Best Attractions and Places to See in Tabor, Czech Republic
Tabor Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Tabor. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Tabor for You. Discover Tabor as per the Traveller
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List of Best Things to do in Tabor, Czech Republic
The Hussite Museum
Zizka square
Museum of Chocolate and Marzipan
Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Jan Zizka Monument
ZOO Tabor
Tabor Tunnels
Rozhledna Hylacka
The Town Walls
Путешествие Европа без виз Табор Чехия Жижкова площадь и Гуситский музей Husitske museum
Путешествие Европа без виз Табор Чехия Жижкова площадь и Гуситский музей (Husitske museum)
Чехия, в город Табор мы приехали днём, первое что удивило, множество старинных узких улиц оплетают дома как лабиринты и тишина. Даже пение птиц не слышно. Маленький древний город ремесленников находится на возвышенном берегу реки Лужнице.
И на самом верху находится Жижкова площадь с Гуситским музеем.
Смотрите видео.
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Healthy Vegan Food | Natural Tabor in Czech Republic (Czechia)
I have been touring Czech Republic for the past 2 weeks. I have had the best food, the best beers, and most fun experiences ever. Now I find myself in the beautiful town of Tabor in South Bohemia Region of Czech Republic. We explored the square, and all the quaint cobble stone streets... I was following google maps, and then I saw that a vegan/vegetarian restaurant was right nearby me! Of course, I went to go check it out. And this is what I found.
Amazingly healthy plate of food with a soup for 99CZK. That is about $4.5 USD. So delicious.
The owner, Ivan Rybaric, who won the Crocodile Race in Australia, just about the hardest mountain bike race that exists, sat down to eat his curry with me. His cousin Jacob, had just biked 278 km in one day from Ostrava to Tabor, welcomed me inside. He was the chef for the team on Race America, a bike race from coast to coast in USA.
Together, these powerhouse cousins ran the kitchen and just blew me away with their amazing healthy food. I came back to eat 2 times during my stay. I was even tempted to stay longer in Tabor just so I could eat their food.
And if you every go there... You can't miss the Raw Cacao Dort. It is out of this world. So powerful. And only cost about 44czk.
Thanks guys!! Glad to make friends with you.
Follow them on Facebook for daily pics of their specials.
Here is their web site.
Natural Tábor
Střelnická II 229/6, 390 01 Tábor, Czechia
+420 730 135 657
Podzemní chodby Tábor - Underground Tunnels Tabor
Podzemní chodby Tábor Česká republika (katakomby)
Komplex podzemních prostor a chodeb, někdy nesprávně označovaný jako katakomby, je součástí Husitského muzea. Dnes hojně navštěvovaná památka vznikala od 15. století hloubením sklepů, nazývaných lochy, pod jednotlivými domy v historické části Tábora. Často byly vyhloubeny ve dvou až třech patrech a klesaly až 16 m pod dnešní úroveň terénu. Prohlídková trasa, doplněná o pět zastavení přibližujících využití lochů, má délku přibližně 500 metrů, vstup je ze staré radnice, výstup v domě čp. 6.
Zpestřete si návštěvu muzea s dobově oděnou průvodkyní! Během celého roku probíhají kostýmované prohlídky, při kterých si na cestu labyrintem podzemních chodeb posvítíte lucerničkou. O prohlídky je velký zájem, proto doporučujeme předem se objednat.
Otevírací doba
duben–červen, září
pondělí–neděle 9.00–17.00
(poslední prohlídka expozice a gotického sálu v 16.30, poslední prohlídka podzemí v 16.00)
pondělí–neděle 9.00–18.00
(poslední prohlídka expozice a gotického sálu v 17.00, poslední prohlídka podzemí v 17.00)
středa–sobota 9.00–17.00
neděle 13.00–17.00
(poslední prohlídka expozice a gotického sálu v 16.30, poslední prohlídka podzemí v 16.00)
základní 60 Kč
snížené 40 Kč
Husitské muzeum
Žižkovo náměstí 1, Tábor 390 01
tel.: +420 774 059 263
Underground Tunnels Tabor, Czech Republic
The complex of underground tunnels is Tábor’s tourist highlight. The popular sight had its origin in the 15th century when town citizens started digging cellars under their houses in the Old Town.
The cellars were extended by succeeding generations, and eventually many of them were interconnected to create an underground labyrinth, or more accurately a system, because you could hardly get lost there. This fact, however, does not lessen its uniqueness. Some cellars were very large; they often had as many as three floors reaching as deep as 16 meters. Thanks to a stable, relatively low temperature and high humidity they were used for storing food and especially beer. In case of fire or attack by enemies they were also used as a shelter. A section of the tunnel system (500 meters) running under Žižka Square was opened to the public after the Second World War. You can enter the underground tunnels from the Hussite Museum.
Enhance your visit to the museum with a guide wearing a historical costume! Throughout the year, the museum arranges tours in costumes; you will use a lantern as a light during your journey through the underground maze. The tours are very popular and it is highly recommended to make a reservation well in advance.
Opening hours
Monday-Sunday 9.00-18.00
April-June, September
Monday-Sunday 9.00-17.00
Wednesday-Saturday 9.00-17.00
Sunday 13.00-17.00
basic 60 CZK; reduced 40 CZK
Husitské muzeum
Žižkovo náměstí 1, Tábor 390 01
+420 774 059 263
Žižkovo náměstí Tábor - Žižka Square Tábor
Žižkovo náměstí Tábor poskytuje svým návštěvníkům přehlídku pamětihodností téměř všech architektonických slohů.
V panoramatu města vyniká již z dálky viditelný gotický děkanský chrám, který je situovaný v nejvyšším bodě návrší (na severní straně náměstí), a honosná pozdně gotická budova radnice, v jejíchž prostorách je umístěna expozice Husitského muzea a vstup do táborského podzemí. Žižkovo náměstí obklopují architektonicky cenné měšťanské domy - Škochův dům, dům čp. 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, Lichvicovský dům a Ctiborův dům. Uprostřed náměstí se vyjímá renesanční kašna a pomník Jana Žižky z Trocnova.
Žižka Square Tábor offers a unique display of historical buildings representing nearly all architectural styles.
The town skyline is dominated by the Gothic Dean Church which is visible from far away since it is situated on the highest point of the town (on the northern side of the square) and an impressive late-Gothic Town-Hall where the Hussite Museum is located and from where Tábor’s underground corridors can be entered. Žižka Square is encircled with architecturally precious burgher houses – Škoch House, houses no. 12, 13, 16, 17, 18 and 19, Lichvic House and Ctibor House. The central part of the square is enhanced with a Renaissance fountain and a monument to Jan Žižka of Trocnov.
Tabor city. Czech Republic 06.2017
Этот ролик обработан в Видеоредакторе YouTube (
Martin Luther, Part 7: A Hussite
This brief documentary highlights the life and times of Martin Luther.
Незабываемый город Табор! Водный замок Блатна - Оленье царство - Мимими! АЭС Темелин! Praha Vlog 258
В этом видео мы посетим с вами прекрасный и удивительный город Табор, в котором сосредоточилась одна из самых весомых вех в истории Чехии! А так же водный замок Блатна и Оленье царство, которое находится в парке рядом с ним! Просто мимими! Мы получили совершенно незабываемый опыт общения с этими животными! По дороге я покажу вам АЭС Темелин! :)
Наши футболки тут:
Город Табор
Гуситский музей:
Водный замок Блатна
АЭС Темелин
Beautiful music by:
Andy Warner
Aljosha Konstanty
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Обо мне:
Меня зовут Nick Forrow :) Это мой псевдоним, история которого уходит своими корнями в дебри моей жизни. Под ним я занимался музыкой, писал стихи, занимался творчеством и делал другие ужасные вещи. При желании, ни для кого не является сложным узнать моё настоящее имя. :) Интернет рулит! Я живу в центре Европы, в городе потрясающей красоты - Праге! В Чехии я работаю, люблю, воспитываю и нахожусь в своём вечном путешествии-поиске нового и себя самого. Мои видео о том, что прекрасного и интересного я замечаю и чем непременно хочу с вами поделиться.
Věž Kotnov a Bechyňská brána, Tábor - Kotnov Tower and Bechyně Gate, Tabor
Věž Kotnov je dominantní památkou na hrad, který zanikl požárem roku 1532. Dochovaná věž byla v době husitské zesílena a přizpůsobena pro dělostřelecké baterie. Zajímavostí jsou odvětrávací komíny v dělových střílnách. Věž vysoká 25 metrů je dnes přístupná jako vyhlídková a vede na ni 155 schodů.
Bechyňská brána - EXPOZICE UZAVŘENA! Z důvodů rozsáhlé rekonstrukce bude po celý rok 2018 brána pro veřejnost uzavřena. V objektu vzniknou nové expozice, které návštěvníci poprvé uvidí na jaře roku 2019.
Věž Kotnov - OMEZENÍ NÁVŠTĚVNOSTI! Z důvodu rozsáhlé rekonstrukce Bechyňské brány bude vyhlídková věž přístupná veřejnosti pouze krátkodobě v určitých etapách celkové rekonstrukce.
Náklady na celý projekt činí 15 milionů korun. Z toho 85 % získalo město Tábor z grantu Evropské unie zaměřeného na revitalizaci a zatraktivnění památek.
Aktuální informace budou uveřejňovány na
základní 30 Kč
snížené 20 Kč
rodinné (2 dospělí + 3 děti) 70 Kč
Klokotská ulice, Tábor 390 01
tel.: +420 381 252 788
Kotnov Tower is a landmark of a castle ruined during a fire in 1532. The existing tower was strengthened in Hussite times and adopted for artillery batteries. Breather chimneys in embrasures are one of its interesting features. The tower is 25m high, serves as a lookout tower today and has 155 stairs.
The exposition inside the gate is closed due to reconstruction - it will be open again in 2019.
The tower will be open irregularly for a short time.
Information about opening time will be published on website:
Additional tip
If you want to enjoy a fascinating view of the city at twilight, join a night tour of the castle in summer.
30 CZK
20 CZK
family ticket (2 adults + 3 children)
70 CZK
Klokotská ulice, Tábor 390 01
+420 381 252 788
Hussite Bible
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The Hussite Bible is the oldest known Hungarian, but also Uralic Bible translation, dated to the 1420s–1430s.
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License: Public domain
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Podzemní chodby Tábor - Underground Tunnels Tábor
Komplex podzemních prostor a chodeb, někdy nesprávně označovaný jako katakomby, je součástí Husitského muzea. Dnes hojně navštěvovaná památka vznikala od 15. století hloubením sklepů, nazývaných lochy, pod jednotlivými domy v historické části Tábora. Často byly vyhloubeny ve dvou až třech patrech a klesaly až 16 m pod dnešní úroveň terénu. Prohlídková trasa, doplněná o pět zastavení přibližujících využití lochů, má délku přibližně 500 metrů, vstup je ze staré radnice, výstup v domě čp. 6.
Tip navíc
Zpestřete si návštěvu muzea s dobově oděnou průvodkyní! Během celého roku probíhají kostýmované prohlídky, při kterých si na cestu labyrintem podzemních chodeb posvítíte lucerničkou. O prohlídky je velký zájem, proto doporučujeme předem se objednat.
The complex of underground tunnels is Tábor’s tourist highlight. The popular sight had its origin in the 15th century when town citizens started digging cellars under their houses in the Old Town.
The cellars were extended by succeeding generations, and eventually many of them were interconnected to create an underground labyrinth, or more accurately a system, because you could hardly get lost there. This fact, however, does not lessen its uniqueness. Some cellars were very large; they often had as many as three floors reaching as deep as 16 meters. Thanks to a stable, relatively low temperature and high humidity they were used for storing food and especially beer. In case of fire or attack by enemies they were also used as a shelter. A section of the tunnel system (500 meters) running under Žižka Square was opened to the public after the Second World War. You can enter the underground tunnels from the Hussite Museum.
Additional Tip
Enhance your visit to the museum with a guide wearing a historical costume! Throughout the year, the museum arranges tours in costumes; you will use a lantern as a light during your journey through the underground maze. The tours are very popular and it is highly recommended to make a reservation well in advance.
Der Komplex aus unterirdischen Räumlichkeiten und Gängen stellt eine gerne aufgesuchte Rarität dar. Das heutzutage oft besuchte Denkmal entstand schrittweise seit dem 15. Jahrhundert durch die Entiefung der Keller, sog. „Löcher“, unter den Häusern im historischen Teil Tábors, in der Altstadt.
Im Erdgeschoss des historischen Rathauses befindet sich der Eingang zum Netz der unterirdischen Gänge, die eine gerne besuchte Táborer Rarität darstellen. Die durch die Verbindung von Kellern der Bürgerhäuser im 16. Jahrhundert entstandenen Gänge dienten vor allem als Zuflucht vor Feinden und zur Aufbewahrung von Lebensmitteln und Getränken. Ein Teil der sich unter dem Žižka-Platz befindenden unterirdischen Räume mit einer Länge von 500 m ist für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich.
Viele der Keller wurden nach und nach miteinander verbunden und es entstand eine Art unterirdisches Labyrinth, in dem man sich jedoch auch trotz größter Mühe kaum verirren kann. Trotzdem Einige das beträchtliche Ausmaße erreichte. Die Keller wurden oft in zwei bis drei Stockwerken errichtet und erreichten eine Tiefe von bis zu 16 m unter dem heutigen Straßenniveau. Angesichts der konstanten und verhältnismäßig niedrigen Temperatur und der hohen Feuchtigkeit, dienten die Keller zur Aufbewahrung von Lebensmitteln, vor allem Bier. Bei einer Bedrohung der Stadt durch Feinde oder große Brände wurden sie von den Bewohnern ebenfalls als ein sicherer Zufluchtsort genutzt. Ein Teil der sich unter dem Žižka-Platz befindlichen unterirdischen Räume mit einer Länge von 500 m wurde nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht.
Der Eingang zu die unterirdischen Gängen befindet sich im Hussitenmuseum, im Gebäude des spätgotischen Rathauses.
Çekyanın şirin kasabası Rudolfov - Czech Republic
A good hour of travel to the northeast of #Liberec lies at Černá Nisa, at 586 m above sea level, the mountain village of #Rudolfov. The village houses are situated in a sloping valley to the northwest. The place is surrounded by forests and is a population usually called Buschdorf (Forests). Through the valley, a small stream flows, which collects its water in the forest between Rudolfov and Bedřichov and, after a short run through the valley, flows into the Černá Nisa river.
All songs and kinds of music licensed by epidemic sound.
Kutná Hora - Central Bohemia - Explore Czech Republic with Nick Forrow
Kutná Hora (German: Kuttenberg) is a town in the Central Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic, located 55 km east of Prague.
The town began in 1142 with the settlement of Sedlec Abbey, the first Cistercian monastery in Bohemia, Sedlec Monastery, brought from the Imperial immediate Cistercian Waldsassen Abbey. By 1260, German miners began to mine for silver in the mountain region, which they named Kuttenberg, and which was part of the monastery property. The name of the mountain is said to have derived from the monks' cowls (the Kutten) or from the word mining (kutání in old Czech). Under Abbot Heidenreich, the territory greatly advanced due to the silver mines which gained importance during the economic boom of the 13th century.
The earliest traces of silver have been found dating back to the 10th century, when Bohemia already had been in the crossroads of long-distance trade for many centuries. Silver dinars have been discovered belonging to the period between 982–995 in the settlement of Malín, which is now a part of Kutná Hora.
From the 13th to 16th centuries, the city competed with Prague economically, culturally, and politically. Since 1995, the city center has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
In 1300, King Wenceslaus II of Bohemia issued the new royal mining code Ius regale montanorum (also known as Constitutiones Iuris Metallici Wenceslai II). This was a legal document that specified all administrative as well as technical terms and conditions necessary for the operation of mines.[4] The city developed with great rapidity, and at the outbreak of the Hussite Wars in 1419 was the second most important city in Bohemia, after Prague, having become the favourite residence of several Bohemian kings. It was here that, on January 18, 1409, Wenceslaus IV signed the famous Decree of Kutná Hora, by which the Czech university nation was given three votes in the elections to the faculty of Prague University as against one for the three other nations.
In 1420, Emperor Sigismund made the city the base for his unsuccessful attack on the Taborites during the Hussite Wars, leading to the Battle of Kutná Hora. Kuttenberg (Kutná Hora) was taken by Jan Žižka, and after a temporary reconciliation of the warring parties was burned by the imperial troops in 1422, to prevent its falling again into the hands of the Taborites. Žižka nonetheless took the place, and under Bohemian auspices it awoke to a new period of prosperity.
Along with the rest of Bohemia, Kuttenberg (Kutná Hora) passed to the Habsburg Monarchy of Austria in 1526. In 1546, the richest mine was severely flooded. In the insurrection of Bohemia against Ferdinand I the city lost all its privileges. Repeated visitations of the plague and the horrors of the Thirty Years' War completed its ruin. Half-hearted attempts after the peace to repair the ruined mines failed; the town became impoverished, and in 1770 was devastated by fire. The mines were abandoned at the end of the 18th century. In this town, Prague groschen were minted between 1300–1547/48.
The centre of Kutná Hora and Sedlec Abbey with its famous ossuary are a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Among the most important buildings in the town are the Gothic, five-naved St. Barbara's Church, begun in 1388, and the Italian Court, formerly a royal residence and mint, which was built at the end of the 13th century. The Gothic Stone Haus, which since 1902 has served as a museum, contains one of the richest archives in the country. The Gothic St. James's Church, with its 86-metre tower, is another prominent building. Sedlec is the site of the Gothic Cathedral of Our Lady and the famous Ossuary.
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Brno, the Czech Republic's second largest city, has a population of nearly 370,000 people. It lies in the central part of Europe and within its two hundred-kilometre radius there are other important European capitals: Prague, Vienna and Bratislava. The international airport in Brno serves regular flights.
Brno is the metropolis of Moravia and an important tourist centre for all who want to explore the natural and cultural beauties of the South-Moravian region.
To the north of Brno there is the protected area of the Moravian Karst (Moravský kras) and to the south stretch the Moravian vineyards with their typical wine cellars. The city is surrounded by beautiful mixed forests, which offer many opportunities for tourism and cycling. Brno prides itself on many notable historic sites that show evidence of its rich cultural history. Once established as a settlement of merchants eight centuries ago on the junctions of the rivers Svratka and Svitava, it withstood the pressure of both the Hussite and Swedish besiegement, witnessed Napoleon's military expedition to Slavkov, bore the cruel consequences of the Austrian defeat at the Battle of the Three Emperors, became an industrial centre of the Habsburg monarchy called the Austrian Manchester and, in the twentieth century, gained a character of a modern city thanks to the construction of new buildings in the functionalist style. The most important example of modern architecture in Brno is The Tugendhat Villa - a historic site inscribed on the UNESCO's World Cultural Heritage List.
Today Brno is a seat of universities and important judiciary institutions. It offers many possibilities of cultural enjoyment in its numerous theatres, museums, cinemas and clubs. The Brno Exhibition Centre with its eighty-year tradition is a venue of many international trade fairs, exhibitions and congresses, and as such plays a significant role in the social and economic life of the whole city. The City of Brno regularly holds various cultural events, festivals (e.g. Brno - City in the Centre of Europe associated with a fireworks competition Ignis Brunensis) as well as some notable sporting events (Brno Grand Prix of road motorcycles). Brno is also a city of modern shopping and entertainment centres.
Anno Domini 1918 - Český rok 1918 – vítězství i porážka / 13. 1. 2018
Přednáška významného historika Jiřího Raka
o událostech, které našemu národu přinesl
rok 1918.
Hussite Assault AFTERMOVIE
Prague Vitkov Hill The Hussites market acted 12.7.2014 almost 600 year anniversary
A Moravian journey (Lednice Tabor Brno)
Lednice in the region of South Moravia is an architectural complex of an English Tudor mansion (ca. 16 to 17th cent) owned by the Liechtenstein Family, surrounded by a Baroque park that merges with the natural landscape with a number of romantic buildings (the Minaret, the ruin of the Roman aqueduct) and a glasshouse, the oldest construction of its kind in Europe
The second largest town is Brno, the traditional capital of Moravia, where Napoleon Bonaparte once held his headquarters. Here we spent half a day visiting the Gothic cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul, and the Capuchin Church of the Holy Cross and its monastery where there's a crypt of skulls and bones. The amber earrings were much cheaper here than in Prague.
Picturesque Tábor boasts a history as fascinating as any town in Prague because its history is linked with the Hussite movement.
Jan Hus Memorial in Prague Stock Video
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This stock video features a point-of-view cinematic shot of the famous Jan Hus Memorial in the Old Town Square (Staromestske namesti) of Prague. The huge monument depicts victorious Hussite warriors and Protestants who were forced into exile. Jan Hus is a a church reformer, a predecessor to Protestantism and a key figure in the Bohemian Reformation.
Hussite Wars
The Hussite Wars, also called the Bohemian Wars or the Hussite Revolution, were fought between the Hussites and various monarchs who sought to enforce the authority of the Roman Catholic Church against the Hussites, and also between Hussite factions. These wars lasted from 1419 to circa 1434.
The Hussite community included most of the Czech population of the Kingdom of Bohemia, and formed a major military power. They defeated five crusades proclaimed against them by the Pope, and intervened in the wars of neighboring countries. The Hussite Wars were notable for the extensive use of early hand-held firearms such as hand cannons.
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