kerinci (X IPA 6 2015/2016)
Hasil Kerjasama Siswa-siswi SMAN1 Pangkalan Kerinci.
Video Kesultanan Ternate (2019)
Dalam Video ini, terlihat singkat saja akan bangunan sejarah kesultanan ternate (Kadaton Ternate) dan beberapa bagian taman.