Guamote Mercado - Market and Inti Raymi - Ecuador, 2014 / Sawadee
This is a video in made on the market of Guamote in Ecuador in 2014
Guamote market, Ecuador 2014 - Tren Crucero
This video shows the excursion to Guamote market, which is part of the Tren Crucero railway journey through Ecuador. Unlike the better known Otavalo market, Guamote remains an authentic indigenous market for the surrounding area and is much less' touristy'. Please keep it that way by not giving local people money for photographs, and by showing respect. Please buy something from local people instead.
You will see more people in different kinds of traditional dress here than at any other market in Ecuador. The video also shows Tren Crucero passengers being entertained by children from a local community project (members of Inti Sisa also served lunch in the station).
Guamote's location in the centre of the Ecuadorian Andes, halfway between Cuenca and Quito, makes it an ideal place to stop and visit. And not only to rest, but to experience authentic Andean life by visiting the weekly Thursday market, riding the famous train, visiting surrounding communities and the Chimborazo volcano.
The Inti Sisa Guesthouse helps to fund the Inti Sisa foundation. This foundation offers educational support to the underprivileged of Guamote and its surrounding, especially young girls and women. This is done by providing workshops, sewing courses, musical classes, pre-school and English classes in Guamote and in the surrounding communities.
This holiday was booked via Sunvil Traveller, UK. Thanks also to Tren Crucero and Inti Sisa..
Au sein du gros bourg de Guamote (3 000 habitants), se déroule chaque jeudi le plus important marché rural du pays. Il ne compte pas moins de trois foires, toutes envahies d’une foule nombreuse et colorée. Bovins, équins et petits animaux (moutons, porcs, cochons d’Inde et poules) prennent place à des endroits distincts. L’intensité maximale a lieu entre 8 et 10 h.
Exploring Guamote Market in Ecuador
Waking up early to adventure myself in the authentic market of Guamote in Ecuador
【K】Ecuador Travel-Guamote[에콰도르 여행-구아모테]목요 시장/Thursday/Market/Traditional Clothes/Bayeta
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
에콰도르 중부에 자리 잡은 구아모테. 안데스 고원에 나귀와 쟁기만으로 일궈놓은 비탈밭이 야무지다. 산 사이로 난 흔치 않은 기찻길을 따라가면 비슷하면서도 다르게 살아가는 이웃들이 모여드는 시장이 있다. 매주 목요일마다 열리는 구아모테 장마당. 기찻길과 국도, 고속도로가 교차되는 지점이라 제법 규모가 크다. 없는 게 없는 전형적인 시골장터 모습이다. “여기 부인들은 이처럼 추위를 막으려 이걸 몸에 두릅니다. ‘바예따’라고 합니다“ “옷 고르실 때 무엇을 가장 중요하게 보세요?” “아무래도 색깔과 장식이겠죠” 모두들 똑같이 갖춰 입은 형형색색 전통의상이 눈길을 사로잡는다.
[English: Google Translator]
Guamote is located in central Ecuador. On the Andes Plateau, there is a sloping field with donkeys and plows alone. There is a market where there are neighbors who live in a similar but different way. The Guamote market is held every Thursday. It is a large scale because it is the intersection of railroad tracks, national highways and expressways. It is a typical rural marketplace with nothing missing. This is where the ladies put this on their bodies to stop the cold. What do you think is most important when you choose clothes? Maybe it will be the color and the decoration. The colorful traditional costumes, all dressed equally, catch their eye.
[Ecuador: Google Translator]
Guamote se encuentra en el centro de ecuador. En la meseta de los Andes, hay un campo en pendiente con burros y arados solos. Hay un mercado donde hay vecinos que viven de una manera similar pero diferente. El mercado de Guamote se celebra todos los jueves. Es a gran escala porque es la intersección de vías férreas, autopistas nacionales y autopistas. Es un mercado rural típico, sin nada que falte. Aquí es donde las damas ponen esto en sus cuerpos para detener el frío. ¿Qué crees que es más importante cuando eliges ropa? Tal vez sea el color y la decoración. Los coloridos trajes tradicionales, todos vestidos igualmente, llaman la atención.
■클립명: 남미008-에콰도르04-20 매주 목요일에 열리는 구아모테 장마당
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김효진 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2018년 10월October
마을,village,camel, dune, sand, ATV,시장/상점,market,남아메리카South America남미에콰도르EcuadorEcuador김효진201810월침보라소 주Chimborazo ProvinceProvincia de ChimborazoOctober걸어서 세계속으로
Rondreis Ecuador 2019 #12 Guamote
Rondreis door Ecuador gemaakt door Frank en Ilse Duijn in mei en juni 2019 georganiseerd door de NRV en uitgevoerd door Medarem Travel.
Deel 12 De grote donderdagmarkt van Guamote.
De hele reis is gefilmd zónder selfiestick!
Zuid-Amerika in het klein.
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Inti Sisa - Guamote - Ecuador
I'm glad to introduce you Inti Sisa, located in Guamote, Ecuador!
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Ecuador - Guamote
Edited in Final Cut Pro
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Otavalo Animal Market - Ecuador
Saturday morning is when the Farmers Market happens in Otavalo. A very interesting part of this is the weekly Animal Market - don't miss it. It is basically over by early afternoon so go early and you have plenty of time for the handcrafts and produce market later.
Here animals are bought and sold. This is an actual market for the locals living in the villages and valleys around Otavalo. Most tourists just stay in town and go to the handcrafts and food market, so you will not see many tourists. But the sights are great.
The noise, sounds and for sure the smell you will not forget quickly. It is very hard to show in a few minutes what you can experience for two hours or more. Only about 6 or 7 blocks from the centre of town.
Vamos! Ecuador (1): De Sierra (Quito, Cuenca, Ingapirca, Riobamba, Guamote, Banos)
Deel 1 van een videofilm van een reis door Ecuador en de Galapagosarchipel.
Van Quito via Cuenca, NP Las Cajas, Ingapirca, Trein van Chan Chan - Riobamba, Chimborazo naar Banos
De oorspronkelijke Hi8 opnamen werden gedigitaliseerd en opnieuw gemonteerd.
Ecuador - Riobamba Market Day
Riobamba is famous for its big weekly market. Like everywhere in Ecuador the offering of delicious fruits is enormous.
We visited Ecuador on our overland trip from the Netherlands to South Africa and South America; see our channel for hundreds of clips.
Guamote se encuentra ubicado en la parte central del callejón interandino, al sur de Quito, a 50 Km de Riobamba, constituye el segundo cantón más extenso de los que integran la Provincia de Chimborazo.
Ecuador - Otavalo markets
The indigenous Otavalo people are famous for weaving textiles which are sold at the Saturday market when almost one third of the town becomes full of stalls.
We visited Ecuador on our overland trip from the Netherlands to South Africa and South America; see our channel for hundreds of clips.
Ecuador. Guamote. Encanto, Tradición y Cultura.
Gobierno Municipal del Cantón Guamote.
Comite Desarrollo Local Mesa de Turismo.
Video de libre distribucion.
Feria de Municipalidades Tena 2011.
to obtain a integral view of Ecuador.
Noticias diarias de Ecuador desde Facebook:
Guamote, rincón cultural en la sierra ecuatoriana
Viaje de la Semana: Guamote - Chimborazo
Ecuador at the World Travel Market (WTM), London 2014
This video highlights developments in tourism in Ecuador. It includes extracts from a press conference and an interview with Sandra Naranjo, Ecuador's Minister of Tourism. The Minister described the ten-fold increase in Government investment in tourism, and the success of new products.
The Minister and about 30 Ecuadorian tour operators represented the country at the international World Travel Market in November 2014.
The Minister's programme included press conferences and strategic meetings to promote the tourist products offered by Ecuador and its four worlds: Galapagos, Pacific Coast, Andes and Amazon.
The new Minister and a greatly increased budget has pushed tourism up Ecuador’s agenda.
Long famous for its biodiversity and natural tourism attractions, including the renowned Galápagos islands, Ecuador’s cultural attractions are beginning to get more attention. Quito was named South America’s leading destination by the World Travel Awards and is a finalist in the international New 7 Wonders campaign for its status as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, its museums, historic areas, and growing culinary scene. Cuenca, also, is gaining a reputation for its architecture and arts. The Tren Crucero, a luxury train service on the re-opened rail network, links Ecuador’s natural beauty with its cultural tourism by transporting travellers between Quito and Guayaquil, making frequent stops for tourists to shop, eat, and explore.
The new Quito airport is drawing tourists, new routes, and traffic
The airport offers increased capacity, both in the number of flights it can handle as well as the size of aircraft.
Ecuador has gained a number of important travel awards. This kind of attention is critical for developing Ecuador’s tourism brand and international profile. These awards help Ecuador’s tourism industry gain prestige and draw increased numbers of inbound and domestic tourists.
Ecuador promocionará su campaña turística ‘All you need is Ecuador’ en el World Travel Market en Reino Unido, la feria más grande de turismo de Europa que se celebrará desde este 3 hasta el 6 de noviembre. La delegación ecuatoriana estará encabezada por Sandra Naranjo, ministra de Turismo, y 28 representantes de la industria ecuatoriana entre operadoras de viajes, prestadores de servicios y hoteles quienes promocionarán la diversidad de Ecuador y su entorno, la fusión de sus culturas, pueblos, sabores y sensaciones en un stand que estará adornado por orquídeas y rosas ecuatorianas. El Ministerio de Turismo informó que la estrategia turística incluye una muestra de gastronomía ecuatoriana para despertar la atención de los visitantes, así como la cata de una variedad de chocolates. ‘All you need is Ecuador’, según cifras manejadas por el Ministerio de Turismo, ha impactado a más de 455 millones de personas en el mundo. La campaña se difunde en español, inglés, portugués, alemán y francés y pretende posicionar a Ecuador como el mejor destino turístico. En el World Travel Market participarán cerca de 46 000 profesionales de turismo de alto nivel, ministros de gobierno y representantes de medios de comunicación locales e internacionales especializados en turismo serán quienes se darán cita en el centro de exposiciones de la ciudad “Excel Londres”.
Otavalo, Ecuador, Market
There is a very large market in Otavalo, Ecuador. On Saturday it has three areas: Textile/tourist, Vegetable and a very active animal market where all sorts of livestock is sold. From Guinea pigs, puppies, kittens, chicks, chickens and all the way up to cattle and bulls.
This video shows a small area of the animal market
Otavalo Market in Otavalo, Ecuador
- The Otavalo Market in Otavalo, Ecuador is South America's largest street market. I spent the day eating my way around town, talking with random vendors and trying on some hats. The Otavalo Market is just a two hour bus ride from Quito, Ecuador and Saturday is the most popular day to visit.
Cuenca Ecuador: Sunday at the Giron Market
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Videos intended for anyone considering travel to or moving to the Gran Colombia region. Focused on the Andes living in Ecuador and Colombia. An honest assessment of life in the Andes and what is critical for you to know.
Twitter: @ ecuador_cuenca
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Editing: CyberLink Power Director
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Cuenca to Armenia/Pereira/Manizales guide via bus
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