Veľká Fatra
Greater Fatra (also Great Fatra) - mountains and national park situated in the central part of Slovakia, Western Carpathians.The highest mountain is Ostredok with 1592 m a.s.l. For more informations see e.g.
Bike Trip: Vrútky - Veľká Fatra - Banská Bystrica /2017/
GPX here:
Donovaly a Veľká Fatra
Exkluzívne zábery z vtáčej perspektívy na Donovaly a okolie v národnom parku Veľká Fatra.
Banska Bystrica Travel
Banska Bystrica Travel - Banská Bystrica is a city in Central Slovakia. Banska Bystrica is situated in central Slovakia between the national parks Velka Fatra and Nizke Tatry (north of the city), the national park Polana (east of the city), and the Stiavnicke Vrchy (southwest of the city). Banska Bystrica is the capital of the region (kraj) Banska Bystrica. It has 81,704 inhabitants (2005)
Enjoy Your Banska Bystrica Travel!
Donovaly skialp, Nová hoľa , Park snow Donovaly
Promo video just for fun from skialp from donovaly to Nova Hola.
Beautiful mountain panorama, excellent ski conditions, events full of adrenaline, a lot of attractions. Ski resort Park Snow Donovaly is situated between the National Park Low Tatras and Veľká Fatra. It is 25 km away from Banská Bystrica. There are maintained ski slopes suitable for beginners and also for advanced skiers and snowboarders. The terrains are suitable for riding, jumping with many rails and obstacles. Night skiing, discos on the snow, racing dog sleds, paragliding, flying in tandem, toboggan run, wellness and many other interesting services are provided in this ski resort. The resort offers a wide range of accommodation and catering.
Donovaly - Nová hoľa 916 - 1360 m
Jedným z najznámejších vrchov Veľkej Fatry je vrch Nová Hoľa vypínajúci sa nad obcou Donovaly. Na jeho východných svahoch sa nachádzajú lyžiarske zjazdovky a vleky. Z vrcholu ležiaceho vo výške 1361 m n. m. sa naskytajú krásne výhľady na panorámu Nízkych Tatier a Veľkej Fatry. Z Novej hole možno poľahky vystúpiť na blízky vrch Zvolen. Východiskom túr do tejto oblasti môžu byť Donovaly, Veľký Šturec či Liptovské Revúce (časť Nižná Revúca). Počas letnej turistickej sezóny sa možno na Novú Hoľu vyviezť lanovkou z Donovál.
Horská obec Donovaly sa nachádza severne od Banskej Bystrice v nadmorskej výške 960 metrov, na rozhraní pohorí Veľká Fatra a Starohorské vrchy. Jednotlivé osady obce ležia tak na severných (liptovských), ako aj južných (horehronských) svahoch horského sedla, pričom hranica katastra, a teda i okresu Banská Bystrica, prechádza takmer k osade Korytnica. V južnej časti sedla pramení Starohorský potok, ktorého prítoky odvádzajú vodu do Hrona, severnú časť chotára odvodňujú prítoky Korytnice.
Obe najbližšie mestá – Banská Bystrica i Ružomberok – sú vzdialené približne 27 km a dostupné po ceste I/59. Východná časť chotára zasahuje do Národného parku Nízke Tatry a v tejto časti sa nachádza aj prírodná rezervácia Štrosy.
Lyžiarske stredisko PARK SNOW Donovaly
PARK SNOW Donovaly patrí medzi najznámejšie lyžiarske strediská na Slovensku. Obec Donovaly sa rozprestiera na rozhraní Národných parkov Nízke Tatry a Veľká Fatra, od Banskej Bystrice je vzdialená 25 km, od Ružomberka 29 km.
Celková dĺžka zjazdoviek v stredisku je 11 km. Zjazdovky sú sústredené do dvoch areálov –Záhradište a Nová hoľa, tieto prepájajú tri krátke vleky.
Záhradište je vhodné pre začiatočníkov a mierne pokročilých lyžiarov. Premáva tu 4-sedačková lanovka (dĺžka 646 m, prevýšenie 117 m) a 12 lyžiarskych vlekov.
Nová hoľa spolu s Patočinami ponúka červeno-čierne zjazdovky pre stredne pokročilých a pokročilých lyžiarov. Prepravu zabezpečuje Telemix - expresná kombinovaná 6-sedačka s 8-miestnymi kabínkami (dĺžka 1325 m, prevýšenie 444 m) a jeden lyžiarsky vlek. Ponuku dopĺňa vlek Mišúty s modrou zjazdovkou v blízkosti parkoviska.
Služby v stredisku
Na Donovaloch pôsobí viaero požičovní, lyžiarskych a snowboardových škôl. Jedinečnými atrakciami, ktorými je stredisko známe, sú jazdy na psích záprahoch a snowparagliding. Pri dolnej stanici lanovky na Novú hoľu nájdete klzisko.
Riders park Záhradište je podľa viacerých nezávislých hodnotení najkvalitnejší snowpark na Slovensku. Pripravuje sa tu slovenská reprezentácia v slopestyle snowboardingu a v akrobatickom lyžovaní. Ponúka denne upravované prekážky rôznych náročností, či oddychovú zónu. V predaji je špeciálny bodový skipas pre snowpark.
Niekoľko hotelov i apartmánových domov na Donovaloch disponuje bazénmi a saunami dostupnými pre ubytovaných aj neubytovaných hostí. Najbližšími termálnymi aquaparkami sú Bešeňová (38 km cesty autom) a Lúčky (40 km cesty autom).
Bežecké trate
Na Donovaloch si na svoje určite prídu tiež vyznávači bežeckého lyžovania. K dispozícii sú 2 bežecké okruhy v okolí Polianky a Močiarov a trasa z Donovál na Šachtičku. Celková dĺžka pravidelne upravovaných bežeckých trás je 18,4 km. Sú pripravované vždy pred víkendom pre korčuliarsky štýl.
Novú mapu bežkárskych tratí je možné bezplatne získať v miestnom infocentre alebo si stiahnuť z webovej stránky, sekcia mapy.
Tipy na horskú turistiku
Donovaly ponúkajú vynikajúce podmienky na horskú turistiku, nakoľko sa nachádzajú na rozhraní dvoch národných parkov Nízke Tatry a Veľká Fatra. Vrchol Novej hole, kam vás pohodlne vyvezie moderná sedačková lanovka, je ideálnym východiskovým miestom na hrebeňové túry vo Veľkej Fatre. Z osady Polianka zasa vedie turistický náučný chodník po stopách Špaňodolinského banského vodovodu, ktorý slúžil svojmu účelu už na začiatku 16. storočia.
Krížna, Ostredok - NP Veľká Fatra
Výstup KST KROKO-VELO Tesáre na Krížnu a Ostredok (1596 m.n.m.) v NP Veľká Fatra 28.5.2016.
Veľká Fatra National Park | Wikipedia audio article
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00:02:05 Small protected areas
00:02:23 Resources
00:03:08 External links
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There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.
- Socrates
Veľká Fatra National Park (Slovak: Národný park Veľká Fatra) is a National Park in Slovakia. Most of it lies in the southern part of the Žilina Region and a small part in the northern part of Banská Bystrica Region. The national park and its protective zone comprise most of the Greater Fatra Range (Slovak: Veľká Fatra) which belongs to the Outer Western Carpathians.
The National Park was declared on 1 April 2002 as an upgrade of the Protected Landscape Area (Slovak: Chránená krajinná oblasť (CHKO) Veľká Fatra) of the same name established in 1972 to protect a mountain range with a high percentage of well-preserved Carpathian forests, with prevailing European beech, which cover 90% of the area in combination with ridge-top cattle pastures dating back to the 15th – 17th centuries, to the times of the so-called Walachian colonisation. In places there are also relict Scots pine forests and the Harmanec valley is notable as the richest Irish yew tree location in Central and probably all Europe. NP Veľká Fatra is also an important reservoir of fresh water thanks to high rainfalls and low evaporation in the area. The core of the range is built of granite which reaches the surface only in places, more common are various slates creating gently modelled ridges and summits of the so-called Hôlna Fatra and limestone and dolomite rocks creating a rough and picturesque terrain of the so-called Bralná Fatra. There are also many karst features, namely caves, Harmanec Cave being the only one open to the public.
Various rocks and therefore various soils, diverse type of terrain with gentle upland meadows and pastures, sharp cliffs and deep valleys provide for extremely rich flora and fauna. All species of big Central European carnivores live abundantly there: brown bear, grey wolf and Eurasian lynx.
The area is popular with tourists, mainly hikers and trekkers as there rather few resorts, located outside the National Park. The UNESCO World Heritage village of Vlkolínec with well-preserved log cabins lies nearby.
Ostredok - Krížna - Veľká Fatra - Hrebeňovka
Ostredok 1 596 m. n. m. najvyšší vrch Veľkej Fatry v Národnom parku Veľká Fatra.
Ostredok rázcestie 1 593 m. n. m.
Frčkov 1 585 m. n. m.
Krížna 1 574 m. n. m.
Medzinárodná Európska turistická diaľková trasa E8
Štefánikova magistrála
Cesta hrdinov SNP
YouTube - SLOVENSKO ZHORA - Tipy na výlety po Slovensku.
Slovakia from above - tips for hiking.
Hi, I live in Europe - Slovakia, and love YouTube.
It topped Lonely Planet’s Best in Europe list for 2019, which highlights the most exciting places to visit across the continent.
Visit Slovakia High Tatras, Low Tatras and other mountains in Slovakia.
Welcome to Slovakia.
Ostrá a Tlstá - Veľká Fatra
Výstup na vrch Ostrá
Túra na vrch Tlstá z Blatnice po modrej značke
Best in Europe 2019
Hrebeňom Veľkej Fatry - Trasa Ostredok rázcestie, Ostredok, Frčkov, Krížna, Líška, Obec Turecká
Hrad Muráň - Národný park Muránska planina - Muráň
Chata pod Rysmi - Sedlo pod Rysmi - Sedlo Váha - Rysy
TOP 69 Hradov, Zámkov a Zrúcanin na Slovensku
Čachtický hrad
Čachtické podzemie
Vysoké Tatry - Kriváň - Rysy - Skalnaté pleso - Lomnický štít
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Vlkolinec UNESCO Slovakia
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Chopok - Juh
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Chodník korunami stromov Bachledka
Lomnický štít - Skalnaté pleso - Vysoké Tatry.
Chopok - Nízke Tatry
Splavovanie Dunaja - Vodné dielo Gabčíkovo
Drienok 2018
Historický Prezidentský vlak
Hradisko VALY v Bojnej - Hradisko Bojná
Lanovka na Lomnický štít - Lanovka na Skalnaté pleso - Vysoké Tatry
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festival MYJAVA
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Krojované Bábätká - Kalendár 2019
Náučným chodníkom Súľovské skaly
DinoPark Bratislava 2018
Hrad Muráň. Muránska planina - Veľká lúka. Chov koní na Muránskej planine.
ZOO Bratislava 2018
Abecedný zoznam Hrady, Zámky, Kaštiele a Zrúcaniny na Slovensku ktoré som pre vás navštívil.
Castles and castle ruins in Slovakia - Europe from above.
Bratislava - turistický sprievodca mestom.
Lanovka na Lomnický štít - Lanovka na Skalnaté pleso - Vysoké Tatry
Kompa cez Dunaj
Hrady, zámky, kaštiele a krásy Slovenska.
Tips for Trips Around Slovakia.
Pozrite sa na svet z výšky.
Look at the world from a height.
Enjoy a birds eye view from the top.
Najkrajšie miesta na Slovensku.
The most beautiful places in Slovakia.
Tourism in Slovakia.
Cestovanie po Slovensku. Kam na víkend.
Traveling in Slovakia.
Prírodné krásy a zaujímavosti.
Zaujímavé kultúrne podujatia, udalosti a akcie.
Pamiatky a zaujímavé miesta.
Enjoy Castle from a bird's eye view.
Amazing Castles in Slovakia You Must Definitely See.
Secure holidays in Slovakia.
Slovakia - TOP places you need to see.
Chalupa U Kurišky, Horná Turecká, Slovakia
Chalupa U Kurišky - Buche das Hotel gleich! Spare bis zu 20% -
Surrounded by the Velka Fatra National Park and set in the village of Horná Turecká, Chalupa U Kurišky offers a self-catered accommodation with free WiFi and free private parking possible on site.
Chalupa U Kurišky features a well-fitted kitchenette with a dining table, a TV with cable channels, a seating area and a bathroom.
Other facilities offers by property include a garden with barbecue facilities.
The area is popular for skiing and hiking. Banska Bystrica town is located 15 km away and Donovaly Ski area is reachable within 14 km.
Hrebeňom Veľkej Fatry 2016 Donovaly, Zvolen
V sobotu 28.5.2016 sa uskutočnila prvá turistická akcia turistov z Radavy .
Navštívili sme pohorie Veľká Fatra, ktoré je od nás relatívne ľahko dostupné.
Prvé vrcholy sa nachádzajú kúsok za Banskou Bystricou – dostupné do 2 hodín.
Veľká Fatra je rozsiahle pohorie, ktoré bolo už od roku 1971 vyhlásené za CHKO – chránená krajinná oblasť.
Následne v roku 2002 bola vyhlásená za Národný park Veľká Fatra s tým, že platia prísnejšie
Pravidlá na ochranu prírody a pohyb v nej.
Uvedené pohorie má poväčšine hôľny charakter, čím je turisticky veľmi príťažlivá najmä v období jari
A jesene- keď sa tu dajú vidieť neskutočné scenérie.
Najvyšším vrcholom je Ostredok s výškou 1595m –umiestnený v centrálnej časti.
Turisticky najvyhľadávanejšie sú vrcholy – Krížna , Rakytov , Borišov , Kľak ,Ostrá,…
Nakoľko pohorie má hôľny charakter – v strmších pasážach je ideálne na vznik lavín.
Najväčšia lavína na Slovensku vznikla práve vo Veľkej Fatre – keď v roku 1924 sa zosunuli
Návaly snehu z vrcholu Krížnej a zasypali časť dedinky –resp. osady Rybô. Lavína si vyžiadala
18 ľudských obetí.
Najznámejšie centrá sú Donovaly, Malinô Brdo, Liptovské Revúce , Turecká.
Oblasť je známy hojným výskytom medveďa hnedého ale i ostatných živočíchov.
Popis túry:
Naša túra začala pri obecnom úrade v Radave – odchod o 7:00-autami.
-krátka zastávka v obci Turecká ,kde sme mali podľa pôvodného plánu začať s výstupom na Krížnu.
Keďže predpoveď počasia nebola ideálna ,zmenili sme pôvodný plán a presunuli sme sa na Donovaly.
Z parkoviska na Donovaloch /nadm. výška 930m/ sme vyrazili okolo 9:45 už po svojich .
Po červenej značke – smer Zvolen- výstup síce krátky ale dosť strmým terénom.
Na vrchole Zvolena /1402m/ sme stáli asi 11:30hod.
Po krátkom oddychu a obede v závetrí sme už po žltej značke pokračovali po hrebeni
A asi o ďalšiu hodinku sme stáli na ďalšom vrchole – Malý Zvolen /1371m/- čas 13:15
Najkrajšie výhľady boli z Malého Zvolena – priamo pred nami boli Rakytov, Salatín , Ploská
A cez údolie i hrebeň Nízkych Tatier počínajúc Prašivou a Veľkou Chochuľou.
Po tej istej trase sme sa vrátili a prešli na lanovkový vrchol – Nová hoľa /1372m/-čas 14:20
Vrchol Novej hole je okrem lyžiarov známy aj pre milovníkov paraglaidingu – nakoľko je svojím
Reliéfom ideálny na lietanie s padákmi.
Nakoľko sa začalo nepríjemne mračiť – veľa lietania sme si tu neužili a radšej sme zvolili zostup
Po tej istej trase na Donovaly – kde sme dorazili okolo 15:30.
Celková túra teda trvala slabých 6 hodín- pohodovým tempom, ktoré zvládli aj deti.
/najmladší to zvládli vo veku 6 rokov/
-cestou domov sme sa zastavili pod hradom Revište, ktorý sa nachádza tesne pri Žarnovici.
Pozorovali sme ho radšej len z bezpečia reštaurácie Pod hradom – kde sme si dopriali zaslúžené
Domov sme sa dostali tesne pred 20 hodinou, kde sme skonštatovali, že sme strávili celkom
vydarený deň.
Dúfajme, že nebol posledný, …..
Kto je zvedavý ako to tam vyzeralo, k dispozícii sú aj fotografie a krátky film z uvedeného
Autor Marián V.
Summer in the mountains Velka Fatra - Slovakia
German Shepherd crosses mountains Velka Fatra
autor: Zuzu
camera: Sony NEX-VG 10
Location: Slovakia, Velka Fatra mountain range - the way to the mountain hotel Kralova Studna
more info:
Music: Mike Oldfield - THE SONGS OF DISTANT EARTH - Tubular World - The Shining Ones - Crystal Clear
Street Food Festival in Slovakia, Slovak Cuisine
Farmárske trhy, Zatváranie Bánoša 2019 Banská Bystrica, Farm Markets Slovakia. Sausages, Grilled Meat, BBQ. A farmers' market is a physical retail marketplace intended to sell foods directly by farmers to consumers. Farmers' markets may be indoors or outdoors and typically consist of booths, tables or stands where farmers sell fruits, vegetables, meats, cheeses, and sometimes prepared foods and beverages. Farmers' markets exist in many countries worldwide and reflect the local culture and economy. The size of the market may be just a few stalls or it may be as large as several city blocks. Due to their nature, they tend to be less rigidly regulated than retail produce shops
They are distinguished from public markets, which are generally housed in permanent structures, open year-round, and offer a variety of non-farmer/non-producer vendors, packaged foods and non-food products
Banská Bystrica Slovakia. anská Bystrica (Slovak pronunciation: [ˈbanskaː ˈbistritsa] ( listen), also known by other alternative names) is a city in central Slovakia located on the Hron River in a long and wide valley encircled by the mountain chains of the Low Tatras, the Veľká Fatra, and the Kremnica Mountains. With 78 327 inhabitants, Banská Bystrica is the sixth most populous municipality in Slovakia] The present town was founded by German settlers,] however it was built upon a former Slavic settlement. It obtained the municipal privileges of a free royal town of the Kingdom of Hungary in 1255. The copper mining town acquired its present picturesque look in the Late Middle Ages when the prosperous burghers built its central churches, mansions, and fortifications. It is the capital of the kraj (Banská Bystrica Region) and the okres (Banská Bystrica District). It is also the home of Matej Bel University. As a historical city with an easy access to the surrounding mountains, Banská Bystrica is a popular winter and summer tourist destination.
Winter Sports in Slovakia - Unravel Travel TV
Winter sports are very popular in Slovakia thanks to well-equipped resorts that attract many local as well as foreign visitors. Except skiing and cross-country you can do snowboarding, Ski-mountaineering, try a bobsleigh track, snowrafting or snowtubing, unique Boarder Cross track, or winter paragliding.
The level of Slovak ski resorts has been improving from year to year. Ski resorts invest in extension and improvement of their services, reaching the standard of foreign resorts. Today top skiing resorts are equipped with après-ski bars or entertainment centres organising various interesting events for visitors. Maintained top quality ski slopes, cross-country tracks, snowboard parks, ski schools and nurseries, night skiing, ski rental – visitors to Slovak ski resorts can expect all of the above. Non-skiers can go wild on the adrenalin rides such as snowtubing, kitewing, bobsleigh and sledge runs and on the ice-rinks. The top ski resorts feature après-ski bars and entertainment centres, as well as ski shuttles which take accommodated guests all the way on to the slopes.
Vysoké Tatry – Tatranská Lomnica
Prešovský kraj, okres Poprad, Vysoké Tatry The Tatranská Lomnica ski area is home to Lomnické sedlo, the highest and steepest piste starting at an elevation of 2,190 m above sea level, with 1,300 m of vertical, a 5-month snow guarantee, the latest chair and gondola lifts and expanded pistes widened to 60 m.
Vysoké Tatry – Štrbské Pleso
Prešovský kraj, okres Poprad, Vysoké Tatry Štrbské Pleso, the highest situated settlement in the Tatras Mountains, offers 9km of easy to moderately difficult ski runs on the southern slopes of Predné Solisko, which are popular especially with families and advanced skiers.
PARK SNOW Donovaly
Banskobystrický kraj, okres Banská Bystrica, Donovaly The PARK SNOW Donovaly ski area is located where the Low Tatra and Veľká Fatra National Parks meet. This ski area is the best known in Slovakia. A feature unique to Donovaly is the second-largest skiing facility dedicated exclusively to children in Europe.
Vrátna Free Time Zone
Žilinský kraj, okres Žilina, Terchová The ski resort Vrátna Free Time Zone is situated in the Malá Fatra National Park and is one of the four highest situated resorts in Slovakia. Ski runs are located at altitudes up to 1520m.
Snowparadise Veľká Rača
Žilinský kraj, okres Čadca, Oščadnica The international ski resort Snowparadise Veľká Rača Oščadnica is situated in the Kysuce region in the Kysucké Beskydy Mountains. The location of the resort is very interesting as it is located near the Czech Republic and Polish border. Access to the resort is trouble free and securely maintained during the winter.
Ski Bachledova
Prešovský kraj, okres Poprad, Ždiar The Ski Bachledova family ski area covers northern and southern slopes of the Spiš Magura mountain ranges with a beautiful panorama of the Belianske Tatras. This area offers excellent skiing on three connected valleys with a season-long snow guarantee.
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Spania Dolina, Velka Fatra - Slovakia
Zvolen to Banska Bystrica : Sicily to Ukraine by camper van part 77
In this film, I leave Zvolen and head the 20km route towards Banská Bystrica in Slovakia on the E77 route. I get lost en route owing to new roads which are not shown on my satellite navigation system.
Zvolen has been inhabited since Paleolithic times and the first Slav settlement was founded in the ninth century. In the 11th and 12th centuries, one of the largest medieval castles in Europe, Pustý hrad, was constructed. The town, originally built under the castle, lay on an important trade route (Via Magna) from Buda to Kraków. Zvolen was granted town privileges by King Béla IV in the 1230s - as one of the first towns in the Kingdom of Hungary. The privileges were confirmed on 28 December 1243. King Louis I built a new castle, which became a popular hunting resort of the Hungarian kings. The future queen regnant Mary of Hungary and emperor Sigismund celebrated their wedding there in 1385.
In the Rákóczi's War of Independence the Kuruc army in the battle of Zvolen defeated forces from Austria, Denmark, Vojvodina and Hungary.
In 1848-49, Ľudovít Štúr was a member of the Diet, with Zvolen as his constituency. In 1871-1872, two new railways were built and Zvolen became an important railroad hub and important industrial centre. Zvolen played an important role during the Slovak National Uprising. Two of its armored trains, which were made in the local railway manufactory, Hurban and Štefánik can be seen near the Zvolen castle.
Zvolen is an important railroad, an important road hub and has a large timber factory and a technical university. An airport in nearby Sliač offers direct flights to Prague. The town square was modernized in 2002 and local businesses are popular with tourists. In wintertime an ice rink is constructed in the center and festive celebrations run throughout December.
Banská Bystrica was founded thanks to deposits of copper, silver, gold, and iron. The present city was built upon a former Slavic settlement which became part of the Kingdom of Hungary. According to Slovak archaeologists Banská Bystrica started as a permanent settlement in the 9th century although it may have been destroyed by the Mongols in 1243--44. In 1255 King Béla IV granted Banská Bystrica extensive municipal privileges, in order to attract more skilled settlers. Descendants of the German immigrants to this and other counties became later known as the Carpathian Germans. Banská Bystrica became one of the world's largest producers of copper by the 16th century. With the most sophisticated mining technologies in Europe, an advanced accounting system, and benefits including medical care for its 1,000 employees, the main mining company Ungarischer Handel was one of the largest and most modern early-capitalist firms.
Banská Bystrica became one of the foremost centers of the Protestant Reformation in the Kingdom of Hungary in the 16th century. Copper deposits had been all but depleted by the 18th century, but new industries, such as timber, paper, and textiles, developed.
During World War II, Banská Bystrica became the center of anti-Nazi opposition in Slovakia when the Slovak National Uprising, one of the largest anti-Nazi resistance events in Europe, was launched from the city on 29 August 1944. The insurgents were defeated on 27 October, however, and Banská Bystrica was briefly occupied by the German forces before it was liberated by Soviet and Romanian troops on 26 March 1945. After the war, Banská Bystrica became the administrative, economic, and cultural hub of central Slovakia. It has been a university town since the 1950s. Its largest Matej Bel University was founded in 1992.
Banská Bystrica lies at an altitude of 362 metres above sea level and covers an area of 103.37 square kilometres.
Banská Bystrica is situated in the Hron River valley (Slovak: Pohronie). The Hron River curves through the city from the east to the south. The city nests among three mountain chains: the Low Tatras to the north-east, the Veľká Fatra to the north-west, and the Kremnica Mountains to the west. All three are protected areas because of their environmental value. Banská Bystrica hosts the headquarters of the Low Tatra National Park. Despite the proximity of these mountain ranges, the local landscape is dominated by the much lower Urpín Mountain, 510 metres.
Farmers Market Slovakia, Street Food Slovakia, Sausages, Grilled Meat
Farmers Market Slovakia, Street Food Slovakia, Sausages, Grilled Meat, BBQ. A farmers' market is a physical retail marketplace intended to sell foods directly by farmers to consumers. Farmers' markets may be indoors or outdoors and typically consist of booths, tables or stands where farmers sell fruits, vegetables, meats, cheeses, and sometimes prepared foods and beverages. Farmers' markets exist in many countries worldwide and reflect the local culture and economy. The size of the market may be just a few stalls or it may be as large as several city blocks. Due to their nature, they tend to be less rigidly regulated than retail produce shops
They are distinguished from public markets, which are generally housed in permanent structures, open year-round, and offer a variety of non-farmer/non-producer vendors, packaged foods and non-food products
Banská Bystrica Slovakia. anská Bystrica (Slovak pronunciation: [ˈbanskaː ˈbistritsa] ( listen), also known by other alternative names) is a city in central Slovakia located on the Hron River in a long and wide valley encircled by the mountain chains of the Low Tatras, the Veľká Fatra, and the Kremnica Mountains. With 78 327 inhabitants, Banská Bystrica is the sixth most populous municipality in Slovakia] The present town was founded by German settlers,] however it was built upon a former Slavic settlement. It obtained the municipal privileges of a free royal town of the Kingdom of Hungary in 1255. The copper mining town acquired its present picturesque look in the Late Middle Ages when the prosperous burghers built its central churches, mansions, and fortifications. It is the capital of the kraj (Banská Bystrica Region) and the okres (Banská Bystrica District). It is also the home of Matej Bel University. As a historical city with an easy access to the surrounding mountains, Banská Bystrica is a popular winter and summer tourist destination.
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Slovakia or the Slovak Republic (Slovak: Slovensko, Slovenská republika; both names are officially recognized), is a landlocked country in Central Europe, bordered by Austria to the west, the Czech Republic to the northwest, Hungary to the south, Poland to the north and Ukraine to the east.
Slovakia is divided into nine political regions (kraje), which can be grouped into three regions for tourism purposes.
Western Slovakia (Bratislava, Nitra, Trnava, Trenčín, Topoľčany, Púchov)
Slovakia's urban core, home to the capital and largest city, the Danube, river valleys, forests and hills.
Central Slovakia (Banská Bystrica. Žilina, Tvrdošín, Rajecké Teplice)
A mountainous region of small towns, medieval mines and many national parks.
Eastern Slovakia (Košice, Poprad, Prešov, Bardejov)
Capped with the Tatras, another mountainous and more region with forests, agricultural pastures and home to Slovakia's second city.
Bratislava—the republic's capital and largest city, with a beautifully restored historical centre full of Gothic, Baroque and Renaissance churches, palaces, cobblestone streets, charming hillside neighborhoods, fountains, riverside parks, and pleasant cafes, all looked down on from the city's impressive castle.
Banská Bystrica—once one of the most important mining towns in the Hungarian portion of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and an important centre for Slovak culture, with a beautiful restored square, ancient churches, castles, museums and a memorial to the Slovak National Uprising.
Banská Štiavnica—a picturesque medieval mining town.
Košice—Slovakia's second largest city and the metropolis of the east, home to the easternmost Gothic cathedral in Europe, the oldest European coat of arms, a historical city centre, many palaces and museums.
Nitra—the oldest city in Slovakia, home to a pleasant city core, spectacular surrounding nature and an impressive castle.
Prešov—the best example of Renaissance architecture in Slovakia, numerous churches, the Solivary salt mine and museum.
Trenčín—one of the most charming towns in the country, with a highly-picturesque castle above the city overlooking its historical centre, the river Váh and the surrounding region.
Trnava—an ancient twn with the high number of churches and well-preserved Baroque architecture.
Žilina—the fourth largest city with a well-preserved historical city centre influenced by German architecture and a unique museum dedicated the tinkering culture in Budatín castle.
Bardejov—a spa town in the northeast that exhibits numerous cultural monuments and a completely intact medieval town centre. A UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Bojnice—Slovakia's most-visited castle, with beautifully preserved interiors.
High Tatras (Vysoké Tatry)—the country's largest national park and a major centre for winter sports and hiking.
Levoča—a magnificent medieval pearl in the Spiš region surrounded by town walls, with a unique Renaissance town hall, burger´s houses, numerous churches and St. James Cathedral, home to the biggest Gothic wooden altar of the world.
Piešťany—the country's most famous spa town.
Rajecké Teplice—a peaceful spa town surrounded by the magnificent Malá Fatra National Park.
Slovak Karst—a national park famous for an extensive network of natural caves and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Slovak Paradise National Park (Slovenský Raj)—a protected area of deep ravines and canyons carved by cascading waterfalls in limestone.
Spiš Castle—one of the largest castles in Europe and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Spišská Nová Ves—a charming medieval town in Eastern Slovakia.
Vlkolínec—a small, traditional Carpathian village in north-central Slovakia and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Wooden Churches of the Slovak Carpathians—a collection of 16th-18th century UNESCO-protected Catholic, Greek Catholic and Protestant wooden churches, most located in the north of the country in Tvrdošín, Kežmarok, Hervartov, Leštiny, Bodružal, Hronsek, Ruská Bystrá and Ladomirová.
Source: Wikitravel.
Music: Youtube music library.
Photos: Pixabay/Unsplash.
#slovakia #slovensko #travel
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YouTube - SLOVENSKO ZHORA - Tipy na výlety po Slovensku.
Slovakia from above - tips for hiking.
Hi, I live in Europe - Slovakia, and love YouTube.
It topped Lonely Planet’s Best in Europe list for 2019, which highlights the most exciting places to visit across the continent.
Visit Slovakia High Tatras, Low Tatras and other mountains in Slovakia.
Welcome to Slovakia.
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Banská Bystrica to Staré Hory : Sicily to Ukraine by camper van part 78
In this film I leave Banská Bystrica heading towards the nearby village of Staré Hory. As you can see the views are outstanding - and there is plenty of places where you can wild camp if you want!
Banská Bystrica was founded thanks to deposits of copper, silver, gold, and iron. The present city was built upon a former Slavic settlement which became part of the Kingdom of Hungary. According to Slovak archaeologists Banská Bystrica started as a permanent settlement in the 9th century although it may have been destroyed by the Mongols in 1243--44. In 1255 King Béla IV granted Banská Bystrica extensive municipal privileges, in order to attract more skilled settlers. Descendants of the German immigrants to this and other counties became later known as the Carpathian Germans. Banská Bystrica became one of the world's largest producers of copper by the 16th century. With the most sophisticated mining technologies in Europe, an advanced accounting system, and benefits including medical care for its 1,000 employees, the main mining company Ungarischer Handel was one of the largest and most modern early-capitalist firms.
Banská Bystrica became one of the foremost centers of the Protestant Reformation in the Kingdom of Hungary in the 16th century. Copper deposits had been all but depleted by the 18th century, but new industries, such as timber, paper, and textiles, developed.
During World War II, Banská Bystrica became the center of anti-Nazi opposition in Slovakia when the Slovak National Uprising, one of the largest anti-Nazi resistance events in Europe, was launched from the city on 29 August 1944. The insurgents were defeated on 27 October, however, and Banská Bystrica was briefly occupied by the German forces before it was liberated by Soviet and Romanian troops on 26 March 1945. After the war, Banská Bystrica became the administrative, economic, and cultural hub of central Slovakia. It has been a university town since the 1950s. Its largest Matej Bel University was founded in 1992.
Banská Bystrica lies at an altitude of 362 metres above sea level and covers an area of 103.37 square kilometres.
Banská Bystrica is situated in the Hron River valley (Slovak: Pohronie). The Hron River curves through the city from the east to the south. The city nests among three mountain chains: the Low Tatras to the north-east, the Veľká Fatra to the north-west, and the Kremnica Mountains to the west. All three are protected areas because of their environmental value. Banská Bystrica hosts the headquarters of the Low Tatra National Park. Despite the proximity of these mountain ranges, the local landscape is dominated by the much lower Urpín Mountain, 510 metres.
Staré Hory is situated in the Staré Hory Mountains, between the Veľká Fatra and Low Tatra mountain ranges. In 2004, Staré Hory had population of 469.
The copper deposits in the vicinity of the village were exploited as early as 2000--1700 BCE. The stone tools used by prehistoric miners have been found both in Staré Hory and the nearby village of Špania Dolina. However, the name of the village was mentioned for the first time in 1536. In the 16th century, a smelting plant was built there. After the mining industry declined, the main economic activity shifted from the production of copper and charcoal to making bobbin laces. Merchants from Staré Hory were selling bobbin laces all over Austria-Hungary.
HIKING.SK značkovanie TZT vo Veľkej Fatre - part II. - nedeľa
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