Wakasu also Wakasu Island, is an island located in Koto, Tokyo. It is located south of Shin-Kiba and is connected to a new unnamed island to the south by the Tokyo Gate Bridge. Continue reading... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Attraction Location
Wakasu Campground Videos
Family summer bbq 2019 || amazing & beautiful place || Wakasu outdoor camp ||koto- ku Tokyo ||
Nothing is better than going outside to family and eating good food and relaxing!!
(July 10, 2016) WAKASU SEASIDE PARK in Wakasu Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan / 东京 江东区 若洲海滨公园 / 江東区 若洲海浜公園
- - -- ENGLISH HERE Shooting Location : WAKASU SEASIDE PARK in Wakasu Koto-ku, Tokyo Summer has come. Speaking of summer, this song should be the must.
( Level 02 ) ( EQUIPMENTS & ETC: ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Camera : Nikon D60 Lens : NIKKOR AF-S 18-200mm Camera2 : Panasonic Lumix DMC-G7 LENS(1):Panasonic 25mm F1.7 LUMIX G ASPH. H-H025-K LENS(2):Panasonic LUMIX G VARIO 14-140mm /F3.5-5.6 ASPH. POWER O.I.S. BLACK H-FS14140-K Software : Aviutl ( movie ) : GIMP ( image ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------
( INFORMATION: ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Website : Now At Work Facebook : Now At Work Twitter : Now At Work Instagram : Now At Work -----------------------------------------------------------------------
メテオ Music Video short version / iwapt「第3回熱いまちKOTO動画アワード」グランプリ『Lights of Koto City ~江東区の輝き~』
Music by iwapt メテオ ~あなたへの愛 ~
「第3回熱いまちKOTO動画アワード」グランプリ『Lights of Koto City ~江東区の輝き~』 江東区は最多のオリンピック会場をサポート 2020年に世界中から多くのアスリート達が ここ江東区に集う Koto City supports the maximum number of Olympic sites In 2020, many worldwide sports athletes will gather here KOTO City in TOKYO
撮影場所 東京お台場パレットタウン Palette Town Odaiba Tokyo パレットタウン大観覧車 Palette Town Big Ferris Wheel 東京ベイコート倶楽部 TOKYO BAYCOURT CLUB テレコムセンター 東京テレポートセンター Telecom Center 仮面ライダー ディケイド ラストクリスマス 東京タワー 美女か野獣 アーバンドック ららぽーと豊洲 - 三井ショッピングパーク キッザニア東京 URBAN DOCK LaLaport TOYOSU 有明ジャンクション 有明JCT Ariake Junction 東京ゲートブリッジ Tokyo Gate Bridge 若洲公園キャンプ場 若洲海浜公園 江東区立若洲公園 Wakasu park campground 東雲ジャンクション Shinonome Junction 東京ビッグサイト 東京国際展示場 TOKYO BIG SIGHT Tokyo International Exhibition Center 辰巳第2パーキングエリア 辰巳第二PA 辰巳PA 首都高パーキング夜景 首都高速 首都高SPL 首都高速トライアル Freeway Speedway - Megalopolis Express Way Trial Tokyo Speedway Tatsumi second parking area 有明スポーツセンター Ariake Sports Center 東京辰巳国際水泳場 Tokyo tatsumi international swimming center 東京アクアティクスセンター オリンピックアクアティクスセンター Olympic Aquatics Centre Tokyo Aquatics Centre 日本科学未来館 Miraikan
審査員 テリー伊藤
Sightseeing in Tokyo Night View
timelapse タイムラプス panasonic Lumix 撮影 映像 動画 LUMIX DC-GF9W Trance music トランス techno music テクノ housemusic ハウス EDM edm electro エレクトロ Dance music #edm #Sightseeing #tokyo #trance Tokyo night drive 首都高
Tatibana Camp
Acampado em Iwami Seaside Park Camping. 09 de agosto 2018
I visited Tokyo Gate Bridge for the first time on October 30th. It is a bit hard to understand how to go to the best location to view this bridge. The conclusion is the best place is Wakasu koen Park founded by Koto ward but the way of going there is a bit complicated. It doesn't take so long and cost so much but the route is actually a bit boring. If you want to go there, at first you have to get a train on Rinkai(りんかい線 means Seaside line) railway line and get off at Shin Kiba station(新木場駅 )in Koto ward and then get bus at Number 1 bus stop in front of Shin Kiba station and You have to get off the bus at the bus stop named Wakasu camping field.(若洲キャンプ場前) We can see the impressive figure of Tokyo Gate Bridge from Wakasu koen park(Beachside place of Wakasu Camping field) and before the sunset this place is a sort of paradise for fishers and we can see lots of fishing rods along the sea and after getting dark,this place becomes a paradise of cameramen like me and we can see lots of tripods on behalf of them. I could enjoy viewing the bridge and shooting it. The figure appears at twilight and the night is so impressive and attractive a great deal and let me hope to go there again later.