The changing pack ice conditions and ferocious piteraq storms make airport transfers dodgy. Some will hire a quadbike or walk into Kulusuk village. Many will transfer by helicopter to the main town of Tasilaq. Others will transfer by skidoo or dog sledge to surrounding villages.
In cold winters Ammassalik fjord freezes, but this is becoming rarer. Kuummiut is about 35km in a straight line from Kulusuk, but in March 2011 the route was an 82km journey where the ice was firm. When there is more open water, dogs and sledges go by boat to the ice edge.
For related videos in East Greenland see uploads from Iliminaq
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Sermilikmuut - A Dog Sledge Journey to Sermilik
Remote, ice-bound & stunningly beautiful East Greenland. A five day sled journey at -20 to Sermilik fjord. Sermilik is rich in seals, so is an important hunting ground for Polar bears. Inuit hunters make week-long hunting trips to Sermilik in pursuit of these bears, on which their livelihood depends.
The Greenlandic sled dogs are renowned for their endurance. One adult sled dog can pull between 25 -- 50 kilograms. See more about these amazing dogs on YouTube video Qamutseq (The Dog team). Learn about East Greenland travel at
The dog sledge in Ammassalik differs from the models used elsewhere in Greenland. Its construction is adapted to the very mountainous region the hunters travel in. The dogs are harnessed to the sledge in pairs, each having their own trace to the sledge. This technique allows the dogs to spread out on the flat sections, while they gather up in pairs in deep snow and up-hill.
Kalaallit qimmiat quimuttoq tusaamaneqarpoq ullorpassuarni nerisaqanngikkaluarluni uniarsinnaasoq. Qimmip qimuttup iner-simasup 25 - 50 kiilut uniarsinnaavai
Ammassalimmiut quamutaat Kalaallit Nunaata sinnerani qamutinut naleq qiullutik allaannerupput. Qaqqartoqisumi piniariartarfinnut angallatiginaqarnissaminnut naleqqussagaapput. Qimmit marlukkuutaarlutik immikkut qamutinut allunaasanik qilersorneqartarput. Periutsip tamatuma iluaqutaa tassaavoq, quimit ingerlavinni manissuni siaarsinnaanngortarmata, qummulli ingerlasarissani aammalu apummi issusuumi marlukkaarlutik katersuussinnaanngortarmata.
This is one of a series of short videos about East Greenland: East Greenland 1932 & 1967, Ukiuunera-The Winter Season, Tunumi-The East Greenland Coast, Qamutseq-The Dog Team, & Sermilikmuut -Journey to Sermilik.
Qamutseq - East Greenland Sledge Dogs
Sledge dogs go where snowmobiles don't. Kalaallit qimmiat quimuttoq tusaamaneqarpoq ullorpassuarni nerisaqanngikkaluarluni uniarsinnaasoq. The Greenlandic sledge dogs are renowned for their endurance. Qimmip qimuttup iner-simasup 25 - 50 kiilut uniarsinnaavai. An adult sledge dog can pull between 25 -- 50 kilograms.
Qimmit marlukkuutaarlutik immikkut qamutinut allunaasanik qilersorneqartarput
The dogs are harnessed to the sledge in pairs, each having their own trace to the sledge. Periutsip tamatuma iluaqutaa tassaavoq, quimit ingerlavinni manissuni siaarsinnaanngortarmata, qummulli ingerlasarissani aammalu apummi issusuumi marlukkaarlutik katersuussinnaanngortarmata. This technique allows the dogs to spread out on the flat sections, while they gather up in pairs in deep snow and up-hill.
Ammassalimmiut quamutaat Kalaallit Nunaata sinnerani qamutinut naleq qiullutik allaannerupput. Qaqqartoqisumi piniariartarfinnut angallatiginaqarnissaminnut naleqqussagaapput. The dog sledge in Ammassalik differs from the models used elsewhere in Greenland. Its construction is adapted to the very mountainous region the hunters travel in.
Thank you to hunters Hans Aqqa Qatsa, Mathaeus Knudsen, Sivert Kulco and Lars Anker-Moller.
This is one of a series of short videos about East Greenland: East Greenland 1932 & 1967, Ukiuunera-The Winter Season, Tunumi-The East Greenland Coast, Qamutseq-The Dog Team, & Sermilikmuut -Journey to Sermilik.