CG Alford at Jewish Synagogue and Cemetery in Worms
CG Alford visited on his bike trip the Jewish Synagogue and Cemetery in Worms this morning. Mrs. Stella Schindler-Siegreich of the Jewish Community Mainz gave him a wonderful tour.
Worms. Medieval city centre | Germany #3
Tour through the German town Worms. The city has a very rich history. It was once the capital of the Roman successor kingdom of the Burgundians in the early 5th century and it plays a role in the medieval epic poem 'Nibelungenlied' (The Song of the Nibelungs). It was at the Romanesque cathedral (one of the finest examples of Romanesque architecture in Germany) where the reformer Martin Luther defended his views and writings in the face of Emperor Charles V at the Diet of Worms in 1521. The town has also had a large Jewish population through a long period of its history and just outside the medieval walls lies the oldest Jewish graveyard in Europe, the oldest graves dating to the eleventh century.
Heavy Interlude by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
WORMS - Der jüdische Friedhof Heiliger Sand . Jewish cemetery in Worms, Germany
Der älteste erhaltene jüdische Friedhof in Europa (um 1034).
The oldest Jewish cemetery in Europe (around 1034).
Music by Cayzland Studios
© video by walkoART (2012)
29-08-2012 Visiting Worms Germany, The old Jewish cemetery, Old Synagogue and Rashi House
29 08 2012 ביקור בקהילת וורמיזא וורמס גרמניה. בית הקברות העתיק בית הכנסת הישן המקווה ובית רש''י
Worms, Germany
© A look round the German town of Worms. Please excuse the first part of the video. It was short on my Nikon DSLR and it was the first time I've used the DSLR to shoot video.
City of Worms - Mikva, near the synagogue of Rasha
Экспедиция корпус - под руководством Мальцева Олега Викторовича
Город Вормс
Миква , возле синагоги Раши
Worms, Germany
After being MedEvac, 3 hospitals, and surgery I decided to reward myself around town.
Jewish Worms
The Jewish Worms
Worms, Germany with Viking Cruises
Bobby Laurie set sail on Viking River Cruises through Germany and France recently. Here's a look at his tour through Worms, Germany!
CG Alford at Jewish Synagogue and Cemetery in Worms
CG Alford visited on his bike trip the Jewish Synagogue and Cemetery in Worms this morning. Mrs. Stella Schindler-Siegreich of the Jewish Community Mainz gave him a wonderful tour.
Der jüdische Friedhof und Synagoge in Worms
Najstarszy cmentarz żydowski w Europie i Synagoga w Worms.Nagranie z 1994 roku.
© Exploring the oldest Jewish cemetery in Europe, the ANDREASRING in Worms, Germany.
WORMS Klein Jerusalem -Juden in Worms
( älteste stadt deutschlands) -Synagoge, Heiliger Sand, Judenpforte und Judengasse in der ältesten Stadt Deutschlands
Backyard Adventures: Worms Jewish Cemetery
For millions of Jews in the Holocaust, their final resting place remains unknown. The Jewish Cemetery in Worms is one of the few Jewish cemeteries in Germany still surviving through the ages.
Impressionen aus der Judengasse und der Synagoge in Worms
Mehr in Haos Blog unter
The Jewish Cemetery in Worms
Holy Sands-oldest Jewish Cemetery in Europe,aprox. 2000 graves ,dating back to 1076. The last dating to 1940. The whole jewish population was exterminated during the nazi regime.
Music:Chanson triste by Sergei Koussevitzky
Worms Holy sand The oldest Jewish cemetry in Europe Matthias European Tour Manager & Berlin City
Jewish cemetry Germany Travelling Discover
Worms old jew cemetery Tel.+4917620845707
Worms old jew cemetery Tel.+4917620845707
Mahram of Rorhenburg grave in worms
Tours to the Graves of tzadikkim in Germany and all over Europe. Tel. +4917620845707 *WhatsApp *Viber
Alte Synagoge, Worms
Zbudowana w 1034 r. jest to najstarsza istniejąca synagoga w Niemczech. Zdjęcia wykonał Piotr Bielawski w 2016 roku. Podkład muzyczny Chór Synagogi pod Białym Bocianem, Wrocław.
Worms: Unterirdisches Kultbad der jüdischen Gemeinde
Die Wormser Mikwe ist ein unterirdisches Kultbad der jüdischen Gemeinde, das 1185/86 von Josef ha-Levi gestiftet wurde uns bis heute erhalten ist.
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