Best Attractions and Places to See in Maribor, Slovenia
In this video our travel specialists have listed some of the best things to do in Maribor . We have tried to do some extensive research before giving the listing of Things To Do in Maribor.
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List of Best Things to do in Maribor, Slovenia
Piramida (Pyramid Hill)
Old Vine House
Mariborsko Pohorje Ski Resort
Rotovski trg
Three Ponds
Maribor Cathedral (Church of St John the Baptist)
Regional Museum Maribor
Vinogradi Horvat
Europark Maribor
Vinag Wine Cellar
Mariborska vinska pot / Maribor Wine Trail 2018
Spoznajte odlična štajerska vina!
Mariborska vinska pot vas popelje po vinotekah v središču Maribora, kjer se boste lahko pobliže spoznali z izvrstnimi štajerskimi vini in njihovimi pridelovalci, pri čemer vas bo spremljala odlična lokalna kulinarika.
Get to know excellent Styrian wines!
The Maribor Wine Trail takes you through the wine cellars in the centre of Maribor where you will be able to get to know excellent Styrian wines and their producers.
Avtorske pravice / Copyright: BK TV
MARIBOR - Slovenia Travel Guide | Around The World
Maribor is the second-largest city in Slovenia with 94,876 inhabitants as of 1 January 2017. It is also the largest city of the traditional region of Lower Styria and the seat of the City Municipality of Maribor.
Many historical structures stand in Maribor. Of the remains of city walls surrounding the old downtown, the most prominent are the Judgement Tower, the Water Tower, and the Jewish Tower. Maribor Cathedral was built in the Gothic style in the 13th century. Maribor Synagogue was built in the 14th century, and is the second oldest synagogue of Europe. Today it serves as a centre for cultural activities. Other prominent Medieval buildings are Maribor Castle, Betnava Castle, and the ruins of Upper Maribor Castle on Pyramid Hill. Town Hall was constructed in the Renaissance style, and the Plague Column in the Baroque style.
At the start of the 21st century, plans were made for a new modern business, residential and entertainment district, called the Drava Gate (Dravska vrata) and nicknamed the Maribor Manhattan. The project includes many new exclusive residential apartments, offices and conference halls, a green and recreational space, and other structures. It also includes a 111 m (364 ft) tall skyscraper that would be the tallest building in Slovenia. Due to lack of finances, the project has been postponed.
In 2008, the Studenci Footbridge (Studenška brv) was renovated according to the design of the Ponting company. The design was awarded that year at the 3rd International Footbridge Conference in Porto.
In 2010, Maribor organised an international architectural competition ECC Maribor 2012 – Drava 2012 to gather proposals for the design and reconstruction of the Drava banks, the construction of a new art gallery, and for a new footbridge. Its jury received about 400 proposals for the three different projects. The footbridge and the river embankments will be built in the near future, but the art gallery was replaced with a cultural center MAKS, which is currently under construction.
The construction of a new modern Faculty of Medicine started in 2011 near the Drava River. It was designed by architect Boris Podrecca and was completed in 2013.
There are plans to renovate the Maribor Public Library and Town Hall Square (Rotovški trg). In addition, the renovation of Maribor Island (Mariborski otok) in the Drava River has been planned.
The city hosts the University of Maribor, established in 1975, and many other schools.
Every June, the two-week Lent Festival (named after the waterfront district called Lent) is held, with hundreds of musical, theatrical and other events. Every year the festival attracts theatre, opera, ballet performers, classical, modern, and jazz musicians and dancers from all over the world, and of course many visitors. There is also mime, magic shows are being held and acrobats perform during the festival.
Maribor is known for wine and culinary specialities of international and Slovene cuisine (mushroom soup with buckwheat mush, tripe, sour soup, sausages with Sauerkraut, cheese dumplings, apple strudel, special cheese cake called gibanica). There are also many popular restaurants with Serbian cuisine. The Vinag Wine Cellar (Vinagova vinska klet), with the area of 20.000 m2 (215.28 sq ft) and the length of 2 km (1 mi), keeps 5,5 millions litres of wine. The house of the oldest grapevine in the world (Hiša stare trte) at Lent grows the world's oldest grapevine, which was in 2004 recorded in Guinness World Records. The grapevine of Žametovka is about 440 years old.
The most listened radio stations transmitting from Maribor are the commercial radio stations Radio City and Radio Net FM. They are followed by the national non-commercial Radio Maribor.
The alternative scene of Maribor is situated in the Pekarna (Bakery; former squat) area next to Magdalena Park.
Maribor Vineyards, Slovenia (S2:Ep1) Marco Polo Family Ties
Exploring the vineyards in Svecina, and underground wine cellars in Maribor as we return to Slovenia to discover more of our family history and how it relates to Marco Polo.
Read our blog at:
Golden Fox and Maribor - VLOG #001
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VLOG #001 - Golden Fox and Maribor
For the second vlog I decided to visit Golden Fox competition in Maribor and then go and check out one of the oldest wine cellar in Europe - Vinag.
Enjoy :)
Vinag kontakt:
Music from talented Joey Pecoraro:
Joey Pecoraro - Partly sunny
Vinag Maribor - Open the sparkling vine
This is how we open a sparkling vine bottle. :)
Dnevnik | TV Maribor 25.2.2014
Vsebina - Dnevnik, 25. februarja 2014
- klavrna podoba cest, letos jih je ob snegu načel še žled
- Vinag naj bi poravnal predujem za prisilno poravnavo
- delavci Pinusa iz Rač se pripravljajo na stavko
- Maks - na nedorečenost projekta opozarjajo tudi arhitekti
- energetska obnova bolnišnice topolšica se je skoraj popolnoma ustavila
- na območju mariborskega zavoda za gozdove je škode za okoli 3 milijone evrov
- na Pohorju se je zaključil tabor Logike in Kreativnega pisanja za nadarjene otroke
- arheološka razstava na Ptuju - Steklo iz ptujske preteklosti
- bili smo na Odprtem prvenstvu Slovenije v taekwondoju
Letošnja sneg in žled sta močno načela mariborske ceste. Nizke temperature so povzročile nove poškodbe na cestiščih, ki so že nekaj let v zelo slabem stanju. Krpanje večjih udarnih jam ne zadostuje več. A za korenito obnovo cest primanjkuje denarja. Letos bodo za vzdrževanje namenili približno 2 milijona evrov in pol. Za korenito ureditev cest bi jih potrebovali še vsaj enkrat toliko. Za mariborski Vinag se je včeraj iztekel rok za poravnavo predujma za prisilno poravnavo. Po besedah predsednice uprave Klementine Ihanec, so slabih 27 tisoč evrov predujma poravnali že v petek popoldan in se tako izognili stečaju. Vinag je lani ustvaril le za tretjino predlanskih dohodkov in za milijon evrov izgube Okoli 80 zaposlenih v raški Tovarni kemičnih izdelkov Pinus že dva meseca čaka na izplačilo plač, zato so se znova odločili za sklic stavke. Znamenita jama, kjer je bivši mariborski župan Kangler načtroval postavitev mariborskega kulturnega središča oz. Maks, še naprej buri duhove. Potem ko je znamenito jamo odkupil kuvajtski poslovnež, v kateri naj bi v njej postavil t.i. zasebno novo univerzo so na nedorečenost projekta opozorili že bivši župan Alojz Križman, danes pa še Društvo mariborskih arhitektovPotem, ko so v bolnišnici Topolšica pričeli z energetsko obnovo dotrajane stavbe, se je ta po letu in pol skoraj popolnoma ustavila. Zmanjkalo je denarja, bolnišnica ima izgubo za okoli pol milijona evrov, prosili so že za odlog plačil prispevkov, za nadaljevanje sanacije pa čakajo, kaj reklo pristojno ministrstvo. Po podatkih vlade je v slovenskih gozdovih zaradi žledoloma skupno za več kot 194 milijonov evrov škode. Najhuje je na območju Postojne, kjer so gozdovini uničeni tudi za več kot 80 odstokov. Na območje, ki ga pokriva mariborski zavod za gozdove, je te škode bistveno manj, toda kljub temu po ocenah gozdarjev škode za okoli 3 milijone evrov. Z ekipo smo se pridružili gozdarjem, ki v teh dneh intenzivno sanirajo škodo, da bodo iz gozda še pravočasno umaknili iglavce in se tako izognili morebitnim težavam zaradi podlubnika. Zveza prijateljev mladine Maribor je danes zaključila prvi tabor v projektu Omogočimo sanje. S pomočjo donatorjev in sponzorjev so nadarjeni osnovnošolci iz Podravja, ki v večini prihajajo iz socialno šibkejšega okolja, na Pohorju preživeli tri ustvarjalne počitniške dni. V ptujskem Salonu umetnosti so pripravili občasno arheološko razstavo Steklo iz ptujske preteklosti. Steklo kot vsestranski material so poznali že v prazgodovini, iz časov antičnega Ptuja pa je ohranjenih na stotine antičnih steklenih, tudi prestižnih predmetov, ki pričajo o bogastvu in pomenu tega mesta v prvih stoletjih našega štetja. Tekmovanja, kot je bilo Odprto prvenstvo Slovenije v taekwondoju so namenjena predvsem za bogatenje izkušenj. Na njih mlajši tekmovalci pridejo v stik s kakovostnejšimi nasprotniki. Obenem lahko na delu spremljajo nekatere izmed najboljših borcev sveta. Več o podrobnostih pa ne zamudite ob 18-ih v Dnevniku Televizije Maribor.
Dnevnik Televizije Maribor; redaktorica: Jasmina Gregorec, realizacija: Igor Ambrožič, uredila: Nina Cverlin. Dnevnik TV Maribor na sporedu vsak delovnik ob 18:00, ponovitev ob 21:30...
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TV program, ki ga v okviru Regionalnega centra RTV v Mariboru, ima svoj profesionalni začetek v letu 1968, ko je bilo tu ustanovljeno prvo dopisniško jedro z novinarjem in filmskim snemalcem (Darkom Marinom in Jocom Žnidaršičem).
Z uvedbo slovenskega TV dnevnika je začela rasti tudi potreba po širitvi dopisniške enote in tako je bilo z razvojem vse do danes. Iz dopisništva je v osemdesetih letih nastal TV studio, v zadnjem obdobju pa se je organizacijsko povezal z radijskim delom v novonastalem Regionalnem centru. Ves ta čas je ohranil programsko samostojnost znotraj TVS. S svojimi programskimi in produkcijskimi izdelki smo že dolgo nepogrešljivi v celotni ponudbi nacionalne TV Slovenija.
Kavarnica in vinoteka VINAG 1847
Trg svobode 3 Maribor
Vinagova klet Maribor
Produkcija kratkega dokumentarnega filma Vinagova klet je diplomski izdelek Matevža Šauperla, diplomanta študijskega programa Medijska produkcija Višje strokovne šole Academia Maribor
Slovenia Offers Kayaking, Hiking And Skiing – Or You Could Just Enjoy The Local Wine
With its spectacular mountains and glacial lakes, Slovenia has become a popular hotspot for activity holidays. From hiking to Nordic walking to kayaking and skiing, this charming central European country offers a raft of sporty activities.
But arriving at the city of Maribor, on the River Drava, I discovered to my delight it is not only Slovenia’s second-largest city – after capital Ljubljana – but is also set in the country’s celebrated wine region.
Among its treasures is the oldest grapevine in the world to still bear fruit. The 440-year-old vine is carefully cultivated in The Old Vine House, where I was more than happy to exercise… my taste buds.
Here I learned that nearly 97 per cent of the wines made in the region are white – with grape varieties including Chasselas, Kerner and Kraljevina.
Nevertheless I still managed to sample a selection of slightly fruity, light-bodied reds, including the Gamay variety, which were just as delicious as the white.
I also got chance to sample another Slovenian speciality – locally made granary bread dipped in pumpkin seed oil.
After afternoons full of rigorous wine tasting, it was lovely to return to our base at the tranquil four-star Hotel Habakuk.
Set beneath the wooded Pohorje plateau, this thermal spa hotel is the perfect retreat.
If exercise is your thing, there is plenty around Maribor to get your heart racing. The huge hill is surrounded by trails, woods and virgin forest – the perfect antidote to all that indulgence.
Read more: Which European cities offer best value for a holiday tipple?
But I confess I chose the lazy option, relaxing in a wine sauna at neighbouring Hotel Bellevue. And yes, it really is a sauna, inside an ancient wooden cellar, regularly topped up with champagne.
While there I went for a sleep-inducing facial, which banished those hangover eye-bags and set me up for another day of toil at the vineyard door.
In Maribor’s old town sits the Vinag Cellar, one of the largest and oldest classic wine cellars in Europe. Its 2.5km of underground tunnels are home to an ancient wine tank which holds an eye-watering 170 tonnes of plonk.
When I visited the tank was completely empty, so I could climb inside through the tiny entrance and appreciate its epic size.
Read more: Clever holiday planning can maximise your time off work
Our next treat in the old town was to dine at Mak. This Maribor eaterie is less of a restaurant and more of an artist’s workshop, with world-famous chef David Vracko presiding in the kitchen.
We ate our way through countless courses and from the inventive menu we sampled everything from cheese lollipops to chocolate macaroons.
And to follow, we enjoyed a musical lock-in with the chef and his staff in the restaurant’s cellar.
The food fest carried on the next day when we dined at the Rozmarin, which comes complete with cafe, club and wine bar. Its seasonal menu was accompanied by a wine list with a staggering 550 labels – and we even got the chance to have a quick glance in its impressive cellar.
From the amazing selection on offer of champagnes, reds, whites and sparking wines at Rozmarin’s private shop, you can pick your favourite to enjoy with your meal.
The restaurant serves up a typical Slovenian range of rich red meats, locally produced mild cheese and, of course, bread and pumpkin seed oil on the side (I had stopped counting calories long ago).
All this eating and drinking was balanced by a breathtaking bike ride through Jakobski Dol.
This stunning countryside 10km outside Maribor is a showcase of what this north-eastern region has to offer.
And riding the country’s famed electric bike, the KULeBIKE, is an ideal way to explore. It’s no surprise that I was thankful indeed for the electric motor that eases the effort of pedalling.
On the third day we headed to Ptuj, taking in dazzling lakes views and picturesque architecture. Slovenia’s oldest town is a perfect mix of history and culture, giving the more traditional central European cities a run for their money.
We walked to the top of the hill on cobbled paths and wooden stairways, spotting medieval churches, museums and theatres on the way.
Reaching the castle, I drank in the magnificent views of picture-perfect green hills and charming red-tile thatched roofs. It had been a truly heady trip.
Vinska klet Ptuj
Najstarejše mesto na Slovenskem slovi že od nekdaj po zgodovinsko pogojeni in odlični raznovrstni kulinariki ter predvsem po odličnih vinih. Mesto ima za seboj že sedem stoletij tradicije pridelovanja in negovanja vin v svojih kleteh. Ugodna sestava tal in vremenski pogoji omogočajo v Halozah in Slovenskih goricah rast številnih žlahtnih sort vinske trte. Na sončnih rebrih teh hribov so začeli gojiti vinsko trto že Kelti in Iliri. Z ustanovitvijo minoritskega samostana v letu 1239, lahko tudi govorimo o začetkih ptujske vinske kleti. Ta je danes v lasti skupine Perutnine Ptuj in ima velike uspehe. Stara klasična klet s stalno temperaturo in vlago nudi najboljše pogoje za zorenje vina, zelo bogata pa je ptujska vinska vinoteka izbranih letnikov. Ptujska vinska klet se tako ponaša z najstarejšim letnikom v Sloveniji in širše oziroma z ˝Zlato trto˝ iz leta 1917.
MARIBOR - WikiVidi Documentary
Maribor is the second-largest city in Slovenia with about 95,500 inhabitants in 2016. It is also the largest city of the traditional region of Lower Styria and the seat of the City Municipality of Maribor....
Shortcuts to chapters:
00:00:25: Name
00:01:14: Mediaeval and early modern history
00:02:05: Early 20th century
00:06:56: World War II and aftermath
00:09:20: Post-World War II period
00:10:59: Topography
00:11:39: City districts
00:12:06: Climate
00:13:01: Architecture
00:15:39: Parks and other green spaces
00:16:00: Catholic Church
00:16:31: Jewish community
00:17:53: Culture
00:19:27: Team sports
00:20:15: Winter sports
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Licensed under Creative Commons.
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10 Best Places to Visit in Slovenia
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10 Best Places to Visit in Slovenia.
Slovenia is a scenic country with a fantastic location in the heart of Europe. The nation is surrounded by the Eastern Alps, the Adriatic Sea, the Balkans, Italy, Croatia and Hungary, making it accessible from a range of European locations. Planning a trip to Slovenia is an opportunity to see a variety of destinations that include vibrant cities, charming villages, snow-capped mountains and scenic beaches. On your next getaway, aim to see as many of the best places to visit in Slovenia as your schedule will allow.
10. Maribor
9. Koper
8. Kranjska Gora
7. Celje
6. Ptuj
5. Piran
4. Postojna
3. Triglav National Park
2. Lake Bled
1. Ljubljana
Thanks for watching!
Weekend in Maribor
Evening Two: Echoing wine cisterns in Vinag