Clock Tower in Banska Bystrica
Leaning Tower of Banska Bystrica (Slovakia) is inclined about 68 cm, 34 m high and 101 stairs and a wonderful view of the city center. Šikmá veža v Banskej Bystrici je naklonená o 68 cm a je z nej nádherný výhľad na centrum mesta. Na vrchol je to 101 schodov, ktoré som si vyšiel s mojou lásočkou Nikuškou, ktorú veľmi milujem:)
Best Attractions and Places to See in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia
Banska Bystrica Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Banska Bystrica. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Banska Bystrica for You. Discover Banska Bystrica as per the Traveler Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Banska Bystrica.
This Video has covered Best Attractions and Things to do in Banska Bystrica.
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List of Best Things to do in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia
Slovak National Uprising Square
The Clock Tower
Museum of the Slovak National Uprising
The Town Castle Area
Banska Bystrica's Town Fortifications
Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Stone Fountain
Marian Pillar
Matejs House
Europa SC
Beautiful BANSKÁ BYSTRICA and nightlife | Slovakia
Look at my favorite Slovak city, Banská Bystrica, which loves history, architercture, but pretty interesting nightlife too.
Places shown in the video:
Strieborné námestie
Lazovná ulica/Street
Námestie SNP/SNP Square
Clock tower/Hodinová veža
Matejov dom museum
Church of Assumption of Virgin Mary /Kostol nanebovzatia panny Márie
Museum SNP
Beniczky house/Benického dom
Ministry of fun
Music Credit: Evening - Zplit
uav fpv scautbe CULARIS
LL LED DOT on EBC Banska Bystrica, Slovakia
LL LED DOT on Europa Business Center Banska Bystrica, Slovakia
Banská Bystrica zo šikmej veže
Onyx - Slovakia, Banská Bystrica - Intro
Onyx intro live in Slovakia, 28.3.2012, nástup
Banska Bystrica
a beautiful town in central Slovakia
Banská Bystrica - Slovakia
Banská Bystrica
The city of Banska Bystrica lies by the Hron river in Zvolenske udoli (valley) not far away from the Kremnicke vrchy mountains. Banska bystrica is a cultural town with a long past. Nowadays it´s ranked among the most important economic places in middle Slovakia. The very first reference is from 1255 when today´s Banska Bystrica was a settlement of german colonists. In the beginning of Bystrica´s history gold and silver had been mined there. Since 14th century cooper and lead had been added. First manufactured arised in town after 1850 which later on have grown into industrial factories. In the old part of the city you can find a Roman Catolaic church from 13rd century a lot of old Renaissance buildings and don´t miss place like „Matejuv dum or „Farska Basta.
Banska Bystrica - Slovakia
15. 1. 2013
tento projekt bol dokončený cca 2004/2005. Ako si tak spomínam tak je to prvá vec v 3D, ktorej som chcel dať nejaký ten logicky zmysel a mini príbeh. Nechcite vedieť na akom pc to bolo robene, lebo už vtedy mi neverilo zopár ľudí, že som to dokázal a samozrejme že o takých veciach ako vegas, premiere a cubase som v tej dobe nemal ani poňatia...
Cele to je vlastne postupnosť ... s ktorou sa stretávame celý život. Plynie nám čas, z zvon hlási že sa stane niečo zlé, sami to vieme. Prichádzajúca búrka je obdobie alebo človek ktorý nás najviac zničí a pripraví o všetko. Päť minút pred dvanástou potíme krv, snažíme sa čo najviac vecí zachrániť..., ukludní sa búrka a už nieje síl na nič... zastaví sa čas. Sami si uvedomíme čo všetko máme a čo sme stratili ... a aj cez všetky problémy a prekážky pokračujeme ďalej...
Zvuk mi ochotne zapožičalo staré Evanescence - eternal
travel episode - austria,hungary,slovakia (ep3)
Banska Bystrica (Банска Бистрица), Slovakia
Kremnica.DVD quality
Areál mestského hradu
Dominantou mesta i areálu hradu je dvojloďový kostol sv. Kataríny (Katarína - patrónka mesta). Mestský hrad vznikal postupne od 13. až do 15. storočia. Obranný systém hradného areálu pochádza zo 14. storočia a spevňovali ho bašty- severná, západná malá veža a východná banícka bašta a pravdepodobne i južná. Teraz sú to objekty severnej a južnej vstupnej veže, hodinová veža a banícka bašta. Areál mestského hradu je od roku 1970 národnou kultúrnou pamiatkou.
Town castle
The Church of St . Katarina (patroness of the town) dominates the castle complex as well as the the town. Town castle was built gradually from the 13th up to 15th century. The defences come from 14th century and it was strengthened by bastions in the north, a small tower in the west, small tower and east -miner's stronghold and probably also a southern one. Now they are objects of north and south entrance tower, clock tower, and miner's bastion. Town castle has been part of the cultural heritage since 1970.
Morový stĺp sv. Trojice.
V súčasnosti dominantným - výrazným prvkom námestia je barokový Morový stĺp sv. Trojice. Pôvodne na tomto mieste stál kamenný stĺp z roku 1711, ktorý v roku 1761 rozobrali a v roku 1776 premiestnili do Hornej Vsi. Základný pylón trojuholníkového pôdorysu má hlavnú stranu orientovanú na západ. Kompozícia je dynamická, s množstvom sôch svätých (14 veľkých sôch v nadživotnej veľkosti) a anjelov. V rokoch 1765 1772 dielo vzniklo pod rukami sochárov Dionýza Stanettiho a M. Vogerleho, po ich smrti dielo dorobil Vogerleho tovariš T. Mayer. Stĺp bol opravovaný v rokoch 1891- 1894, 1920 1921 a 1954 1957, posledné reštaurovanie v súčasnosti je pred dokončením.
Plague pillar of The Trinity.
A dominant - feature of the square is the baroque plague pillar of The Trinity. Primarily it was a place of a smaller stone pillar from 1711. It was disassembled in 1761 and in 1776 it was moved to a village called Horná Ves. The Trinity pillar has triangular section plan and its main side is oriented on west. The composition is dynamic, with large number of statues (14big statues in above-lifesize shape) and statues of angels. It is an artistic piece of Dionyz Stanetti and M. Vogerle after their death was the pillar finished by Vogerle journeyman T. Mayer (1765-1772). The pillar has undergone several reconstructions last one was completed in 2006.
Ulice Banskej Bystrice sú Jednoducho Väčšia
Kampaň Jednoducho väčšia a jej hviezdy :)
Korlatka Castle - Castles and castle ruins in Slovakia - Europe
Korlatka Castle - Castles and castle ruins in Slovakia - Europe
Ó Marisquiño 2013 desde Cypher Adikts en Banská Bystrica
Bboy NoStop saludando desde cypher adikts en Eslovaquia, para marisquiño 2013
View of Trnava, Slovakia from a tower
View of Trnava, Slovakia from a tower
kochi video 5
Biketrial Banská Bystrica - SLOVAKIA 2008
Historical cities: A history remained a great cultural heritage on the territory of Slovakia. From 138 Slovak towns even 18 towns of those are the urban conservation areas. And it is Bratislava, Banská Štiavnica, Banská Bystrica, Bardejov, Levoča, Komárno, Kremnica, Kežmarok, Košice, Nitra, Prešov, Spišská Kapitula, Poprad Spišská Sobota, Podolínec, Trenčín, Svätý Jur, Trnava, Štiavnické Bane and Žilina. Each of those is the unique object of its kind and unrivalled by something. There can be more than 12,000 cultural monuments found here. There can be also 88 monument zones found in Slovakia, including Bojnice, Komárno and Liptovský Ján.
Capital city - Bratislava :The biggest city and at the same time a capital of Slovakia is Bratislava having approximately 450,000 inhabitants. It is situated in the south-west part of Slovakia, near the Austria and Hungary borders, and it spreads on both sides of the biggest European river the Danube. This river connects Bratislava with the capitals of surrounding countries Vienna and Budapest.
Nature:Slovakia is situated in the central Europe, and despite its rather small area, it concentrates a massive scale of natural beauties on its area. The southern fertile and drier lowlands encircled with hills turns gradually into the mountain ranges in the North, in which the valleys with residues of snow can be found here also during hot summer. Most of lowlands are used for the agricultural purposes, and they are formed by the non-forested areas. These ones turn gradually into the hills starting in the Carpathian Mountains. The height of which rises gradually and in the central part, represented by the Tatras, the highest peak Gerlachovský štít reaches the height of 2,655 m. It is the highest peak not only in Slovakia, but also in the whole Carpathian arched Mountains. However, it is enough to go a couple of ten kilometres and you can find yourself at its lowest point. It is the southern Hungarian border at the river Bodrog having only 95 m height above sea level. On the relatively small territory of Slovakia, more than 1,000 protected areas are situated here. You can find here 9 National Parks the most known is the Tatras National Park and 16 protected landscape areas with lots of scarce plants and animals. It is on you to select the cardinal point you want to set off on a journey, and you can go through many unrepeatable experience and surprises in every part of Slovakia. And what is the advantage of it? It is actually only a short hop into every part of Slovakia.
The smallest alps of the world - High Tatras:The Tatras, you can experience here the snowing also in the middle of July, or August. However, you can experience the Tatras in every season. They offer the unique opportunities for hiking in the clear air in the beautiful mountain nature during the spring and autumn, and during the summer you can utilize your leisure at the water reservoirs with a wide offer of water sports. And if you are a devotee of winter sports, you cannot manage to envisage a better skiing than skiing in Slovakia. Magnificent views from the Tatras peaks, such as Lomnícky peak, Rysy, or Chopok, hide the crystal-clear mountain lakes and torrents. The biggest mountain lake called as Veľké Hyncovo pleso reaches the depth up to 53 m, the mountain lake called as Štrbské pleso is the world-known and other mountains lakes as well, and the small and big waterfalls are fascinating as well, from which the best known is the highest waterfall called as Kmeťov vodopád with the individual cascades and the height of about 80 m.