Trek des Orchidées Laos
Trek dans la zone protégée de Phu Khao Kouay située à une centaine de km au nord-est de Vientiane (capitale du Laos). 2 jours avec Bertrand qui nous fait partager sa passion des orchidées.
Preview Laos 22 & 24 nov 2014 Vientiane Orchids & Trek
Voor de echte Orchideeënliefhebbers
Een bezoek aan Vientiane Orchids in Vientiane (Laos) èn een Orchideeën-trek
Pour les vrais amateurs d'Orchidées
Une visite Chez Vientiane - Orchidées à Vientiane (Laos) et un Trek d'Orchidées à Laos
Balade avec Vientiane Orchidées
Bertrand nous emmène à la découverte des orchidées dans leur milieu naturel
Voyage Laos : Top 5 des visites à Vientiane
Petit tour des lieux à visiter à Vientiane au Laos (oui, j'ai fait une infidélité à la Thaïlande ;)). J'ai été globalement assez déçu mais gros coup de coeur pour le Wat Si Saket.
Petite erreur de conversion, pour aller et revenir du Bouddha Park c'est à peu près 1,50€ pas 2,50.
ABONNEZ-VOUS pour ne pas manquer les prochaines vidéos !
Tout pour préparer votre voyage :
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Laos Vientiane
Découverte de Vientiane, capitale du Laos et de ses temples Vat That Luang, Vat Si Saket, Vat Si Muang
Som Vientiane (ຊົມວຽງຈັນ)
ແດ່ ນັກປະພັນ ນັກດົນຕຼີ ແລະ ທຸກທ່ານ ທີ່ໄດ້ຮ່ວມໃນວຽກງານຂອງເພງນີ້ ຂພຈ ຂໍອະນຸຍາດ ທ່ານ ສາສນິກະ (ຜູ້ທີ່ນັບຖື) ເອົາເພງທີ່ເປັນຜົນງານອັນປະເສີດ ສະສົມລົງ Youtube ເພື່ອໃຫ້ພີ່ນ້ອງທຸກຫົນທຸກແຫ່ງ ໄດ້ຊົມ ສິລປະ ອັນ ສວຍງາມ,ທັງໂສພິດ ຂໍຂອບໃຈທ່ານ ສັດບູຣຸດ (ຜູ້ມີໃຈບຸນ). PhetnalyParis
Vientiane Orchids
Vientiane Orchids is a conservation and ecotourism company in Vientiane, Lao PDR.
We preserve and catalogue the rare and unique orchids species of Laos. We currently have over 300 different varieties. We have a Large Garden in Vientiane a few KM north of the Russian Circus, which is available to rent for special events. We also have orchids for sale to the public.
We also offer Orchid treks into Phou Khao Khouay Nation Biodiversity Conservation Area.
To find out more about Vientiane Orchids you can contact us on the internet at:
On Facebook at Vientiane Orchids or by email.
You also contact us by phone at 856-020 222 01 580 or 20 225 76 450
Water Park 1 (Vientiane. Laos)
Visiting Water Park with the kids
Places visited: Luang Prabang, Mekong River, Vang Vieng, Kuangsi Falls, and Vientiane. Filmed on iPhone 6S Plus and GoPro Hero 3.
Adventure travel in laos | 4K
Tree top explorer
- 3D2N trip, Travel with anatha tour to paksong district in south-western Laos.
- Trekking, Zip-lining, Via Ferrata, Swimming
Gopro 4 Black
4K + Superview + Protune
A. G. Cook - Superstar
Download link
Mixay Paradise GuestHouse in Vientiane 2011
Mixay Paradise GuestHouse in Vientiane. Highly recommended for backpacker. Counter staffs speak good english and provide good service. The room is clean. The morning breakfast (costs 10,000Kips) is good too, you cannot get a cheaper breakfast elsewhere. Not far away from guesthouse is a beer garden restaurant when you can find great foods and Laos beers.
Balade à Vientiane
Visite Vientiane
PARTY at the restaurant Palais-paradis TORCY 15 08 10
United Nations - Les agriculteurs du Laos redécouvrent la valeur de l'écorce de l'arbre Bong. Autrefois abondants, ces arbres sont maintenant sur la liste des espèces en voie de disparition. Mais la demande croissante pour l'écorce aromatique encourage les petits exploitants agricoles à créer des plantations et faire du profit.
UN in Action: Episode #1528
Script (Pdf):
Złoty Trójkąt. Granica Laos - Tajlandia
Wodne przejście pomiędzy Laosem a Tajlandią w okolicach Złotego Trójkąta, czyli zbiegu granic Tajlandii, Laosu i Birmy (Myanmar).
Project Enlighten: Fields of Study Laos.
The Laos Education Programs are designed to improve the quality of life in Navangtai Village and surrounding villages throughout multiple provinces in Laos by providing children with greater educational opportunities and stimulating sustainable economic opportunities for local villagers. With our efforts, we will also help to preserve the rich culture and traditions each of these villages hold. Our goal is to give them the foundation and school resources to help them seek higher education and build life skills to become successful young adults in society. The key focus is to improve the quality of education in rural areas by providing a safe environment for children with a combination of constructing permanent classrooms, providing education programs, and providing continued teacher training. Our hope is to increase school enrollment and literacy rates within these populations.
Thank you Denise Stilley @ Alma Libre Productions for your compassionate eye!
Thank you Chase Carpini @ Deep Star Productions for your beautiful soundscape.
New orchid species identified
By Patithin Phetmeuangphuan
The discovery of a new orchid species in Laos, Paphiopedilum papilio-laoticus, has been documented in the most recent publication of OrchideenJournal by a specialist working in the herbarium at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew, UK.
The paper was contributed to the journal by Mr André Schuiteman from the herbarium and co-authored by Mr Sulivong Luangaphay and Shunsuke Iio.
Vientiane resident Mr Sulivong Luangaphay, a long-time plant lover and orchid aficionado, told Vientiane Times that a new orchid was seen in a street market in Vientiane after being taken from a nearby protected area in May.
Coincidentally, the orchid was brought to Mr Sulivong’s attention on National Arbour Day on June 1.
Mr Sulivong thanked Mr Yosuke Oda, a resident of Vientiane, for first notifying him about the new species.
At present, 13 or 14 species of Paphiopedilum are known to exist in Laos.
Considering that most species of Paphiopedilum occur on limestone, often with highly restricted distribution areas, and that Laos has extensive and poorly studied limestone karst landscapes, it is to be expected that more endemic species of Paphiopedilum will be discovered as the more inaccessible parts of Laos are explored.
Unfortunately, commercial plant collectors rather than scientists may be the first to come across such new species, and these may end up in heaps of plants sold at local markets.
“This showy and undoubtedly very rare species will hopefully be propagated from seed soon, and we urge orchid amateurs not to buy any plants of this species that could be wild-collected. In a few years’ time it should become widely available as legally propagated plants do not pose a threat to their continued existence in the wild,” the paper noted.
The name given to the flower comes from the Latin papilio, meaning butterfly, and laoticus, from Laos, referring both to the large dorsal sepal that resembles a butterfly wing and the origin of the species.
From all the other species in the Paphiopedilum section it differs in the much larger flowers, the white staminode, and in the unique colours of the dorsal sepal: white flushed light purple with a yellow-green blotch at the base and with prominent purple spots that have a lighter centre, like the eye spots on the wings of some butterflies.
On the Road: Laos
Temples, waterfalls, tubing, traditional dance and a journey into the wilderness: a short summary of our trip through Laos!
There, we visited Pakbeng, Luang Prabang, Nong Khiaw, Ban Hat Sao, Phonsavanh, Vang Vieng, Ban Nathong, Ban Nakhe, Vientiane, Ban Kong Lor, Pakse, Don Det and Don Khon (Si Phan Don).
Hey Ocean!
I Am A Heart
IS (2012)
Nettwerk, Vancouver
Randonnée en famille au Nord du Laos, 7 jours | ORLA Tours
Avec plus de 19 années d'expérience dans l'organisation de voyages au Laos, nous vous proposons ici de trouver des voyages découverte, randonnée simple à sportive et combinaisons de circuits-croisières sur le Mékong.
Venez découvrir le Laos en famille, entre amis ou rejoignez un groupe de voyageurs en consultant nos prochains départs. Nos circuits hors des sentiers battus repérés par nos soins vous feront découvrir un Laos authentique au plus proche des tribus, de la nature et ajustés à vos désirs d'aventures.
Trekking Laos est la branche treks et randos de notre société mère Off Road Laos Adventures basée à Luang Prabang et spécialistes en circuits sur-mesure. Contactez-nous et créons ensemble un voyage aux antipodes du tourisme de masse et comme aucun livre de voyage ne pourrait vous le faire découvrir. Un Laos unique comme nous l'aimons et comme nous aimons à le faire connaître.
Au détour du chemin avec Laos Autrement
Belles rencontres du Nord au Sud du Laos