ICELAND, Hafnarfjordur 2019 - City Of Vikings
The Viking Village Iceland.
The Viking Village is Icelands most unique restaurant and hotel, and we host a Viking festival in June every year.
Viking Village Film Set in Hofn, Iceland - Complete Review and Footage
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This is an old movie set from 6 years ago, that was never actually used. I really enjoyed it and found it useful for photography and videography. The horses also come up to you and are so sweet that you can even pet them if you have experience with horses
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Keendra goes to Iceland - The Viking Village
Thank you YouTube, for COMPLETELY fucking up the quality.
My recordings from the Viking Festival 16th and 17th of June.
I split it in two videos, in the next one there is a weight lifting competition. There is also an extra video with some material from my sisters camera.
June 17th at the Viking Village in Iceland
One of the battles we watched at the Viking Days 2013 in Hafnarfjördur Iceland.
Bardagi sem fór fram á Víkingahátíðinni í Hafnarfirði 2013.
The Viking Village gives you a baptism into Viking life (Fjörukráin)
The Viking Village gives you a baptism into Viking life
There are rumours that busloads of tourists have been snatched from their coaches in Hafnarfjörður by wild Viking warriors and held in a rock wall cave, watched over by a polar bear at one end and the Viking god, Thor, at the other.
The reports say that they were treated mercifully, given plush rooms to stay in, a chance to bathe in the geothermal hot pool sheltered by a rock wall, overlooked by gods, before being brought into the Viking long hall - a restaurant in modern parlance - with rough-hewn wooden tables, under the watchful gaze of Freyja, the goddess of fertility, a large wooden carving over the upstairs bar. Viking shields that look as if they've been used recently and the heads of wild animals like reindeer, hang on the walls alongside murals of major events from history.
The bar dispenses drinks of all kinds, while above it, fish swim in a large tank, held up by hand-carved wood pillars. An equally massive stone throne awaits a worthy chieftain. The abductees are treated royally, given large wooden plates of food and jugs of drinks, regaled with stories and songs by minstrels, in an evening to be remembered a lifetime. Fish from the harbour across the road, sheep's head and lamb and other Icelandic cuisine is on the menu.
Those taken in mid-June, found themselves guests at the Viking market where, under rough tents, artisans made and sold their wares. They sat enthralled as competing tribes fought a pitched battle.
Vikings love to celebrate and the Valhalla hall is set aside for groups of up to 50. It's a the place for wedding celebrations, for schools or incentive groups to get together. Many are even inducted into the warrior clan, given helmets and certificates, certifying their valour.
Not only is the hotel state of the art in every one of its 42 rooms that early Vikings would envy - or snort at, depending on their disposition, but there are also 14 Viking cottages for families or couples who want something different. For the modern guests, there is also WiFi and parking space. You don't have to wait to be abducted, you can book in advance. Horses are stabled elsewhere, nowadays.
The Viking crafts have lived on and can be seen - and taken home with you, for a little bit of silver - crafts from the Nordic countries, Faroe Islands, Greenland and Iceland, itself. Probably the best thing you'll take home is the experience of real Viking hospitality.
Strandgata 55 • 220 Hafnarfjordur
+354 565 1213
Hafnarfjörður, Iceland
Hafnarfjordur, Iceland, 24.12.2016 at 17:00. Christmas light
Viking party 2013 Hafnarfjordur Iceland
Fjöukráin í Hafnarfirði og hótel Víking
Á Hótel Víking eru 42 vel búin og glæsileg herbergi með sturtu, salerni, kaffivél, hárþurrku, sjónvarpi og þráðlausu interneti. Í anddyri hótelsins er tölva með aðgang að netinu til afnota fyrir gesti. Vestnorrænt þema er á bak við hönnun herbergjanna í efri hæðinni og í neðri hæð eru herbergin í anda Víkinga. Nýlega var tekinn í notkun heitur pottur í glæsilegum bakgarði hótelsins. Gestir hótelsins hafa frjálsan aðgang að pottinum og geta þar slakað á í rólegu og rómantísku umhverfi eftir annir dagsins. Hægt er að leigja baðsloppa á hótelinu.
Hótelið er með tólf eins manns herbergjum, tuttugu og eitt þeirra eru tveggja manna, átta eru þriggja manna og eitt er fyrir fjóra.Á hótelinu eru þrjár svítur, glæsilega útbúnar.
Haldnar eru Víkingaveislur og við getum tekið á móti allt að 350 matargestum samtímis. Við framreiðum þriggja rétta máltíð og allir réttirnir eru bornir fram í trogum af syngjandi Víkingum og Valkyrjum. Þegar gesti hafa sest til borðs er boðið upp á smakk af rammíslenskum mat s.s. hákarl og harðfisk svona rétt til að kitla bragðlaukana og þessu er skolað niður með snafs af ísköldu íslensku brennivini. Síðan er borin fram sjávarréttasúpa með blönduðum fisktegundum og nýbökuðu brauði. Aðalréttur er gufusteiktur lambaskanki með maukuðum kartöflum og gljáðum garðávöxtum, fersku salati og sósu. Með forréttinum berum við fram frosið íslenskt brennivín og stóran bjór eða léttvínsglas með aðalréttinum. Í eftirrétt er skyr með bláberjum og sorbet. Að sjálfsögðu er hægt að fá aðra rétti ef óskað er.
Fyrir ofan 16 metra langan útskorinn bar. Veggir eru skreyttir víkingamunum og myndum eftir Hauk Halldórsson. Allur tréskurður er unnin af íslenskum handverksmönnum. Eins hafa erlendir útskurðarmenn lagt okkur lið við útskurð á skreytingum og skurðgoðum. Freyjuhofið er sá hluti hússins sem er stolt okkar. Þar er glæsilegur salur með mikilli lofthæð. Hann er tileinkaður Freyju og þar ríkir ást og friður innan um stórkostleg listaverk í myndum, útskurði og öðru skrauti. Þar er einnig að finna Þrymskviðu í myndformi eftir Hauk Halldórsson og útskornar Freyjumyndir.
Viking performance
Margvíslegar uppákomur eru í víkingaveislunum fyrir utan okkar syngjandi starfsfólk. Okkar galvösku víkingar fara um víðan völl með óvæntar uppákomur, jafnvel út í hina guðsgrænu náttúru.
Heiðursvíkingaathöfn er alltaf vinsæl, en þá krýnir Fjörugoðinn einn úr hópi gesta heiðursvíking með tilheyrandi viðhöfn. Rétt rúmlega 20000 Heiðursvíkingar hafa kropið á kné fyrir Fjörugoðanum og bundist honum tryggðarböndum. Fyrir þá sem þess óska bjóðum við einnig fleiri atriði.
Megi spjót þitt í mark fara, örvar þínar beint fljúga, og sverð þitt góðu biti halda.
May your spear hit your target, your arrows fly straight, and your sword stay sharp.
Fjorukrain - Vikingvillage
Hotel Viking and Restaurants
Strandgata 50A + 55 - IS-220 Hafnarfjordur - Iceland Tel +354 565 1213 - Fax +354 565 1891 - Mobile: +354 893 6435 -
Hafnarfjörður - Viking Village and Hellisgerði
A few shots of the Viking Village in Downtown Hafnarfjörður, also went for a short walk around Hellisgerði, trying to look for elves... perhaps I found one?
Song is: Ragga Gisla - Live at Thorrablot Festival from the Free Music Archive ( )
Iceland: Founded By Vikings
A bit of fun and games!
Garður, Iceland
Sunny day in Garður, Iceland
The Viking Village Restaurant
Jennifer, Annalise, and family visit the Viking Village restaurant in Hafnarfjörður, Iceland.
Hotel Viking
Hotel Viking has 56 (42 rooms and 14 Viking houses) well furnished and luxurious rooms including shower, WC and television. The décor of the rooms on the first floor is Viking style and on the second floor it is a West Nordic theme. When you enter the Hotel Viking, you are greeted with fine art and crafts from these three countries, Iceland, Greeland and the Faroe Island. We have access to wireless Internet and free parking just ouside the hotel. In our geothermal hut tub and sauna you can recuperate and freshen up and relax after a long day of excitement.
Our guests are welcomed to our Fjörukráin, The Viking Restaurant, which is open for dinner from 18.00 every day. The style is Viking whereby during these famous feasts there is never a dull moment and the guests can expect various treats and surprises offered by our singing Valkyries and Vikings.
The Keflavik International Airport shuttle bus stops directly in front of Viking Hotel. Reykjavík´s city centre, 10 km away, can be reached in less than 15 minutes by bus J
The Viking Village is a unique place and it is the only Viking theme Hotel and Restaurant in Iceland. We have step by sep been developing our facilities over the last 22 years and will hopefully continue to do so in the future. We are very proud of our Hotel Viking and we hope that you will have a pleasant stay here with us.
Day beers in the elf park.
Icelanders celebrate Viking Festival
Icelanders are celebrating the Viking Festival in Hafnarfjordur, a Viking Village south of Iceland's capital Reykjavik.
The event takes place in mid June every year, with participants showing Viking-style costumes, musical instruments, jewelry and craft.
Víkingahátíð í hafnó
Kvöldflug yfir miðbæ Hafnarfjarðar 17. ágúst 2017
Hafnarfjörður, Iceland
Hafnarfjörður is one of best place to visit in Iceland.
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A Circle of Honour
A Circle of Honour at the Annual Viking Festival in Hafnarfjörður, Iceland.