Address: 134 Carrington Rd, Atherton, Queensland 4883, Australia
Attraction Location
The Bat Hospital Visitor Centre Videos
Australia's bat hospital,One of the most amazing places on earth - Dainik Bhaskar Hindi
Tolga Bat Rescue & Research Inc, trading as The Bat Hospital Visitor Centre, The Bat Hospital has world class facilities, baby bats in australian bat clinic, Australia's bat hospital
Roan walking Kuranda
Join 8 year old Roan on his stroll through Kuranda village... Kuranda is a town on the Atherton Tableland in Far North Queensland, Australia. In the late 1960s Kuranda was the place to be spectacular scenery, a wonderful climate, cheap living, grow your own food, do your own thing. So called hippy communes flourished for a few years. In the 1970s new settlers arrived; musicians and people with artistic talents and imagination pursuing an alternative lifestyle. Their unusual hand-built houses of bricks and timber were inspired by this unique place. Open-air market stalls sold locally grown produce and an abundance of hand made wares. Buskers and fortune-tellers entertained the crowds. The community prospered. The population grew fast with the improved road allowing commuters to work in Cairns and live in the clean atmosphere of Kuranda. The Kuranda experience today is an amalgam of all that has gone before, a cosmopolitan and happy village community. The people who live here have a deep appreciation of the beauty around them, and a cheerful welcome for the visitor.
दुनिया की सबसे अनोखी जगह जहां होता है चमगादड़ का इलाज | the world's most unique place Tolga Bat
दोस्तों हम हर रोज दुनियाभर से कुछ ना कुछ अजीबोगरीब और रहस्य एवं रोचक भरी वीडियो आपके लिए लेकर आते है। आज हम आज फिर से आपके लिए एक ऐसी ही वीडियो लेकर आए हैं। जिसमें आज हम आपको दुनिया की सबसे अनोखी जगह के बारे में बताने जा रहे हैं जहां पर होता है केवल चमगादड़ के बच्चों का इलाज। दोस्तों इस इंटरेस्टिंग विषय पर जानने के लिए आप ये वीडियो जरूर देखें। दुनिया की सबसे अनोखी जगह जहां होता है चमगादड़ का इलाज | the world's most unique place Tolga Bat arvssaini A Mystery and History