Address: No.60 Shenshan Road, Yangshuo County 541900, China
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Wei Hua's Rock Climbing Videos
Rock Climbing in YangShuo
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Huang Hua tai chi push hands applications 黄华太极推手 yangshuo china
Yangshuo Huang Hua China Tai Chi Academy
Yangshuo Huang Hua China Tai Chi Academy offers a wide range of training proposal to fulfill the different expectation of every student. For every single student can be arranged a customized training's schedule based on his actual skills, age and purpose of training: health enhancement, sport, competitions, teaching or just taste Chinese culture. The training done in the academy can be documented by a certificate released by Master Huang itself to give evidence of what the student learned and what's his actual level. To help in the understanding and in the choice we also offer standards training course prepared to meet most of expectations that different students may have. FOR VERY BEGINNERS OR FIRST TIME PRACTITIONERS -BEGINNERS TRAINING PROGRAM any time (minimum recommended: 1 month) -BEGINNERS AND INTERMEDIATE TRAINING PROGRAM - 3 to 6 months -TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAM. 6 to 24 months -WELLNESS PROGRAM. any time (minimum recommended: 1 month) -SPORT PROGRAM. any time (minimum recommended: 1 month) - FAMILY PROGRAM. any time (minimum recommended: 2 weeks) -KIDS PROGRAM. any time (minimum recommended: 1 week) COMPREHENSIVE TRAINING PROGRAM. 1 to 5 years -TAI CHI TRAVELER PROGRAM. 1 week to 4 weeks FOR ADVANCED STUDENTS OR TEACHERS -ADVANCED TRAINING PROGRAM. any time (minimum recommended: 1 month) The schedule will be customized based on age, level and purpose of the student.
【秦時麗人明月心】The King's Woman 03 Eng Sub(超清無刪減版正片) 迪麗熱巴/張彬彬
►【秦時麗人明月心】(又名麗姬傳)播放列表: ►點擊【訂閱】方便追劇呦: ►【預告搶先看】播放列表: Thank you for watching our video! How about subtitling yourself and making more people like it?! Now click Settings→Subtitles/CC→Add subtitles/CC. For more information about submitting subtitles, click ►劇情介紹:【秦時麗人明月心】改編自作家溫世仁的遺著《秦時明月之荊軻外傳》,講述了麗姬與嬴政、荊軻、韓申四人王宮與江湖的陰謀與愛情的故事。公孫麗自小與兩位師兄跟隨爺爺習武,偶遇少年嬴政遭人欺負將其救下,嬴政對這位妙齡少女念念不忘。戰國紛亂,公孫麗與二師兄相戀,二人因戰爭離開家鄉,相依為命。二師兄因保護公孫麗中毒受傷。為換解藥,公孫麗進宮嫁給嬴政,成為麗姬,卻發現已懷有身孕,嬴政替麗姬瞞下此事,謊稱孩子是自己的,天明出生後,嬴政對他視如己出,麗姬深受感動。大師兄韓申進宮營救,得知真相後為保護麗姬及孩子,潜伏宮中做侍衛。麗姬在與嬴政相處中發現這個冷血男人細膩柔軟不為人知的一面,不知不覺愛上了他。險象環生的後宮,麗姬面對為爭寵心機重重的妃子,以聰慧和善良贏得尊重並以愛的力量感化身邊每個人,終以德服人成為後宮之主。