Vejen Kunstmuseum - Vejen Kommune
En serie videoer fremstillet til brug i digital formidling af
Destination Sydvestjylland - støttet af:
Ministeriet for By, Bolig og Landdistrikter
Den Europæiske Landbrugsfond for Udvikling af Landdistrikterne
Den Europæiske Fond for Regionaludvikling
Syddansk VækstforumBeskrivelse
Viking Age Gold Jewellery - Museum Sønderskov 06/2016
[Major find of viking age jewellery in Denmark by three amateur archeologists.]
Three amateur archeologist has found a Viking Age treasure in Jutland, Denmark. The find, which dates back to the 900s AD, consists of seven armrings – six golden and one silver - with a total weight of 900 grams. That makes it the biggest treasure of its kind in the Danish history.
Kristen Nedergaard Dreiøe, Poul Nørgaard Pedersen and Marie Aagaard Larsen found the treasure on a field close to Vejen, Jutland. They call themselves Team Rainbow Power and have great experience with searching areas with their metal detectors.
The treasure is now being kept at Museum Sønderskov. Together with the three amateur archeologist, the museum will now search the field for more finds.
Vejen, JUNE-16-2016
1-4. Various shots of the golden armrings.
5. SOUNDBITE (Danish) Marie Aagaard Larsen, psychologist and amateur archeologist: I see the sun shining on this fantastic golden bracelet that lies in the black soil, so that it is all highlighted.
6-8. Mette Aagaard Larsen and Poul Nørgaard Pedersen walking on a field searching for archeologist finds.
9. SOUNDBITE (Danish) Marie Aagaard Larsen, psychologist and amateur archeologist: I was filled with awe and pride and “thunder and lightning”. I haven’t had such a complex and overwhelming sensation before.
10-12. Mette Aagaard Larsen and Poul Nørgaard Pedersen walking on a field searching for archeologist finds.
13. Now, I will try and get a few good nights’ sleep and then I am going to swing the detector again!
14. Mette Aagaard Larsen and Poul Nørgaard Pedersen walking on a field searching for archeologist finds.
HÆRVEJEN - Randbøldal
En film om et lille friluftsmuseum med legende børn og vandmøller i alle afskygninger, omkranset af den store Randbøldal Hede med cyklist og hærvej. Musikken er én af miniaturerne fra Schumanns store klaverværk, Carnaval - en lille frisk og letløbende sag, hvor man næsten skulle tro, at Schumann har haft lyden af en vandmølle i hovedet.
Vi blaffer rundt i Danmark
Viking Art - 1 Broa-Oseberg Style
First video about the Viking Art serie. Any doubt? Send me a message.
Historia del Arte:
Land of the Art:
The Viking Art is developed in the Nordic countries and their areas of influence during the Viking era, between the VIII and XII centuries. It is part of the german zoomorphic style, developed from late Roman art influences, Celtic art, and motifs of the peoples of the steppes of Asia. Most of the best examples since the beginning of the Viking Age have been found in tombs, especially jewelry and weapons, while later the Viking Art is better represented in silver objects, in the development of cities, scandinavian and rune stones.
Broa-Oseberg Style.
From second half VIII century to half IX century.
It takes the name from the tomb of a man in Broa, Gotland, Sweden, and the tomb of a woman in Oseberg, Norway. In Broa there were bronze pieces. In Oseberg was found the richest viking tomb. The woman was in a ornamented ship with funerary offerings. Animal era in ornamentation, with beasts.
Oseberg Ship: a oak ship. Decorated with zoomorphic details with a post with dragon head. It had two skeletons, one to a woman of 70 years old and other of 30 years old. The identities are unknown, but there are some theories, since it can be the queen Åsa Haraldsdottir to a priestess, being the young one a person sacrified to accompany the other high rank person. There it was found also a chariot and a bed.
Other decorative works: more pieces with zoomorphic and vegetal motifs.
Best Viking Art website:
Music: Fehu by Wardruna
Photos taken in Google images.
No copyright infringement intended.
Kunsten, Museum of Modern Art, Aalborg, Denmark
Created on July 18, 2010 using FlipShare.
Fernisering på Bustrup Hovedgaard
De smukke bygninger på Bustrup Hovedgaard bruges ud over skole også til fitness og galleri -- og det er i anledning af en fernisering på galleriet, vi har lagt vejen forbi denne råtunge novemberlørdag.
Den tidligere leder -- og nu underviser på Det Nødvendige Seminarium -- Erling Grønlund havde fået opgaven at byde de fremmødte velkommen og fortælle om stedet og den forestående fernisering, og han syntes at dagen kaldte på sang...
Omdrejningspunktet for udstillingen var, at den ikke var malet med pensel -- og det gav mange flotte og anderledes udtryk.
Karin Østergaard brugte nål og tråd til artquilts, Anna Laulund stod for billeder lavet ved hjælp af papir,- og med udgangspunkt i fotografier viste Angelia Kappluch og Jan Damkjær, hvordan kunst og fotografi kunne sammensmeltes til nye udtryk. Ydermere fremviste Kaj Fjendbo sin farverige glaskunst og Inge Sohn sine smukke fliser,- malet med molér.
Udstillingen var dagen igennem velbesøgt, og mange lagde også vejen forbi Herregårdsbutikken, der til dagligt bestyres af lærere og elever fra Bustrup.
Og således beriget af indtryk og farver -- syntes novembertågen lidt lettere at konfrontere...
Frontliv, faneflugt og fangelejr 1914-1918 1. del
Om sønderjyderne ved fronterne, deserteringer og sønderjyder i allierede krigsfangelejre.
Videoforedrag ved museumsinspektør René Rasmussen, Sønderborg Slot. Foredraget er delt i to dele. Dette er første del, der omhandler frontlivet. Anden del omhandler deserteringer og krigsfangelejre.
The Crown of Christian IV of Denmark between 16th to 17th Century
It is made of gold, enamel, table cut gemstones and pearls and weighs 2895 g.
The Jelling Monuments Review - Viking Rune Stones UNESCO World Heritage
The Jelling Monuments Review- Viking Town UNESCO World Heritage
Erected in 965 AD by the Viking King Harald Bluetooth after embracing Christianity. This historical event is recorded on rune stones to hail his achievements in uniting Denmark and Norway by bringing Christianity to the Danes.
Often regarded as Denmark's birth certificate, till this date the crucifix on the rune stone adorns all Danish passports.
Kind Harald also created two mighty royal barrows and a church on this site. Hundreds of white demarcations outline the world's largest ship setting, Viking longhouses and impressive stockade. In-between the royal barrows you will find a historic church and two 1000 year old rune stones displayed in illuminated bronze cabinets.
The Jelling monuments are among Europe's finest Viking Age monuments and enjoy UNESCO World Heritage patronage.
There is also a new Royal Jelling experience center which is free and let you experience Jelling the way it looked 1000 years ago.
Other Danish attractions review:
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This video contains: Danish culture, what is Denmark famous for, runic, viking art, rune stones, styles of art, viking store, viking shop, viking dragon, jelling dragon, viking reenactment, viking furniture
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Kunstværket i Mindeparken Aarhus 28 maj 2017
Kunstværk af den tyske kunstner Katharina Grosse i Mindeparken, der er en del af Aros' store udstilling The Garden, ved at blive skabt i Mindeparken på græsarealet mellem vejen og vandet.
Archäologen finden größten Wikinger Goldschatz
In Vejen im südwestlichen Jütland wurde der bisher größte Goldschatz aus der Wikingerzeit in Dänemark entdeckt. Entdeckt wurde der kostbare Schmuck von drei sichtlich erfreuten Hobby-Archäologen. Der genaue Fundort in Vejen bleibt geheim – die dänischen Behörden schließen nicht aus, dass dort noch mehr verborgen ist. Die insgesamt sieben Armringe, sechs davon aus Gold und einer aus Silber, wiegen zusammen rund ein Kilogramm.
Die Schmuckstücke stammen nach Angaben des dänischen Nationalmuseums in Kopenhagen aus der ersten Hälfte des 10. Jahrhunderts. Es handle sich um den größten je in Dänemark gefundenen Goldschatz aus der Wikingerzeit.Eine Goldkette, die bereits 1911 auf demselben Areal entdeckt worden war, dürfte ebenfalls zu dem Schatz gehören. In der vergangenen Woche seien die drei Dänen - ein Pärchen und ihr Bekannter - mit ihren Metalldetektoren auf einem Feld in der Gemeinde Vejen in Jütland auf sieben Armringe gestoßen. Den genauen Fundort wollte das Nationalmuseum in Kopenhagen am Donnerstag nicht verraten, um den Schatz in Ruhe untersuchen zu können. Die Fundstücke aus der Zeit um 900 nach Christus - sechs Goldringe und ein Silberring - wögen zusammen ein Kilo, berichtete das Museum. Sie gehörten vermutlich der absoluten Wikinger-Elite. Eine Goldkette, die 1911 auf dem selben Feld entdeckt worden war, gehöre wahrscheinlich auch zu dem Schatz, hieß es. Immer wieder werden Gegenstände aus der Wikingerzeit gefunden. Im Sommer 2015 sorgte ein Fund in Nordschleswig für Aufsehen: Bei einem Rapsfeld wurden 165 Silbermünzen und eine Goldperle aus der Wikingerzeit entdeckt - der größte Fund seiner Art. Im März 2016 fand ein obbyarchäologe im Osten der Insel Fünen ein Kreuz mit Jesus-Figur. Der Fund könnte den Zeitpunkt der Christianisierung in Dänemark vordatieren..
Viking Art - 2 Borre Style
Second video about the Viking Art serie. Any doubt? Send me a message.
Historia del Arte:
Land of the Art:
The Viking Art is developed in the Nordic countries and their areas of influence during the Viking era, between the VIII and XII centuries. It is part of the german zoomorphic style, developed from late Roman art influences, Celtic art, and motifs of the peoples of the steppes of Asia. Most of the best examples since the beginning of the Viking Age have been found in tombs, especially jewelry and weapons, while later the Viking Art is better represented in silver objects, in the development of cities, scandinavian and rune stones.
Borre Style.
From first half IX century to second half X century.
The name is due to a funerary ship found in Borre, Norway. It developed from to Broa-Oseberg Style. Use of braid in chain, that form symmetric figures. More beasts.
Hedeby bronze pendant: this is one example. Next two images are also other examples.
Gosforth Cross: the great anglo-saxon cross has a rich decoration, about episodes of norse mythology. You can see the punishment of Loki, Fenris and Heimdall, and Víðarr fighting Fenris.
Manx runestones of Isle of Man: the style reached the British Islands. There are lots of them, with rich decoration and inscriptions. The third that appear is called Thorwald Cross.
Best Viking Art website:
Music: Fehu by Wardruna
Photos taken in Google images.
No copyright infringement intended.
Cutest Little Soldier - Dybbøl Battlegrounds | Denmark Travel Video
We're continuing to explore Southern Jutland, and in this video we're at Dybbøl Battlegrounds, where a big war took place in 1864 that had a huge impact on Denmark back then. The battle was about the Southern parts of Denmark, and whether or not they should belong to Germany or Denmark, and the history behind it is so interesting! I love teaching Max about history and making it fun for him, and this was a cool place to explore and learn more about the war.
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Peder Mørk Mønsted: A collection of 284 paintings (HD)
In order for the LEARNFROMMASTERS project to continue its activity,
Peder Mørk Mønsted: A collection of 284 paintings (HD)
Description: Peder Mønsted was born in Balle Mölle, near Grenna in eastern Denmark on 10th December 1859. He studied at the Prince Ferdinand’s Drawing School, Aarhus where he studied under Andries Fritz (1828-1906), a landscape and portrait painter, before moving to Copenhagen. Here he studied at the Royal Academy of Art between 1875 and 1878, and was taught figure painting by Julius Exner (1825-1910). Here too he would have come across the work of artists such as Christen Kobke (1810-1848), an outstanding colourist and Peter Christian Skovgaard (1817-1875), a romantic nationalist painter, a knowledge of whose work is seen in the Danish landscapes and beech forests of Mønsted’s. As early as 1874, at the age of 15, he took part in the December Exhibition in Copenhagen. In 1878 Mønsted left the Academy to study under the artist Peder Severin Krøyer (1851-1909).
Mønsted travelled extensively throughout his long career, being a frequent visitor to Switzerland, Italy and North Africa. In 1883 Mønsted travelled to Paris where he worked with William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825-1905) for four months. As early as 1884, he visited North Africa returning later in the decade. The early years of the 20th century saw Mønsted returning to Switzerland, the south of France and Italy, the latter being the source of inspiration for many Scandinavian artists of the 19th century. The war years curtailed Mønsted’s travel to Norway and Sweden, however the 1920’s and 1930’s saw him return to the Mediterranean. From 1879 to 1941 he exhibited regularly at the annual Charlottenborg Exhibition. Throughout his long career, Mønsted continued to paint the Danish landscape and coastline. His is a romantic, poetic view of nature; he was an artist who depicted the grandeur and monumental aspect of the landscape, with a remarkable eye for detail and colour. He was also known for a number of portraits, including that of King George I of Greece.
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silkeborg museum med TOLLUNDMANDEN
L.A. Ring - symbolist og socialrealist
L.A. Ring var en af dansk kunsts betydeligste malere ved indgangen til det 20. århundrede. Han var en pioner inden for såvel symbolisme som socialrealisme i dansk kunst. Ring var erklæret ateist og dybt engageret i bøndernes og arbejdernes kamp for sociale og økonomiske forbedringer. Se billederne på Statens Museum for Kunst og Den Hirschpungske Samling.
Åbning af Helsingør Søfartsmuseeum
koncept, ide & Instruktør: Ingrid Kristensen
Musik: Anders Vejen Andersen, Steffen Schackinger
Lys: Simon Holmgreen
Dans: Anna Kinoshita, Christel Stjernebjerg, Emilie Schack, Merete Smedegaard, Danni Sell, Lars Christian Feit Andersen, Tore Asbjerg
Belgrade with Boris Malagurski | HD
Click CC to choose subtitles in English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Greek, Portuguese, Polish, Slovenian, Czech, Slovak, Swedish, Danish, Hungarian or Indonesian.
This is the story of Belgrade, the dazzling capital of Serbia. People from all over the world are attracted to this city for its charm and beauty. From the quiet cafes, to the sparkling nightlife, Belgrade is a city that never sleeps.
It has magnificent architecture, peaceful parks, splendid restaurants with authentic Balkan food, remarkable art and electrifying museums. A city between East and West, with a turbulent history to tell. But what makes Belgrade the most appealing is the spirit of its people.
Belgrade has the most interesting men and the most enigmatic women. Some of the best sportsmen in the world are from Belgrade. Anyone who experiences this city will undoubtedly fall in love with it. Welcome to Belgrade.
© Copyright by Malagurski Cinema, 2013
The film is available for worldwide distribution. Contact us for more information:
Full HD, widescreen 16:9, 1080p, 25p, audio Stereo, 48KHs, 16bits
The film features an exclusive interview with perhaps the most famous Belgrader, tennis star Novak Djokovic.