Villa Mairea - Noormarkku
Yesterday 18th May 2011, Aalto architecture students had an excursion to Villa Mairea, house by Alvar Aalto and interior designed done by Aino Aalto around 1939. The project was for the couple Harry y Maire Gullichsen, friend of Aalto's couple and lovers of art. Inside we can find a huge collection of Picasso's, Lautrec's, Juan Gris's among others. The surroundings of the house are fundamental to understand the whole concept of the house.
So far, this has been my best architectural experience in Finland so I warmly recommend everybody to visit it.
Villa Mairea, Alvar Aalto masterpiece in Noormarkku
the masterpiece of Alvar Aalto
A.Aalto 1939 Villa Mairea
Alvar Aalto's Villa Mairea
Villa Mairea is a villa, guest-house, and rural retreat designed and built by the Finnish modernist architect Alvar Aalto for Harry and Maire Gullichsen in Noormarkku, Finland. The building was constructed in 1938–1939.
Villa Mairea is considered one of the most important buildings Aalto designed in his career.
Includes footage of the grand piano by Poul Henningsen in Mairea´s music room.
The clip is digitized from our family archives and shot in 1984.
Villa Mairea sekä Makkarakoski. Noormarkku.
Nopea katsaus Noormarkun tunnetuimpiin nähtävyyksiin.
Alhstrom Noormarkku Finland
Mairea House Rendering
Video animation of a villa, guest-house, and rural retreat designed and built by the Finnish modernist architect Alvar Aalto for Harry and Maire Gullichsen in Noormarkku, Finland. The building was constructed in 1938–1939.
Villa Kokkonen
Musiikkia varten luotu taiteilijakoti Villa Kokkonen on upea matkailukohde ja arkkitehti Alvar Aallon mestariteos. Sitä pidetään Villa Mairean jälkeen yhtenä merkittävimmistä Aallon suunnittelemista yksityistaloista. Pianisti Elina Viitaila ja oopperalaulaja Antti A. Pesonen toimivat yötä päivää talon isäntä-, taiteilija- ja yrittäjäparina. Tunnustuksena työstään heidät valittiin Vuoden 2014 Kulttuurijärvenpääläiseksi.
Alvar Aalto´s masterpieces include private houses, such as Villa Mairea, Aalto House and Villa Kokkonen. Designed originally for music, Villa Kokkonen is also a wonderful architectural and cultural attraction. Pianist Elina Viitaila and opera singer Antti A. Pesonen keep on working day and night as Villa Kokkonen´s hosts, guides, artists and entrepreneurs. They were chosen as The Cultural Persons of the Year 2014 in the City of Järvenpää.
Ricostruzione virtuale della Villa progettata da Alvar Aalto per Maire e Harry Gullichsen nel 1939.
Software utilizzati: 3ds Max, Vray, Autocad, Ivy generetor, Onyx tree, Autograss, Photoshop, Premiere, Aftereffect.
Ahlströmin tarina
Ahlströmin Ruukki Noormarkku | Laviantie 14, 29600 Noormarkku, Finland | AZ Hotels
Ahlströmin Ruukki Noormarkku | Laviantie 14, 29600 Noormarkku, Finland
☞ AZ Channel:
© Booking:
Model-Making of Villa Mairea.wmv
Villa Mairea
Noormakku, Finland
architect: Alvar Aalto 1938-1939
music: 'new soul' by yael naim
model materials:
cardboard 1.5mm, 2mm
balsa 1mm, 1.5mm, 2.5mm
pvc foamboard
Making Aalto's Furniture
short by J. Stewart Johnson for MoMA exhibit Alvar Aalto:Furniture&Glass c.1984
Fun at the Villa Mairea
Jee Wee mucking around in the pool at the Villa Mairea in Finland :)
VAPPUMIX 2015 Noormarkku
Porin Helluntaiseurakunnan hyväntekeväisyystapahtuma oli vappuna 2015 Noormarkussa. Videossa on muutamia välähdyksiä tapahtuman aktiviteeteista.
Tämän tapahtuman tuotto ohjataan orpo- ja turvakotiin Kenian Samburussa. Tällä köyhällä alueella on paljon AIDS orpoja.
A.Aalto 1969 Villa Kokkonen
Villa Mairea, Alvar Aalto
the masterpiece of Alvar Aalto
Villa Mairea Circulation Study
A circulation study of Alvar Aalto's Villa Mairea from the perspective of 4 different people and a bird.
Making of: Stool 60 by Alvar Aalto -
Der berühmte Hocker Nr. 60 ist der Archetypus des funktionalen Möbeldesigns.
Online kaufen bei Cairo:
Villa Mairea, il capolavoro di Alvar Aalto
In questo video presento una delle mie architetture preferite: Villa Mairea del grandissimo architetto Alvar Aalto. Ci tengo a dire che questo video l'ho presentato per l'esame di Storia dell'Architettura 2.
Per qualsiasi chiarimento o curiosità chiedete pure! :)