Russia's WEAPONS Capital, Tula KREMLIN and MUSEUM of Weapons (Budget Travel Russia) {Tula, RUSSIA}
Budget Travel Russia #16
Tula Weapons Capital The city's motto is plainly in sight.
With a steeped tradition, the Tula Kremlin, or fortress, dates back to the 16th Century and is a significant reason for the city's history of military, defense and arms manufacturing.
The newly constructed Museum of Weapons is a continuation of Tula's fascination with armaments and on a splendid autumn Saturday, Matt strolls through the town and its riverbank to get a perspective of how Tula embraces an unusual reputation.
Budget Travel Moscow and Central (Russia) #2
Tula State Museum of Weapons:
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Russia: places to visit | Tula is the capital of Russian weapons
This is our first video in our “Must See” series where I’ll tell you what things in Russia are worth your time to see and what should be avoided at all costs.
↓↓↓↓ Must See ↓↓↓↓
In this episode, we are visiting Tula. Some call it the “city of craftsmen” because ever since Medieval times a lot of tools, weapons, and other goods were made right here.
You’ll definitely feel the productive spirit in Tula at some of its museums, especially the Tula State Museum of Weapons. It is impossible to not notice this unique helmet shaped building that houses the Arms Museum, which is one of the biggest of its kind in the world. If you are at all interested in melee Russian weapons, hunting and sport rifles and/or hardcore military tech then coming here would be a good idea. You will definitely get inspired. If you want to know more about the history of when those weapons were used in medieval Russia then check out the Tula Kremlin right smack in the middle of downtown.
It may seem like Tula is all about arms which are only partially true. Tula is also the home to the totally non-violent Pryanik cookies and inside the Tula Kremlin, there is a museum where they will show you how to make one of these Russian sweets with your own hands. And since they seem to last forever they are a great gift to take back home. Locals consider their Pryanik cookies to be the supreme Russian biscuit with a totally unique flavor that you can only get here in Tula.
Tula may have a unique taste but it also has a unique sound, the sound of accordions! Tula is still a leader in accordion production to this day. Not only can you see accordions but hear them and learn to play songs for yourself. Who knows maybe you can take one home to impress (and/or annoy) your friends and family around Christmas?
All this and more will be in our next video. After that, we will have our first “Must Eat” where you’ll experience the best food that Tula has to offer and see where you absolutely must stop to eat while visiting this fantastic city. Food and vacation go hand-in-hand so our Must Eat series should be a great help to those who want to experience Russian food the right way!
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Russian cities: Tula | Russia 4K
Recently Tim and the RTTT team were in the Tula Region which means they took plenty of great drone footage. This footage mostly didn’t make it into the videos about Tula and we feel it would be a shame to let it go to waste and so here is our collection of 4K awesome drone footage from Tula and the area around it.
You will get to see in order of appearance: the oddly Martian looking Rumyantsevskiye Hills, the Kulikova Battlefield and its bright white Museum, The Sergius of Radonezh Cathedral on Red Hill, the Tula Kremlin, Downtown Tula, the tiny village of Monastyrshino and its bright red church, the “Equestrian Courtyard” which offers horse and buggy tours of the Kulikovo area, the black and gold Dmitry Donskoy Column, the Tula State Museum of Arms, the Octava Cluster, the hip and trendy Iskra District, the rather uniquely designed Defenders of the Heavens of the Fatherland Memorial.
We had a great time in Tula and it is only two hours by train or car from Moscow, so what are you waiting for? Give Tula (the arms capital of Russia) a shot.
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Tula Kremlin
The Russian city of Tula is located about 200 km from Moscow. It is one of the oldest Russian cities, the first mention of which dates from 1146. On this video you can see Tula Kremlin which was built to secure the way to Moscow and which was, like all the Russian Kremlins the beginning of the city.
At the beginning Tula was not a somehow notable town but then the ore was found at outskirts. Very fast the new handicraft of iron smelting made Tula popular. All the objects from iron were produced in Tula and dispatched by river to the towns located on the Volga and Oka. By 18 century the city grew and Peter the Great opened here the first arm factory especially for the war with Sweden. In some years the quantity of arm factories increased. Like this Tula became the main center of Russian military industry.
Golden Ring of Russia. Tula
One-day autotrip to Tula from Moscow. It's one of the oldest city in Russia. There are a lot of sightseenigs in Tula: Museum of Samovar, Kremlin, Cathedrals, Museum of weapon and others..
Россия: Тульский кремль / Russia: Tula Kremlin
Прогулка по Тульскому Кремлю /
Tula Kremlin, a fortress in the center of Tula (located 193 kilometers south of Moscow), is a monument of Russian defense architecture of the 16th century.
Москва: Юсуповский дворец / Moscow: Yusupov palace
Крым: Ласточкино гнездо / Crimea: Swallow's Nest
Англия: замок Лидс (UK: Leeds castle)
Подмосковье: усадьба Остафьево / Moscow region: Ostafyevo estate
Англия: замок Алник (UK: Alnwick castle)
Подмосковье: усадьба Ивановское/Moscow region: Ivanovskoye estate
Tula City, Russia
Tula city, Russia.
Tula (Russian: Тула; IPA: [ˈtulə]) is an industrial city and the administrative center of Tula Oblast, Russia, located 193 kilometers (120 mi) south of Moscow, on the UPA River. Population: 501,169 (2010 Census);[6] 481,216 (2002 Census);[12] 539,980 (1989 Census).[13]
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2015 Тульский Кремль Tula Kremlin
Russia, Tula city, Tula Kremlin Museum. 2015, April
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Tula WEAPONS Capital, WWII ARMORED Train + PRYANIK Gingerbread (Budget Travel Russia) {Tula, RUSSIA}
Budget Travel Russia #15
Tula Weapons Capital is an unusual civic slogan. Arriving at the Moscow Train Station, the unusually colored Soviet WWII Armored Train catches the eyes of visitors and enhances Tula's military reputation..
Painted in army green camouflage, the shades are certainly out of place in a passenger station. But then where else is it appropriate to store, and display, a train that saw action during WWII?
Train Number 13, now converted into a hands-on museum, is a constant reminder to Tula residents and visitors about the tactics and equipment required to defend the city during the Great Patriotic War. The train's presence also enhances the reputation of Tula Weapons Capital.
Jump on board with Matt to experience some of the conditions under which soldiers from the USSR fought to preserve their country.
To lighten up, and wind down, the day, Matt visits a famed Tula pryanik store, Tulskiye Pryaniki, to sample the local treat; a large ginger cookie with jam filling.
Budget Travel Moscow and Central (Russia) #1
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Russia Expo TV reportage about Tula region at Russia Expo 2015
Das Landgut Jasnaja Poljana (russisch Ясная Поляна, dt. Helle Lichtung) war der Geburts- und Wohnort des Schriftstellers Leo Tolstoi. Er schrieb dort Krieg und Frieden und Anna Karenina und ist dort beerdigt.
Das Landgut liegt etwa 220 Kilometer südlich von Moskau, 12 km südwestlich von Tula zwischen dem Tulaer Stadtteil Kossaja Gora und der Stadt Schtschokino in der Oblast Tula. Es ist heute ein Museum.Tolstois Haus in Jasnaja Poljana:
Jasnaja Poljana existiert seit Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts. Der Großvater des großen russischen Dichters, Fürst Nikolai Wolkonski, kaufte das Gut im 18. Jahrhundert.
Eine Birkenallee führte zum Hauptgebäude, das heute jedoch nicht mehr existiert. Tolstois Vater legte auf dem Gut einen Englischen Garten mit drei Teichen an.
Leo Tolstoi erbte das Gut im Alter von 18 Jahren. Zu dem Gut gehörten damals über 1800 Hektar Land, fünf Dörfer und 300 Leibeigene, worunter Männer im arbeitsfähigen Alter gezählt wurden. Tolstois kostspieliger Lebenswandel führte dazu, dass er mit 21 Jahren bereits große Teile seines Erbes durchgebracht hatte. Zuerst hatte er die Dörfer verkauft. Nachdem er mit 27 Jahren aus dem Kaukasuskrieg zurückgekehrt war, gründete er in einem Nebengebäude eine Bauernschule, die u.a. den reformpädagogischen Bestrebungen von Jean-Jacques Rousseau folgte. Anhaltender Geldmangel zwang ihn dazu, das hölzerne Hauptgebäude zu verkaufen.
Er wurde in Jasnaja Poljana in einem schlichten Grab beerdigt (die Kirche hatte ihn exkommuniziert). Seit 1921 gibt es das Museum.
Im Zweiten Weltkrieg wurde das Museum im Jahr 1941 45 Tage lang von der Wehrmacht besetzt und bei deren Rückzug in Brand gesetzt. Das Feuer konnte zum Glück bald gelöscht werden. Die wertvolle Inneneinrichtung, die Bibliothek und sonstige Mobilien waren kurz zuvor über Moskau nach Tomsk evakuiert worden und fielen somit dem Brand nicht zum Opfer.[1]
Das Museum heute
Das Gut Jasnaja Poljana ist heute ein vielbesuchtes Museum. Neben ausführlichen Informationen aus dem Leben Tolstois werden hier Einblicke aus dem alten Russland gezeigt (Teezeremonien, Kutschfahrten). Direktor des Museums ist seit 1997 Wladimir Iljitsch Tolstoi, ein Ururenkel des Dichters. Er versucht das Museumsgut zu einem internationalen Kulturzentrum auszubauen. Auf dem weitläufigen und landschaftlich sehr idyllisch gelegenen Museumsgelände befinden sich auch ein Hotel und ein Krankenhaus. An Wochenenden werden von Moskau aus (Kursker Bahnhof) direkte Zugfahrten nach Jasnaja Poljana angeboten.
Das in Ostpreußen gelegene Trakehnen, berühmt wegen seines Gestütes, kam gemäß Potsdamer Abkommen mit dem gesamten Königsberger Gebiet (heute: Oblast Kaliningrad) zur Sowjetunion. Wie alle Orte im sowjetischen Teil Ostpreußens erhielt auch Trakehnen einen russischen Namen, wobei mit Vorsatz jeder Bezug zum ursprünglichen Ortsnamen vermieden wurde. Aus Trakehnen wurde Jasnaja Poljana. Ob dabei an Tolstois Geburtsort gedacht wurde, ist nicht überliefert.
quelle: Wikipedia
Тула Tula города России Russian city ロシアの都市 俄罗斯城市 المدينة الروسية रूसी शहर 러시아 도시
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#Тула #Tula #история #Русскиегорода #Кремль #музейоружия #архитектура #Russiancity #Россия #river #Артникс #architecture #history #Kremlin киновидеостудия Артникс
Тула — старинный красивый русский город, впервые упоминается в Никоновской летописи XVI века под 1146 годом. Тула расположена на севере Среднерусской возвышенности на берегу реки Упы в 193 км к югу от Москвы. Тульский Кремль, музей оружия, тульский пряник известны всему миру. Тула -это древняя столица оружия. Музыка - Александр Зимин
Tula is an ancient beautiful Russian city, first mentioned in the Nikon chronicle of the XVI century under the year 1146. Tula is located in the North of the Central Russian upland on the Bank of the UPA river, 193 km South of Moscow. Tula Kremlin, Museum of weapons, Tula gingerbread are known all over the world. Tula is the ancient capital of arms. Music - Alexander Zimin
Tula ist eine alte schöne russische Stadt, die zum ersten mal in der Chronik des 16. Jahrhunderts unter 1146 erwähnt wird. Tula befindet sich im Norden der srednerus-Hügel am Ufer des Flusses UPA in 193 km südlich von Moskau. Der Kreml von Tula, Waffenmuseum, Tula Lebkuchen sind weltweit bekannt. Tula ist die alte Hauptstadt der Waffen. Musik-Alexander Zimin
Tula est une vieille belle ville russe, pour la première fois mentionnée dans les annales Nikon du XVIe siècle sous 1146. Tula est situé au Nord de la haute Russie centrale sur les rives de l'UPA à 193 km au Sud de Moscou. Le Kremlin de Toula, le musée des armes, le pain d'épice de Toula sont connus dans le monde entier. Tula est l'ancienne capitale des armes. Musique - Alexandre Zimin
Tula es una antigua ciudad rusa hermosa, se menciona por primera vez en el registro de Nikon del siglo XVI bajo el año 1146. Tula se encuentra en el Norte de la colina de sredneruskaya en la orilla del río upy en 193 km al sur de Moscú. El Kremlin de Tula, el Museo de armas, el pan de jengibre de Tula son famosos en todo el mundo. Tula es una antigua capital de armas. Música-Alexander Zimin
Tula é uma antiga e bela cidade russa, o primeiro mencionado na Nikon crônica do século XVI, sob o ano de 1146. Tula está localizado no Norte do planalto Central da rússia no Banco da UPA de rio, 193 km ao Sul de Moscou. Tula Kremlin, o Museu de armas, Tula de gengibre são conhecidos por todo o mundo. Tula é a antiga capital dos braços. Música - Alexandre Zimin
تولا قديمة جميلة المدينة الروسية ، ذكر لأول مرة في نيكون وقائع القرن السادس عشر تحت سنة 1146. تولا يقع في شمال المركزي الروسي المرتفعات على ضفة نهر أوبا, 193 كم جنوب موسكو. تولا الكرملين ومتحف الأسلحة تولا الزنجبيل هي معروفة في جميع أنحاء العالم. تولا هي العاصمة القديمة من الأسلحة. الموسيقى - الكسندر زيمين
तुला एक प्राचीन रूसी शहर, पहली बार में उल्लेख Nikon के क्रॉनिकल XVI सदी के अंतर्गत वर्ष 1146. तुला में स्थित है उत्तर में केन्द्रीय रूस अपलैंड के बैंक पर यूपीए की नदी, 193 किमी मास्को के दक्षिण. तुला, क्रेमलिन के संग्रहालय हथियार, तुला जिंजरब्रेड कर रहे हैं दुनिया भर में जाना जाता है. तुला की प्राचीन राजधानी है, हथियार है । संगीत - अलेक्जेंडर Zimin
Tula è un'antica bella città russa, menzionata per la prima volta nella Cronaca Nikon del XVI secolo sotto l'anno 1146. Tula si trova nel nord della Russia centrale, sulla riva del fiume UPA, 193 km a sud di Mosca. Tula Kremlin, Museo delle armi, Tula Pan di zenzero sono conosciuti in tutto il mondo. Tula è l'antica capitale delle armi. Musica-Alexander Zimin
トゥーラは古代の美しいロシアの都市で、1146年の16世紀のニコン-クロニクルで最初に言及されています。 Tulaは、モスクワの南193kmのUPA川岸にある中央ロシア陸地の北部に位置しています。 トゥーラクレムリン、武器の博物館、トゥーラジンジャーブレッドは、世界中で知られています。 トゥーラは古代の武器の首都です。 音楽-アレクサンダー Zimin
图拉是一个古老的美丽的俄罗斯城市,在今年1146下的十六世纪的尼康编年史中首次提到。 图拉位于莫斯科以南193公里的乌帕河岸上的俄罗斯中部高地北部。 图拉克里姆林宫,武器博物馆,图拉姜饼在世界各地都是众所周知的。 图拉是武器的古都。 音乐-亚历山大*紫敏
툴라 고대 아름다운 러시아어 도시,처음에서 언급한 니콘 기록의 XVI 세기에서 올해 1146 니다. 툴라에 위치하고 북쪽의 중앙 러시아의 고지대의 은행에 UPA 강 193km 남부 모스크바입니다. 툴라 크렘린,박물관에 무기,툴라 진저 브레드는 전 세계에 알려져 있습니다. 툴라의 고대 수도의 무기입니다. 음악-알렉산더 Zimin
Tula is'n antieke pragtige russiese stad, die eerste keer genoem in die Nikon kroniek van die SESTIENDE eeu onder die jaar 1146. Tula is geleë in die Noorde van die Sentrale russiese berg op die Bank van die ÚPA rivier, 193 km Suid van Moskou. Tula Kremlin, die Museum van wapens, Tula peperkoek is bekend oor die hele wêreld. Tula is die antieke hoofstad van die arms. Musiek - Alexander Zimin
Tula kuno indah kota rusia, pertama kali disebutkan dalam Nikon chronicle XVI di bawah tahun 1146. Tula terletak di Utara rusia Tengah dataran tinggi di tepi UPA sungai, 193 km sebelah Selatan Moskow. Tula Kremlin, Museum senjata, Tula jahe dikenal di seluruh dunia. Tula adalah ibukota kuno dari lengan. Musik - Alexander Zimin
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Тула: Музей оружия / Russia: Weaponry Museum in Tula
Прогулка по новому зданию Музея оружия в Туле /
First mentioned in the historical chronicles in 1146, Tula became the greatest ironworking centre of Eastern Europe in the beginning of the 18th century. The oldest museum in the city, showcasing the history of weapons, was inaugurated in 1724. The new museum building can be seen in this video
Россия: Тульский кремль / Russia: Tula Kremlin
Москва: Бородинская панорама/Moscow: The battle of Borodino panorama museum)
Крым: Панорама обороны Севастополя /Siege Of Sevastopol In A Panorama
Крым: Севастополь / Crimea: Sevastopol
Москва: в районе Чистых прудов /Moscow: Chistye Prudy - an old central district
Москва: Юсуповский дворец / Moscow: Yusupov palace
Прогулка по Москве-реке / Moscow river cruise
Москва: Кремль / The Moscow Kremlin
США: Нью-Йорк, вид на Манхеттен / NYC: Manhattan view
США: Нью-Йорк, Манхэттен, 42-ая улица / NYC: Manhattan, 42nd street
Аквариум в Нью-Йорке / New York Aquarium
США: Нью-Йорк, новая обзорная площадка /NYC: One World Observatory
Подмосковье: усадьба Ивановское/Moscow region: Ivanovskoye estate
Нью-Йорк: публичная библиотека / New York Public Library
Tula - the homeland of Russian arms, a samovar and gingerbread. / Тула, тульские бренды.
Tula — a city in Russia, administrative center of Tula region and the city district the city of Tula. Tula - Hero city (c 1976).Tula is located North of the Central Russian upland on the Bank of the Upa river 180 km South of Moscow. The city stretches from North to South — 30 km, from West to East and 25 km from
According to the results held in 2014 the all-Russian competition on a rank the Most comfortable urban (rural) settlement of Russia Tula took third place in the category Urban settlements (urban districts), are the administrative centers (capitals) of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The first mention of Tula in the Nikon chronicle dates to 1146 year, but even earlier mentions of the settlement old town at the confluence of the Tulitsa river in Upa river, whose name became the name of the city.
Located on the territory of the city cultural heritage represent a great value and are an integral part of world cultural heritage. On the territory of Tula there are more than 300 objects of cultural heritage: monuments of architecture and urban planning, history, monumental art works, archaeological. Tula is a large industrial, scientific and cultural center, an important railway junction, with the number of living 485 930. (2016), within the boundaries of the urban district 551 642 people (2016). Population density — 3432 persons per 1 km2. Polycentric Tula-Novomoskovsk agglomeration has a population of about 1 million people. The territory of the city intersect, or run adjacent to important strategic roads of Federal significance: Moscow — Crimea, Kaluga — Tula — Mikhailov — Ryazan, and a major railway line Moscow — Donbass, Tula — Kozelsk, connecting Tula with other Russian regions and countries near and far abroad. From city there are railway to Moscow, Orel, Kaluga, Uzlovaya, Kozelsk.
Scopaesthesic - Violblast (Tula, Russia)
Night Tula, Russia
April, 2 2013
Город Тула... Tula city, Russia
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Tula (Russian: Тула) is an industrial city and the administrative center of Tula Oblast, Russia, located 193 kilometers south of Moscow, on the Upa River. Population: 501,169 (2010 Census); 539,980 (1989 Census).
.شهر تولا مرکز استان تولا در روسیه است.
.این شهر در بخش اروپایی روسیه و در فاصله ۱۶۵ کیلومتری مسکو واقع شدهاست. جمعیت آن ۵۴۳ هزار نفر است.
تولا بهخاطر صنعت سماورسازی خود مشهور است. در روسی زبانزدی وجود دارد که میگوید این کار مانند «سماور به تولا بردن» ..است (قابل مقایسه با «زیره به کرمان بردن» در فارسی). موزهای نیز به نام موزه سماور تولا در این شهر وجود دارد
تولا، روسيا هي إحدى مدن روسيا في الكيان الفدرالي الروسي تولا أوبلاست.0
图拉(俄语:Тула,俄语拉丁字母拼写:Tula)是俄罗斯欧洲地区的工业市镇,位於莫斯科以南165公里,有Upa流经。人口:481,216 (2002人口普查); 543,000 (1990 est.).图拉是图拉州的行政中心,地理位置:54°12′N 37°37′E,区码:+7 4872。
Tula Central Park and Museum, Russia.
Tula Central Park and Museum, Russia. Tula city, Russia .Originally on the site of the park was the city dump. As the city was expanding and the presence of the nearby waste could affect the sanitary condition of the city. The park was established in 1893 when by the initiative Белоусов, Пётр Петрович (врач), who was the health officer of Tula city, the waste was covered with soil and on this place were planted the trees. Thus, Park appeared in southward outskirts of Tula city and had area of 36 ha. Three years later after Park was established in 1886 Tula's gubernia newspaper Vedomosti were writing there was appeared Park-like forest on an area of 35 acres. Central Park was greatly expanded in 1950th when the city-owned land was being allocated an additional more than 100 ha for planting plants. A landscape design of the park has being changed over time. Thus the park of Belousov's time was completed by various trees with dominated the birch and admixtures of oak, linden, ash.
The Central Park was opened on 36 ha of city-owned land and was expanded to its current size of 143 ha of them the forest occupies 97 ha, a cascade of three ponds covers 11 ha and the size of recreational area is about 35 ha. Among some 90 species of the trees and shrubs are growing within the Park there have been dominated by birch, ash tree, oak, pine, maple, basswood, though there are also some rare species such as phellodendron amurense, quercus rubra, pinus sibirica, salix alba, and others. The flora of the Park is characterized by big diversity the herbaceous plants that are represented by 200 species of grasses. Various birds and mammals live in the Central Park. There is a local zoo area that is inhabited many types of birds (including Cygnus cygnus, Cygnus atratus, peafowls, phasianus, parrots, and others). Also in the Park are roes, foxes, goats, and rabbits.
Tula State University, Campus area, Part 1, Tula, Russia .
Tula State University (TSU) (Russian: Ту́льский госуда́рственный университе́т, ТулГУ) is the biggest state university in Tula, Central Russia. Since May 2006 its rector is Mikhail Gryazev, professor, doctor of technical sciences. More than 20,000 students, 400 postgraduates, and foreign students from 45 countries study at Tula State University. The university consists of nine faculties (colleges), a medical institute, a center of pre-university studies, a regional centre for professional development, and 73 departments (chairs).
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