Vatromet 2012 Opatija Vatromet Rijeka 2012 Fireworks Croatia panorama Veprinac
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Vatromet 2012 Opatija Vatromet Rijeka 2012 Fireworks Croatia panorama Veprinac
#197 - Croatia, Istria - Rijeka to Gračišće part 1 - Veprinac to Boljun field (08/2017)
Filmed in August 2017.
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Copyright © Srđan Canić. All rights reserved.
Another incredible ride, after Krk, with more than 3000 metres of vertical climb! I really wanted to see Gračišće, another of Istria's famous hilltop towns and also the one within my grasp on a day ride. Not wanting to go the same way in both directions and wanting to further test the Matulji-Veprinac route for climbing Mt. Učka, I decided on a rather challenging, 164 km long route that also took me to Pazin, Tinjan and almost to the west coast of Istria!
I started the ride in Rijeka, in Bivio but didn't film the part to Veprinac as I already had that (#191). Then, knowing the ride would take a long time and considering the number of batteries, I was reluctant to start recording in Veprinac. Especially as I expected the climb to be too slow. However, just a few minutes into the ride I realized all was great and so started filming.
The climb proved to be very challenging. Almost without a flat metre and with rather steep sections. However, the scenery (in the morning sun) just keeps imrpoving. Also, there was hardly any traffic, making the climb much easier. And once you get to Mt. House Poklon (922 m) even though there are about 50 metres left to climb you feel like nothing can stop you anymore.
So, after a brilliant forest-road ride and great scenery, you start an insane descent, with many wild turns and just think of the brakes. Even when you finally reach the bottom no the other side of Učka, there's an additional descent before you finally settle in the valley. But then, it's not long before my route takes me onto more climbs, to Paz. But that's for another time...
Učka(Vojak 1401m) / Poklon / Veprinac - Rijeka(Croatia)
Spust z najvišjega vrha Istre; 19.10.2013
LikaplusTV,Rijeka i Opatija 1.1.2014. , pogled s Veprinca, 500 metara nadmorske visine
Kako izgleda Opatija i Rijeka u dočeku 2014. s pogledom s 500 metara nadmorske visine , iz Veprinca, pogledajte u videou
#197s - Croatia, Istria - Rijeka to Gračišće part 1 - Veprinac to Boljun field (08/2017)
Filmed in August 2017.
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Copyright © Srđan Canić. All rights reserved.
Another incredible ride, after Krk, with more than 3000 metres of vertical climb! I really wanted to see Gračišće, another of Istria's famous hilltop towns and also the one within my grasp on a day ride. Not wanting to go the same way in both directions and wanting to further test the Matulji-Veprinac route for climbing Mt. Učka, I decided on a rather challenging, 164 km long route that also took me to Pazin, Tinjan and almost to the west coast of Istria!
I started the ride in Rijeka, in Bivio but didn't film the part to Veprinac as I already had that (#191). Then, knowing the ride would take a long time and considering the number of batteries, I was reluctant to start recording in Veprinac. Especially as I expected the climb to be too slow. However, just a few minutes into the ride I realized all was great and so started filming.
The climb proved to be very challenging. Almost without a flat metre and with rather steep sections. However, the scenery (in the morning sun) just keeps imrpoving. Also, there was hardly any traffic, making the climb much easier. And once you get to Mt. House Poklon (922 m) even though there are about 50 metres left to climb you feel like nothing can stop you anymore.
So, after a brilliant forest-road ride and great scenery, you start an insane descent, with many wild turns and just think of the brakes. Even when you finally reach the bottom no the other side of Učka, there's an additional descent before you finally settle in the valley. But then, it's not long before my route takes me onto more climbs, to Paz. But that's for another time...
Veprinac formula driver
Hillclimb in Veprinac near Rijeka,Croatia 15.7.2018.
Privremeno rješenje Autotroleja i Opatije, od 8. lipnja nova autobusna linija 35 A povezivat će Opatiju, Pobre, Brege i Veprinac.
Povodom priznanja Hrvatske, turistički vodiči građanima poklanjaju besplatne ture po Hrvatskoj. U nedjelju u 12 sati birajte lokalitet koji želite upoznati Rijeka, Opatija, Veprinac, Krk, Vrbnik, Kastav, Lovran TV - 38. Croatia rally @ Veprinac
Veprinac -- Veliki broj ljubitelja rally-a, jučer jesu pohodili Veprinac, pogledati dva brzinca koji su se vozili preko Učke. I stari i mladi, a i oni bez vozačke strpljivo su pješačili od Kaline prema Učki, da bi na vrijeme zauzeli što bolju poziciju za pratiti svoje omiljene vozače. Više na
Veprinac - Orjak - Majkovac - Zvoncev vrh - Budišinac - 3.8.2014. - 1/2
PD Pljusak - Rijeka
Snimatelj: Drago Ušalj
Restoran Morčić, Rijeka: Primorski specijaliteti tradicionalne recepture
Restoran u Rijeci nudi spoj tradicionalne primorske kuhinje i ugodnog ambijenta.
Novouređeni prostor s više od 100 sjedećih mjesta nadahnut će svakog ljubitelja dobre hrane.
Miris svježe pečenog domaćeg kruha ispod peke i drugih tradicionalnih delicija, u mislima će Vas odvući u kuhinju naših baka. Svaki dio našeg predivnog primorskog kraja, zastupljen je ponekim jelom, a njegovoj vrhunskoj pripremi doprinose i probrani prirodno uzgojeni sastojci.
Milice Jadranić 2
tel: 051/644-060 TV - 40. let Leprinačeh maškar @ Veprinac, 2014.
Od jutarnjih sati va Komunšćice bila postavljena zanimljiva izložba Pust va Leprince na kojoj je kroz niz fotografija iz povijesti maškarane grupe predstavljeno četiri desetljeća njihova djelovanja, nakon čega po pusnoj užance ophod odradili muži i omladina. Više na
S obala rijeka 141
17. 2. 2016. - Otvorenje galerije Varuna u Veprincu - Tajči Čekada Post Mortem High Fashion - Otvorenje galerije Varuna u Veprincu - Performans i ambijentalna instalacija Tajči Čekade Post Mortem High Fashion
Downhill Veprinac
Kratki edit lokalne staze.
I dont own the music.
Dick Dale - Misirlou
Happy New Year 2016 Rijeka Croatia
Happy New Year 2016-Rijeka-Croatia -Stjepan Šeperić
Croatia, near of Rijeka. Day 4. 4K
Четвёртый день европейского тура
Osnovna škola Rikard Katalinić Jeretov Opatija ima dvije područne škole Veprinac i Ičiće. U Ičićima se djeca školuju od prvog do trećeg razreda, a u četvrtom se sele u matičnu školu u Opatiju. Više o školi u prilogu Dolores Vlahov Paulić.
#192 - Croatia, Rijeka area - Rijeka to Baška part 1 - Bivio to Kostrena (08/2017)
Filmed in August 2017.
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Copyright © Srđan Canić. All rights reserved.
Baška is one of the most popular and best-known places and beaches on the island of Krk and all of Kvarner Bay. Rijeka is the closest major city (third largest in Croatia) and the two are separated by only a bridge. And a few dozen kilometres. Perfect for bike, right?
I've been to Krk many times and I've also ridden a bike. But every time I was actually driving to Krk first, missing on many great spots like Bakar which I've always wanted to see. Well, I finally did. Enjoy one of the best and longest ride, ending at 167 km and 2.800 metres of vertical climb!
But those numbers can't explain the feeling of pure joy while riding. Or what the numerous places I visited along the way look like. In this part I will focus only on the first part, basically just riding through Rijeka (from west to east) and exiting Kostrena. But so much more is to come.