Wine O'Clock - Wine Bar @ Acropoli, Athens
Wine O'Clock. Lempesi 10, Akropoli. Reservations: +30 694 837 8922
Wine and Dine in Greece, Part 1: Athens
Let's go to Greece! Before heading off to the Greek island of Santorini, we have a short stopover in Athens and take a few moments to explore the wine, spirits and food of the city. Come along with us!
Don’t just drink wine… let it move your soul! We’ll see the world in a different way as we look through the drinking glass to discover the places, the people and the flavors that make life richer. WSET Diploma graduate Marc Supsic can show you how to raise a glass to the joy of life and start, “Wine Living.”
Wine Tasting in Athens, Greece
Visit our website
The lush green hills that surround Athens have been the home of indigenous vines for over 4,000 years. Athens by the coast, where local vineyards are popular for the Athenians from Ancient times. Carbon dating of grape pip concentrations amongst pottery remains, found at various sites estimate that they date back to 4000B.C
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Athens Wine Tasting - Under Acropolis
Take home a life time memory
ATHENS WINE TASTING Private Company specializes in intimate, unforgettable wine and food experiences. We offer small, semi-private and private wine tastings and excursions to explore the magnificent wine region of Attica and Greece. Our passionate and experienced tour guides will ensure you experience the best ATHENS WINE TASTING.
WorldRider Podcast #31 Intro With Panos from Vintage in Athens, Greece.
Listen to the Podcast here:
This is a short video introduction to the Podcast you MUST listen to. So please meet Panos owner of Vintage Wine Bar & Bistro in Athens Greece as Allan introduces him and the latest edition of The WorldRider Podcast.
Listen to the Podcast here:
Φωτεινή Παντζιά:Το By the Glass, τα Wine Bars και οι προοπτικές τους.
Η Φωτεινή Παντζιά είναι η ιδιοκτήτρια και η ψυχή του γνωστού Wine Bar του κέντρου της Αθήνας, του κορυφαίου By the Glass... Ποια καλύτερη από την Φωτεινή για να μας μιλήσει για αυτή την εκρηκτική αγορά, τις προοπτικές της, για τους στόχους του By the Glass για το χειμώνα που έρχεται αλλά και για τον ανταγωνισμό που μεγαλώνει; Μια συζήτηση με τον Τάσο Πικούνη τον Αύγουστο 2014
WHERE I FOUND BAE | Athens, Greece | Marggie Travels
Second day in Athens, I roamed around the streets of Athens and found some amazing food! I almost got lost, as usual but I found my way back.
Got myself some greek food and wine to enjoy my last day in Athens
(I actually went on a date at the end of this day! ????)
Watch Greece Part One (Acropolis Museum, Birthday Vlog & Getting Lost):
Watch Greece Part Two (Going up to the Acropolis):
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Instagram: marggiepascua
Instagram (travel): marggietravels
Snapchat: marggiepascua
Music: Burn Fast - FlicFlac
Cameras: iPhone 7 Plus, Nikon DSLR
Greece 2018: Wine, wine, & more wine (Athens, Acropolis, Santorini, Naxos, & Mykonos).
Trip to Greece in 2018 (Aug-Sep). We visited Athens, Santorini, Naxos, & Mykonos.
Ποτέ δεν ειν'αργά Δέμης Ρουσσος
It is never too late by Demis Roussos
Η φωνή του με τον καλύτερο δυνατό τρόπο. υπέροχο τραγούδι
Yamis means Chears in Greek
We could not beat the rain on this Free Athens walking tour of, so head for the nearest good tavern and enjoy great Greek food and wine,
Πριν γίνει η Φωκίωνος αγαπημένο στέκι και πριν το Σύνταγμα γεμίζει wine bars υπήρχε πάντα το Heteroclito. Σε ένα από τα ωραιότερα σημεία του κέντρο, ένας χώρο που θυμίζει έντονα γαλλικό μπαρ προσφέρει μεγάλη ποικιλιά σε κρασιά αλλά κυρίως ένα φιλόξενο περιβάλλον. Ένας χώρος -με το υπέροχο παταράκι- κατάλληλος για να απολαύσεις το κρασί σου με φίλους, να συζητήσεις και πάνω από όλα να ταξιδέψεις λίγο μακριά από την πολύβουη Αθήνα.
To Heteroclito είναι Φωκίωνος 2 και Πετράκη 30 στο Σύνταγμα.
The World Class Wines of Greece
In the past few decades the Greek wine industry has undergone a revolution. The result is a variety of world class wines made from indigenous grape varieties. The Culinary Institute of America, in association with Unilever Foodsolutions, presents Savoring the Best of World Flavors.
For more interesting videos like this check
Monk Wine Bar στο Μοναστηράκι
Brettos Bar Athens
Brettos Bar is the oldest distillery in Athens. How about that? We had the pleasure to visit it, although it is located in Plaka, one of the most popular neighborhoods, it is a little difficult to spot it. Brettos showcases their liqueurs and spirits in a multicolored like bar, which is the result of their different liqueurs; they can go from mandarin, to peppermint to triple sec. Overall they have more than 36 different flavors of liqueur.
okka wine shop Pagrati Athens
Οινοπωλείο στην Αθήνα στο Παγκράτι, χύμα κρασί και αποστάγματα από όλη την Ελλάδα
Nico Lazaridi Wine Club
Join our Club - Sign up at
#wineclub #nicolazaridi #greekwine
Eating in Athens
There's the Mediterranean diet, and then there's Greek food...
What's your favourite?
【K】Greece Travel-Athens[그리스 여행-아테네] 국회의사당, 근위병 교대식/Parliament Building/Changing of the Guard/Evzonas
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[한국어 정보]
그리스의 국회의사당 앞마당은 언제나 관광객들로 북적인다. 근위병들의 특이한 복장과 교대의식 때문이다. 근위병 뒤쪽에 있는 무명용사의 묘는 국가를 위해 희생한 전사자들을 기리기 위해 세워졌는데 한국전쟁 당시 그리스 군인들이 참전했다는 표시로 ‘코리아’라는 글자가 새겨져 있다. 때마침 나는 이곳에서 대규모 근위병 교대식을 볼 수 있었다. 이 행사는 특별히 매주 일요일 오전 11시에 거행되는데 군악대와 함께 에브조나스라는 민속의상을 착용한 근위병들이 화려한 행렬을 이루며 등장한다. 근위병들은 보통 1시간마다 교대를 하는데 아주 느리고 절제된 동작으로 천천히 발을 높이 들어 올리면서 맞교대 의식을 진행한다. 근위병교대식은 1828년 그리스가 오스만투르크에서 독립한 이후부터 시작된 전통이라고 한다. 일찍이 찬란한 고대문명을 꽃피웠건만 이후 그리스는 2000년간이나 외세의 지배를 받아야만 했다. 그래서 화려한 근위병교대식은 독립그리스의 전통, 문화에 대한 자존심을 상징한다. 교대의식이 끝나면 이곳은 기념사진을 남기려는 관광객들로 북새통을 이룬다.
[English: Google Translator]
The front yard of the Greek Parliament Indah always crowded with tourists. Because shifts of consciousness and unusual outfits Guardsmen. Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on guard behind the sacrifice was built to honor the war dead Korea War as a sign that the Greek soldiers fought character is called 'Korea' engraved for the country. I was just in time to see a large alternating Guardsmen from here. The event is specially celebrated every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock Guardsmen are wearing folk costumes with military bands were named Jonas Ebro emerge form a colorful procession.
[Greek: Google Translator]
Η μπροστινή αυλή του Ελληνικού Κοινοβουλίου Indah πάντα γεμάτο με τουρίστες. Επειδή οι μετατοπίσεις της συνείδησης και ασυνήθιστο φύλακες ρούχα. Μνημείο του Αγνώστου Στρατιώτη σε επιφυλακή πίσω από τη θυσία χτίστηκε για να τιμήσει τους νεκρούς του πολέμου της Κορέας Πόλεμο ως σημάδι ότι οι Έλληνες στρατιώτες πολέμησαν χαρακτήρα ονομάζεται «Κορέα» χαραγμένο για τη χώρα. Ήμουν ακριβώς στην ώρα για να δείτε μια μεγάλη φύλακες εναλλάσσεται από εδώ. Η εκδήλωση είναι ειδικά γιορτάζεται κάθε Κυριακή πρωί στις 11 η ώρα φύλακες φορούν φορεσιές με στρατιωτικές μπάντες πήραν το όνομά τους Jonas Έβρου αναδύθηκε από μια πολύχρωμη πομπή.
■클립명: 유럽76-그리스02-03 국회의사당, 근위병 교대식/Parliament Building/Changing of the Guard/Evzonas
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 윤한용 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2009년 6월 June
도시,downtown,도심, 시가지, urban, city, metropolitan,관공서,government building,city hall, square, national assembly, capitol, parliament,무덤,tomb, cemetery,grave, author, writer, painter, artist, king, queen, musician,공연,축제,,performance,쇼, 연극, 거리, 콘서트, 레이저, 조명, show, gig, concert, perform, play, busking, light, laser,유럽,Europe,Ευρώπη,그리스,Greece,Ellada/Ελλάδα,The Hellenic Republic,윤한용,2009,6월 June,아티카,Attica,Attiki