song : sunset lover - petit biscuit
Tanzania 2010 - Part 1
Dar es Salaam YMCA Our first few days on expedition with World Challenge in Southern Tanzania
Tanzania motorbike adventure
For more info and booking:
World Challenge South Tanzania 2018 Week 2 Project
World Challenge Expedition to South Tanzania 2018, week 2 , our Community Project at Wangama Primary School, near Iringa
Tanzania on bikes
This is our motorcycle adventure tough Tanzania an Kenya on september 2019.
-Kenya C103 around the Amboseli National Park
- Usambara Mountains (Lushoto)
- Himo , Moshi, Hot springs, Arusha
- Serengeti National Park
- Ngorongoro Crater
- Zanzibar.
Alex Roy and Hugues Beauregard from Montreal Canada.
My Tanzanian Experience 2016
In 2015 and 2016 I was able to go to Tanzania!! Wow!!! My school and I went for 8 days, we were able to build half a house for teachers, built a goat shed and put up a solar system for a local family. During the two last days we went on safari. I appreciate that Nord Anglia Education was able to do this amazing trip for the second time!! Thank you so much to everybody who organized it.
Day 3 in Tanzania! The trip to Magoroto Forest was a blast! Check it out! I finally managed some drone shots too!
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Road trip to Arusha Tanzania Journey 2015 New Year
Our road trip from Nairobi to Arusha and back for New Year 2016. 1st vlog ever inspired by Casey Neistat.
Tanzania 2019 - Camps International
Myself and 17 other students went on a one month trip to Tanzania with Camps international. There, we carried out different projects as shown in the video. We visited many places for the project work including Kidia, Usambara Mountains, Tanga, Ndarakwai, Lake Manyara and Moshi. The project work included:
Erosion management-
This was a project at a local school, where the playground was eroding quickly. This was due to the school being situated on a hill (Kilimanjaro foothills). Our aim was to dig out a pit for
rubbish, and to use the soil to fill reused sugar bags, which were then sewn up and placed on the ground. This then made it a secure place for the children to play. This project took 2 days to complete.
Planting banana trees-
Each of us split into 5 groups, where we then helped the local ‘mums’ to plant banana trees! The trees would take 3 months to grow, which would then help to feed the family.
Building a mud hut-
This project was one of the most important which we did. We visited a local village where a man had started to build a hut for himself and his family. Unfortunately, he lost his eyesight mid way through building it, so we came to help finish it off. We mixed dirt and water to create mud and this was placed in the pre-existing supports. Once dried, we filled the gaps of the walls by throwing mud onto them once more. As a group, we managed to complete a few of the walls and the hut was almost finished! This was by far the longest project we had spent time on, taking 4 days for us to finish.
Creating flip flop art-
As pasty of the beach cleanup in Tanzania, we helped to clear some of the rubbish which had been left on the beach, in this case flip flops. A local artist had shown us a handful of his projects he had created, using old washed up sandals. We had a go at creating our own animals, and the most popular were turtles and lizards.
Digging a watering hole-
During our stay at Ndarakwai, our group carried tools and equipment for 45 minutes until we reached the watering hole site. Our job was to dig out part of this watering hole in order for the animals to stay hydrated during the dry season. This also encourages migration of animals towards that area and helped them thrive.
Building foundations for a school-
This was another important project we took part in. Previously, another few groups had started to build classrooms for the local children. This was so that they didn’t have to walk as far to get good education which would be much beneficial for them. Our role was to help build foundations for one of the classrooms. This included mixing concrete by hand, breaking rocks, and lifting the materials bucket by bucket in order to get the project completed. It took two days to complete this, and the classrooms should be complete by other Camps International groups.
Painting classrooms-
Nearer to the end of our expedition, we had the chance to paint a school which was already up and running. Team Embe spent the whole day painting 3 classrooms (exterior) as well as the windows and doors, in the hope that its make the school a more welcoming environment, important for education.
Leisure time:
During our stay in Tanzania, we had rest and relaxation days, which meant we had the day to do what we liked! The sort of activities we did varied, depending on which camp we were at. For example, in Camp Tanga, we enjoyed the amazing beach and sea, and we challenged the other groups to a volleyball match! We also had the chance to carry on with unfinished flip flop art, and this allowed people to finish off larger projects such as elephants. At other camps however, when there wasn’t a warm sea, we usually went to local shops to buy souvenirs for family and yourself. We played group games such as Uno and created our own entertainment. This was great, as by the end of the trip we all felt like family.
Camp life:
Camp life varied depending on where we were. Some camps had simple facilities, like toilets and showers but at most camps we could find a western toilet somewhere! Wherever we went, we either stayed in tents or a bunk bed type dormitory. The mattresses were usually comfy.
Every so often we would stay in a hotel at Moshi where we could enjoy the comfort of WiFi, comfy beds and hot showers. At the end of the trip, the group went back there for our final night to order pizza before our final fair-wells.
Most camps had similar food- rice, chapatis, stew, beans. However it isn’t as bad as it sounds. We usually had 2 cooked meals a day and usually a cooked breakfast. Every now and then we’d get noodles, pasta, pizza and burgers (mainly at Tanga). If this wasn’t enough, there were plenty of opportunities to stop off at supermarkets and buy pringles and chocolate to snack on!
Tanzania Big Five Reise 2019
Ein kleiner Einblick in die Rundreise Big Five im August 2019.
Vom Tarangire bis zur Serengeti, vom Ngorongoro Krater zum Kilimanjaro und über die Usambara Berge bis nach Zanzibar.
“Big Five bedeutet im Safari-Latein die Beobachtung der Großen Fünf: Elefant, Löwe, Nashorn, Büffel und Leopard.Für uns ist Big Five die Verwirklichung einer Reise nach Afrika, 5 Reiseschwerpunkte zu einer außergewöhnlichen Tour zusammenzufügen. Safaritage, Wanderungen, Naturerlebnis, Begegnung mit der einheimischen Bevölkerung und Erholung. Wir bieten die Möglichkeit, alles zusammen in Tanzania zu erleben.
Mwanafunzi aliyetisha darasani.
tatizo la elimu tanzania wanafunzi hawajifunzi kitu mashuleni,
tatizo ni walimu au wanafunzi.
Mount Kilimanjaro - Tanzania Africa
Welcome to Mount Kilimanjaro a dormant volcano which is the highest mountain in Africa.
The view of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Africa from the camp site in Marangu Hotel at the base of Kili.
TANZANIA: Safari in the Serengeti & Ngorongoro Crater and Scuba Diving in Zanzibar
An upbeat well edited video of a trip to Tanzania.
Music by Amon Tobin
Paragliding Tanzania, Teletubbie hill, Wings of Kilimanjaro
Before the beginning of expedition Wings of Kilimanjaro, some participants went to a hill to fly, and did great soaring!
Serengeti Safari met een Rasta. Aanrader?! - VLOG 2 // Noord-Tanzania
Wanneer we vanuit Mwanza richting de kust rijden, kunnen we een safari door de Serengeti natuurlijk niet overslaan! Zo'n safari blijft mooi. We hebben er alleen voor gekozen om met een rasta op safari te gaan, en dus hebben we alleen maar panne.. Goedkoop is duurkoop!
Gelukkig bezoeken we wel een heel fancy tented camp, dat leuk is voor reizigers die iets meer te besteden hebben. Het kamp ligt in de open vlakten van het park: 'Serengeti' betekent 'Great Open Space' in de taal van de Maasai.
De Serengeti is één van de grootste wildparken van Afrika, en grenst aan de Keniaanse Maasai Mara (wat dus eigenlijk gewoon aan elkaar vastzit. Het hele jaar door trekken miljoenen beesten door deze twee parken, op zoek naar eten: The Great Migration is één van de mooiste safari experiences die er is!
◎ Over deze reis ◎
Het is februari 2016: het hoogseizoen zit erop, dus het is time to travel! 15 jaar daarvoor zette ik voor het eerst voet op Afrikaanse grond in Tanzania en maakte we de standaard safari-reis in 't noorden naar de parken en Zanzibar. Fantastische reis, maar gelukkig kwam ik er in 2014 achter dat er meer was.
Ik zag er al twee jaar naar uit om Tanzania te gaan verkennen. Ik was vaak in Arusha en Moshi geweest en had al veel over het land geleerd. En nu was het dan eindelijk zover: tijd voor de eerste grote trip, going offbeat in Tanzania. In zes weken tijd van de oevers van Lake Victoria, naar het paradijselijke eilandje Pemba ten noorden van Zanzibar.
Wat er tussen Mwanza en Pemba in ligt? We deden toch nog een keer de parken, Lake Natron met de actieve vulkaan Ol Doinyo Lengai, voor mij het inmiddels bekende Arusha, Moshi en de Kili, het Usambara-gebergte dat ik al eens kort had bezocht, Tanga, en de stranden aan de Indische Oceaan. Ik had het geluk dat 2 goeie vrienden net waren afgestudeerd en tijd hadden om mee te gaan. TUENDE, TUENDE, LET's GO!
◎ Meer zien? ◎
Check mijn YouTube-kanaal voor meer video's! Bekijk bijvoorbeeld de vlogreeksen die ik opnam in Kenia, Zuid-Afrika en Oeganda of bekijk de lijst met experience video's om te zien hoe reizen met Charlie's Travels er in de praktijk aan toe gaat.
◎ Mijn verhaal? ◎
Keurig geschoren en met een kort kapseltje arriveerde ik in 2014 in Kenia om te beginnen met een stage in de financiële sector. Kisumu, gelegen aan Lake Victoria in het oosten van het land, werd mijn nieuwe thuis. Ik kocht er meteen een kleine motor, een Honda Boxer waarmee ik Afrika ging verkennen.
Al na een jaar realiseerde ik mij dat finance verre van ‘my cup of tea’ is – niet zo verassend misschien. Tijd voor iets anders! Ik begon zelfgemaakte flyers uit te delen aan expats, voor ‘off the beaten track’ reizen naar mijn nieuwe thuisland Kenia. Mijn unique selling point was dat ik het drukke toeristencircus en de platgelopen paden zoveel mogelijk vermeed.
Door zelf te reizen maakte ik een andere kant van Kenia beschikbaar voor avontuurlijke reizigers. Het bleek dat mensen hier net zo wild van werden als ik! Mijn business sense groeide net zo snel als zowel mijn haar als mijn passie voor reizen en inmiddels is Charlie’s Travels uitgegroeid tot een jong reisbureau, gespecialiseerd in tailor-made avontuurlijke reizen.
◎ Volg Charlie’s Travels! ◎
Mijn avonturen kun je volgen via Facebook, Instagram en YouTube! Op die laatste pagina komen al mijn vlogs een week eerder online dan op mijn andere kanalen, dus zorg ervoor dat je je daar abonneert als je geen enkele vlog meer wil missen! Verder lees je op onze site meer over familiereizen, lustrumreizen en reizen voor ‘lovebirds‘ én maken we elke week meerdere blogposts!
Informatie over onze reizen: charlies-travels.com
Facebook: facebook.com/charlietravelseverywhere
Instagram: instagram.com/charlies_travels_
So last month me and my friend Elias benjamin the CEO of @Tanzaniadestination planned a trip to Magoroto Forest in Tanga,Tanzania...it was a three day trip but it brought unforgettable memories in our lifes and especially to me. We had a chance to visit the amazing view of the lake which is the end trail of a hard but fun hike to Kitulo peak...so just to give you some highlights of the place i prepared this short vlog so enjoy..
Gears used
1. Canon 60D with 50mm lens
2. DJI phantom 3proffesional
3. Gopro hero 5 black
4. Hand held gimbal
my instagram
follow @magoroto.forest
my special thanks @TanzaniaDestination
Song: Ikson - Heartbeat (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link:
Mbaga slideshow
4+ minute slideshow made from pics by Steve L, Deanna Y. and Brian Coffin. Expedition week 1 in the Southern Pare Mountains.
Music = Ziggy Marley, Joy & Blues.
CaTs Itchy Feet - Tanzania
A short video of our first few weeks in Tanzania. Nothing particularly exciting, but it gives an idea of the variety & beauty in this wonderful country.
THE TEACHER'S COUNTRY | offizieller Trailer | deutsch
THE TEACHER's COUNTRY ist jetzt bei Prime Video!
Ein Dokumentarfilm von Benjamin Leers | Deutschland 2013 | 70 min.
I have some hope for this country. Sagt Madaraka Nyerere, der jüngste Sohn des ersten Präsidenten Tansanias 50 Jahre nach der Unabhängigkeit des Landes. Als er sich Anfang Dezember 2011 auf den Weg macht, zum fünften Mal den Kilimanjaro zu besteigen und am Unabhängigkeitstag auf dem Gipfel zu stehen, hängen dunkle Wolken über der höchsten Erhebung Afrikas. In diesem Moment beginnt nicht nur seine persönliche Reise, sondern auch ein Film, der durch beobachtende Porträts versucht, ein Land durch seine Menschen zu erkunden und zu verstehen.
Die Begleitung Madaraka Nyereres umrahmt die Geschichte der allein erziehenden Köchin Bertha Goha in Dar es Salaam, die für eine kirchliche Einrichtung arbeitet und durch die langen Arbeitszeiten ihre Tochter fast nur in ihren Pausen antrifft. Oder die von Laurent Nestory, der als Lehrer auf der Insel Kome im Viktoriasee lebt, wo es weder fließendes Wasser noch Strom gibt. Im trockenen Hinterland des Viktoriasees beobachtet der Film den Pfarrer Thomas Bilingi, der pragmatisch und mit viel Weitsicht die Entwicklung seines Umfeldes vorantreibt.
Währenddessen folgt THE TEACHER'S COUNTRY Madaraka Nyerere auf der schwierigen und auslaugenden einwöchigen Besteigung auf den „Gipfel der Freiheit, auf knapp 6000 Meter Höhe. Starker Regen, Kälte, streikende Porter und die dünne Höhenluft machen den Aufstieg zu einer großen Herausforderung. Wie ein roter Faden zieht sie sich durch den Film und verbindet die Geschichten miteinander.
THE TEACHER'S COUNTRY ist ein beobachtender Einblick in die alltägliche Lebenswelt der Protagonisten, die ihre Einschätzungen zum Status quo Tansanias 50 Jahre nach der Unabhängigkeit von Großbritannien mit dem Zuschauer teilen. Der Film erzählt von ihren Hoffnungen und Enttäuschungen, von ihren Erfahrungen, Erfolgen, Wünschen und Sorgen. Madaraka Nyerere reflektiert während seiner Expedition durch mehrere Klimazonen auf den Kilimanjaro die Herausforderungen, vor denen sein Vater vor 50 Jahren stand und vor denen Tansania jetzt steht.
East African Campaign (World War I) | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:02:04 1 Background
00:04:45 1.1 Objectives
00:06:49 2 Campaign history
00:06:59 2.1 Operations, 1914–15
00:12:49 2.2 The naval war
00:14:01 2.3 Lake Tanganyika expedition
00:15:38 2.4 British Empire reinforcements, 1916
00:18:57 2.5 Belgian operations, 1916–17
00:21:47 2.6 Operations, 1917–18
00:24:52 3 Aftermath
00:25:01 3.1 Analysis
00:26:34 3.2 Casualties
00:30:32 4 See also
00:30:49 5 Notes
00:30:58 6 Footnotes
00:31:07 7 Bibliography
00:31:17 8 Further reading
00:31:26 9 External links
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I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
The East African Campaign in World War I was a series of battles and guerrilla actions, which started in German East Africa (GEA) and spread to portions of Portuguese Mozambique, Northern Rhodesia, British East Africa, the Uganda Protectorate, and the Belgian Congo. The campaign all but ended in German East Africa in November 1917 when the Germans entered Portuguese Mozambique and continued the campaign living off Portuguese supplies.The strategy of the German colonial forces, led by Lieutenant Colonel (later Generalmajor) Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck, was to divert Allied forces from the Western Front to Africa. His strategy achieved only mixed results after 1916, when he was driven out of GEA and Allied forces became composed almost entirely of South African, Indian, and other colonial troops. Black South African troops were not considered for European service as a matter of policy, while all Indian units had been withdrawn from the Western Front by the end of 1915. The campaign in Africa consumed considerable amounts of money and war material that could have gone to other fronts.The Germans in East Africa fought for the whole of the war, receiving word of the armistice on 14 November 1918 at 07:30 hours. Both sides waited for confirmation, with the Germans formally surrendering on 25 November. GEA became two League of Nations Class B Mandates, Tanganyika Territory of the United Kingdom and Ruanda-Urundi of Belgium, while the Kionga Triangle was ceded to Portugal.