Texel 2017 (4/5) - Hoge Berg & Fonteinsnol (uitkijktoren / Aussichtsturm / Observation Tower
- Korte video van het uitzicht over landerijen met schapen en schapenboeten vanaf de Georgische Erebegraafplaats, en een bezoek aan de uitkijktoren Fonteinsnol bij Den Burg (Texel) op 23 augustus 2017.
- Kurzes Video über die Aussicht auf Schafswiesen und Schafscheunen vom Georgischen Ehrenfriedhof sowie von einem Besuch auf dem Aussichtsturm Fonteinsnol bei Den Burg (Texel/Niederlande) am 23.08.2017.
- Short video of views of sheep meadows and sheep sheds from the Georgian War Cemetery and of a visit to the Fonteinsnol observation tower near Den Burgh, Texel, The Netherlands, August 23, 2017.
Last European Battlefield of World War 2
The Georgian Uprising on Texel (Dutch: Opstand der Georgiërs) (5 April 1945 – 20 May 1945) was an insurrection by the 882nd Infantry Battalion Königin Tamara (Queen Tamar or Tamara) of the Georgian Legion of the German Army stationed on the German occupied Dutch island of Texel (pronounced Tessel). The battalion was made up of 800 Georgians and 400 Germans, with mainly German officers. It was one of the last battles in the European theatre.
The heavily fortified island was part of the German Atlantic Wall system of defense. However, after the Allied landings in Normandy it was relegated to relative insignificance. The men of the rebellious battalion were Red Army soldiers from the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic captured on the Eastern front. They had been given a choice: the captured soldiers could choose either to remain in the prisoner of war camps, which would have meant abuse, starvation, and very possibly death, or to serve the Germans and be allowed a degree of freedom. The battalion was formed of men who chose the latter option.
The battalion had been formed at Kruszyna near Radom in occupied Poland in June 1943 and was used initially to fight partisans. On 24 August 1943 it was ordered to the West to relieve troops of the Indische Freiwilligen-Legion Regiment 950. The battalion arrived at Zandvoort in the Netherlands on 30 August. From September 1943 to early February 1945 it was stationed at Zandvoort as part of the Unterabschnitt Zandvoort. On 6 February 1945 the battalion was posted to Subsection Texel. Preparations then started in late March 1945 for the transfer of several companies of the Georgian battalion to the Dutch mainland to oppose Allied advances, triggering the rebellion.[3]
Shalva Loladze, the leader of the Georgian uprising
Shortly after midnight on the night of 5–6 April 1945, the Georgians rose up and gained control of nearly the entire island. Approximately four hundred German soldiers were killed in the initial uprising, almost all while sleeping in the quarters they shared with Georgians, who used knives and bayonets. Others were shot and killed while standing guard or walking the roads of the island in groups or individually that night and the following day. Members of the Dutch resistance participated and assisted the Georgians,[4] however, the rebellion hinged on an expected Allied landing—which did not occur. The Georgians further failed to secure the naval batteries on the southern and northern coasts of the island; the crews of these artillery installations were the only Germans still alive on the island.
A counterattack was ordered and the intact artillery batteries on the island began firing at sites where rebels were suspected to be. Approximately 2,000 riflemen[5] of the 163rd Marine-Schützenregiment[6] were deployed from the Dutch mainland. Over the next five weeks they re-took the island; fighting was particularly heavy at Eierland and around the lighthouse.The German troops then combed the length of the island for any remaining Georgian soldiers, while the Dutch inhabitants sought to hide them. The German commander of the 882nd battalion, Major Klaus Breitner, stated long after the war that the uprising was treachery, nothing else; the captured mutineers were ordered to dig their own graves, remove their German uniforms, and be executed.
During the rebellion, 565 Georgians, at least 812 Germans, and 120 residents of Texel became casualties. The destruction was enormous; dozens of farms went up in flames, with damage later estimated at ten million guilders (US$3.77 million. The bloodshed lasted beyond the German capitulation in the Netherlands and Denmark on 5 May 1945 and even beyond Germany's general surrender on 8 May 1945. The fighting continued until Canadian troops arrived 20 May 1945 to enforce the German surrender, and disarmed the remaining German troops.
Source: Wikipedia
WWII Battlefields: Chapter VII: Stp. Fichte Marineflakbatterie Nord , The Netherlands
Hided into a small forest on the Vrijburgstraat just north of West Souburg you can still find the remains of Stp. Fichte. Better known as ''Marineflakbatterie Nord''.
This battery was armed with four 10,5 cm Flak C/32 guns.
What remained are two 7-sided gun positions type Fla 14a which are typical of the
architecture within the fortifications of the German navy.
Texel - for the fallen - lest we forget
On two visits to the Dutch island of Texel I visited the Commonwealth war cemetery in the islanf capital Den Burg.
Those visits were very emotional for me because I was then (and still am) wrestling with my gender identity.
Back in WW2 the nazis made people who were deviants wear signs to stigmatise them and ultimately, kill them for being different.
These days I do not have to fear for a knock on the door because I am different too. I live in freedom and I can be variant and i am not deviant.
I had forgotten that freedom comes at a price....
For the fallen.
With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children,
England mourns for her dead across the sea.
Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of spirit,
Fallen in the cause of the free.
Solemn the drums thrill: Death august and royal
Sings sorrow up into immortal spheres.
There is music in the midst of desolation
And a glory that shines upon our tears.
They went with songs to the battle, they were young,
Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
They mingle not with laughing comrades again;
They sit no more at familiar tables of home;
They have no lot in our labour of the day-time;
They sleep beyond England's foam.
But where our desires are and our hopes profound,
Felt as a well-spring that is hidden from sight,
To the innermost heart of their own land they are known
As the stars are known to the Night;
As the stars that shall be bright when we are dust,
Moving in marches upon the heavenly plain,
As the stars that are starry in the time of our darkness,
To the end, to the end, they remain.
Laurence Binyon
Originally published in The Times on 21 September 1914
Lörrach Burg Rötteln Rundgang - bei Basel
Die Burg Rötteln war mit zwei großen Wehrtürmen eine der mächtigsten Burgen im Südwesten Deutschlands und ist die drittgrößte Burgruine Badens. Sie wird im Jahr 1259 erstmals urkundlich erwähnt. Im Dreißigjährigen Krieg war sie umkämpft und wurde schwer beschädigt. Ihre Bedeutung verlor sie endgültig nach der Zerstörung 1678 im Holländischen Krieg. Sie wird seit dem 19. Jahrhundert gegen weiteren Verfall konserviert. Heute ist die Burg Rötteln ein wichtiges Wahrzeichen und ein Anziehungspunkt der Stadt Lörrach und ihres Umlandes.
FPV flight over German War Cemetery, Cannock Chase, Staffordshire
FPV over the German War Cemetery at Cannock Chase, Staffordshire. Walkera QR X350, GoPro Hero 3+ Black Edition.
Changing of the Guard in Luxemburg
Wachablösung in Luxemburg, смена караула в Люксембурге
Ardennen (Belgien) | Foy - The real 101. Airborne Easy Company foxholes
#battleofthebulge #foy #ardennen
Wir waren in Foy und haben uns im nahe gelegenen Wald die Schützenlöcher der 101. Airborne Easy Company angeschaut.
Mobile Stromversorgung:
Camping WC:
Dusch / WC Zelt:
Deutscher Soldatenfriedhof Lommel
Während der Kämpfe in Belgien und Westdeutschland, insbesondere bei Aachen, im Hürtgenwald und am Brückenkopf Remagen, bestattete der amerikanische Gräberdienst, die in diesem Kampfbereich geborgenen deutschen Gefallenen provisorisch auf vier Sammelfriedhöfen: Henri-Chapelle, Fosse, Overrepen und Neuville-en-Condroz. Aus den vier genannten Orten wurden die Toten in den Jahren 1946/47 nach Lommel umgebettet. 1946 übergab der amerikanische Gräberdienst diese provisorische deutsche Sammelanlage den zuständigen belgischen Behörden. Diese betteten weitere deutsche Kriegstote des Zweiten Weltkrieges aus den verschiedenen Landesteilen Belgiens nach Lommel um. Die betroffenen Erstgrablagen wurden dabei aufgelöst. Außerdem erhielten hier 542 deutsche Soldaten des Ersten Weltkrieges, unter Auflösung eines kleinen Soldatenfriedhofes in Leopoldsburg, ihren letzten Ruheplatz. Für jeweils zwei Tote wurde ein Betonkreuz gesetzt.
Ausbau durch den Volksbund
Unmittelbar nach Abschluss des Kriegsgräberabkommens zwischen der deutschen und belgischen Regierung im Jahr 1952 begann der Volksbund das in einem großen Heidegebiet liegende Gräberfeld gärtnerisch zu gestalten. Zunächst musste die Fläche von Unkraut befreit und gegen den lästigen Flugsand ein Erdwall errichtet werden. Erst dann konnte die Bepflanzung mit Heidekraut und 5.000 Bäumen und Sträuchern erfolgen.
Einsatz von Jugendlichen
Bei den Ausbauarbeiten des Friedhofes halfen während der Sommermonate der folgenden Jahre Jugendliche aus 15 Nationen mit. Sie hatten sich hier in nationalen und internationalen Jugendlagern des CVJM, des Kolpingwerkes und des Jugendaufbauwerkes Schleswig-Holstein zusammengefunden. Hier entstand das Motto Versöhnung über den Gräbern, das für die Jugendarbeit des Volksbundes gilt und noch durch Arbeit für den Frieden ergänzt wurde.
Jugend- und Schularbeit
Das Eingangsgebäude wurde 1993 für die Unterbringung von Jugendlichen als Jugendbegegnungsstätte ausgebaut. In der Internationalen Jugendbegegnungsstätte Lommel – die am 17. September 1993 eingeweiht wurde – werden Jugendliche mit der Vergangenheit konfrontiert und durch die Arbeit an den Kriegsgräbern lernen, wie wichtig es ist, friedlich miteinander zu leben. Die jungen Menschen können hier an Hand von pädagogischen Modulen historisch-politisch gebildet werden. Sie arbeiten daran, dass die Opfer von Krieg und Gewaltherrschaft nicht vergessen werden und sorgen bei der Begegnung von Gleichaltrigen aus vielen Ländern dafür, dass Europa stärker zusammenwächst.
Identifizierung der Unbekannten
Auf dem 16 Hektar großen Friedhof stehen fast 20.000 Kreuze. Jedes Kreuz steht für zwei Gefallene, Schilder auf beiden Seiten tragen die Namen, Lebensdaten und die Grabnummer. Von den 39.094 Gefallenen, die hier ihre letzte Ruhe erhalten haben, waren ursprünglich 13.000 unbekannt. Der Volksbund konnte bis heute fast 7.000 Schicksale nachträglich klären.
An die internationale Jugendbegegnungsstätte schließt ein Ehrenfriedhof an. Der Blick auf das Gräberfeld wird durch eine Krypta begrenzt. Sie trägt auf dem Dach eine fast sechs Meter hohe Kreuzigungsgruppe aus Hartbasalt. Im Inneren der Krypta befindet sich die Plastik eines aufgebahrten toten Soldaten.
Am 06. September 1959 wurde diese bislang größte deutsche Kriegsgräberstätte des Zweiten Weltkrieges im Westen im Rahmen einer Gedenkstunde der Öffentlichkeit übergeben.
Provinz Limburg in Belgien, ca. 37 km nördlich Hasselt, ca. 4 km südlich der Stadt Lommel, an der Straße Lommel-Leopoldsburg.
Pate dieses Friedhofes ist der Volksbund Landesverband Niedersachsen.
Ausgrabung: Der Pestfriedhof in London
Archäologen graben einen Friedhof aus der Zeit der Pest aus - mitten in der Londoner Innenstadt. Die Wissenschaftler erwarten, dass sie etwa 3000 Skelette finden.
Arras railway station showing German barbed-wire defenses along the line in Franc...HD Stock Footage
CriticalPast is an archive of historic footage. The vintage footage in this video has been uploaded for research purposes, and is presented in unedited form. Some viewers may find some scenes or audio in this archival material to be unsettling or distressing. CriticalPast makes this media available for researchers and documentarians, and does not endorse or condone any behavior or message, implied or explicit, that is seen or heard in this video.
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Historic Stock Footage Archival and Vintage Video Clips in HD.
Arras railway station showing German barbed-wire defenses along the line in France during World War I.
Arras railway station in France, during World War One. Deserted platforms and building. Barbed-wire defenses set up by the Germans along rail lines coming into the Arras station. Three British soldiers relaxing by the railroad tracks. They smoke and talk amongst themselves. Location: Arras France. Date: 1918.
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Gemeinde Bedburg-Hau - Schloss Moyland
Der Ortsteil Till-Moyland wird geprägt durch einen nahegelegenen Golfplatz und die katholische Kirche St. Vincentius. Bekannt ist vor allem der Teil Moyland dank des gleichnamigen Schlosses Schloss Moyland. Es beherbergt ein Kunstmuseum und die größte Sammlung des niederrheinischen Künstlers Joseph Beuys....
European Journal | Viewed from the Outside
200 youths from around the world gathered to take a train ride through Poland. During the trip they searched for traces of German-Polish history - from the Westerplatte where the first shots were fired in what became the Second World War,to the memorial at the Auschwitz concentration camp.Reconciling with Poland has been an important -- and often difficult -- issue for Germany's foreign ministers. Heated debate about flight and expulsion show that this topic is still very current. We asked the youths who travelled to Poland what they expect from German foreign policy.
Windmills of Kinderdijk, Netherlands.
The windmills at Kinderdijk are a group of 19 monumental windmills in the Alblasserwaard polder, in the province of South Holland, Netherlands. Most of the mills are part of the village of Kinderdijk in the municipality of Molenwaard, and one mill, De Blokker, is part of the municipality of Alblasserdam. Built in 1738 and 1740, to keep water out of the polder, it is the largest concentration of old windmills in the Netherlands and one of the best-known Dutch tourist sites. The mills are listed as national monuments and the entire area is a protected village view since 1993. They have been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1997.
Heim ins Reich Teil 3 (Luxemburg im 2. Weltkrieg)
Ein Film über Luxemburg im 2. Weltkrieg.
Netherlands Carillon Renovation Ceremony
The renovation of the Netherlands Carillon, a musical beacon of friendship between our two nations, has begun!
St. Mihiel American Cemetery, Thiacourt, France, 09/20/1944 (full)
Freely downloadable at the Internet Archive, where I first uploaded it. Views of the St. Mihiel American Cemetery. Extracted from the U.S. Army film Congressional Invasion Of France, Paris ; Soldiers Graves Of WWI, St. Mihiel American Cemetery, Thiacourt, France, 09/26/1944 ; Airborne Landing (Probably Holland WWII) ; The City Falls To Yanks, Stolberg, Germany ; St. Mihiel American Cemetery, Thiacourt, France, 09/26/1944 National Archives Identifier: 16146 no description.
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Extracted from the U.S. Army film Congressional Invasion Of France, Paris ; Soldiers Graves Of WWI, St. Mihiel American Cemetery, Thiacourt, France, 09-26-1944 ; Airborne Landing (Probably Holland WWII ; The City Falls To Yanks, Stolberg, Germany ; St. Mihiel American Cemetery, Thiacourt, France, 09-26-1944 Education and memorial purposes
Relics of the Reichswald
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IG Farben Building
00:00:00 Introduction : IG Farben Building
00:03:15 Part 1: History
00:03:15 Chapter 1: The site
00:04:15 Chapter 2: Early history
00:05:53 Chapter 3: 1930s and Second World War
00:07:44 Chapter 4: Cold War
00:10:06 Chapter 5: Recent years
00:11:20 Chapter 6: Renaming controversy
00:13:16 Chapter 7: Future
00:14:02 Part 2: Building
00:18:18 Part 3: Rumours
00:19:56 Postscript : Information about this video and recording.
Audiobook for wikipedia.org/wiki/IG_Farben_Building
All text, either derivative works from Wikipedia Articles or original content shared here, is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
Full list of authors for the original content: xtools.wmflabs.org/articleinfo/en.wikipedia.org/IG_Farben_Building
00:00:00 Franz Schubert: Impromptu No.4, D. 935 (Fm) (Chiara Bertoglio)
00:07:01 Richard Wagner: Tannhauser, WWV 70 - Act III, Prelude (European Archive)
00:14:31 Antonín Dvořák: String Quartet No.12 ʼAmericanʼ, Op.96 - IV (FM) (European Archive)