Im Spiegel - Thomas Mann | 1963 | Historische Filme der Condor Films Zürich
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Co-Produzenten: Bayerischer Rundfunk/ORF/Schweizer Fernsehen, Buch & Regie: Lia Simonyi, Kamera: Andreas Demme, Musik: Bach, Beethoven, Lincke, Mahler, Millöcker, Wagner
Paul Thomas Mann (* 6. Juni 1875 in Lübeck; † 12. August 1955 in Zürich) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller und einer der bedeutendsten Erzähler des 20. Jahrhunderts.
Seinem 1901 erschienenen ersten Roman Buddenbrooks folgten Novellen und Erzählungen wie Tonio Kröger, Tristan und Der Tod in Venedig. Im 1924 veröffentlichten Roman Der Zauberberg, mit dem er die Tradition des europäischen Bildungsromans fortführte, zeigt sich Manns Gestaltungskunst voll ausgeprägt: Der Erzähler wahrt eine skeptisch-ironische Distanz zu den Figuren, typische Konstellationen kehren leitmotivisch wieder und es herrscht ein syntaktisch komplexer, anspruchsvoller Stil. Diese Merkmale prägen auch seine folgenden Arbeiten, unter denen die Novelle Mario und der Zauberer, die Romantetralogie Joseph und seine Brüder sowie das Spätwerk Doktor Faustus hervorzuheben sind. Für die Buddenbrooks erhielt Thomas Mann 1929 den Nobelpreis für Literatur.
Weithin Beachtung fanden auch seine Stellungnahmen zu aktuellen politischen, gesellschaftlichen und kulturellen Fragen. Stand er der westlichen Demokratie zunächst skeptisch gegenüber, wandelte er sich zu Beginn der 1920er Jahre zu einem überzeugten Verteidiger der Weimarer Republik. Unter der nationalsozialistischen Herrschaft emigrierte er 1933 in die Schweiz und 1939 in die USA, deren Staatsbürgerschaft er 1944 annahm. Seit 1952 lebte er wieder in der Schweiz.
Thomas Mann entstammte einer angesehenen Lübecker Patrizier- und Kaufmannsfamilie. Seine Frau Katia, geborene Pringsheim, inspirierte ihn zu mehreren seiner literarischen Figuren und Werke. Sein älterer Bruder Heinrich und vier seiner sechs Kinder, Erika, Klaus, Golo und Monika, waren ebenfalls Schriftsteller.
Condor Films AG - seit 1947
Kreuzstrasse 2 | CH-8008 Zürich | +41 44 256 1515
[Joan Schenkar] on The Talented Miss Highsmith
The Talented Miss Highsmith: The Secret Life and Serious Art of Patricia Highsmith
by Joan Schenkar
Patricia Highsmith, one of the great writers of 20th Century American fiction, had a life as darkly compelling as that of her favorite hero-criminal, talented Tom Ripley. In this revolution ary biography, Joan Schenkar paints a riveting portrait— from Highsmith’s birth in Texas to Hitchcock's filming of her first novel, Strangers On a Train, to her long, strange, self-exile in Europe. We see her as a secret writer for the comics, a brilliant creator of disturbing fictions, and erotic predator with dozens of women (and a few good men) on her love list. The Talented Miss Highsmith is the first literary biography with access to Highsmith's whole story: her closest friends, her oeuvre, her archives. It's a compulsive page-turner unlike any other, a book worthy of Highsmith herself.
JOAN SCHENKAR has been called America's most original female contemporary playwright. TRULY WILDE, her biography of Oscar's interesting niece Dolly Wilde, was hailed as a revelation, the great story of a life and of the creation of modern culture. THE TALENTED MISS HIGHSMITH has already been acclaimed as the definitive Highsmith biography.
As a child actor in Seattle, Schenkar made many television and stage appearances (one of them was with Everett Edward Horton) and was a touring member of the corps de ballet of The Cornish Ballet Company. She wrote her first play while living in The Chelsea Hotel in Manhattan.
The recipient of more than forty grants, fellowships, and awards for her comedies of menace (including seven National Endowment for the Arts grants), Schenkar has been reviewed in every major (and many minor) newspaper in the English-speaking theatre world. She has been playwright-in-residence in universities, artists' colonies, as well as in such experimental theatre companies as Joseph Chaikin’s Winter Project, The Polish Laboratory Theatre, and The Minnesota Opera New Music Theatre Ensemble. She is an alumna of New Dramatists, and a current member of The Authors Guild, Societe des auteurs et compositeurs dramatiques, PEN, The Dramatists’ Guild, and The Brontë Society. She was founder and artistic director of Force Majeure Productions in New York City. The London theatre company, SIGNS OF LIFE THEATRE, was named after her play and a road in Pownal, Vermont has been named after her. She has an ABD in English and American literature and aesthetics.
Her published plays include one of the most widely-produced and studied plays in the history of theatre written by women, SIGNS OF LIFE. She has had more than five hundred productions of her work on stage, radio, and video, including the following plays: CABIN FEVER, SIGNS OF LIFE, THE LODGER, BUCKS AND DOES, MR. MONSTER, THE LAST OF HITLER, BETWEEN THE ACTS, HUNTING DOWN THE SEXES, FULFILLING KOCH’S POSTULATE, FAMILY PRIDE IN THE 50’s, FIRE IN THE FUTURE, THE UNIVERSAL WOLF, BURNING DESIRES.
Feature articles about JOAN SCHENKAR’s work have appeared in such publications as The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times,The Village Voice, The Washington Post, The Denver Post, and The Seattle Post-Intelligencer. She is the subject of articles and interviews in such scholarly and theatrical journals as: TDR, Theatre Journal, PAJ, Modern Drama, Women and Performance, Michigan Quarterly Review, Studies in American Drama, Alternatives Theatrales, and Feminist Re-visions. Her short stories have been published in several anthologies.
SIGNS OF LIFE: Six Comedies of Menace, a collection of her plays, was published in 1998 and was a Wesleyan University Press best-seller. TRULY WILDE: the unsettling story of Dolly Wilde, Oscar’s unusual niece was published by Basic Books/Perseus in New York, Virago Press/Little Brown in London and RandomHouse/ Mondadori in Barcelona in 2000 and 2001 and was a finalist for The Lamda Literary Award. Her latest work –- a literary biography of Patricia Highsmith, THE TALENTED MISS HIGHSMITH: The Secret Life and Serious Art of Patricia Highsmith -- has just been published by St Martin's Press (New York), and will be published by Diogenes Verlag (Zurich), and Circe Press (Barcelona) in 2010.
JOAN SCHENKAR lives and writes in Paris and Greenwich Village.
Coastal management relation between the part and the whole
Item is a digital copy of a talk given by Elisabeth Mann Borgese to the 1992 International Symposium on the Ocean in Oita, Japan. The topic of the talk was Coastal Management Relation Between the Part and the Whole. Elisabeth is speaking in English but the Japanese translator is also included in the audio.
See MS-2-744, Box 182, Folder 20 for the analog VHS tape.
Switzerland - US delegates at Economic Forum
T/I: 11:20:16
Fresh from defending her husband in the Zippergate affair, Hillary Clinton won a standing ovation when she appeared at the Davos summit Monday (02/02).
She steered clear of detailed economic policy. Instead, she reminded the world's economic and political leaders of social values they might be prone to overlook.
Microsoft chairman Bill Gates found himself sitting uncomfortably after his court battle with the government over internet software. A court ruling requires Microsoft to remove an icon for its internet browser from its Windows '95 operating system. The court ruled the inclusion of the browser with the operating system was unfair to other browser manufacturers. But at Davos, Gates downplayed the importance of the court ruling.
US deputy treasurer Lawrence Summers spoke at a press conference at Davos on Sunday about United States concern at Asia's economic crisis.
But he also spoke of US confidence that Asia would make a comeback, thanks to enterprise and hard work.
00:00 MS United States First Lady Hillary Clinton onto stage;
00:04 CA audience clapping;
00:07 CU Clinton walking on stage;
00:08 CA audience clapping;
00:10 Clinton shakes hands with official, walks to podium;
00:17 WS Clinton on stage;
00:19 SOT Hillary Clinton (in english) in the discussions that I have been privileged to hear about and to hear directly, it has struck me there a very strong awareness of how interdependent the economic, political and social spheres of life happen to be.;
00:38 WS Clinton on stage and monitor screen
00:43 SOT Hillary Clinton Think of it, if you will, as a three-legged stool, we are not stable if we are only on one leg, no matter how strong the economy might be, no matter how strong a government may be. We are also not stable if we rest merely on two legs of the stool - rather we need to see the interdependence and connection among the economy, the government, and the civil society.
01:15 Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates into press conference;
01:24 SOT Bill Gates (in english) I do think we have not done a good job communicating what the issue is.. that there's nothing here that's going to change what we do and the very competitive environment that we operate in.;
01:39 WS presser as United States Deputy Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers sits;
01:45 MS Lawrence Summers speaking;
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Davos 1989
Aus dem NTF Film Begegnungen
16 mm in Farbe, gedreht 1989 in Davos und Umgebung.
Jean Tinguely's Four Méta-Harmonie Music Machines at Museum Tinguely, Basel
Swiss artist Jean Tinguely’s sculptures always have an acoustic dimension, which was consciously composed and balanced by Tinguely as part of the works. They generate noises, sounds, and apparently random music. This musical side reached a climax with the four Méta-Harmonie music machines between 1978 and 1985. The exhibition “Music Machines / Machine Music” provides the unique opportunity to experience these large-scale and versatile sound boxes, which are at home in Karuizawa (Japan), Vienna, and Basel, in dialog with one another. The four artworks form the stage for a broadly defined program of events and concerts devoted to the theme of mechanical music, which includes artists such as Zimoun, Bianca Hildenbrand, Eliza Coolidge, Timothy Severo, Thom Luz and others. This video has its focus on Jean Tinguely's four Méta-Harmonie music machines. This video is an excerpt, the full-length version is available at
Music Machines / Machine Music at Museum Tinguely, Basel. Press preview, October 18, 2016.
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Art TV pioneer Vernissage TV provides you with an authentic insight into the world of contemporary fine arts, design and architecture. With its two main series No Comment and Interviews, art tv channel VernissageTV attends opening receptions of exhibitions worldwide, interviews artists, designers, architects. VTV provides art lovers with news, reports and features from the international art scene. VernissageTV: the window to the art world. Das Fenster zur Kunstwelt. La fenêtre sur le monde de l'art. A janela para o mundo da arte. La ventana al mundo del arte. نافذة على عالم الفن. 到艺术世界的窗口。Окно в мир искусства. Since 2005.
Vier Jahreszeiten | 1961 | Historische Filme der Condor Films Zürich
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Auftraggeber: Verkehrsverein Berner Oberland, Buch & Regie: Nicolas Gessner, Kamera: Friedrich Schrag, Musik: Antonio Vivaldi in einer Bearbeitung von Edmond de Stoutz
Edmond de Stoutz (* 18. Dezember 1920 in Zürich; † 28. Januar 1997 ebenda) war ein Schweizer Dirigent. Zunächst hatte er in Zürich Rechtswissenschaften studiert, dann aber zur Musik gewechselt und an der Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Zürich, sowie in Salzburg und Wien Violoncello, Klavier, Oboe, Schlagzeug und Komposition gelernt. Er spielte zwei Jahre als Cellist und Schlagzeuger im Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich und gründete 1945 eine sogenannte Hausorchester-Vereinigung. Aus dieser ging 1951 das Zürcher Kammerorchester, dessen Leitung de Stoutz bis 1996 innehatte. 1962 gründete er zudem den Zürcher Konzertchor.
De Stoutz war bekannt dafür, in seinen Konzertprogrammen immer wieder auf Schweizer Komponisten zurückzugreifen, denen er auch immer wieder Kompositionsaufträge zukommen ließ. So war er auch für mehrere Uraufführungen Schweizer Werke verantwortlich, unter anderem von Frank Martin, Peter Mieg, Paul Müller-Zürich oder Rolf Urs Ringger.
Die vier Jahreszeiten (italienisch Le quattro stagioni) heißt das wohl bekannteste Werk Antonio Vivaldis. Es handelt sich um vier Violinkonzerte mit außermusikalischen Programmen; jedes Konzert porträtiert eine Jahreszeit. Dazu ist den einzelnen Konzerten jeweils ein – vermutlich von Vivaldi selbst geschriebenes – Sonett vorangestellt; fortlaufende Buchstaben vor den einzelnen Zeilen und an den entsprechenden Stellen in der Partitur ordnen die verbale Beschreibung der Musik zu.
Vivaldi hatte bereits zuvor immer wieder mit außermusikalischen Programmen experimentiert, die sich häufig in seinen Titeln niederschlagen; die genaue Ausdeutung von Einzelstellen der Partitur ist aber für ihn ungewöhnlich. Seine Erfahrung als virtuoser Geiger erlaubte ihm den Zugriff auf besonders wirkungsvolle Spieltechniken; als Opernkomponist hatte er einen starken Sinn für Effekte entwickelt – beides kam ihm hier zugute.
Wie der Titel bereits nahelegt, werden vor allem Naturerscheinungen imitiert – sanfte Winde, heftige Stürme und Gewitter sind Elemente, die in allen vier Konzerten auftreten. Hinzu kommen verschiedene Vogelstimmen und sogar ein Hund, weitere menschliche Betätigungen wie etwa die Jagd, ein Bauerntanz, das Schlittschuhlaufen einschließlich Stolpern und Hinfallen bis hin zum schweren Schlaf eines Betrunkenen.
Das Werk stammt aus dem Jahre 1725 und ist in zwei Druckausgaben erhalten, die offenbar mehr oder weniger zeitgleich in Amsterdam und Paris erschienen.
Condor Films AG - seit 1947
Kreuzstrasse 2 | CH-8008 Zürich | +41 44 256 1515
Last Call for Mr. Paul
Ever been late for a flight? Jason Paul uses his jaw-dropping freerunning skills to get through security at the Munich Airport to catch his flight in record time.
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13th Zurich Film Festival
Competition: Focus Switzerland, Germany, Austria
WORLD SALES : Troubadour Films DVD eng/german sur
WORLD RIGHTS: Troubadour Films
The Grave of the Man Who Never Was: Operation Mincemeat
In a cemetery in Huelva, in Spain, is the grave of Major William Martin, of the British Royal Marines. Or rather, it's the grave of a man called Glyndwr Michael, who served his country during World War 2 in a very unexpected way... after his death.
Camera by Paul Curry (@cr3)
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Official promotional video for the single SPRINGTIME
Taken from the upcoming debut album PROMISED LAND out May 20th 2016 on Escudero Records
Get the single Springtime and the songs of PROMISED LAND iTunes here :
Copyright 2014 by Matt Mathews
Many thanks to l'Undertown Meyrin, to Nil & crew
Video shot, directed & edited by Guillaume Foehr @ Communication Visuelle
Written, composed and arranged by Matt Mathews
Matt Mathews : Vox, guitars, keyboards and backing vocals
Florian Senn : Bass
Simon Ramseier : Drums
Recorded, mixed and produced by Philippe Laffer at
Label : Escudero Records
Contact Guillaume Rey :
Distributed by Disques Office SA
Matt Mathews is a songwriter. A storyteller.
Through his songs Matt tells us his inner world, intimate and sensitive. He’s a guide that connects us to our own emotional world, remembering us a buried memory, a fleeting emotion, an intense hope.
Matt, singer and multi-instrumentalist, proposes in his first solo album Promised Land a personal and stylish songwriting, from indie-rock to pop-folk, in a bewitching musical journey.
Matt Matthews has previously released two albums with the band Exphase (indie electro-rock) Embryo and Secret Garden, which received an enthusiastic press and a wide media coverage in french speaking Switzerland, and allowed the group to play on scenes such as the Label Suisse Festival, the Paleo Festival (FMR stage) or Festival Musiques en Eté on the Ella Fitzgerald stage.
With indie blues band The Exciters, Matt has released an EP The Eternal Cannibal Prelude and an album Flashback. With more than 100 concerts in three years, they have toured Switzerland intensely in clubs and festivals such as the Bikini Test, Fri-son, L’Usine U.ZN, KIFF Aarau, Le Chat Noir, Henrici Zürich, Barbus Festival, Carouge en Fête Festival, and Europe during 4 tours in Holland, Spain, France and Italy.
Richard Wagner (1913) [German intertitles with English subtitles]
Restauriert 2011/12, eingefärbt und mit bearbeiteter originaler Orchestermusik / Restored in 2011/12, colored and with edited original orchestral music.
Regisseur / Director: Carl Froelich & William Wauer
Darsteller / Actors: Giuseppe Becce, Olga Engl, Miriam Horwitz, Ernst Reicher, Manny Ziener, Max Maximilian, William Wauer
Waldhotel Davos 2018 – Viersterne-Superior-Hotel in den „Zauberbergen“
Werbung: Waldhotel Davos – Viersterne-Superior-Hotel in den „Zauberbergen“
Die einmalige Kulisse und Landschaft der Schweiz lockt Jahr für Jahr viele tausende Touristen an, die Ihren Winter- oder auch Sommerurlaub hier verbringen. Den Touristen stehen hierfür zahlreiche Hotels, Pensionen und Gasthäuser zur Verfügung, um den Aufenthalt in der Schweiz so angenehm wie möglich zu machen. Ein ganz besonderes Hotel mit einer langen Tradition und historischer Vergangenheit ist das Waldhotel Davos. Ein Viersterne-Superior-Hotel inmitten der „Zauberberge“ von Davos in der Schweiz.
Waldhotel Davos:
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Concert at St Peter’s Brighton: Guildford Cathedral 1977 (Philip Moore)
Private recording of a concert at St Peter’s Brighton in June or July 1977, featuring the choir of Guildford Cathedral, directed by Philip Moore. Organist: Anthony Froggatt.
1. The king shall rejoice (Handel)
2. Locus iste (Bruckner)
3. Lord, I call upon thee (Bairstow)
4. Organ: 1st mvt of 1st Organ Sympony (Vierne)
5. Faire is the heaven (Harris)
6. Christe Jesu pastor bone (Taverner)
7. Alleluia, I heard a voice (Weelkes)
8. Organ: Toccata (Mushel)
9. Si iniquitates (S S Wesley)
10. Litany to the Holy Spirit (Hurford)
11. To thee, O Lord (Rachmaninov)
12. Te Deum Coll. Reg. (Howells)
Theodor W. Adorno | Wikipedia audio article
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Theodor W. Adorno
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Theodor W. Adorno (; German: [ʔaˈdɔɐ̯no]; born Theodor Ludwig Wiesengrund; September 11, 1903 – August 6, 1969) was a German philosopher, sociologist, psychologist and composer known for his critical theory of society.
He was a leading member of the Frankfurt School of critical theory, whose work has come to be associated with thinkers such as Ernst Bloch, Walter Benjamin, Max Horkheimer, and Herbert Marcuse, for whom the works of Freud, Marx, and Hegel were essential to a critique of modern society. He is widely regarded as one of the 20th century's foremost thinkers on aesthetics and philosophy, as well as one of its preeminent essayists. As a critic of both fascism and what he called the culture industry, his writings—such as Dialectic of Enlightenment (1947), Minima Moralia (1951) and Negative Dialectics (1966)—strongly influenced the European New Left.
Amidst the vogue enjoyed by existentialism and positivism in early 20th-century Europe, Adorno advanced a dialectical conception of natural history that critiqued the twin temptations of ontology and empiricism through studies of Kierkegaard and Husserl. As a classically trained pianist whose sympathies with the twelve-tone technique of Arnold Schoenberg resulted in his studying composition with Alban Berg of the Second Viennese School, Adorno's commitment to avant-garde music formed the backdrop of his subsequent writings and led to his collaboration with Thomas Mann on the latter's novel Doctor Faustus, while the two men lived in California as exiles during the Second World War. Working for the newly relocated Institute for Social Research, Adorno collaborated on influential studies of authoritarianism, antisemitism and propaganda that would later serve as models for sociological studies the Institute carried out in post-war Germany.
Upon his return to Frankfurt, Adorno was involved with the reconstitution of German intellectual life through debates with Karl Popper on the limitations of positivist science, critiques of Heidegger's language of authenticity, writings on German responsibility for the Holocaust, and continued interventions into matters of public policy. As a writer of polemics in the tradition of Nietzsche and Karl Kraus, Adorno delivered scathing critiques of contemporary Western culture. Adorno's posthumously published Aesthetic Theory, which he planned to dedicate to Samuel Beckett, is the culmination of a lifelong commitment to modern art which attempts to revoke the fatal separation of feeling and understanding long demanded by the history of philosophy and explode the privilege aesthetics accords to content over form and contemplation over immersion.
WEF founder comments on Davos forum
Davos, Switzerland - 18 January 2016
1. Wide of Davos Congress Centre
2. Davos banner and flags of various countries
3. Various of police officers pulling barriers into place
4. Various of helicopter
5. Set up of Klaus Schwab, Founder of World Economic Forum (WEF):
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Klaus Schwab, WEF Founder (on Iranian delegation):
The delegation is under the leadership of the Foreign Minister (Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif) accompanied by economy-related personalities. I think there will be interest, it's one of the important dimensions of this meeting.
7. Workers preparing congress room
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Klaus Schwab, WEF Founder (on the return of Iran into the world economy):
We, of course, we will have to absorb now even a larger (oil) supply dimension. What concerns me is the impact and the social impact it has on certain countries. Just think of Nigeria, which so much depends on oil, think of some other African countries - not to speak about what's the impact on Russia and so on will be, so I am also concerned about the implications this question has on monetary issues, financial issues and so on.
9. Various of congress centre
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Klaus Schwab, WEF Founder (on invitation to North Korea being revoked):
The forum is an impartial organisation, we never cede to any pressure. But we have one principal, which means we observe UN sanctions. We do not know yet how the UN sanctions will come out but we didn't want to have a coincidence – the UN expressing sanctions, tough sanctions this week and at the same time we act against those sanctions, so unfortunately we had to take this decision which I regret very much because I was personally very much looking forward to the North Korean delegation.
11. Cutaway
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Klaus Schwab, WEF Founder (on the state of Europe):
My concern is that Europe at the moment is in a phase of disintegration, I hope we can stop it and I hope we can remind here in Davos everybody what is at stake: Europe would be completely marginalised if it breaks up into different nation states again. As someone who belongs to the first generation of Europeans, it makes me very sad but I am hopeful that we still have the courage and the rationality to deal with the issue and to change course.
13. Cutaway
14. SOUNDBITE (English) Klaus Schwab, WEF Founder (on the inequality report from Oxfam):
It's my biggest concern because the fourth industrial revolution will even increase the inequality which we have, because this is a built-in development, which means that those who are entrepreneurs, who have talents, who push innovation, will gain from the revolution and those who are on the other side particularly in service positions will lose.
15. Schwab walking away
16. Davos street
17. Man sculpting ice
World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab said on Monday he is worried about Europe's future, the fallout of plunging oil prices, and gaping worldwide inequality.
He was speaking as two reports published on Monday, from Oxfam and public relations firm Edelman, warned that the widening gap between the haves and have-nots since the global financial crisis is undermining a decades-long effort to reduce global poverty and fuelling the rise of populist politicians.
The theme of this year's Davos gathering is the fourth industrial revolution - caused by fast and broad innovations in areas like robotics, driverless cars, 3-D printing and biotechnology.
Schwab said it could further widen the gap between rich and poor, adding it was his biggest concern.
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On Her Majesty's Secret Service
Just as Agent 007 finally discovers true love, he is thrown into spectacular action and danger in this entertaining adventure that stars George Lazenby as the charismatic Bond.
Verweis für Scientology Bern
Erfolgsregeln für Startups
Welche Stärken haben „Self-Made“ Millionäre gross gemacht? Michael Eckhardt und Michael Römer, Business X Union.
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